2015-16 AP World History Midterm Review Powerpoint

AP World History: Midterm Review
#1 Arguments and Interpretation in World History
-Read the quote below:
“For most of human history, other civilizations have proven far
more advanced than the West. They were more advanced in learning,
in wealth, in exploration, in inventions — and in cultural
sophistication and works of the mind…In 1500, there were several
civilizations dotting the globe. However, two of them stood out in
resplendence: the civilization of China — and the civilization of the
Arab-Islamic world.”
-Dinesh D'Souza, The World in 1500 — Or the West as a Backwater
Discuss the following:
-What does D’Souza mean by “the West” in this quote?
-What is his argument?
-Defend his argument.
-Refute his argument.
*How to study? Research European, Chinese, and Islamic achievements up to
1500, and choose your position on the author’s quote.
AP World History: Midterm Review
#2 Empires in World History!
Discuss the following:
-What does it take to build an empire? Give specific examples.
-What does it take to maintain an empire? Give specific examples.
-Brainstorm and list at least FIVE empires that we have studied in AP World
History up to 1500.
*How to study? Pick one of those empires and analyze its building and
AP World History: Midterm Review
#3 Interaction and Exchange in World History
Discuss the following:
-Brainstorm and list major systems of exchange and interaction in World
History up to 1500.
-Discuss the types of interactions and exchanges that occurred within those
major systems.
-Explain how and why those systems of exchange integrated multiple regions
in World History.
*How to study? Pick one of those systems and research the interactions and
exchanges that occurred and analyze how/why that system integrated
multiple regions.
AP World History: Midterm Review
#4 Religious & Ideological Foundations in World History
Discuss the following:
-Brainstorm and list major religions and ideologies that became popular
within and outside of their places of origin in World History up to 1500.
-Identify where the religion/ideology originated and where it spread.
-Brainstorm and discuss intrinsic aspects that made the religion/ideology
-Brainstorm and discuss extrinsic aspects that made the religion/ideology
*How to study? Pick one of those religions/ideologies and study its
origin/founder, its intrinsic appealing aspects, the extrinsic aspects that
enabled it to spread widely, and the places that the religion spread.
AP World History: Midterm Review
Expectations for the Exam!
-Pick two of the four topics to complete for the exam.
-State your claims and defend those claims with historical evidence.
-Write a one-page length response for each topic that you choose (one
response on the front, one on the back).
-Organize your thoughts with paragraph breaks.