Lesson obj 4.5: Explain the changing perception and interpretation

Lesson obj 4.5: Explain the changing perception and interpretation of citizenship and naturalization.
Use quotes from presidential candidates running for the 2016 presidency on immigration – display on
PowerPoint/board – have students pick one quote they agree the most with and one they agree the least with. Have
them write the quote and why they agree and/or disagree with the quote. Reveal afterward which candidate said
which quote.
Leading questions out of intro:
How have the changing perceptions on immigration and naturalization on who should be allowed to be a
citizen changed over time?
What major events can be contributing factors to the shift in the changes in perception on immigration and
PowerPoint Visuals lead:
Display photos of famous immigration movements with brief description:
o Cartoon of Natives building a wall to keep English out
o Alien and Sedition Act
o Civil War Amendments 13-15
o Irish Immigration
o Japanese Interment
o Hispanics
PowerPoint Notes:
 Who is a “citizen” – birthright vs. naturalized
 A history of “citizenship” in the United States
o Naturalization Act of 1790
o Alien and Sedition Act
o Dredd Scott v. Sandford
o Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Civil War Amendments 13-15
o Wong Kim Ark
o Elk v. Wilkins
o Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
o Non-Citizens, Due Process Rights, and the United States Patriot Act
 How to gain citizenship
o Naturalization process – simplified/basics only
o Can you pass the test? Activity – use Citizenship and Naturalization Test (10 questions-70 or higher=
 Social Contract – citizens gain rights and have obligated responsibilities once becoming a citizen
Video Activity and Discussion: A look at Immigration with “30 Days” via NC Consortium vimeo.com/11155073
 30 Days season 2, ep 1- “Immigration”
o Purpose: To provide an opportunity to explore both arguments for and against illegal immigration and
a look at possible solutions.
 Complete the viewing guide (attached) while watching the episode!
A Look at Immigration with “30 Days”
Name:_________________________________________ ISN ________
“Minuteman Project is an activist organization started in 2005 by a group of private individuals in the United States to
monitor the United States–Mexico border's flow of illegal immigrants. The name derives from the Minutemen,
militiamen who fought in the American Revolution. The Minuteman Project describes itself as "a citizens'
Neighborhood Watch on our border.”
The term illegal immigrant or illegal alien refers to someone who is living in a country not of their origin and does not
meet the legal requirements for living in that country (i.e., they are violating the immigration laws of that jurisdiction.)
This might involve crossing the border into America illegally, but can also refer to someone who came legally but stayed
beyond when their student or visitor visa expired.
2 m Mark Questions:
1. Briefly summarize both sides of the immigration debate:
2. What predictions do you have for this episode?
5m Mark Questions:
3. Why, How, and When did Frank and his family come to the United States?
4. Are you surprised by Franks involvement with the minutemen- why or why not?
5. What does Frank say the foremost problem with immigration is today?
18:30 Mark Questions:
6. We have meet the Gonzalez family – briefly outline why the 5 kids have different “citizenship” status:
7. How much does the Gonzalez family live off of each year:
8. What is the American dream to Armida?
27:40 Mark Questions and Break:
9. Armida complains that Franks view of leaving and coming back legally is “not so simple” why is she frustrated
with Franks view?
10. What internal conflict does Frank start to experience? What causes this?
11. At the time of this episodes filming the US Senate was debating an immigration bill that would provide a
path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. What is Armida’s opinion regarding this bill? What is Frank’s opinion? Who do
you tend to side with at this point with regards to that Senate proposal?
Armidas opinion:
Franks opinion:
My opinion:
End Questions and Discussion:
12. When Rigo and Frank uncover salamanders in the ground, Frank says, “It’s funny that when you are young,
your first reaction is to kill an animal like that. But then, as we grow older, we learn to appreciate this.” Why do you
think the director chose to keep this in the episode? What symbolism might we glean from this segment?
learned from this experience? When Frank says “…first and foremost…we
are human beings and that’s the thing that overrides everything else…politics and everything else…”, what message is
he trying to convey?
iversity, why is she attending a local community college?