Teacher Handbook - Corona-Norco Unified School District

Dr. Augustine Ramirez
Intermediate School
School Board
Superintendent and Staff
ARIS Administration
District Philosophy and Mission
ARIS Mission Statement
ARIS Goals and Objectives
ARIS Bell Schedule
ARIS Certificated Staff
ARIS Classified Staff
Duty of Counselor
Student Assistance Information
Concerned Person Referral
Department Chairpersons
Duties of Department Chairpersons
Duties of Teachers
Duties of School Nurse
ACP Placement Procedures
Assertive Discipline
Classroom Rules
Campus Rules
Board Policy – Pupil Discipline
Detention Procedures
Dress Policy
Academic Saturday School
Student Hall Pass
Student Referral Procedure
Students Should Know
School Consequences
Tardy Policy
Teacher Suspension Report
Field Trips and Special Events
Distribution of Printed Material
District Parent-Student Handbook
Faculty Meetings/Dept. Meetings
Inventory Equipment
Job Related Expenses
Monthly Calendar
Non-School Activities-Publicity
Personal Property
Personal Use of District Equipment
Sale or Renting of Materials
Staff parking
Student Organizations and Funds
Telephone Calls
Unauthorized Visitors to Classroom
Accessing the Z-Drive (Common School Drive)
Absences and Truancy
Accounting of Funds
Attendance and Procedures
Audio Visual Regulations
BTSA Facts
Certificated Absence
Emergency Civil Defense Procedures
Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan
Emergency Fire Drills
Emergency Phone Numbers
Fund Raising Procedures
Grading System
Health Procedures
Instructional Resource Center
Lesson Plans
Library Policy and Procedures
SMARTeam Intervention
Student Evaluation
Substitute Information
Supervision Procedures
Textbook Distribution
Unauthorized Classroom Activity
Use of Copyrighted Material
Wolf Pack Pride Groups
Work Day
Corona-Norco Unified School District
John Zickefoose, President
Jose W. Lalas, Ph.D., Vice President
Bill Newberry, Member
Mary Ibarra, Member
Cathy L. Sciortino, Clerk
Superintendent and Cabinet
Michael Lin, Ed.D., Superintendent
Sherry Mata, Deputy Superintendent, Business Services
Lisa Simon, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Support
Michael G. Cobarrubias, Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Support
Ted E. Rozzi, Assistant Superintendent, Facilities
Samuel Buenrostro, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Linda K. White, Assistant Superintendent, Executive Services
Dr. Augustine Ramirez, Administration
Kim Seheult, Principal
John Farr, Assistant Principal
Allison Hawkins, Student Advisor
Raul Gutierrez, Counselor
The Corona-Norco Unified School District’s Board of education accepts its responsibility to
strive for the highest possible quality of instruction and co-curricular activities for all
students. The Board recognizes that our rapidly changing world and society have placed
new challenges upon our school as we educate, and prepare students for the future. The
instructional goals of the past which have included a rigorous basic education with
emphasis on reading, writing and computational skills are even more important now as
we enter an era of high technology, instantaneous global communication, and
proliferating information. Citizens, if they are to be effective, are forced to adjust to
demands for sophisticated critical thinking, lifelong learning, and positive reaction to
accelerating changes in both man-made and natural environments.
In order for today’s students to become contributing citizens of this rapidly changing, high
tech, and interdependent society, the Board commits itself to a safe and secure school in
which all students, regardless of background, can achieve and grow. Students must be
provided with appropriate and meaningful instruction including a variety of styles and
setting to maximize their intellectual, social, physical, emotional and aesthetic potential.
In addition, there must be training for constantly changing career needs, and a deep
sense of responsibility to society as well as to oneself.
Education for a world that will be substantially different from today makes urgent the
need for the Board to provide and support plans which will set measurable goals,
provide the means to reach the goals, and monitor progress to meet the changing
needs of students. If the Corona Norco school system is to be outstanding in giving the
best possible education to all students, the best talents of all employees must be
energized around common goals. To this end, the Corona-Norco Unified School District’s
Board of Education is committed.
Mission Statement of CNUSD
The mission of the Corona-Norco Unified School District is to:
PROVIDE a quality education for all students within a secure and supportive
PROMOTE in all students’ academic excellence, social growth, and responsible
decision making.
PREPARE all students to lead productive lives in a diverse global community.
Ramirez Intermediate School Mission Statement
Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate
is a place where learning is the only
option; Students take PRIDE in the
value of self, family, education, and
7:40 - 8:35
8:39 - 9:25
9:00- 9:32
9:36- 10:08
Lunch A/5A
Lunch A/5A
Lunch B/5B
Lunch B/5B
12:47- 1:33
11:27 – 11:59
12:03 – 12:36
Principal Duties and Responsibilities – Kim Seheult
Instructional Program
School climate
Community relations
Professional Development
PTA/Parent Organizations
School Goals
Parent Communication
Master Schedule
Extra Duty Committee
Intramural Sports
Custodial Staff
Front Office
Assistant Principal Duties and Responsibilities – John Farr
Student Discipline Program
English Learners/CELDT
Testing – SBAC/NAEP/District Assessments
Use of Facilities
School Website, Facebook, Twitter
Planner Checks
Health Office
Safe School Committee
Student Celebrations
Noon Supervisors
Special Education
Instructional Aides
Student Advisor Duties and Responsibilities – Allison Hawkins
Master Schedule
ZAP (Zeroes Aren’t Permitted)
Testing Schedule
Textbooks/Library Programs
8th Grade Activities
Wolf Pack Pride Groups
Back to School Night/ Open House
Counselor Duties and Responsibilities – Raul Gutierrez
504 Plans
Student Study Team
Foster Students
Planner Checks
D/F Lists
Academic Counseling
Social Behavioral Counseling
YELP/Career Day
Secretary Duties and Responsibilities – Angel Fierro
Assistant to the Principal
Supervise Office Classified
Master Calendar
Administrator’s Calendar
Deposit/Petty Cash
Purchase Orders
Worker’s Comp
Staff Attendance
Registration/Front Office Back-up
Head Custodian Duties and Responsibilities – Sergio Munoz
Supervisor of Custodial Staff
Work Orders
Grounds/ Lunch Area
Maintain Classrooms and Facilities
Work with outside groups using school facilities
Registrar Duties and Responsibilities – Maria Alejos
Maintain Cums/Filing
Student Withdrawls
Change of Address
EL Folders
Front Office and Health Office Back Up
Grade Changes
Main Receptionist – Vera Marshall
Time Cards/Period Coverage
Warehouse/Teacher Supply Orders
Field Trips
Black Board
Q Edits
Set-up Parent Connect
Student Messages
Work Orders
Print Shop Requests
Health Office Back-up
Student Passwords
Receptionist – Rachel Lopez
Use of Facilities
Substitute Teachers
8th Grade Promotion Awards
Q Edits
Master Calendar Back-up
Registration Back-up
Textbooks/Library Back-up
Student Passwords
Student Messages
Wolf Pack Pride Groups
Health Office Back-up
Attendance Duties and Responsibilities – Simone Sisco
Daily Attendance
Excessive Absences/Tardies
Independent Studey
Suspension Log
Global Enrollment
Saturday School
Front Office and Health Office Back-up
Library Clerk Duties and Responsibilities – Mary Holguin
Library Book Check Out/In
Textbook check Out/In
iPad Cart Check Out/In
Schedule IEP’s
Front Office Back-up
Krysten Robinson
Michele Rosati
Kristiane Pavek
Kathy Holland
Lori Abbadessa
Devon Hauser
John Stacks
Allison Hawkins
The department chair contributes to the improvement of instruction in the school through the
structures they create for teachers to learn together and from one another. The department chair
serves as a liaison between the department teachers and the school leadership so that school-level
decisions are informed by ongoing, two-way communication between teachers and other school
leaders. The department chair serves as a liaison between the department, school, and district-level
curriculum committees.
The department chair is responsible for guiding the grade-level team’s work and ensuring it is
coordinated with school goals. To this end, s/he leads effective data-based inquiry, guides colleagues
to make instructional decisions informed by the professional knowledge base, supports effective
instructional practice, and cultivates a professional culture of shared ownership for student learning in
the school and district.
Serve as a department instructional leader:
Provide leadership in the collection and analysis of data.
Lead the creation and implementation of department goals based on school goals.
Make informed instructional decisions that meet the specific needs of teachers and students.
Facilitate department discussions about improving instructional practices.
Support colleagues to implement instructional strategies effectively.
Assist colleagues in advancing their instructional skills by providing resources and feedback.
Ensure the maintenance of effective routines for monitoring student progress.
Lead discussions about and improvement of department curriculum.
Provide the necessary information, encouragement and support for team development.
Observe and demonstrate instructional strategies.
Be current on research-supported best practices.
Ensure department meeting findings and conclusions are communicated with school leaders.
Serve as a liaison between the department, school, and district leaders:
Collaborate with school leaders, district leaders, and other colleagues to address department and
school-wide instructional issues.
Collaborate to develop priorities for academic improvement.
Assist in facilitating school-wide staff development activities.
Act as a liaison between school leaders, district leaders, and teachers to ensure effective
 Communicate department needs and concerns to principal and district TSAs.
Department facilitation responsibilities:
Plan and facilitate weekly team meetings focused on discussion and evaluation of student growth
and teachers’ use of instructional strategies.
 Schedule meetings, develop meeting agenda and keep team on task.
 Assist in facilitating school-wide staff development activities.
 Delegate tasks for equal distribution among department members.
 Support and welcome new department members (instructional support, materials, school
information and procedures, etc.) to ensure smooth transition into the school and department.
Duties and deliverables
 Attend all leadership meetings.
 Maintain an updated grade-level calendar of events, projects, and deadlines (in development).
Reports to
Brandon Dade, School Principal
To perform this role successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential responsibility
listed above satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill
and/or ability required.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Ability to define problems, collect, review and analyze data, establish facts and draw
Strong skills in data collection and analysis of formative and summative data sources.
Excellent facilitation, organizational and oral and written communication skills
Demonstrated excellence in teaching.
Ability to apply knowledge of current research and theory in the field.
Knowledge of best practices for instructional strategies, classroom management and behavior
management, and how to access the professional knowledge base on best practices.
Knowledge of grade level curriculum, assessment and instruction.
Strong technology skills.
Demonstrate a willingness to share resources, materials and expertise.
Demonstrated interpersonal skills.
Demonstrated success as a creative problem solver.
Demonstrated success in as a reliable team member.
Ability to work well with students, teachers, families and school/district leaders and committed
to collaboration with all stakeholders for the benefit of students.
Education, Training and Experience
Must have completed three years of teaching experience (optional).
Must be a teacher with permanent status (optional)
The principal will ensure that the grade-level team leader has the resources needed to perform the role
with quality.
 Time Commitment: Grade-level meetings and PCT meetings are held weekly for 45 minutes
each during contracted time.
 Feedback: Will meet monthly with principal to review the “Essential Responsibilities” above and
receive growth-oriented feedback.
 PD/ Training: Principal will provide resources (funding for books, workshops) that support the
teacher leaders to bolster skills in the areas of desired growth.
 Access to data and information: Department leaders will have access to data systems or timely
access to data. Principals will ensure department leaders have the information they need to
perform this role well, including relevant district communications.
 Coordination: The principal will also ensure that the role and responsibilities of the position will
be communicated to those holding the position as well as all individuals with whom the
department leader works.
The principal and grade-level/content team leader will review the teacher leader’s list of role
responsibilities and the principal’s list of supervisory supports. They will also review any role artifacts
(agendas, minutes, charts, self-reflections, activity logs, etc.) Within this structure the grade-level team
leader and the school principal will collaborate in using the evidence to identify successes, challenges
and supports that can address the challenges.
Position re-opens for qualified applicants at end of each year. Incumbent may reapply or be
nominated, but after three years of service, the preference is for a rotation of roles.
Participants apply by writing a letter of interest that describes evidence of three qualifications they
bring to the role (knowledge, skills and abilities) and identifying three things they hope to learn from
the role. Applicants meeting the established criteria will be interviewed and considered for the position
by the school’s leadership team.
Department Leaders receive a stipend based on current CNUSD and CNTA Collaborative Bargaining
Agreement to be paid by the district.
Leaders receive a stipend based on current CNUSD and CNTA Collaborative Bargaining Agreement to
be paid by the district.
Instruct and discipline students under the supervision of the principal, in
accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Corona-Norco
Unified School District and Corona-Norco Teachers Association.
Instruct and discipline students under the supervision of the principal, in
accordance with the California Education Code.
Attend teachers’ meetings and department, PCT, staff or other meetings called by the
principal or those vested with this authority
Keep their own records of attendance, scholarship, and matters as prescribed by the
Teachers shall report to parents on the achievement, attendance, punctuality, and
conduct of pupils.
Monitor and guide students toward proper behavior (refer extreme cases of discipline
to the assistant principal)
Instruct students in the proper care of all property, keeping complete records of the
books, and permanent supplies furnished to each pupil.
Perform supervisory duties as assigned
Bring to the attention of the school administration any matters requiring adjustment
Do not send pupils on errands off grounds. Pupils may be sent on errands on the
grounds when such errands pertain to the business of the school.
Communicate complaints or suggestions concerning matters under the control of the
principal to the principal.
• Maintain up-to-date lesson plans, seating charts and bulletin board displays.
• Confidential information including attendance, suspension, referrals, etc. SHOULD
NOT be discussed in the presence of students or community members. RIGHTS OF
Duties and Responsibilities of the School Nurse
Obtain and consider all relative health information in relationship to individual
students being considered for special services
Attend and provide health information at meetings related to students with special
needs, such as Student Study Team (SST), Individual Education Plan (IEP), Independent
Study, and Home Hospital placement meetings
Obtain and review the results of hearing and vision tests, and growth factors in order
to identify problems that could interfere with school success
Provide emergency health service for injuries and illnesses occurring at school
Participate in the procedures for the control of communicable disease within the
school, taking into consideration local Public Health Department regulations
Participate in meeting health needs of students in all school programs
Function as a member of the health services staff regarding assignments and duties
within the department
Develop and maintain communication with community health resources
Represent the Health Services Department at appropriate meetings in the district and
Act as a resource professional in district program planning
Appropriate Behaviors:
Being on time to class
Using your cell phone
only before school, at
lunch and after school
Dressing for Success
Being prepared for all
Following adult
Being on our best
behavior all the time
Keeping campus clean
by eating outside and
not chewing gum at
Put your best paw
At Ramirez Intermediate
all learners are held to
rigorous academic and
behavioral expectations. The
following interventions are
used to assist students who
need support in meeting
academic and behavioral
Ramirez Intermediate School ACP Procedures
Students are only to be placed in ACP by school administrators. Most often this means that a
student must conference with an administrator prior to being sent to the ACP classroom. You
may contact the office to have security escort the student to the Assistant Principal or Student
If a teacher chooses to exercise their right of class suspension, the following process is to be
followed: The teacher notifies security or a school administrator and requests that the student
be escorted to the office. A referral or class suspension form should accompany the student.
If this is not possible due to classroom activity, then a preliminary verbal explanation is
acceptable. An administrator will conference with the student, and in most cases have the
student escorted to the ACP classroom for the remainder of that period and the class period
the following day.
The teacher is responsible for documenting the class suspension and contacting the parent.
The teacher MUST request a conference with the parent. A parent conference is mandatory in
order to have a teacher generated class suspension should the teacher choose to exercise their
option to suspend the student for that period and the following day as well. If so, the class
suspension form must be given to the AP secretary prior to that period the following day so
that the ACP teacher is notified.
No student will be allowed into ACP without the approval of an administrator. The severity of
the behavior should be taken into account should no administrator be immediately available
to make a decision.
Note: Relatively minor misbehaviors such as dress code violations should not be taken to ACP
unless a school administrator evaluates the situation and justifies such action based on a
defiance of school authority finding. If no administrator is available, then every effort should
be made to correct the dress code violation. T-shirts are available in the health office. Also
parents should be contacted or P.E. clothing utilized as appropriate. If no solution can be
found then the student is to remain in the office until an administrator is available. As a last
resort a student may be placed in ACP temporarily until an administrator is available.
Assertive Discipline at Ramirez Intermediate School is a consistency-based approach to
classroom and school discipline. It is designed to create a positive educational atmosphere
and provide educators with the skills and confidence necessary to effectively reduce discipline
problems. Each student should receive the teacher’s discipline plan within the class syllabus.
1. Food and drink (except water) are not permitted in the classroom.
2. Be in your assigned seat or designated area, ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
3. Bring class materials and completed assignments every day.
4. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself.
5. Profanity, rude gestures, cruel teasing, and put downs are not acceptable.
6. Follow the teacher’s directions.
Campus Rules
1. Students are to observe the dress code.
2. Students are not to litter or deface school property or the property of others.
3. Skateboards and/or bicycles are not to be used on campus.
4. Students will not use electronic devices during instructional time.
5. Theft or abuse of district, staff, or student property will not be tolerated.
6. Students must identify themselves when asked and follow the directions of school
7. Demonstration of physical affection while on campus is limited to handholding.
Positive Behavior Rewards
Doing the right things at school is important. It leads to good grades, fun activities and
success. Here are some of the ways we are recognizing students:
Pride Coins – “Pawsitive Performance” - A coin gets the learner an immediate
reward, the student can come to the office before school or after school and pick a prize from
the prize basket in the office.
Front of the Lunch Line Pass – When a student receives a front of the lunch line pass
they may use that pass to go directly the front of the line.
Student of the Month Awards – Given by teachers to recognize outstanding students
each month.
Pack Pride Luncheon – Students who receive this are honored by getting pizza, a drink
and dessert, at lunch, at specially decorated tables.
Education Code 48925
Section 1: Definition: Suspension is defined as the removal of pupil from on-going
instruction for adjustment purposes. Suspension however, does not mean:
a) Reassignment to another education program or class at the same school where the
pupil will receive continuing education for the length of day prescribed by the
Governing Board for pupils of the same grade level.
b) Referral to a certified employee designated by the principal to advise pupils.
c) Removal from class but without reassignment to another class or program, for the
remainder of the class period, provided that such removal from a particular class
occurs no more than once every 5 days.
Suspension by the Principal Education Code 48900-48901.7
The principal or his designee may suspend a student form school, upon the principal’s
determination that the pupil:
a) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person
or willfully used force or violence upon the person of another except in self-defense.
b) Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other
dangerous object, unless in the case of possession of any such object, the pupil has
obtained written permission form a certified school employee, which is concurred by
the principal or the designee of the principal.
c) Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence
of any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of
Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of
any kind.
d) Unlawfully offered of arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance listed in
Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety
Code an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and either sold, delivered or
otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material as controlled
substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.
Committed, or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.
Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.
Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property.
Possessed or used tobacco, or any product containing tobacco or nicotine products,
including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes,
smokeless tobacco, chew packets and betel. However, this section does not prohibit
use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products.
Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged or negotiated, to sell any drug
paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code.
Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of
supervisors, teacher, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel
engaged in the performance of their duties.
Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.
Possessed an imitation firearm. As used in this section- imitation firearm means a
replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing
firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm.
Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault as defined in Section 261, 266c,
286, 288, 288.1 or 289 of the Penal Code or committed a sexual battery as defined in
Section 243.4 of the Penal Code.
Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness of witness
in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil
form being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both.
Other areas covered: sexual harassment, acts of hate or violence, intimidation, and terrorist
No pupil shall be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated unless that act is
related to school activity or school attendance. A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts
which are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance which occur
at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following situations:
a) While on school grounds
b) While going or coming from school.
c) During lunch period, whether on or off the campus
d) During, or while going to or coming from a school sponsored activity.
Pupil Discipline: Duty Concerning Conduct of Pupil
Education Code 44807 states that every teacher in the public schools shall hold pupils to a
strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, on the playgrounds, or during
recess. A teacher, vice principal, principal, or any other certificated employee of a school
district, shall not be subject to criminal prosecution or criminal penalties for the exercise,
during the performance of his duties of the same degree of physical control over a pupil that
a parent would be legally privileged to exercise but which in no event shall exceed the
amount of physical control reasonably necessary to maintain order, protect property, or
protect the health and safety of pupils, or to maintain proper and appropriate conditions
conducive to learning. The provisions of this section are in addition to and do not superseded
the provisions of Section 49000.
Detention Procedures
Detention is in the ACP room every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Students are to be assigned forty-five minute detentions; fractions of hours may not
be served.
After school detentions may be issued by staff for student misconduct.
Detention slip is to be completely filled out by the teacher.
The teacher will keep the white copy for record keeping purposes.
Teachers assigning detention will give the student the pink copy of the
detention slip, and contact parents.
24 hour notice must be given unless a parent notifies the school otherwise.
Log the detention in on the school z-drive.
Lunch detentions are issued by the administrative team (otherwise it may be too
crowded in the ACP room.)
One certificated person is to be in charge of the detention hall.
o Teachers sign up to run the detention room. This is paid extra time!
Naturally, students are expected to behave at school.
o Students who misbehave will be referred to the office for other consequences.
The teachers operating the detention room will take attendance.
o When a student doesn't serve detention, the ACP aides take the initiative to
make them serve after school or during lunch, either equal to the original
punishment or something added on as repercussions for not serving in the first
time. This will be done unless the teacher who issued the detention specifies
The following day a list of students who served detention will be e-mailed to teachers.
Students who chronically miss detention will be progressively disciplined by the
administrative team.
If a student did not serve detention at the appropriate time, the teacher may double the
detention. If the student is serving a detention for another teacher at the required time,
the student is then expected to make appropriate arrangements to serve the detention
on the following day.
Dress Code Policy
Education Code 35183 authorizes school districts to adopt dress codes. Below is the board
approved K-12 dress code. The Corona-Norco Unified School District's Board of Education
is legally and ethically responsible for the establishment of classroom and campus
environments that are conducive to an orderly and productive educational program. The
dress and grooming standards of this policy are required to meet this responsibility and
establish minimum standards in the schools of the Corona-Norco Unified School District.
Dress and grooming should fit the school situation. Standards of appearance require
careful implementation. In all cases, neatness, health and safety, and appropriateness
shall be observed. The Superintendent shall implement regulations that will provide for
the enforcement of the requirements included in the California Code of
Regulations, Title 5, Division 2, Section 302:
"A pupil who goes to school without proper attention having been given to
personal cleanliness or neat- ness of dress, may be sent home to be properly
prepared for school, or shall be required to prepare him- self (herself) for the
schoolroom before entering.
The following minimum standards shall be enforced in the Corona-Norco Unified School
District in order to meet the requirements of the California Code of Regulations regarding
grooming, dress, and appearance and the
Education Code regarding free expression:
A. Any clothing, makeup, hairstyle or wig that has been demonstrated to contribute to
the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school is inappropriate /
unacceptable for school attire. Dress should be suitable and comfortable for normal
school activities. Clothing should correspond with the demands and purpose of the
activity in which students participate. Clothing should be clean and in good repair.
B. Skirts and shorts shall be worn at an appropriate/acceptable length for sitting as well
as standing so that under- garments shall not show. Skirts and dresses may be of any
style if all slits, openings and the length are no higher than half the distance between
the knees and waist and do not expose one's underclothing. No
undergarments or posteriors shall show.
C. Pants must fit at the hip so they will stay on without a belt.
D. Footwear must be worn at all times and have hard soles. (Tennis shoes are
appropriate/ acceptable, soft-soled slippers are unacceptable).
E. Apparel with emblems, printing, etc., that are obscene, libelous, or slanderous, or that
incite students as to create a clear and present danger are not permitted on campus
and may not be worn. Skin art, which is obscene or libelous or so incites students as to
create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school
premises, must be covered.
F. The following items of clothing are considered inappropriate/unacceptable for school
1. Strapless, halter tops, or tube tops
2. Bare midriffs (no skin showing)
3. Undergarments showing
4. Chains or weapons (chains such as those attached to belts, pockets, or wallets
present a safety hazard)
5. No shirts
6. Lack of undergarments
7. Shirts, tops or sweaters unbuttoned below the sternum
8. Bathing suits (except in the swimming pool areas and locker rooms)
9. Hats, visors of any kind, or sunglasses inside classrooms or office areas
10. Electronic equipment, including remote control devices, personal stereos and
recording equipment
Other items or manner of wearing clothing may also be inappropriate/ unacceptable
according to A-F above. Each school site council may adopt as part of their comprehensive
school safety plan, a school-wide dress code that prohibits pupils from wearing gang
related apparel, following the receipt of input from students, parents and staff, and written
confirmation from local law enforcement of the types of gang related apparel present on
campus. The plan shall define gang related apparel that, if worn or displayed on a school
campus, reasonably could be determined to threaten the health and safety of the school
environment, upon a finding of necessity by the Board of Education. Bandanas and other
head wraps have been reviewed by school site council and are not allowed to be carried or
worn on campus.
Academic Saturday School
Students must have a prior absence for the District to get reimbursed from the State.
The minimum ratio is 15:1, fifteen students to one teacher.
2) The purpose of Academic Saturday School is to target individual students who need
instructional help, to build student relationships, provide small group or individual instruction
and give learners extra academic support.
3) To teach Academic Saturday School submit a list of fifteen or more student names and
ID numbers to Simone Sisco on Thursday, one week before a scheduled Saturday School.
Simone will let you know by Friday afternoon if you have enough students making up
absences to hold a Saturday School.
Can teachers assign students to a collective pool? Yes, but the teacher who is teaching
Saturday School is responsible to work with Simone and John to set up a Saturday School.
This needs to be done two weeks in advance.
Must students have parent signature on the Saturday School form? Using the Saturday
School form which is available in the office, is up to the teacher. The teacher conducting
Saturday School needs to make contact with each child/parent attending Saturday School,
(the form lists times, date and reason for Saturday School). The office needs a list of students
who are scheduled to attend Saturday School and afterwards a list of those who actually did
Are discipline students mixed in with academic students? No, discipline students will be
separate from academic students.
Who teaches Academic Saturday School? Any teacher who wants to help provide extra
academic support for Ramirez students may teach Saturday School. You need to set up a
date with John two weeks prior to your Saturday School and provide Simone with a list of
What are the common expectations for learners? To actively help students learn and
Saturday School is from 8:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The teacher needs to arrive before 7:45
a.m. and stay until the last student is picked up.
Student Referral Procedure
No offense is considered minor since any referrals to the office have usually been
preceded by repeated use of intervention technique, reprimands, and counseling by the
classroom teacher. The teacher may request that the student remain at the end of the
school day for additional counseling and disciplinary action time. Students are notified
one day in advance so he or she can make appropriate arrangements for transportation
the following day. In most cases a teacher-student conference may satisfactorily solve the
1. The teacher must contact the parent prior to sending referral or within 24 hours
after referring a student to the office for misbehavior, except in extreme cases.
Document calls.
2. If contacting the parents does not solve the problem, the teacher will send a
completed referral form to the assistant principal. The assistant principal will then call
the student to the office for further consequences. Referrals are to be filled out in a
professional manner, this information is shared with parents. Referrals should be specific
in nature, not general.
Hall Pass Procedures
In an effort to ensure that all students are in the appropriate areas, an office provided hall
pass is required at all times when students leave class. Students without the proper pass
will be taken to the office. Try not to give passes out during fifth period except for
emergencies, due to having two lunches and students wanting to visit their friends.
Please refrain from issuing hall passes the first 5 minutes of class and the last 5 minutes of
class whenever possible. Students out during these times can create a problem for
security in monitoring hallways appropriately.
1. Students must not fight, intimidate others, or cause school disruption.
2. Students are not to leave campus without official permission.
3. Students may not use, possess, or furnish alcohol/controlled substance on or off
campus during the school day or at school related activities.
4. Students may not possess or use tobacco on campus, at school activities, or athletic
5. Students in possession of weapons or dangerous objects will be recommended for
Teacher Suspension Report
Section 4--Suspension by a Teacher--Education Code Section 48901.
A teacher may suspend any pupil form his/her class for any of the acts enumerated in
Education Code 48901, for the day of the suspension and the day following. The teacher
shall immediately report the suspension to the (assistant) principal of the school and send
the pupil to the assistant principal for the appropriate action. As soon as possible, the
teacher shall ask the parent or guardian of the pupil to attend a parent-teacher conference
regarding the suspension. Whenever practical, a school counselor or a psychologist shall
attend the conference if the teacher or the parent/guardian so requests. The pupil shall not
be returned to the class from which he/she was suspended without the concurrence of the
teacher of the class and the (assistant) principal.
Teacher must make personal contact with parent either by phone or in person to notify of
reason for suspension. Forms are available in the office.
Pupil Suspended
Date of Suspension
Total Number of Suspensions This Year
Total Number of Class Periods Suspended This Year
Cause of Suspension (be specific):
Parent Conference has been scheduled
has been held
Teacher Involved in the Case
Additional Comments
Tardy Policy
To provide an outstanding education for each student at Ramirez Intermediate
School, we closely monitor the attendance of all our students. The following is an
outline of consequences that accompany tardy/ attendance issues.
It is important for all students to be at school and in class on time. A tardy occurs
when a student is not in his or her seat when the bell stops ringing. Tardiness to class
interferes with class procedures, instructional time, and negatively impacts student
achievement. Tardies accumulate each trimester and will result in increasing
disciplinary consequences.
Tardy Consequences
3-4 Warning letter sent home
8-10 Saturday school
11 or more Conference, Attendance Contract
Truancy Policy – Three or more truancies and parents receive a START letter
warning that the student will be placed on a SART (attendance) contract. Students
who are truant can participate in attendance recovery through our Academic Saturday
School program to make up absent days. More than ten absences during the school
year for any reason is considered excessive. Eighth graders who have more than ten
days of absence lose end of the year activities.
Please discuss with your child why being on time is a good habit to form. Students
with who do not have any tardies or absences are recognized at honor roll assemblies
for perfect attendance.
Field Trips
Wolf Pack Field Trip Policy
Minimum GPA 2.0
No “F’s” in any class
If a student does not qualify to participate, an alternative assignment may be
54 secondary students can be seated on each bus.
Cost is higher before 9 a.m. and after 2 p.m.
Please write on the form if you want a drop and return.
If busses need to be cancelled, please make sure you give early notice. You are
still charged if busses are cancelled the day of.
Teachers hosting the field trip MUST complete the following steps or the field trip
will be cancelled:
Submit completed Field Trip Request Form to Vera
Request form from Vera
All sections of the form must be filled out
Vera will verify if busses are available
Vera will submit for administrator and Curriculum and Instruction approval
Vera will add to Master Calendar once approved
EMAIL STAFF a list of the students who qualify to attend the field trip, the date
of the field trip, the time/periods students will miss
Please use the “Q” Pulse report or see Mrs. Hawkins for assistance. If the field
trip falls within the 1st three weeks of the trimester, use the last trimester grades
This will allow departments to adjust lesson plans if needed and teachers will
have 7 days to update grades
If you are a part of an ASB club please, make sure the field trip is approved in
your clubs minutes and then approved by ASB.
INFORM STUDENTS WHO DO NOT QUALIFY and parents of those students
Students have until 3 days prior to the field trip to qualify
GIVE HEALTH CLERK a list of students to determine students who need
medication or have any health issues
GIVE ALMA RAMIREZ (CAFETERIA) list of students with ID numbers for
free/reduced lunch if students will be gone during lunch
Let the office know if you have chaperones that need to be fingerprinted.
There must be a 1 to 25 adult/student ratio.
A volunteer form must be on file in the office or one needs to be completed
prior to the field trip. Chaperones cannot go on the field trip until they are cleared
by the office.
Fingerprinting is required if the chaperone will be alone with students.
Each bus needs to have at least one chaperone that has been fingerprinted
through the district or have a credentialed teacher from CNUSD.
Field trip permission slips can be found in the records office with Maria.
A parent/guardian signed permission slip is mandatory for each qualifying
student (3 days prior)
Students submit all parent/guardian signed permission slips to hosting teacher
Verify students who qualify/do not qualify to attend the field trip and inform
parents/guardians of students who do not qualify to attend the field trip
Make arrangements for students who do not qualify
GIVE OFFICE a copy of each student’s parent/guardian signed permission slip
GIVE SIMONE (ATTENDANCE) a list of students who are actually going on the
field trip to ensure correct attendance coding
TAKE EMERGENCY/MEDICAL PACK from health clerk with you and know which
students require special medical attention
Attendance at Special Events
All teachers are required to be present during Back-to-School Night and Open House.
Teachers may be required to attend extracurricular activities only if after reasonable attempt
to solicit volunteers, sufficient volunteers are not available. Any such assignments will be
made on an equitable basis.
Distribution of Printed Materials
No material will be distributed in the schools from organizations or individuals, other than
the individual schools or PTSA, without prior approval.
1. Requests for distribution of materials (other than PTSA material) must be referred to
the Assistant to the Superintendent two weeks prior to date of requested distribution.
Copies of the material must accompany the request.
2. A letter from the office of the Assistant to the Superintendent shall be sent to school
sites authorizing distribution.
3. CSEA and CNTA materials will be distributed in accordance with contract provisions.
Staff members are expected to read and keep the Board of Education handbook in a safe
place. This handbook serves as a guide to procedures and policies governing the operation
of the school district. Definitive information concerning district services, policies related to
the instructional staff, etc., are of great value and should be known by all employees of the
Faculty Meetings: Up to three faculty meetings can be held monthly from 2:45pm to 3:30
pm. All staff members will be required to attend. If unable to attend you must contact the
Principal before the meeting in order to be excused.
Department Meetings/PCT Meetings: The department chairperson will hold weekly PCT
meetings on Wednesdays at 1:35 pm for up to 90 minutes. All members of the
department are expected to attend. The department chairperson must be contacted prior
to the meeting if you are unable to attend. Minutes of the meeting are to be submitted to
the Principal upon request.
Teachers are required to submit a room inventory of equipment to the office in August
and in June as part of the checkout procedures. Any equipment lost, damaged, received
or transferred should be reported to the office and recorded on the classroom copy of
the inventory.
Identifiable district property (property eligible to be identified within the
district’s property control system) has been defined as follows:
1. Items which have a dollar value greater than $200.00. (All qualifying items must be
a. Item(s) must have an expected life greater than two years.
b. Item(s) must retain its identity (does not become a part of existing district real
property i.e., carpeting, lighting system, fencing, etc.).
2. Items which have a dollar value less than $200.00. (All qualifying items must be
a. Item(s) must have an expected life greater than two years.
b. Item(s) must possess unique characteristics, which make property identification
control desirable (i.e., chairs, tables, calculators, etc.).
3. Items which do not meet the criteria outlined on Number 1 and 2 of the above, yet
possess characteristics which make property identification desirable, will have the
following information imprinted upon them via stencil and black spray paint:
4. Metal identification tags will be placed on items qualifying as district property. These
tags will indicate the district name and are numerically sequenced in ascending order
beginning with the number 00001.
5. Whenever tagged items are transferred from location to location, a written
communication must be sent to the purchasing department, indicating item description,
property control number, and new location of item.
6. A district wide inventory of such property shall be conducted annually.
7. Any school/district property that is taken off campus must be done with prior
approval of the principal (one-week notice).
Keys will be checked out to you for each of your rooms assigned. These may be obtained
from Angel Fierro. Please remember to bring your keys each day and use care not to lose
them since you will be held responsible for their return at the end of the school year. Loss
of keys must be immediately reported to the Secretary, Angel Fierro and Administration.
Do not have duplicates made. KEYS ARE NOT TO BE GIVEN TO STUDENTS
Mailboxes should be checked each morning and before leaving campus at the end of the
day to insure proper communication and lessen misunderstandings. Do not send students
to pick up your mail.
Monthly Calendar
The activities calendar is on our website and is maintained by Rachel Lopez. The calendar
will include all scheduled activities (assemblies, dances, meetings, etc.). All activities must
have approval from the Administrator prior to being advertised and should be cleared with
John Farr if a room is needed. All items must have administrative approval.
Non-School Activities - Publicity
Generally, publicize only school-sponsored activities. Occasionally and only when such
activities do not interfere with school-sponsored events, courtesy announcements are
extended to the city recreational department or special civic event (See distribution of
printed materials).
Personal Property
The district is not responsible for the loss of personal property that is lost or stolen on
district premises. This applies to staff and students.
Personal Use of District Equipment
1. Equipment, materials, and supplies assigned to schools are specifically identified to be
used for educational purposes.
2. Equipment, material and supplies assigned to schools in the Corona-Norco Unified
School District are not to be loaned to any private individual or any private organization.
3. If a principal is approached by anyone requesting use of any school property, he/she
should be directed to the Director of Business Services (736-5022).
4. Staff members may check out equipment to prepare lessons or materials related to
school business. Administrative permission must be granted prior to checking out
the equipment.
All requisitions must be made on the regular district form available from the
principal’s secretary. They are to be filled out on sensitized paper sets, typed, or neatly
printed and double- spaced. State the purpose of supplies or services and for what class or
department. Fill in the complete address of the vendor, quantity, and thorough description
of items, unit cost, and total or estimated cost (including tax). All requisitions must be
channeled through the department chairperson, who will submit them to the principal’s
secretary for further processing, deadlines for requisitions will be announced during the
course of the year. Deadlines are important to comply with the district policy.
Sale or Renting of Materials
Public Education in California is FREE education. Under no circumstances should a staff
member sell or rent educational supplies, equipment or textbooks to students. Grades
cannot be lowered because a student does not buy equipment. Fees are charged for certain
materials that students use in projects.
Student Organizations and Funds
Per Board of Education Policy, all on-campus organizations are to be governed by a
written constitution which has been approved by the student council and principal.
The list of on- campus organizations is to be approved annually by the Student
Council and principal. Please refer to the ASB Handbook for full detailed information
of the following:
Club Approval to be on Campus:
Approval of Constitution, Charter, and Budget
Meeting Minutes: Name of Club/Date, time and place of meeting, Sign-in sheet, what
was discussed, next steps, provide documentation (receipts, etc.)
Club Budgets:
What money will be received (fundraisers, donations, etc.), how are you going to spend
it (your costs of fundraisers, trips, events, etc.), approved at meeting, submit to ASB for
Do not spend funds until meeting minutes and pre-approval have been submitted to
Club Accounts:
Don’t spend money you don’t have (don’t count on fundraiser money, etc. until you
HAVE it), should plan to spend money the year that it’s earned
Check Request vs. PO:
Check requests paid directly to vendors (no cash!), try NOT to reimburse (should be
minimal), PO’s should be used in moderation
MUST be approved by ASB and principal, must be submitted separately for each
individual fundraiser, MUST be completed FULLY and ACCURATELY, don’t finalize plans
until receive approval
Receive-Receipt-REPEAT! Do not keep cash in your classroom/Do NOT take home. If
put in safe-COUNT before you give to Angel (even if not an official deposit), use prenumbered tickets with checkout log, keep copies of receipts with $$, provide
documentation for ALL monies.
Think: AUDIT TRAIL…if an outsider were to come in and check your books, would you
have documentation to prove where the money came from and where it went?
1) Students decide how to spend money
2) Approved by ASB
3) Pre-approval required before items can be ordered
Check to make sure funds are available
Pre-approval required before check can be written
Receipt of items before check is written
Available for auditors
What you can/can’t spend money on:
Fundraising expenses, trips, events, activities, supplies necessary for club to run, field
KIND, CASH AWARDS: when in doubt, please see ASB.
Paying Bills:
Pre-approval (purchase request approved by ASB/checks are also approved by ASB)
1) Purchase request
2) Receiving Document (packing slip, invoice, etc.)
3) Detailed invoice (Can NOT pay from statement)
4) Any other required paperwork- W9, quotes, etc.
5) Payment should not occur without W9 on file
When in doubt…ASK!
We are all one WOLF PACK! ASB is here to support and help you! 
Teachers are to obtain their supplies from their department chairperson. It is the
responsibility of the department chairperson to order supplies from the warehouse for
his/her department. Deadline for warehouse orders is every Tuesday at noon. Supplies will
be delivered from the warehouse the following Wednesday.
Telephone Calls
Staff members will not be called from their classes to answer phone calls unless it is an
emergency. All messages will be taken and placed in the respective teacher’s mailbox.
Staff members are expected to respond to email and voice mail messages within 24 hours
of receiving them. (Excluding weekends.)
Unauthorized Visitors to the Classroom
Visitors to Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate School must check in at the front office
and wear a “Visitor” badge. For the security of our staff and students, anyone without a
badge should be sent to the office immediately. Persons on campus without proper
authorization shall be considered as loiters and will be referred to the local authorities.
Work Compensation (On-the-Job Injury Procedures)
All employees working at Ramirez Intermediate School should be familiar with the
following procedures should he/she be injured on the job:
1. The immediate supervisor must be notified. If an injury is not reported immediately, the
employee may become liable for medical treatment payment.
2. The following information should be provided: who, where, and how injury occurred,
extent of injury to the employee, and if the employee is going to a doctor.
3. If it is necessary for an employee to see a doctor, a Medical Service Order must be
completed and given to the employee. Employee must go to a district approved
clinic. Normally, this is the doctor identified by the district for worker’s compensation
injuries. If the employee has notified the district PRIOR to the injury that he/she
wishes a specific doctor of his/her choice, he/she will be allowed to go to that doctor,
if the authorization is on file.
The supervisor must provide a copy of the request to the Personnel Office and retain a
copy at the work site.
*Should an injury occur you can obtain the necessary paperwork from the secretary prior
to leaving campus.
Accessing The Z:Drive (Common School Hard Drive)
1. Click Start
- Computer
2. Select Ramirez Drive:
3. Select Class folder, then Temp Folder,
4. The Ramirez behavior video will be located in a folder named “Behavior Information”. Please
select copy then proceed to paste a copy to your local hard drive or computer desktop.
Absences from classes or school are unexcused until verified as excused under provisions
established by the State Education Code 48205. Student’s school absences may be excused
under the following conditions Education Code 48205.
1. Student illness
2. Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer
3. Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic, or counseling appointments
4. Attending the funeral services of a member of his/her family (so long as such absence
is not more than three days if the service is conducted outside of California).
5. Jury Duty
6. Illness of a child of whom pupil is custodial parent
The following excused absences must be requested in writing by the parent or guarding and
approved by the principal or his/her designated representative prior to the day of the
1. An appearance in court
2. Observance of holiday or ceremony if his/her religion
3. An employment conference
Accounting of Funds
All class and club monies are to be sent directly to the Administrator in charge of
Student Activities, who will see that it is turned in at the district office and credited to
the proper group.
Fines or obligations for lost books, damages, etc., are to be collected by the Library
Attendance Procedure
All attendance records are initiated in the classroom with the teacher. Attendance must
be entered into the system within the first 10 minutes of class. Teachers should use the Q
attendance system.
Certificated Absence Procedure - Aesop
CNUSD is using Aesop, an automated service available to teachers 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week. It will help teachers record and manage absences and find substitute teachers.
Aesop can be accessed via internet and phone. All employees were provided with an ID
Number and PIN number via mail during the summer. Call Aesop Support if you have
further questions at (951) 736-5066.
1. If a teacher is unable to report to work due to illness, or any other reason, the teacher
must call Aesop at 1-800-942-3767 or sign on at http://www.aesopeducation.com anytime
during the day or night preceding the absence. It is preferred that the absence is reported
no later than 5:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Reports received after 5:00 a.m. may
result in the substitute arriving to school late.
When the teacher calls Aesop, you will be prompted to provide the following:
a. Start Date of Absence
b. Number of Days
c. Start and End Times
d. Reason for Absence
Teachers will then be prompted to confirm their absence information and to save it.
When Teachers have successfully created an assignment, Aesop will play back the
confirmation number. Do not end the call or sign off on the website until you have
received a confirmation number.
2. Aesop will also allow you to check entitlement balances, review or cancel an
upcoming absence, review or cancel a specific absence, and to review or change your
personal information.
3. If a certificated employee fails to comply with the above regulations relative to his/her
absences and date of return, and a substitute appears for the day’s work as a result of such
failure, the employee’s salary shall be charged the amount paid the substitute for the day.
4. Lesson plans must be up to date and complete. Lesson plans and seating charts must be
left in the room or teacher’s mailbox for the substitute teacher.
NOTE: Your ID and PIN numbers for accessing Aesop should be kept in a secure place
as it allows access to your specific profile and record of absences.
1. A fire drill will be conducted once each month. All pupils, teachers, and other employees
shall be required to leave the building.
2. The signal will be given by means of a signal continuing for a one-minute period. After
administrative staff and/or designee have checked the buildings, the bell will ring for
teachers and students to return to class.
3. A report of the fire drill stating day, date, time and total evacuation time will be sent to
the district office.
4. Teachers are to close windows, turn off lights and close doors -UNLOCKED- when the
fire signal sounds. They are to direct their students to the proper evacuation areas for proper
5. A campus map indicating the direction and area to proceed shall be posted in each
room on campus.
6. All faculty and students will evacuate to either the area of the main field or the
softball/baseball outfields.
Emergency Calls
County Fire Department
Corona Regional Medical Center
Riverside County Sheriff’s Department
American Red Cross
Corona Norco Unified School District
Child Protective Services
Poison Control for California
951 735-1211
951 955-2400
951 656-4218
951 736-5000
Please refer to the ASB Handbook.
1. All teachers at Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate School are expected to maintain
an electronic grade book using ‘Q.’ Grades must be updated at least every 3 weeks
and must be visible to parents.
2. Teachers should communicate their grading (scales) to parents and students at the
beginning of the year for each class.
3. Teachers are responsible to each other for the grade of students transferring between
classes. In most cases a student new to the Corona Norco Unified School District does
not have a grade from his previous school when he/she enrolls. When the transcript is
received, the grade will be forwarded to you.
4. At the end of the semester be certain that every student has a final semester grade or
a drop grade in your grade book.
5. Grade books may be reviewed periodically by administrators and must be turned in at
the end of the year.
1. The following system used in the Corona-Norco Unified School District is what‘s followed
uniformly throughout California and is as follows:
A Superior grade level achievement
B Above average grade level achievement
C Average grade level achievement
D Below grade level achievement
F Failing grade level achievement
INC Incomplete – We do not use incomplete on the report card.
NG No Grade- We do not use on report cards.
2. In addition to the above marking plan, behavior is
evaluated as:
O Outstanding
S Satisfactory
N Needs Improvement
U Unsatisfactory
No single assignment will extend for a period longer than the number of weeks
constituting a school trimester; no single assignment or test will carry more than one
quarter (1/4) weight in determining a trimester grade. In determining grades, the
evaluation of pupil achievement shall be determined on the cumulative basis of all work
1. In the event of a health emergency DO NOT send the student to the office
2. Call the office to ask for assistance, if the office does not respond immediately;
continue calling while you send a student to the office for help.
3. Use careful judgment in determining if a student is to be moved, or not, from the
scene of an injury or health problem. Injuries to the head, back, neck, hips and legs
can be severely affected by moving the student. If in doubt, keep the student still
and as comfortable as possible until either the nurse, an administrator or medically
related personnel arrive.
4. The injured person needs privacy, so it may necessitate involving the class in an
activity or removing them to another room if possible.
5. NEVER move a student who has been unconscious or states that he/she was
Homework is defined as an assignment that is related to classroom learning and is an
extension of such learning. Homework is completed outside class time.
Goals of Homework in the Corona-Norco Unified School District Shall Be To:
A. Extend or reinforce classroom learning
B. Aid in the mastery of skills
C. Teach students to budget time and use time wisely
D. Involve parents in the education of their child, but not require the parent to
provide initial instruction
E. Provide opportunities for parent-child interaction
F. Prohibit the use of homework as punishment
G. Enable a student to make up work missed due to excused or justifiable absences,
including suspensions.
A. Guidelines for Homework When Students are on Track
1. Time
Although the District recognizes that quality more than quantity of homework is
the key to its success, the District nevertheless recognizes the need for
guidelines regarding the amount of time which should be spent on homework.
The following chart suggests these guides as homework schedules for
students. These schedules can be used as guidelines for parents and teachers
in monitoring student time devoted to homework:
a. K-3 10 – 30 minutes up to 4 days per week
b. 4-6 30 – 60 minutes up to 4 days per week
c. 7-8 60–120 minutes up to 5 days per week
d. 9-12 90 – 120 minutes up to 5 days per week
2. Types of Assignments
Multiple types of assignments should be used; some are
described as follows:
a. Creative activities
b. Cultural enrichment
c. Drill and practice
d. Make-up assignments and revision
e. Review or remediation
f. Extension of learning to new applications
g Long-term projects and investigations
3. Materials and Resources
Teachers are to consider student access to materials when
making assignments.
4. Standards
Teachers are to provide quality homework that reflects the same high
standards as classroom assignments.
Students are to complete homework assignments that reflect the same high
standards of legibility, neatness, content, and completeness as expected in
the classroom.
B. Responsibilities
a. Listen to directions and ensure that assignments are understood before leaving
b. Take home all materials available from school which are needed to
complete assignments.
c. Take proper care of school books and equipment and return them in
good condition.
d. Complete all assignments according to school standards and turn them in on
e. Make up work missed due to excused or justifiable absences from school,
including suspensions.
f. Communicate any specific problems you may have with an assignment to
your teacher.
a. Establish a daily homework routine.
b. Provide a place where your child can work productively on homework.
c. Assist in the acquisition of basic materials and resources. Contact your
child's teacher if help is needed in obtaining materials.
d. Regularly review homework to see that it is neat
and complete. e. Maintain regular
communication with the teacher.
f. Encourage and support your child.
a. Ensure that assignments are meaningful and related to classroom instruction.
b. Check students' understanding of instructions necessary for completion of
c. Consider individual student needs and characteristics when assigning and
evaluating homework.
d. Allow students to make up work missed due to excused or justifiable absences,
including suspensions.
e. Provide parents and students with a clear statement of classroom homework
policy and standards in writing during the first two weeks of school. This is to
include homework schedules, significant due dates, time allowances, and
grading review practices.
f. Return all assignments to the student.
g. Indicate the quality of the student's work with a grade, comments, a symbol to
indicate the work was acceptable, or an indication that credit for completion
was granted.
h. Inform parents of student's progress with homework and of its completion or
a. Maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning and one in which homework is
an integral part of the learning process.
b. Orient the staff to the District guidelines for homework.
c. Support communications between home and school related to homework policy.
d. Ensure that classroom homework policies are consistent with District policy.
e. Ensure that the homework policy is correctly implemented.
Provide a philosophy of homework and administrative regulations for homework
that reflects its importance.
Located at 2820 Clark Avenue in Norco
The Instructional Resource Center (IRC) is open 7:00 am through 5:30 PM Monday
through Friday. Pony service is available only through Thursday. If you keep media
materials through Friday, it is your responsibility to get it back.
Films are available for one-week bookings. Advanced bookings may be sent to IRC via
the pony.
Use the Instructional Resource form for your order (Form 5 05-70)
Upon receipt of your order it will be booked. You will then receive a confirmation.
Films will be delivered on Monday to your school.
Films must be returned to the IRC on Friday by pony.
Filmstrips Kits and Other Media
1. Use the order form (5 05-70)
2. Kits may be checked out for a two-week period.
3. Upon booking, you will receive confirmation.
It is best to call in person to borrow equipment. Equipment is limited and available
only for short-term loan.
Films, slides, etc. not out of the Instructional Resource Center must be approved in advanced by the principal prior to classroom use. Please allow one week for previewing by
the principal.
1. Lessons plans are to be prepared a week in advance of the material to be taught.
2. Lesson plans should reflect the course of study prescribed by the Governing Board.
3. They should be available for review by the administration as part of formal and
informal classroom observations and as requested.
4. Seating charts are also required. They are a great help in classroom control and they
are also a very necessary aid to a substitute teacher.
The library is to be used for research on papers and projects; to supplement the
information in textbooks; to keep up with current events; and for general recreational
reading. The library may be used for these purposes by teachers and their classes and by
individual students at all times of the day.
The following will be the procedure for use of the Library
1. Procedure when bringing a class to the Library:
Teachers will first meet their class at the regular classroom and take attendance.
Textbooks may be carried into the Library if there is good reason to do so. The
individual teacher will see to it that the class returns to its room in sufficient time to
pick up materials and go on to the next class. THE INDIVIDUAL TEACHER WILL SEE TO
2. Procedure when sending individual student or a small group of students:
These students may only take their notebooks, writing materials or other materials
needed. They return to their class at the warning bell near the end of the period. The
librarian will see that all books taken out were properly checked and that hall passes
have been signed.
3. Procedure for the use of the Library by the individual student:
The library may be used by individual students before school, lunchtime, and after
school for research, to read supplementary material for class, for recreational reading,
or to browse. Pupils must submit to book inspection when leaving the library.
SMART Team Intervention
1. After documenting all attempted interventions (including parent contact and ZAP),
any teacher may refer a student to the SMARTeam for intervention.
2. The SMARTeam implements/assigns the second layer of interventions:
a. Homework Club/Tutoring
b. Mandatory Planner Checks
c. Saturday School
3. The SMARTeam implements/assigns the third layer of interventions:
a. Success for School/Loss of Elective
b. Loss of WPPG
4. The SMARTeam implements/assigns the fourth layer of interventions:
a. SST I
b. Planner Checks
5. The SMARTeam implements/assigns the second layer of interventions:
6. The SMARTeam implements/assigns the second layer of interventions:
a. Referral to STAR Program
b. Consult with Dr. Phaller
A. Reporting to Parents - The objective of pupil reporting is to inform parents and pupils
of the level of accomplishment in schoolwork. Evaluation of pupil progress is an
integral part of the school program and is done by district approved means, including
standardized tests, teacher developed tests and classroom assignments. All teachers
need at a minimum to update grades in the Q system every two weeks.
Reports to parents will be done at the completion of every grading period. Jeopardy
of failure notices should be sent to parents at appropriate times.
It will be the responsibility of Curriculum & Instruction, in cooperation with
administrative and instructional personnel, to develop specific standards and practices
defining the following criteria:
1. Student Expectancy Level – This criteria will define and establish the appropriate
goals and objectives for students in reference to State and District Standards.
2. Instructional Program Design and Delivery - This will be the integrated district,
school, and classroom curriculum, utilizing materials, instructional techniques and
strategies and specific assignments designed to meet the expected learning
objectives of each student.
Evaluation - Grades and statements reporting the student’s achievement shall be
based upon documented performance results of the students in meeting his/her
established educational expectancies.
Substitute Information
A teacher who is absent from school shall have the following items available for the
substitute teacher:
1. Complete and updated lesson plans
2. Current seating charts
3. Materials, equipment, etc. necessary for lessons
 Laptops may be checked out by the substitute through the office. Please let
the office clerks know ahead of time that the substitute will be checking out a
4. Classroom procedures information sheet
The substitute teacher will complete an evaluation form on classroom conditions and
behavior of students. A copy of the evaluation will be given to the teacher. All
substitutes receive a packet of Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate School information
and attendance sheets.
Supervision Procedures
The state education code is clear in its provisions in making it mandatory that students be
adequately supervised before and after school. It is necessary that all staff members share
in carrying out this responsibility. Supervision assignment schedules are given to each
teacher. Should there be a conflict during your designated supervision, it is YOUR
RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE A SUBSTITUTE. The name of the staff member assuming the
scheduled duty is to be reported to the front office by the previously assigned staff
member prior to the scheduled duty. REMEMBER - SUPERVISION DUTY TAKES PRIORITY
Supervision is an assignment carrying as much responsibility as your classroom assignment.
Maintaining control and discipline is just as important outside the room as in the room.
Needless to say all rules of being a good teacher apply outdoors as they do inside. The role
of the supervision teacher must be that of PREVENTING crisis from developing. The staff
member’s presence is a deterrent to inappropriate behavior.
1. ENFORCE ALL RULES regulating student behavior. In order to do this, you must be
well acquainted with the student handbook and the student behavior policy.
2. Use good judgment in breaking up a problem. Be firm, fair and understanding.
3. Analyze those areas where problems are most likely to occur. BE ON TIME TO
4. Be friendly with students; take advantage of meeting and talking with students
under different circumstances then those inside the classroom.
1. Familiarize yourself with your area and enforce the rules.
2. Should you see non-students on campus, ask their business. If they have no
particular business, (no office authorization), request that they leave campus
immediately. Remind them that any person on campus without proper
authorization will be a loiterer and will be referred to the local authorities. Report
all loiterers to one of the administrators.
3. Rough-house behavior on the part of students should not be permitted. Running or
shoving in the hallways is not acceptable.
1. Each teacher will develop a syllabus for each course taught.
2. The syllabus will cover the following areas:
a. Course Title
b. Required text/materials
c. Course description/objectives/explanation of standards
d. Requirements (reports, projects, term papers, reading list, etc.)
e. Order of course content within a semester
f. Grading policy and standards
g. Homework/make-up work policy
h. Standard of classroom conduct
3. A syllabus will be given to each student at the beginning of the trimester and to
new students when they enter the class during the semester.
Textbook Distribution Procedure
Textbooks for first trimester classes are to be checked out in the bookroom by each
student during student orientation.
1. Every student must have I.D. New students should have their class schedule with their
student number. Students will be given a textbook for each class with an assigned
2. If a student has not checked out textbooks, have student stop by the bookroom at
lunch or after school.
1. The principal must approve classroom activities involving personnel other than
District personnel.
2. Classroom activity should not be structured which would be in violation of the Education
Code or Board Policy.
1. Classroom activity should not be structured which would be in conflict with District
insurance coverage.
Wolf Pack Pride Groups are conducted during 8th period every Wednesday.
Students will prioritize their “interests” by category (athletics, community service, fine
arts/crafts, games, etc.
Teachers sign up for one or two categories they are interested in, and they will be
assigned a group of students who are also interested in the same topic.
The WPPGs will operate for a year. The teachers within each category will trade
lessons, use ASB themed boxes, etc. but students will not switch teachers.
We will keep seventh and eighth grade separate for the general WPPGs.
Special interest groups (math field day, Green Team, etc.) are still permitted as
needed, but will need to follow the seventh grade curriculum the first year and then
the eighth the following year.
A “Master Calendar” of dates with lessons and activities planned ahead of time will be
created prior to the beginning of the year.
This will ensure teachers know in advance what needs to happen, and teachers
running special groups will be able to plan required activities ahead of time.
Each month will include:
1 – WEB (7th) or ASB (8th) Activity
1 – College and Career Lesson/Activity to be planned by the C and C
Committee. (This allows for lessons and activities, including required Career
Cruising participation to not interrupt the regular day’s instructional minutes.)
2 (or 3 on longer months) – Fun activity which is teacher planned, and interestbased.
Please contact Student Advisor with any questions.
Many questions have been asked in regards to attendance procedures for all District
staff. In order to clarify, hopefully answer questions, and provide consistency at all
District sites, the following procedures have been adopted.
• Staff members assigned to a designated site or sites on a regular basis are not required
to sign in/out.
• Staff members leaving their designated site or sites prior to the end of their full day
assignment must sign out in the office or at their designated sign-out location.
• Staff members must sign in and out at all sites not on their designated full day
assignment schedule.
• Staff members arriving late to their designated site prior to the beginning of their full
day assignment must notify the site that they will be late and sign in when they arrive.
Staff members assigned to the District office must sign in and out at all other sites and
All other visitors, parents, community members, vendors and all other non-District
personnel must report to the office or other designated site sign-in location prior to
proceeding to other areas of the campus or location.
• Maintenance personnel (or crews) must inform the site office of their presence at a
particular location by using sign-in or business card notification.
It will be necessary for all sites and other District locations to establish a sign-in/out
location and make it known to all employees. Maintenance workers will continue to use
the time clock at the maintenance office.