CIS 251: Management Information Systems

CIS 251.02: Management Information Systems
Spring 2011
Office Number:
Office Hours:
Dr. Debasish Banerjee
FO 122E
(828) 227-3385
2:00 - 4:00
3:35 - 5:00
Textbook: Information 4e Systems Today, Managing the Digital World, Valacich and
Schneider, Prentice Hall, 2010.
Course Description: An introduction into enterprise information systems and how they are
used to help businesses and organizations achieve their mission and gain a competitive
Course Objectives:
Students will develop an understanding of the value of information, its components and life cycle
Students will study the characteristics of integrated information systems including
computer networking and the digital infrastructure
 Students will comprehend how information systems support decision-making, attaining
business goals, communications and gaining a competitive advantage
 Students shall learn about the importance of information assurance and compliance
 The students shall develop an understanding of how information systems enable ecommerce, telecommunications and global business
 Students shall learn how business intelligence and analytics are developed using
information systems
 The students shall develop an awareness of information systems ethics, standards and
 Students shall gain hands-on experience with using application software to solve
business-related problems
Other General Course Information:
Attendance Policy: Class attendance is required. It is your responsibility to attend class. If you must
be absent from class, it is your responsibility to get assignments, lecture notes, etc. for the days missed. If
you miss more than a week’s worth of classes, for each day of class you miss after the initial one
week of absence, I will lower your semester letter grade by one unit for each two additional days of
All assignments will be due at the start of the class period. Late assignments will not be
accepted and/or graded. Also, there will be no makeup assignments. If for some reason you
cannot be in class on the day an assignment is due, you should make arrangements to have it
turned in on time. You may, however, turn in assignments ahead of time.
I will not give make up assignments or tests. If you happen to miss an assignment or a test for a
reason I deem excusable, I will substitute the average of all exams and assignments for that
I expect you to come prepared for class and participate in class discussions.
No cell phones in class. Please adhere to netiquette, etc.
I may use Turnitin or other services as I deem fit.
Inclement weather policy as stated in the Catalog will apply.
Grading Policy:
Percent Grade
Two exams on materials from text book
Projects and home work assignments
Research Paper
Participation/Occasional Quizzes
Final Exam/Project
Letter grades will be assigned according to the following:
96.7 – 100 percent
93.4 – 96.6 percent
90.0 – 93.3 percent
86.7- 89.9 percent
83.4 – 86.6 percent
80.0 – 83.3 percent
76.7- 79.9 percent
73.4 – 76.6 percent
70.0 – 73.3 percent
66.7 – 69.9 percent
63.4 – 66.6 percent
60.0 – 63.3 percent
Below 60.0 percent
Tentative Course Schedule:
The schedule may change to accommodate guest speakers, student needs and other reasons.
Wk 1
Wk 2
Wk 3
Wk 4
Wk 5
Wk 6
Wk 7
Wk 8
Wk 9
Wk 10
Wk 11
Wk 12
Wk 13
Wk 14
Wk 15
Wk 16
Wk 17
Introduction to class policies, general discussion on IT in Business
Productivity tools in business
Solving Business Problems with Excel/ACCESS
Solving Business Problems with Excel/ACCESS
Solving Business Problems with Excel/ACCESS
Evolution and importance of Information Systems
Effect of globalization on Business and Information Systems
Making a case for a business information system
Infrastructure of Information Systems
Internet and the internet business model
Role of standards, security and ethics in information systems for businesses
Solving Business problems with ACCESS
Solving Business problems with ACCESS
Slack to make-up for missed material
Slack to make-up for missed material
Slack to make-up for missed material
Final exam Monday, May 2nd, 12:00 – 2:30
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:
Western Carolina University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students
with documented disabilities. Students who require disability services or reasonable accommodations
must identify themselves as having a disability and provide current diagnostic documentation to
Disability Services. All information is confidential. Please contact the Office of Disabiliity Services at
(828) 227-7217
Academic Integrity:
Plagiarism, taking unethical shortcuts, and other forms of cheating are not tolerated and will result in a
failing grade for that assignment, test or (possibly) the course. Do not recycle other people’s work.
Provide appropriate citations (in APA style) when you use the words or ideas of another. Strive to abide
by both the letter and spirit of University policy. Please refer to the Academic Honesty Policy in the
WCU Undergraduate Catalog and relevant sections in the Student Handbook. If you have any questions,
talk to me.
CC Grade: Please note university policy regarding Composition-Condition marks (CC) described in the
Undergraduate Catalog
WCU Academic Support
The Writing Center offers one-on-one peer tutoring for writing across the curriculum. Both English
graduate assistants and undergraduate students from departments such as Communications/electronic
Media, Computer Science, English, History, Music and Philosophy interact collaboratively with students
to strengthen both the paper and the writer.
The Cat Center is designed to ensure the academic success of all WCU students by offering peer
tutoring, study groups, and workshops to improve learning. The CAT Center will offer small group
tutoring for most 100 and 200-level classes in subjects ranging from Psychology to Chemistry to
Economics. If you are experiencing difficulty in a course that does not offer tutoring, stop by the Center
and fill out a request form.
The Technology Assistance Center contains 11 Windows-based and 3 Macintosh computer and is set up
much like other computer labs across campus; however, the Center emphasizes the individual needs to of
the student. Contact us if you need help using word processing, spreadsheets, databases, electronic
presentations, campus network tools (such as WIN, Campus Pipeline, VAX), or the Internet (such as web
browsers, newsgroups, E-mail).