Autism - Family & Children Counseling Clinic

Autism is not a disease; it is a disorder, which comes under pervasive
developmental disorder. Leo Kanner first identified the Infantile
Autism in 1943. Children with Autism have normal or below average
intelligent quotient. These children show deficits in communication,
social interaction and imaginative play.
Prevalence rate is 1 in 250 children
Male to Female ratio is 4:1
Severity and variations differs from child to child.
Usually onset is before the age of 3years.
Why it affects?
The causative factors may be
genetic based
abnormality in the anatomy of the brain parts
altered immune response system
metabolic error
cognitive deficits and
psychological function deficits
How you identify the Autism?
Identification of Autism or behavioral characteristics are
Deficits in social behavior like
failure to develop inter-personal relationship
extreme aloofness
failure to use eye-to-eye gaze
failure to smile or show facial expression/body postures
lack of normal non-verbal communications
trouble in understanding cues
no peer friendships in terms of sharing
Deficits in speech, language and communication like
delay or total lack of development of spoken language
failure to respond to the communication of others
failure to initiate or sustain the conversation
stereotyped or repetitive use of same words or phrases(echolalia)
limited interest of words
Demand for sameness like
an encompassing pre-occupation with restricted patterns of interest
attachment to unusual objects
compulsive rituals(not accept changes in daily activities)
mysterious behavior for small changes in his environment
Disturbance of sensory input and cognition
impaired imagination and attention
difficulty in shifting attention
unusual or severely limited activities and interests
inability to recognize things seen
may fail to respond to loud sound but responds to slow noise
mostly enjoys music
- unusual taste or interests in unusual smells
Disturbance of motility
- lack of body aware ness
- lack of body control
- lack of perceptual control
Diagnosis and management need multidisciplinary approach. The
specialists from the field of psychiatry, paediatrics, clinical
psychology, special education, physiotherapy and speech and
language therapy should plan a program to help autistic child.
Steps taken to manage Autistic child are
Developmental approach that helps to learn to attend, relate,
interact, experience feelings and think & relate in an organized and
logical manner.
Socio-pragmatic developmental approach that helps in use of
interactive facilitative strategies, to develop social interaction,
spontaneous conversation etc.
Play therapy that improves positive social interaction, verbal or nonverbal abilities, imitation, new skills, play routines, give & take
habits, etc. Play are symbolic play(phone),pretend play(mother-child,
doctor-patient), social play(birthday party, marriage), set songs etc.
Behavioral approach like build socially useful repertoires ( please
bring pen, water-bottle etc. please keep this book on self), positive
reinforcement is beneficial.
Vocalization, alternative augmentative communication or picture
exchange communicative system are useful in limited speech child.
Diet therapy i.e. magnium and B-complex rich diet is advisable.
Yoga therapy and music therapy are also improves social skills.
Medicinal support also needed in some cases.
As the parent of a child with autism the best thing you can do is to
start treatment right away. Seek help as soon as you suspect
something is wrong. Do not wait to see if your child will catch up
later or outgrow the problem. Do not even wait for an official
diagnosis. The earlier child with autism get help, the greater their
chance of treatment success. Early intervention is the most effective
way to speed up your child's development and reduce the symptoms
of autism. Parental counseling also helpful to handle an Autistic child
in day-to-day management.