Intro to Web Design and Web Graphics - class

CA 272 - Professional
Web Site Development
Intro to Web Graphics & Design
Design Issues for Web Sites
Page Layout
Color palette
UI elements and background
Graphics and photos
Web design process
Wireframes - visual organization of content (page
layout) with NO design elements or color
Page mockups - static graphic rendering of Web
Prototype - working model of page (links and
buttons work; text is real text, etc.)
… on to Site construction - mark up HTML, code
CSS, ‘slice up’ and optimize graphics, etc.
Page Layout
Page layout decisions are driven by
Content needs - what groups/categories of related
content should be presented together?
Priority - what content needs to be given the most
visibility and prominence?
Usability - how can we make it easy for the user to find
the content they are looking for (and where do they
expect to find it)?
Flow - how does one content item lead to another?
Aesthetics - what would be a pleasing, compelling,
interesting design?
Content Issues
(review) Content Inventory - exhaustive list of
all types of content to be included in site
Group related content - very subjective
Card sorting
Benefit of multiple perspectives
Create site outline
Identify building blocks of Web pages
Web Page Building Blocks
Web pages have elements that communicate
e.g., product descriptions, company profiles,
encylopedia entries, how-to guides, etc.
Structured text (headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.)
Web Page Building Blocks
Web pages have elements that facilitate interactivity:
Allow users to search and navigate site content
 Forms
 Navigation buttons
 Links
Collect info from user
 Forms
Play media (for entertainment, informational purposes,
 Plug-ins for audio, video, animation
Blogs, forums, calendars, bookmarking, document sharing,
various Web applications - assorted elements
Web Page Building Blocks
Web pages have elements that visually
reinforce site objectives:
Create a mood/tone
Reinforce branding and marketing
Web Page Building Blocks
Web pages have elements that support site
administration, business and legal issues,
search engine optimization and accessibility
Copyright statement, privacy policy, terms of use
Skip to main nav links, alternate content, etc.
Page Layout Elements
Branding - logo, masthead graphics, stock photos,
Navigation - nav bars and menus, secondary
navigation, footer navigation
Main content area - bulk of informational content
Sidebar(s) - supplemental content (examples)
Site tools - search bar, login, adjust text size, tag
page, etc.
Footer - copyright statement, other info
Other - contact info, forms, media plugins
Wireframing is an excellent tool for working
out page layout independent of design
Box outlines, bubbles, grey boxes
Black & white / grayscale
Focus on priority and flow of content
Example Wireframe
Page Layout Schemes
Fixed width - width set to fixed px value
Most designers use fixed width because easiest
to design for
PRO: easier to design graphics for, can set
readable line lengths of text
CON: doesn’t take advantage of screen width for
users with large monitors; users with smaller
monitors may have to scroll horizontally
Page Layout Schemes
Fluid - width set to % value, adjusts to width
of browser window
PRO: makes full use of browser window; user can
CON: may lead to very long lines of text; harder to
design for
Page Layout Schemes
Elastic - width set in relative units (ems)
Page elements grow proportionately as user
resizes text size
PRO: ideal for accessibility - users can view at
whatever scale is comfortable for them
CON: very difficult to code; can lead to very large
widths as user increases font size
Rarely used
Page Layout Schemes
Hybrid Fixed/Fluid
Some column(s) fixed, other(s) fluid
Optional ‘third’ column
Page Layout Dimensions
Fixed design for pixel widths - must account
for browser ‘chrome’, scrollbars
800 x 600 monitor: 750px (or 760px) width
1024 x 800 monitor: 950px+ width
Safest width, but only 12% of users
Most users have this resolution now (53%)
1280 x 1024 is gaining (~23%)
Don’t worry about 640 x 480 anymore
Grids for Page Layout
“Grids help designers create arrangements
and patterns that ‘feel right’ and that people
find comfortable to use” – Andy Clarke
Even grids - e.g., 4-column
Divine proportion - 1:1.62 (a:b = a+b:a)
Can bridge columns to create ‘supercolumns’
- not just fit all content in rigid layout
Breaking Out of the Grid
Grid layout doesn’t need to be ‘boxy’ layout
With CSS it is possible to position elements
so they overlap columns or break out of
columns - or float independently of other
Design Principles
Proximity - group related elements; separate
distinct elements
Alignment - creates visual cohesion and
‘orderliness’ - use grids
Balance - layout should achieve visual
balance through:
Symmetric balance (horizontal, bilateral, radial)
Asymmetric balance (using different forms of
visual weight: size, shape, tone, placement)
Design Principles (continued)
Repetition - consistent use of repeated design
elements (e.g., color, fonts, imagery) ties everything
Emphasis - draw attention to high-value content:
Placement - give high-value content highest visibility (see
Continuance - draw user’s eyes along path to content
Isolation - white space draws attention to content
Contrast - content with different color, size, weight will stick
Proportion - perceived scale relative to surrounding content
Web Design Principles
Design enhances content - does not compete with it
Usability - practice good user interface design
Ensure readability and ‘scanability’ (easy to find desired
Meet user expectations
Affordance: make UI controls obvious and understandable
Clear task flow
Minimize clicks (applies to entire site organization)
Web Design Principles
White space - enhances readability and
reduces visual ‘stress’
Put most important content ‘above the fold’
Consider how users scan Web pages:
Web Design Best Practices
Keep KB size small to minimize load time
(images are most of file size)
Avoid both horizontal and vertical scrolling
Design Inspiration
Identify desired mood/tone based on content,
audience, and the personality of you or your brand
Find inspiration in …
industrial imagery
geometric/abstract forms
vintage graphic design/art movements
magazines, industrial and product design
importance of magazines for interface, layout,
typography design
Design Elements
gradients (create with graphics program)
 online sources
 photos/scans
 your photos
 stock photos (e.g., istockphoto or flickr)
scans of objects
 textures (e.g., old paper)
 from nature
 magazine clippings, etc.
mood boards (collection of objects, photos, clippings, color
swatches, etc., that evoke mood/feeling)
Color Palettes
consistent with mood, aesthetic
often good to pick from photo
usually at least 3 main colors
tools for creating palettes
eyedropper on photo or
(and other online tools)
try different shades and tints (see )
start with greys to achieve good balance, then add color
Color Schemes
Monochromatic - e.g.,
Analogous - e.g.,
Complementary - e.g.,
Web Colors
Web colors typically written in hexadecimal format:
#000000 is black, #FFFFFF
This corresponds to R, G, B values of 0 to 255: 255
in hex is FF
“Web-safe” colors limited to 256 colors - holdover
from when browsers had limited color depth
Now can use 16 million colors (theoretically)
Colors do display differently between monitors,
computers and operating systems
Web-smart palette: ‘paired’ values, e.g., AA, BB, CC
Web graphics
2 main graphic file formats:
JPEG (.jpg) - for photos, gradients
GIF (.gif) - for solid colors or limited color range
Web graphics - transparency
GIF supports index transparency - e.g., white
background can be transparent
Web graphics - PNG and SVG
Other main graphic format: PNG
PNGs support alpha transparency - e.g., image
could be 50% transparent
Typically larger files
IE 6 and under do not support PNG transparency!
Also, SVG - scalable vector graphics
Bitmap vs. vector graphics
Web Graphics Applications
Adobe Photoshop - most fully featured app
for creating bitmap graphics, editing photos
Adobe Illustrator - excellent for creating
vector graphics
Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Fireworks specifically for Web graphics - combines
features of Photoshop and Illustrator
MS Paint -
Intro to Fireworks
Open Adobe CS3 > Fireworks
File > New
500px width, 300px height, transparent
canvas color
Document window
Fireworks Tools
Select - select, crop, resize
Bitmap - bitmap selections, draw, erase
Vector - lines, shapes, text and pen tool
Web - creating slices and hotspots
Colors - setting foreground and background
Fireworks - Tools (continued)
Draw rectangle:
Change colors in Properties
Set width and height, x,y coordinates
Change opacity
Add filter - drop shadow
Choose pointer tool:
Click on canvas (unselects rectangle)
Click on rectangle to select
Drag to move
Fireworks - Tools (continued)
Choose Text tool:
Click to insert text
Type something
Highlight text (by dragging cursor)
in Properties:
Change font, font-size, color
Add more text - drag text box
Constrains text
Change alignment
Fireworks - Layers
Look at Layers palette:
Every vector object you create is separate layer
New objects on top
Can drag layers to reorder
Can delete and copy layers
Fireworks - Image Preview
File > Image Preview - use to optimize your
graphics/images for Web
Choose appropriate file format (jpeg, gif, png)
Set quality/palette to minimum necessary for
adequate display
Other things to try:
Resize and rotate rectangle with Scale Tool
Crop document
Change canvas color, size
Create bitmap layer
 use pencil, paintbrush tools
 select part of bitmap layer with marquee and lasso tools
 erase part of bitmap layer
Use line, pen tools
Experiment with paths (pen tool, vector path tool, redraw
path tool, subselection tool)
More Fireworks
Other things to try (continued):
Create gradient fill in Properties, edit colors
Change line properties
Experiment with different filters
Align objects using Align panel
Edit colors in Colors panel using different sliders
Create text on a path
Try various image export settings
Create masthead graphic for a site about you
Incorporate text, colors, and imagery that personify
who you are (like a graphic business card)
750px x 100px
Export in format optimized for Web
Place at top of your homepage on Web4Students
Upload file and e-mail me by midnight, Wed. 11/6