2012 FIU Journalism Day Carry‐In Newspaper Double

2012 FIU Journalism Day
Carry‐In Newspaper Double-truck Layout
Judging Rubric: Please assign a numerical score from 0-10 and write a sentence or two for comment in each section.
0=not apparent, and 10 being extraordinary/professional
Written Elements: Rating 1-10 _______
COVERAGE & CONTENT: Stories show one in-depth topic with several corresponding stories; stories are well-researched and have
proper attribution (full name & grade/subject) to their sources; local student/teacher quotes used and attributed; stories contain
interesting, lively language and leads; stories contain clear ‘news peg’ which gives relevance to the reader
HEADLINES: Should connect related stories/elements; should coordinate with each other thematically; size is relative to
importance of stories
WRITING & EDITING: Careful proofreading is evident to check the following: spelling, sentence structure, agreement, grammar,
usage and syntax; Body and caption typeface and size are clear and creative depending on topic covered; captions are more than
one sentence, in correct tense, clear and creative;
Graphic Elements: Rating 1-10 _______
GRAPHICS/ART/PHOTOS: Visual elements should not awkwardly separate a story from its headline or create.
PHOTO QUALITY: Photos/Art/Graphics are carefully selected for reader interest; they are free of flaws in editing; they are wellcopped, framed, focused, sized, and have good contrast; they capture emotion; they do not interfere with legibility of copy or
overpower the page; all graphics show proper attribution to appropriate sources.
Layout/Design: Rating 1-10 _______
RHYTHM/MOVEMENT: The eye moves easily from the layout’s optical center to flow over the design; obvious use of design plan is
applied. Elements do not seem to be randomly placed or a space filler.
EMPHASIS: Dominant element is apparent; text is accented with capital letters, bold font, underlined text, and/or large size; "white
space" is evident around the words.
BALANCE: Page elements (text, headlines, photos, graphics, and art) are balanced. One side of the layout balances the other and the
top balances out the bottom.
READABILITY: The choice of font suits what the design is about and is clear to read. There is consistency with spacing, picas, style,
etc.; white space is used effectively; internal and external margins are consistent and effective
UNITY: The items on a page are arranged to connect and create an effective design. Links related elements between facing pages.
Total: _____________/30