Regional Electricity Balkan Infrastructure Study and Generation

The European Union’s CARDS programme
for the Balkan region – Contract No. 52276
Regional Electricity Balkan
Infrastructure Study (REBIS)
Generation Investment Study (GIS)
Progress Reports, 22 October 2003
This project is funded by
the European Union
This project is realised by the PwC
REBIS – Amended ToRs
Since the Athens process meeting in Rome, the TORs of the
REBIS work have been amended.
The overriding objectives of the work are the:
1. Production of a report on the progress achieved in the creation
of national and regional market rules enabling a functional
regional market and;
2. Identification of what work, if any, remains to be completed.
The GIS study has been incorporated into the overall project scope.
PwC Consortium
GIS – current status
• Work to be undertaken by PwC, CMcK, Atkins, MWH, SEEC
and Adica consulting.
• The interactions between regional market development (under
REBIS) and priority investments (under GIS) captured through
the involvement of the Consortium in the two separate strands of
the project.
• Administrative delays in finalising of contract
• Work is being part-funded by the original REBIS Consortium
PwC Consortium
REBIS – Activities to date
First engineering data gathering visits undertaken in July 2003
and responses to the detailed technical questionnaire are being
11 questionnaires distributed, a few still outstanding.
Major objective:
– to understand the current infrastructure, limitations and
– to formulate approach to improvement to match REM requirements
– to modify ideal market requirements to something manageable
within current and future technical constraints.
PwC Consortium
REBIS – Next steps
Commercial and legal meetings scheduled mid-November in
the region.
– Invitations currently being sent out to ministries, regulators, TSOs
and utilities.
– Objectives to understand current position and expected
developments and to explain commercial and legal questionnaires.
Draft commercial and legal questionnaires developed.
– To be finalised and issued to recipients in November
– Objective to provide information to underpin understanding of
current and planned developments within beneficiary countries and
We aim to derive draft proposals during Q1 2004 for refinement
during the remainder of the year.
PwC Consortium
GIS - Aims
Two main strands of the GIS work:
1. demand forecast;
2. generation and infrastructure requirements assessment.
Focus on CARDS countries
Also covers Romania and Bulgaria
Consultation with Donors and recipient countries through
Athens process forum.
PwC Consortium
GIS - Deliverables
Demand deliverable: comprehensive demand forecast, which
takes into account impacts of reform, and most recent
projections and uncertainty associated with economic growth in
the region.
Reliant on factors such as:
1. Historic demand data
2. Economic data for beneficiary countries;
3. Price elasticity of electricity demand
4. Impact of energy efficiency measures.
PwC Consortium
GIS - Methodology
Generation and infrastructure requirements assessment to be
undertaken using WASP and GTMax software packages, which
have been extensively used in the region.
Deliverables: alternative development options based on:
1. Least cost plans for national utilities without the benefit of regional
2. Unconstrained least cost development plan for all regional power
systems participating in the SEE REM;
3. Detailed market simulation for 2010 and 2015 to consider
operating conditions in the SEE REM based on the candidate
projects identified in the regionally integrated scenario.
PwC Consortium
GIS - considerations
Locational marginal pricing:
– Assess the potential for “approximately similar LMPs”
– Important to define LMP clearly
– Consider added value of later investments to achieve similar LMPs
when compared to uniform prices.
Use of previous analysis:
– Maximise use of previous work undertaken in the region
– Meet with Donors to ascertain data and analysis availability
– Liaise with other consultants on concurrent studies
PwC Consortium
GIS – Anticipated Consultation
• Two general workshops for stakeholders, both linked to Athens
process meetings.
• At the first, in approximately 6 months, we anticipate discussing
the demand forecast and the alternative power supply options.
• At the second, in approximately 11 months, we expect to
discuss the draft final report including the final results of the
demand forecast and the results of the generation expansion
PwC Consortium