One-Page Academic Reports - MLA Style - BBrown-CS3

One-Page Academic Reports - MLA Style
There are many different formats for reports. Academic reports, however, are usually formatted
in the MLA (Modern Language Association) style. To format a report in MLA style:
1. Use 1-inch top, bottom, and side margins.
2. Double-space the entire report, including the heading information.
3. Type the heading information (your name, your teacher’s name, the class name, and the
date) at the left margin.
4. Type the date in military style: 15 April {year}.
5. Center and type the title with initial capital letters for each important word.
6. Indent paragraphs 0.5 inch.
One-Page Business Report
The format of a business report is different from an academic report. To format a business
Use default side and bottom margins.
Double-space the entire report. Change the line spacing before you begin the report.
Leave approximately 2-inch top margin (press ENTER 3 times).
Center and type the report title in all caps and bold.
Center and type the subtitle (a further description of the title) or the byline (the author’s
name) in initial caps.
Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Use numbers or bullets to display items in a list. Numbers and bullets are automatically
positioned at the left margin, and carryover lines that are automatically indented to align with the
text in the line above.
1. If the order of the items is important, use numbers, otherwise, use bullets.
2. If the list is part of a single-spaced document, single-space the list, press ENTER 2 times
before and after the list.
3. If the list is part of a double-spaced document, double-space the list (press ENTER only 1
time before and after the list).
An outline is a plan for the organization of a document. It identifies the topics within the
document and the sequence in which those topics are presented. To format an outline:
1. Use default side and bottom margins. Leave an approximate 2-inch top margin (press
ENTER 6 times).
2. Center and type the title of the outline in all caps and bold.
3. Press ENTER 2 times; then turn on the numbering command and type each item.
An agenda may be a list of topics to be discussed at a meeting, or it may be a formal program of
a meeting. To format an agenda:
Use default side and bottom margins.
Leave an approximately 2-inch top margin (press ENTER 6 times).
Center and type the name of the committee or the company in all caps and bold.
Press ENTER 2 times; then center and type Meeting Agenda in initial caps.
Press ENTER 2 times; then center and type the date in initial caps.
Press ENTER 2 times; then turn on the numbering command and type each item.
Reports With Paragraphs and Side Headings
Side Headings break a report into specific sections. Type side headings:
1. At the left margin in all caps and bold.
2. With a double space before and after.
Paragraph Headings are minor subdivisions of a report. Type paragraph headings:
1. Indented 0.5 inch.
2. In initial caps and bold.
3. Followed by a period (also in bold).
4. Followed by two spaces.
Minutes of Meetings
The secretary of an organization is responsible for taking and keeping minutes of meetings.
Minutes are the official record of what happened at a meeting. To format minutes:
Use default side and bottom margins and single spacing.
Leave an approximate 2-inch top margin (press ENTER 6 times).
Center and type the name of the committee or the company in all caps and bold.
Press ENTER 2 times, then center and type Minutes of the Meeting in initial caps 2 lines
below the title.
Press ENTER 2 times, then center and type the date in initial caps.
Type the side headings in all caps and bold at the left margin. Leave a blank line above
and below the side headings.
After the last section, press ENTER 2 times and begin the closing at the left margin.
Then press ENTER 4 times and type the secretary’s name and title at the left margin.
Multipage Reports
To format a multipage report:
1. Use default side margins for all pages of the report.
2. Leave an approximately 2-inch top margin on page 1; leave a 1-inch top margin on
continuing pages.
3. Leave an approximately 1-inch bottom margin on all pages. A soft page break will be
inserted automatically at the bottom of each page as you type the report.
4. Turn on widow/orphan protection. Do not number the first page. However, number all
continuing pages at the top right
Left-Bound Reports
In a left-bound report, the left margin must be wider to allow for the binding. To format a leftbound report, change the default margin to 1.5 inches. Do not change the default right margin.