Velata History… - Amazon Web Services

Velata Home and Book Party
Success Guide
It’s exciting to have you as part of the Scentsy family. We want you to be successful
and profitable while having the necessary tools to build a strong foundation for your
Velata business. We have created this Home and Book Party Success Guide as a tool to
help guide you on your path to success. This e-book is a collaboration of successful
Independent Velata Consultants who wanted to support your dreams of building your
We’ve added lots of useful and creative tips, plus forms you can use at your discretion.
Let’s Get Started…
Home parties can be the lifeline of your business. Maybe you started your Velata
business with the intention of focusing on online sales, however, we don’t want you to
miss the value of holding an open house, home party, or organizing basket parties. All
are successful methods of marketing Velata products, finding new Velata Consultants and
building a customer base for future sales. You may find you enjoy the social interaction
and sales from these marketing methods along with your online methods.
First, get to know your products, the company history and plan for questions guests
might ask. Create note cards with important tips you want to remember to share at a
home show or with prospective book show Hosts. If you know your products and
information well, you won’t sound scripted during a home show or consultation with a
potential Host or recruit.
It’s easy to talk about Velata products, especially if you are passionate about them and
love what you do. People are naturally attracted to enthusiasm and excitement, so let
your passion show! It will make your sales and recruiting much easier
Who Do You Know List
Use this guide to jumpstart your list of possible home, basket or book show hosts.
Before doing anything else, you should complete your ‘List of 100”. This is a running
list of people who can help set your new business in motion. This list includes everyone
with whom you would like to share the Velata products and opportunity.
At Work
People who do not like their jobs
Co-workers/former co-workers
People interested in their own business
Co-workers of your spouse
Working Moms
Service People
Dry Cleaner
Restaurant workers
Mail carrier
Maid service
School Contacts
PTA/PTO members
Parents of child’s friends
College friends
Homeroom moms
Religious Affiliations
Youth Workers
Class Teachers
Sports Organizations
Team Mates
Golf, bowling, tennis league
Fitness center members
Team parents
Social Acquaintances
Club members
Community volunteers
Lodge Members
Sorority/Fraternity members
Boy/Girl Scout members
Holiday card list
Craft classes/night school
Sales People
Insurance/Real Estate Agents
Places I Patronize
Grocery Stores/Pharmacy
Department/Discount Stores
Beauty/Nail Salons
Child Care Centers
Who Do You Know Worksheet
Use this worksheet to list your possible home/book show hosts. This list should be an
ongoing list. If you remove someone, add a new person in their place.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Online Friends
1. 1.
2. 2.
Parents of Kid’s Playmates
Sport’s Moms
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
School Contacts
Host Coaching & Packet
It’s important you provide all the tools necessary for your Hosts to have a successful
show. The following pages include suggestions for organizing a home, basket or book
Home Show Packet….
Create a binder with the following information included. To keep your information and
flyers fresh and neat, place them in sheet protectors.
Velata Thank You Letter – Thank your Host! Also, recap the date, time and
approximate time you will show up to setup and prepare for the show. Let your
Host know you will be in and out of their home in approximately an hour and a
half. Keep to this commitment so they know what to expect from you and realize
you value their time.
(3) Current Catalogs – Be sure your contact information is on your catalogs.
Order Forms – Minimum of (10) for outside orders. Again, be sure your contact
information is on each form. Please advise the Host to have customer’s fill out
their name, address and phone number on the order form for processing
Hostess Memory Jogger – This form will help jog her/his memory on whom to
invite. See above sheets
Invitations – Your goal should be a minimum of 40 to 50 guest invitations.
Statistically, less than 1/3 will attend, so coach your Host to get as close to this
number or higher, if possible. Mail an invitation to your Host, as well! It is
best for the Consultant to mail the invitations for the Host. Doing so
generally results in a better turnout and sales. Mail a Velata postcard invitation
at least 10 days prior to the event date. The goal is to have the post card
delivered, to their home, at least 7 days prior to the home show date. One
suggestion: Let your Host know if they get 40 on their guest list, you will mail
them at your expense. If not, they will be responsible for the mailing cost. This
doesn’t remove the responsibility of the Host to personally call and invite
each guest. Remember, nothing can take the place of a personal invitation from
the Host. If you do mail the invitations, be sure to get your guest list back from
the hostess in a timely manner. Give host two weeks to complete it and tell
her/him you will be contacting them if you don’t receive it. Hopefully, the host
will have email and can email the list to you. If not, include a form for the host,
with self-addressed envelope, for them to mail the guest list to you
Host Program – Make sure your host understands the Velata Host program Ask
your Host if there is anything they are working towards then coach them on how
to go about achieving their wish list.
7.Coach Your Host to Success! Have Hosts:
 Invite at least 40 to 50 guests.
 Personally call each guest and get RSVPs.
 Advise guests, who are unable to attend, to place an order online.
Consultants…make sure you have their party setup under events on your
Velata personal website so those guest can place their order to go towards the
host party total.
 Gather at least 5 outside orders or $100 in sales.
 Get two bookings before their scheduled event. This will help them earn even
more free products. Consultant is responsible for completing the booking
coupon for their Host.
 Talk to your host about what food items he/she wants to have for dipping.
 Complete Who Do You Know Worksheet – Provide our Who Do You Know
Worksheet for your Host. You can modify this list easily and use it to help them
create their invite list.
 Close Party Within a Week to 10 Days – If they don’t close their party the night
of their show, strive to get them closed within a week, if at all possible. Holding
them open longer will cause a long wait for customers.
8.Business Card – It’s always wise to include your business card for future reference.
9.Host – Monthly Special – If there is a Host or Monthly Special be sure to include
a flyer detailing the promotions.
10.Host Envelope –The Host uses this envelope to place their collected money and
orders in for safe keeping. You can use the one we created on Page 16, or buy
them from Velata success/Business supplies located in your Velata workstation.
It’s important for Consultants to follow-up with your Host at least two weeks in
front of their show date and the week of their show.
Make sure your Host is prepared! Ask them if they have personally called each
guests and if they have an RSVP total. In addition, remind the Host of the time you
will arrive, expect to leave and a brief overview of your party agenda.
Your success will depend on how well you coach and prepare your Host. Poor
Host coaching will result in low sales and disappointment for all those involved.
Help your Host by providing them the tools they need for success, by being prepared
and offering their guest a fun and exciting evening
Important Note: After the Host receives their Velata products, schedule a time to go over the
products and to answer any questions they might have. This is simply good customer service and
It’s Show Time!
The date of your show has finally arrived! Here are some tips and suggestions for
having a fun and profitable home show.
1.Arrive as Scheduled – Be sure to be on time and arrive at the time you scheduled
with your hostess. Don’t be in a hurry and show up in a frazzled and disorganized
2.Host Welcome – Thank the Host for inviting you into their home and sharing the
Velata products with their guests. If you choose, you can provide a small thank
you gift, such as extra forks, a Velata spatula, or an additional lid.
3.Refreshments – Remind the Host to prepare and have ready the refreshments that
will be used for dipping.
4.Display Setup – Use baskets or decorative items, you may already have in your
home, to create a beautiful and inviting product display.
5.Welcome Guests – It’s vital to welcome guests as they enter. Give each a
catalog, order form, door prize drawing slip and pen. Be sure to have your
catalogs ready ahead of time. Insert the order form and door prize drawing inside
the catalog and hand out with a pen. Tell guests to complete their door prize
drawing and drop it in a basket you provide. Note: It is very important to open
up the dialogue with your Host and guests. You want all attending to be
comfortable and to enjoy the Velata products and home show experience.
6.Start on Time – If your scheduled party time was 7:00pm, start on time.
Remember your promise to the Host to be in and out of their home in an hour and
a half. You won’t accomplish this by waiting on an endless stream of late
arrivers. In addition, it is respectful, of those who arrived on time, to start your
presentation in a timely manner.
7.Introduction – Thank the Host and introduce yourself. Share just a brief minute
or two about yourself and your Velata experience.
8.Games – Some consultants like to start the presentation off with a fun game. The
choice is yours to provide this or exclude it from your presentation.
9.Presentation - Share the Velata story, products and how to use our fondue
warmer. Keep in mind that people are always more interested in what is in it for
them. Focusing on your “why” and background will be of little interest to guests.
Instead, focus on the benefits of the Velata products and how easy it is too
10.Show Close – Draw from your Door Prize Slips and announce the winner. It is
up to you what you give away. Thank guests for coming and let them know you
will be seated at the kitchen table. When they are ready, advise them to bring
their orders to you for totaling. Now is the best time to ask each guest, one on
one, whether they are interested in hosting a show or would like to learn more
about starting their own Velata business.
11.Host Benefits – Briefly go over what the host has earned up to this point. If they
are short of their goal, advise them on how much in sales they will need to earn
their targeted free amount. If they don’t close their party the night of their
show, strive to get them closed within a week, if at all possible. Holding them
open longer will cause a long wait for customers.
Your work isn’t over once the show is closed. It is important that you follow-up with
your host. Once they receive their Velata products, schedule a time to go over the
products and to answer any questions they might have.
Hot Tip!
Start a Newsletter - If you haven’t started a newsletter, do so right away. Get
permission from Host and guests to add them to your newsletter to receive Velata
product promotions and announcements. This is one of the easiest and most cost
effective tools to building long term relationships and on-going sales.
Important Facts to Share at Home
Velata History…
If you want to play the Velata story game, (Attached
on page 20, is my version of the Velata story) it will go over everything about how
Velata got started, about the product, hostess rewards opportunity and more all in a
fun simple game.
Here is my little spill/presentation that I say when I do a party or fair. Feel free to
use it or change it however it fits for you and your guest:
I would like to introduce you to a Velata - a chocolate Fondue. Velata is a Brand of
the Scentsy Family, and just started May 2012. These Velata Warmers are lit by a 25
watt light bulb which keeps the Chocolate at a perfect temperature to keep the
chocolate melted. It is really great because you don’t have to keep stirring or worry
about the Chocolate scorching. You just melt the Chocolate in the Microwave for a
minute and pour it in and it will keep it at the right temperature on low.
These silicone dishes are dishwasher safe which is a must for me because I hate to
wash things by hand. Plus it can go right in the fridge or in microwave. So when you
are done and if there is still chocolate left in the bowl just put the lid on and store it
in either the fridge or right in the pantry. Then when you are ready for more just
pop it on the Velata warmer turn it to high and let the chocolate soften back up.
Once the chocolate is softened turn it down to low to keep the perfect melting
I have done Chocolate fondue parties several times and the original fondue pots are
a lot of work, to make sure to keep stirring and adding more liquid so that the
chocolate doesn’t scold, and the Chocolate fountain is even more work because you
have to keep adding cocoa butter or oil to keep it at the right consistence, and is a
huge pain to clean. That is what makes these so great.
My kids love to have Velata as an afterschool treat or we have it for an after dinner
snack. We just add whatever fruit we have on hand and dip it in our Velata
ChocolVelata is Fun and Easy!
Want to get Velata Product for FREE!! Then book a party with me. You can do a home
Party or a catalog/basket party and get Free Products and 1/2 off items (You can also
give an extra incentive for bookings.)
Want to Make Some extra Money? Velata is a great business because there is so much
you can do with our company. You can do Home parties, Catalog parties, Fairs/Events,
Fundraisers, displays, online networking, online orders, team building and much more.
The great thing with our company is you can do as little or as much as you want
whenever you want, and make as much money as you want too. Enjoy tasting the
chocolate and looking through the catalog. Let me know if you have any questions.
FAQ - Entering a Party Online
Follow these steps when entering a Party Order. Use the Order Tab at the top of your
personal Velata website screen.
1) Choose which type of order you are entering, Home party, Basket party, Fair/show,
individual order. Enter the Hostess Information. Check Yes on “Show on PWS” if you
want this party order to show up on your Personal Web Site, for customer to order
directly to the party order. Check Yes “Use Evites” if you want to send emailable
2) Enter the Shipping Information. (Note: You can click on the hostess and consultants
for already saved address) Then click on the “Continue”.
3) Now you can “add a Guest” (in a box on the top of the screen.) This is also where
you choose if they want the item shipped directly to them or if you want to add them to
your newsletter. Once you have added a guest they will show up in your guest list. Here
you will see a window under their name to enter the item number they wish to order, then
click “add to cart”. If it is a multi pack you will select the multi pack item code then it
will take you to a screen to fill in which items you want in your multi pack.
4) Once you are done entering all the guest orders, Click on the hostess free credit
product and the hostess ½ off items. There is a $5 hostess fee, but it is waived if you use
all half off items. Once you are done enter the orders and hostess rewards, click on
5) Now you can add the guest, hostess and/or your credit card payments. Once you have
finished the credit card payments and balance is down to 0. You can Click on “Process
Payments and continue” and they will verify that the order is correct, type yes if it is and
your order will be submitted to the home office.
(Note: Once the order is submitted you will not be able to change it.)
Congratulations on getting your order in! You can now watch the order number in
your order history to see when it has been moved to shipped and be able to track the
packages. If you have any other questions contact your upline consultant.
Marketing Ideas
Listed below is a creative list to help you market your business locally. Sixty-five
places to leave your catalog and/or business card to generate sales and interest.
Doctor's Office
Dental Office
Mechanics Waiting Room
Laundry Mats
College Campuses
Back of Bathroom Stall Doors
Bakery Stores
Senior Activity Centers
Credit Unions
Supply Stores
Bus Stops
Hair Salons
Tax Preparation Offices
Orthodontist Offices
Insurance Office
Dry Cleaners
Dairy Queen / Baskin Robbins
Bagel Shops
Donut Shops
Nail Salons
Day Care Centers
Retirement Homes
Model New Home Centers
Real Estate Agent Offices
Corner Stores
In Front of Magazines at Checkout Lines
With Your Tip at Restaurants
With Toll Booth Collectors
Grocery Store Clerks
Video Stores
Dressing Rooms
Bank Tellers
Shoe Stores
Kids Resale Shops
Gymboree Centers
Temporary Staff Offices
Flower Shops
Pet Stores
Clerks at the Post Office
Gas Station Attendants
Fast Food Workers
Movie Theater Locations
Print Shops
Furniture Stores
Cable Offices
Places Where You Pay Bills
Water and Gas Utilities
Apartment Leasing Office
Teacher’s Lounge
Workplace Cafeteria
School Administration Offices
Computer Stores
Dance Studios
Grocery Stores, You can Leave Your Ads
Mortgage Offices
Ideas to Get Your Business Growing
Launch Party
Business launch parties can create a lot of interest and help you get people excited
about Velata products. One suggestion is to offer a prize for people who decide to
have their own Velata home party or basket party. Keep it simple & affordable. Many
Consultants are able to get 4 or 5 parties scheduled from their Launch Party.
Basket Parties
Many potential Host work and can take your samples/testers in to work with them
every 3 months. People love how easy & convenient a basket party can be & they
especially love the rewards. You can do baskets parties at a variety of businesses
including, Dentist Office, Doctor's Office, Dance Studios, Large Office buildings,
Assisted Living Centers, and Schools. Basket Parties are so easy & will fit into every
ones schedule.
Expos & Events
Local fairs, expos and events can be a great way to increase sales, find bookings and
potential team members. You don't need to go into debt to do these events. Just
take what you can afford. If you can afford to purchase for cash and carry, turn it in
as a show and use the hostess credits to help spread your dollars. If not, just use
what you have on hand and create a beautiful display with items from your home,
such as, baskets, small shelf, greenery, and etc.
Online Sales
We definitely are allowed to do online sales, however we are not allowed to sale
Velata products on ebay or other auction sites.
Do get your ads approved by the home office.
Online Parties
Online parties can be a great way to garner sales and share the business. There are
many websites that offer free party rooms.
Booths and Consignment Shops – These are just another great option of
marketing Velata products. Setup a nice display along with your catalogs in local
retail shops.
Everything a
Host Needs
To Know
Velata – Fun, Easy Fondue
Premium Begium Chocolate
It is a Premium Belgium Chocolate. It comes in four flavors, Dark
Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate, and Carmel Milk
Hot Velata Warmers
Our warmers are electric and are heated with a 25
watt bulb which is included with each new warmer. The low wattage light bulb is warm
enough to keep the chocolate at the right consistency for dipping. Our hot Velata
Warmers come in a wide variety of colors and styles to match any home décor.
How Does It Work?
Velata Premium Belgium Chocolate comes in a pouch. Put the pouch in the microwave
for one minute and pour into your Velata warmer. The Velata warmer has a dimming
switch, once at the desired consistency use a minimum setting to keep warm.
How Do I Order?
To order our Hot Velata Warmers and Premium Belgium chocolate as well as a wide
variety of other products, simply give me a call or order online!
 Put your contact info here!
A Velata Opportunity
Start Your Own Velata Business
Are you someone who has always had that extra job or two to bring in additional
income for the kids’ sports activities, unexpected bills, or that special
vacation? Consider This: What if you could take the same amount of time,
each week, and spend that time to set up a regular customer base for a product or
service YOU use and love?
And what if you got so good at it, that someday you could replace that existing job
or have the lifestyle you had always dreamed of?
Velata is a product people love. It’s affordable, high-quality and consumable
which means repeat sales for you. Your customers will return to you time and time
A Velata business is affordable. Start your own Velata business for just $99, plus
shipping and handling.
Your kit comes with everything you need to get started. And the best part
is…you don’t have to do this alone! You’ll be joining an experienced team that wants
to share their successes to help you succeed!
Owning a Velata business is not only fun, but allows you to set your own schedule
and work at your own pace.
Our company is exciting in a number
of ways...
-We offer a quality product at affordable pricing.
-We are a young company with lots of growth potential.
-You can build long-term residual income.
-Great compensation plan and incentives.
-You create your own schedule.
Ready to get started? Contact me
-> Put your contact info here!
Velata Host Totals
Evening Phone_____________________Email________________________________
Party Date________________Time______________Close Date____________________
(Make Checks Payable to: Your name)
Customer Name
Interested in
Order Total
Party Total
you for hosting a show and sharing Velata Products!
Velata Tic Tac Toe
Call all of
Three Outside your guest the
orders prior to
day of or
the show.
before the
show to
remind them.
Hold your
interested in
show on the
becoming a
Have table
ready for
Have your
total party
sales $500 or
Have $100 in
Have 10
Total party
outside orders. adults attend comes to $500
your show.
in sales.
Tic Tac Toe your way to success and Free Prizes!
1 Row = Free Velata spatula
2 Rows = Free Velata lid
All Four Corners – Free Velata Premium Belgium Chocolate pouch
Black Out – Free Velata Warmer
Work to fill in the board. Place an X in each square after you have accomplished each
goal. The more squares you earn the better the gift you will receive. GOOD LUCK!
The Velata Story Game
Adapted by Julia Baldwin, SuperStar Director
Directions - Each time you hear the word Velata, pass the prize to the person on your right.
Whoever is holding the prize at the end of the story, wins!
The idea for Velata was born out of a joke during the Scentsy 2009 Convention. Two
stagehands, providing entertainment between presenters, tried to use a Scentsy candle
warmer as a fondue pot. This set an idea in motion and the result is Velata. Velata comes
from the Latin word meaning “veiled” or “covered” as in “covered with chocolate!”
With Scentsy’s simple idea of a warmer and light bulb, we can now serve premium
Velata chocolate in a specially designed Velata warmer. We have 4 flavors of Velata
chocolate, made from the best chocolatiers in Belgium: Velata Dark Chocolate, Velata
White Chocolate, Velata Milk Chocolate and Velata Caramel Milk Chocolate. Velata
chocolate is gluten-free and Velata chocolate does not contain any peanuts or tree nuts.
(It is also not produced in a facility that processes products that contain peanuts or tree
nuts.) Our Velata dark chocolate is dairy free (although it is processed on the same line as
products that contain dairy). You can choose from 3 different styles of Velata warmers in
8 fun Velata colors! There is sure to be one that will look perfect in your kitchen. Let’s
not forget what a great gift Velata will make. Our simple design and delicious chocolate
makes it easy to have fondue anytime.
Velata chocolate is easy to use! Simply put the Velata package in the microwave until
melted (about 45 seconds). Pour the desired amount into your Velata warmer and enjoy!
You can also melt the Velata chocolate right in your warmer but it takes about 45
minutes. To melt the chocolate in the warmer, turn your Velata warmer on high, wait a
few minutes and stir. As it melts, you can adjust the temperature on your Velata warmer
to medium or low. Velata warmers are super easy to clean up. If by some small chance,
you have chocolate left over, you can purchase a Velata lid, pop it on the bowl, and store
the Velata in your refrigerator, but my guess is there won’t be any leftover! If you reheat
your Velata chocolate, it might have a white appearance to it upon reheating. This is
totally normal and is a feature of premium chocolate that contains no fillers. Just heat and
Hosting a Velata party is a fun way to get your friends together and a great way to earn
Velata product for free and half price. You can also choose to combine your Scentsy and
Velata parties together, while earning free Scentsy or Velata, (as separate parties), at one
Gotta Velata addiction? Join the fun and join the Scentsy Family. You can choose to sell
Velata or Scentsy, or both! A unique business opportunity awaits—one team, multiple
companies, and one paycheck.
Now, have fun shopping the Velata catalog and enjoy the premium Velata chocolate! Let
your taste buds take you on a chocolaty Velata trip but please remember, don’t double
Ideas for Themed Parties
Organizing themed parties can make your home show even more fun and encourage more
guests to attend. Here are a couple of suggestions for creating shows that follow a
theme/season and create interests.
Mardi Gras
Have your Host give out inexpensive bead necklaces and masks. Everyone starts with
one necklace and mask. Select two or three words that guests cannot say during the
show. If someone uses one of the words and another person catches them, they get their
necklace. The person with the most necklaces at the end of the show, wins a prize!
Bridal Showers
Velata is a great gift for new Brides. Create a Bridal Registry for Brides to share with
their family, friends and guests.
You can see more Themed Party ideas on our training site. Use your imagination to come up with other fun and
creative theme party ideas.
That’s It!
We hope you find this information useful and will add some of your own creative ideas to
further your Velata success.
Remember to check Resource tab in your work station, or team training site for the
Velata Drawing Slip, Customer Wish List and other forms for your business. Check the
site often for updates and news!
Please feel free to email me with your comments or suggestions for the Home & Book
Party Success Guide. I appreciate your feedback and welcome your ideas.
Email me here:
You are welcome to use this ebook for your team and change the information to fit your
style and business.
Wishing you much Velata success!
Sara Speechly
Superstar Director/Founders Consultant