6E1 and 6P3 - johnson6thgrade

Title: Interactive Notes: 6.E.1 Earth Moon Sun Review
Our planet Earth revolves (circles around) the Sun (the largest star in
our Solar System).
The moon is a natural satellite (an object that revolves around another
object in space) of Earth which revolves around our planet. The moon
does not make its own light.
Create a Venn Diagram to compare and
contrast the definition of “revolve” with
the definition of “rotate.”
Gravity is a force existing between any two objects with mass, which
keeps the planets and moons in place.
Because of the moon’s rotation, our moon looks different from Earth
every few nights. The different shapes of the moon are called phases,
and they repeat in a cycle every 29.5 days.
The gravity of the Sun and Moon as well as the Earth rotation
(spinning on its axis) have a major impact on the Earth’s ocean tides.
Ocean tides follow a predictable pattern.
The rotation of the Earth causes all parts of the Earth to have periods of
day and night.
Because the Earth’s axis is tilted while Earth revolves around the Sun,
we experience different seasons. The tilt of the Earth’s axis also results
in the seasons being opposite in the Northern and Southern
hemispheres (upper and lower halves of the Earth).
Write at least 1 sentence and draw an
illustration for each of the following
1. Explain why we have day and
2. Explain why we have seasons.
3. Explain why a year is a
different length of time
depending on which planet
you are on.
Create AND answer a quiz question you
think might be on the EOG regarding the
Earth, Moon, and Sun.
6.P .3.1
Energy is the ability to do work or cause change. Energy can be
transferred from one system to another in different ways:
Thermal, energy in the form of heat
Mechanical, energy that an object has because of its motion
Electrical, when an electrical source such as a battery is
connected in a complete circuit to an electrical device
Radiant, by electromagnetic waves.
Heat flows from warm objects to cooler objects, until both objects are
Draw and label 4 pictures to show an
example of each: Thermal, Mechanical,
Electrical, and Radiant energy.
Answer in full sentences: Can one type of
energy be converted (changed) into
another type? Explain how you know.
at equilibrium (the same temperature)
Provide an example of each: Conduction,
Convection, and Radiation.
Thermal energy is transferred through materials when atoms bump and
collide against each other.
Heat travels through solids, primarily by conduction: When two items
of different temperatures are touching.
Heat is circulated in fluids, both liquids and gases, through the process
of convection: heat rises and cold fals in a fluid until it is all the same
Radiation is energy that travels across distances in the form of
electromagnetic waves.
9 Flash cards to make:
6 Flash cards to make:
Choose 2 types of thermal energy
transfer(conduction, convection,
radiation) to compare and contrast in a
Venn Diagram.