UNIVERSITY OF MARY HARDIN-BAYLOR COMPUTER & INFORMATION SCIENCES CISC 4322 CLASS SYLLABUS Spring 2008 GENERAL INFORMATION Course Number: Course Title: Number of Credits: Location of Class: Meeting Time: Professor: Office: Office Hours: Office Phone: Email: Website: CISC 4322 Telecommunications Development 3 Davidson Building, Room 101 8:00 – 8:50 am MWF William G. Tanner, Jr., Ph.D. Room 119 Davidson Building Schedule posted on Room 119 DAV (254) 295-4645 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course covers basic telecommunications and network technology and application system development to support a networked environment. Topic areas include local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN) including specific coverage of the Internet, Intranet and the World Wide Web (WWW). Students will build application software for the World Wide Web using web-based languages, i.e. XML, XHTML, MySQL, PHP and Javascript. In addition, the student will be expected to administer TCP/IP as well as other protocol services. The end result will be the establishment of Internet and Intranet web-based software that the student will be able to manipulate via the World Wide Web through the use of specific browsers. COURSE OBJECTIVES The student will gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts and the "structure" of each internet programming environment, i.e. XML, PHP, etc. The skills attained through the manipulation of these internet languages and Internet browser software will be applicable to telecommunications and web site development. Upon completion of this course the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of internet languages in web environments. 2. Identify the strengths and the weaknesses of WWW programming environments. 3. Optimize programs in several languages to complete a web server project. COURSE MATERIALS: Textbooks: Robert W. Sebesta, Programming the World Wide Web, 2007, 4 th ed., Addison Wesley. COURSE POLICYAND PROCEDURES 1. Grading: The final grade calculation will be reached according to the distribution on page 72 of the 2007-2008 UMHB Bulletin. The final course grade will be determined by the following percentages: Class and Lab Assignments* Project (Teamed with others) 3 Examinations (best 2 or 3 grades are used) Final (cumulative and required of all) 10% 15% 75% 25% * Lab Assignments will include all daily participation assignments made in class. 2. Attendance: The student is expected to attend all scheduled classes and will be held responsible for all class work and assignments. Continued absences will result in an unsatisfactory grade report for the course. A student must be in the classroom during the scheduled class or lab time for at least 80% of scheduled class periods (for a TTH class in 16 weeks = 6 absences). 3. Tests: All students are required to be present for a test. If something extreme occurs and one cannot make the test time, the student should immediately contact the instructor by phone, email or in person to receive permission to miss the test. Permission will be granted only under extenuating circumstances. 4. Makeup Tests: Makeup tests will be given only under extenuating circumstances. Students desiring a Makeup Test must make arrangements with the instructor to take the test. A Makeup Test must be scheduled during office hours before the next scheduled test. If a student fails to take a Makeup Test before the next scheduled test, that student will receive a zero for the test missed. 5. Assignments: All assignments will be due on the DUE-DATE which is listed on the following pages. They are due at the beginning of the class (firsts 10 minutes) on class days. A lab that is one class day late will be penalized 15 points. Labs more than one class day late will not be accepted. Duplicate labs are completely unacceptable. If duplicate work is turned in, all involved will receive a zero for that lab. Be careful who can see your work. 6. Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive. No makeup will be given for the final examination. A grade of zero will be given to any student not present for the final examination.