Community Opportunities Tender Guidance 17 Dec 2014

Community Opportunities
Amended Tender Guidance
17 December 2014
Amendment Notification
Please note when the Tender Guidance information slides were previously published on
the 3rd of December we intended to only publish two Tenders.
The first tender for the requirement of Traditional centre based community opportunity
services for older people, people with physical disabilities and people with dementia.
The second tender for the requirement of Community based opportunities that sits
outside the traditional building based model of Day Care and Luncheon Clubs.
Following feedback we have since further broken down the Community Opportunity
services into the following contracts:
Contract 1: Centre based community opportunities for older people in the east of the city.
Contract 2: Centre based community opportunities for older people in the west of the city.
Contract 3: Centre based community opportunities for people who have dementia.
Contract 4: Centre based community opportunities for people who have a physical
disability or long term condition.
Contract 5: Lunch Clubs
Contract 6: Chain Reaction
Service Areas and Contract References
Tenders may be submitted for one or more of the below Contracts. Please note for each
Contract, a separate tender submission is required to be completed and submitted. The
six different Community Opportunities Contracts will be published under the following six
digit contract reference numbers and contract ID numbers:
Service System
Traditional centre based community
opportunities for adults aged 55 or above
in the East of Newcastle City.
Traditional centre based community
opportunities for adults aged 55 or above
in the West of Newcastle City.
Six digit Council Contract
Reference Number and Portal
Details of each Contract
Contract ID number (as per
NEPO portal)
Contract 1: Lot 1 - Centre
based community
opportunities for older
people in the East of the
Contract Reference - 003539
ID Number - QTLE - 9BUECE
Contract 2: Lot 2 - Centre
based community
opportunities for older
people in the West of the
Contract Reference - 004506
ID Number - 9RUG - MXV1XK
Service Areas and Contract References
Tenders may be submitted for one or more of the below Contracts. Please note for each
Contract, a separate tender submission is required to be completed and submitted. The
six different Community Opportunities Contracts will be published under the following six
digit contract reference numbers and contract ID numbers:
Service System
Traditional centre based community
opportunities for people who have
Traditional centre based community
opportunities for people who have a
physical disability or long term condition.
Six digit Council Contract
Reference Number and Portal
Details of each Contract
Contract ID number (as per
NEPO portal)
Contract 3: Lot 3 - Centre
based community
opportunities for people
who have dementia.
Contract Reference - 004507
ID Number - 9RUM - 2SUQND
Contract 4: Lot 4 - Centre
based community
opportunities for people
who have a physical
disability or long term
Contract Reference - 004508
ID Number - 9RUM - 3W9ITU
Service Areas and Contract References
Tenders may be submitted for one or more of the below Contracts. Please note for each
Contract, a separate tender submission is required to be completed and submitted. The
six different Community Opportunities Contracts will be published under the following six
digit contract reference numbers and contract ID numbers:
Service System
The primary purpose of lunch clubs is to
enhance the lives of older people, who
may be at risk of social isolation
or gradually losing their independence,
through the provision of a range of
practical and social activities.
Community based opportunities that sits
outside the traditional building based
model of Day Care and Luncheon Clubs.
Six digit Council Contract
Reference Number and Portal
Details of each Contract
Contract ID number (as per
NEPO portal)
Contract 5: Lot 5 - Lunch
Contract Reference - 004509
ID Number - 9RUM - 563H8M
Contract 6: Chain
Contract Reference - 004482
ID Number - 9RFJ - FHMDAT
How to tender for the opportunities
All Tender documentation will only be published via the Council
Electronic Tendering System at website -
In order to be considered for the opportunities, please register your details
free of charge on the above Electronic Tendering Portal. Once registered
you can express an interest in one or more of the contracts and download
the tender documentation
You can register your details on the tendering portal by entering the
‘Suppliers Area’ and following the registration instructions
If you are experiencing a problem please read the reference guides by
clicking the
If you still have no solution to your problem please contact:
NEPO Support Team
By Tel: 0191 433 5949
By Email:
 WC 15 December 2014 – Tender Documents published on
the Electronic Tendering Portal
 WC 2 February 2015 – Deadline for the return of all tender
documents (Via Electronic Tendering Portal only)
 WC 2 February 2015 – Evaluation
 WC 16 February 2015 – The council will announce its
intent to award and adhere to the 10 day Alcatel standstill
 WC 2 March 2015 – Contract award
 WC 2 March to WC 30 March – Potential TUPE transfer
 1 April 2015 – Contract start date
All timescales are subject to change.
Procurement Documents
Each separate invitation to tender will consist of the following
ITT Part 1 - Introduction and organisation’s guide
ITT Part 2 - Summary instructions and details of Contract
ITT Schedule 1 Specification
ITT Schedule 2 Contract
ITT Schedule 3 Form of Tender, including Pricing Schedule
ITT Schedule 4 Certificate of Non Collusion and Non Canvassing
ITT Schedule 5 Contractor Evaluation Questionnaire
ITT Schedule 6 Tender Response Form
ITT Schedule 7 TUPE Information
Procurement Documents
The CEQ document asks about different aspects of an organisations
business as follows:
Section A - Organisation profile
Section B - Grounds for exclusion
Section C - Insurance
Section D - Financial information
Section E - Health and Safety
Section F - Equality & Diversity
Section G - Technical Capacity
Section H - References
The Council uses the above information to assess the suitability of an
organisation to deliver the contract.
Procurement Documents
Consortium and/or sub-contractor(s)
Please note each member of any consortium and/or subcontractor(s) delivering any part of the services under this
Contract(s) must answer all the CEQ questions except for
Section G (Technical Capacity).
Only the actual Bidder (e.g. the party who will sign the
Contract) need answer Section G but should do so on
behalf of all the members of the consortium and/or subcontractor(s) involved in the tender.
Procurement Documents
 Organisational Profile
• Required for information only
• Set out the details about your organisation
 Grounds for Exclusion
• Demonstrate that you are not in breach of the Public Contract
Regulations 2006, for example if you have any convictions you
need to declare them
• If you confirm you or your organisation has been convicted of
any of the offences or acts, the Council reserves the right to
disqualify you from the process at this point in the evaluation
• Evaluated on a pass/fail basis
Procurement Documents
 Insurance
• Provide confirmation that you have the minimum levels of
• If you don’t have the minimum level we will need you to confirm
that if successful you will have the cover in place prior to contract
start date
• Evaluated on Pass/Fail basis
Procurement Documents
 Financial Information
• Demonstrate your level of economic and financial capacity
• Your organisation will need to confirm that you have met the
terms of all of your financial agreements and obligations or
provide a satisfactory bankers’ reference
• Evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis
 Health and Safety
• Demonstrate your capacity and commitment
• Ability to comply with legal obligations
• Evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis
Procurement Documents
 Equality and Diversity
• Organisation to confirm:
• Compliance with legal obligations relating to age, sexual
orientation, disability, age, religion, gender, human rights
• There has been no finding of unlawful discrimination against
the Organisation by a court, industrial tribunal, employment
tribunal in the last three years
• The Organisation has not been the subject of a formal
investigation on grounds of alleged unlawful discrimination in
the last three years
• Evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis
Procurement Documents
 Technical Capacity
• Demonstrate your ability to service the contract, through
experience of similar work and delivery examples
• Demonstrate your quality management and your quality
• Demonstrate your staff training
• Demonstrate your safeguarding policies
• The questions in this section are pass/fail. You will need to pass
each section for your tender to be considered. Failure to obtain
the required score will disqualify the tender response
Procurement Documents
 General Feedback on Technical Capacity questions
• Don’t assume we know your organisation, write as if to a new customer,
give us sufficient detail
• Tell us about the work you do with Newcastle and other Councils
• Present your information clearly, don’t hide documents or information
• Answer each question directly within the designated box for that particular
• Appendices will only be considered if they are relevant to a specific
question and referenced accordingly.
• Give references for information and clarification purposes
• These should relate to the experience of similar contracts given under
technical capacity
• Where possible don’t give referees within Newcastle City Council
Procurement Documents
Invitation to Tender (ITT)
 Tender Submission
• Please note tender document titled “Summary instructions and
details of Contract” contains a checklist for tenderers to consider
• If tenderers do not provide within their Tender submission, all of
the itemised documents requested within the checklist, this may
cause the Tender submission to be deemed non-compliant and
not be considered
• The Tender Response form is required to be completed in
response to the requirements stated within the specification
• The Tender Response questions are weighted accordingly
Procurement Documents
Invitation to Tender (ITT)
 Terms and Conditions of Contract
• These are the Council’s Standard and Specialist Terms and Conditions
and if a tenderer has requirements for amendments to these, they
should be highlighted in your tender return
• Such proposals will be considered in the evaluation of the Tender where
they impact on the criteria but will only be accepted at the sole
discretion of the Council
 Form of Tender, Certificate of non-collaboration and
• We will require you to sign and return these forms along with your
tender response
• We will accept electronic signature, typed signatures and signed and
scanned documents
• Failure to complete and return these documents may result in your
tender being deemed non-compliant
Procurement Documents
Questions and Answers
For audit trail purposes all queries relating to the published tender information
must be raised electronically via the Electronic Portal, within the Question and
Answer facility
Please leave sufficient time to allow the Council to respond to your questions
and raise your queries no less than four working days before the tender return
Please note that our responses to any queries or clarification requests may, at
the Council’s discretion, be circulated to all Tenderers
Please ensure you allow sufficient time to upload your tender submission to the
Electronic Tendering Portal, as a 1 second delay over the deadline will be
deemed as a late tender submission and may not be considered.
Procurement Contact
The Procurement Officer responsible for the procurement
activity is Susan Djouama, Telephone: 0191 211 6001;
Please note for audit trail purposes all questions
regarding the tender must be raised via the electronic
tendering portal, through the
Question and Answer facility. Please remember to give
yourself enough time to upload your tender submission.