a. el norte de Guatemala - adigirolamospanish

Unit Plan Inventory:
Unit Title:
El Norte
Language Level: Intermediate Mid
Desired Results: Students will gain awareness of attitudes and stereotypes, will recognize the different
reasons for immigration, and will learn to understand and appreciate people from other countries.
Targeted Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.1
Preparing students to demonstrate what they know and can do
Language Grammatical Key
Culture(s) Subject
Functions Structures
Ask specific
about the
1st-2nd-3rd person
singular of verbs.
el coyote
Present and Past
and Mexican
el bracero
la lana
el padrino
la migra
la frontera
el chicano
Describe the
values and
Express likes
and dislikes.
Language Arts:
El Norte film
Critique the film
Reasons for
Explain the
message of the
el pisto
la madrina
about the
reasons of
Awareness of
attitudes and
el pocho
people from
Mexican and
Lifestyle in
and U.S.A
el gringo
Read and
summarize a
Analyze the
characters in the
Conduct an
Social Studies:
Location of
countries in maps.
Family values
History of
Immigration issues
Create a power
point presentation
about the
Complete a survey
about the movie
Major Learning Activities/Performances
 Brief history of Guatemala
 Identify countries in a map
 Discuss reasons of immigration
 Compare and contrast traditions in
Hispanic countries and U.S.A
 Describe the main characters in the movie
and make a scrapbook page.
 Take a survey about the facts of the movie.
 Write what you like or don’t like about the
Create a power point presentation of an
interview to a Hispanic immigrant.
Performance Assessment:
Interview a Hispanic person who has immigrated to U.S.A and create a
Powerpoint presentation that summarizes the interview. You will
present the information you gathered to the rest of the class.
Interpretive Task
You will have a list of questions that you will need to ask the person
who you will interview. You will need to create 5 additional questions
related to his/her immigration to U.S.A. You need to take notes while
conducting the interview or record the interview to edit the
Interpersonal Task
You will ask the questions prepared for your interview. You also must
be ready to comment on your interviewee answer.
You will be presenting a summary of your interview to the rest of the
class. The rest of the class will ask you questions about the process,
experience, or facts on the interview.
Link for Sample interview
Read the interview and answer the questions.
Preguntas para la entrevista
1. ¿Cuál es su nombre?
2. ¿Dé donde inmigró?
3. ¿Cuál es su herencia cultural?
4. ¿Vino solo o con su familia?
5. ¿Por qué vino?
6. ¿Le contaron sus familiares de sus experiencias del viaje?
7. ¿ Cómo llegaron?
8. ¿Cuándo llegaron?
9. ¿Sufriste algún tipo de “schock” cultural?
10.¿Cuáles aspectos de tu familia todavía se practican en tu casa?
Piensa y escribe 5 preguntas mas que te gustaría agregar en tu
Proyecto de Powerpoint
Crea una presentación de powerpoint. Tu presentación tiene que tener por lo
menos 10 hojas de illustración. Debes ilustrar tu presentación con fotos del
entrevistado, mapa y otros datos geográficos interesantes del país del
entrevistado. También necesitas escribir descripciones de las ilustraciones y
resumir lo mas importante de la entrevista.
Rúbrica # 1 (Presentational)
Excelente Está muy
Uso del
control del
Habilidad de
mantener el
interes de la
de la
Uso excelente de
palabras y
Muy buen uso de
palabras y
Buen uso de
palabras y
Excelente tono,
voz, y expresión. Es
muy entusiástico
durante la
El powerpoint es
excelente. Tiene
más de 10 hojas de
ilustración y
demuestra mucha
creatividad y
Demuestra alto
nivel de fluidez.
Muy Buena
Muy buen tono,voz
y expresión. Es
entusiástico durante
la presentación.
Buen tono,
voz, y
expression. Es
un poco
El powerpoint .
tiene 10 hojas
de ilustración y
originalidad y
Algunas pausas
y dificultades
de fluidez.
El powerpoint es
muy bueno. Tiene
10 hojas de
ilustración y
originalidad y
Muy buen nivel de
No es
Muy poco uso de
palabras y muchos
errores en el uso de
la grámatica.
Su tono, voz, y
expresión es muy
monótona. No
El powerpoint tiene
menos de 10 hojas
de ilustración y
demuestra muy
poca creatividad en
las ilustraciones.
Demuestra poco
nivel de fluidez.
Rúbrica # 2 (Interpretive and Interpersonal)
Excelente Está muy Bueno
Claridad y
control del
La gente me
La gente
consistentemente me entiende
Calidad del
La descripción de
la entrevista
tiene muchos
detalles. Resume
la entrevista de
Puede con
contestar varias
preguntas sobre
la persona
entrevistada y
puede decir como
la entrevista se
relaciona al
estudiado en
Antes de la
entrevista, el
prepare varias
basadas en
hechos culturales
que hemos
estudiado en la
La descripción
de la entrevista
tiene muy
buenos detalles.
Resume la
entrevista muy
Puede con
preguntas sobre
la persona
entrevistada y
puede decir
como la
entrevista se
relaciona al
estudiado en
Antes de la
entrevista, el
preparó un par
basadas en
culturales que
No es
La gente me
entiende con
La gente me
entiende con
La descripción
La descripción es
de la entrevista
minima y
tiene buenos
contiene poca
detalles. Resume información.
la entrevista
Puede con
preguntas sobre
la persona
No puede con
preguntas sobre
la persona
Antes de la
entrevista, el
basadas en
culturales que
estudiado en la
El estudiante no
prepare ninguna
pregunta antes
de la entrevista.
Lesson one
Title: Brief History of Guatemala
Topic: Guatemalan Leadership
Level: Intermediate Mid
Age: 15-17
Standards: Communication, Culture, Connections
Communicative Mode: Interpretative, Interpersonal
NJ Cumulative Progress Indicators:
-interpretative 7.1A Demonstrate comprehension of written materials through written responses and
by conversations, about topics in other core content areas such as history.
interpersonal 7.1B Engage in conversations about topics studied in other courses.
Time Frame: 90 minutes
Pre- assignment: students will have translated a historical article from English to Spanish from the
previous day.
Description: Per a question/discussion sheet the students will pair off, then discuss and write answers.
One of the two students will present to the class.
Materials: handout
Assessment: Students answer in detail to the discussion questions orally and in writing.
Lesson two
Title: Geography in Central America
Topic: Geographic Elements of Guatemala and Mexico
Level: Advanced Mid
Age: 15-17
Standards: Communication, Connections, Comparisons
Communicative Mode: Interpretive
NJ Cumulative Progress Indicators:
-interpretive 7.1A Comprehend written information and contrast geographic settings from authentic
Time Frame: 90 minutes
Description: Each student will have a laptop. Worldatlas.com and other googled websites will be used
as a reference for this assignment. During the first portion of the period the students will label the
major cities of either Mexico or Guatemala, with half working on each. They will receive a partially
“blank” map of these nations. They will label as many towns and cities as they are able to in the time
allotted. After 30 minutes or so they will trade maps with someone possessing a map of the country
they have not yet worked on. Now they will label the mountain ranges and major bodies of water on
that map. When the teacher calls time a class discussion will take place regarding the topography and
population distribution in these countries. The teacher will display the maps on a bulletin board for the
next day.
Materials: laptop, markers, paper maps of Mexico and Guatemala
Assessment: students will gain knowledge of urban centers and topography of 2 Latin American
countries through map building.
Lesson three
Title: Immigration
Topic: Immigration Data: from Guatemala and Central America to the U.S.
Level: Intermediate Mid
Age: 15-17
Standards: Communication, Comparisons, Connections
Communicative Mode: Interpretive and Presentational
NJ Cumulative Progress Indicators:
-interpretive 7.1A Compare and contrast information contained in authentic materials using electronic
information sources of immigration data.
-presentational 7.2C Present the results of electronically obtained research in the form of a bar graph.
Time Frame: 90 minutes
Description: The U.S. was the first nation to record data on citizens per national origin. After a very
brief overview of immigration requirements for entry into the U.S., the students will begin to analyze
descriptive statistics of immigration data. In this case we will look at Mexico and the combined figures
given for Central America, which includes Guatemala. Data are given and will be presented in ten year
increments from 1860 through 1990. The students will make two bar graphs- one for Mexico and one
for Central America reflecting the given immigration figures. The horizontal axis will be the year of
arrival and the vertical axis will be the number of immigrants given in hundreds of thousands. They will
work together in pairs.
Materials: data handout, graph paper, markers
Assessment: When activity is completed, students will seek a new partner to compare graphs and check
for accuracy.
Thematic Unit: El Norte
Lesson 4
El problema de immigración
Topic: Stereotypes: Illegal vs. legal immigrants
Level: Intermediate Mid
Age: Gr. 11th-12th
Standards: Communication
Communicative mode: Interpretive and Interpersonal
7.1 Students will demonstrate comprehension of the article about immigration
through appropriate responses.
7.1 Students will ask and respond to factual and interpretative questions about
the immigration problem.
Time frame: 90 minutes
1. Teacher will show maps of North America using the Promethean Board.
2. Teacher will ask students questions, such as: “¿Dónde está Guatemala?
¿Dónde está México? ¿Dónde está EEUU; ¿Dónde están las fronteras?
¿Cuáles son algunos de los problemas que estos países tienen con sus
fronteras? ¿Cómo es posible cruzarlas?
3. Pair sharing activity: Students will be given a Venn Diagram to compare and
contrast “immigrantes legales” and “immigrantes ilegales”. Discuss how
these two groups are viewed in society (stereotypes).Then, They will share
their diagram with the entire class. We will save the Venn diagrams to
compare our opinions after we are done studying the unit.
4. Teacher will show short videos on the lives of immigrants in USA. After
watching the videos (one by one), they will get in groups of 3 to discuss and
share their opinions.( www.adigirolamospanish.wikispaces.com ) Then, the
teacher will distribute a worksheet with questions. Students will answer the
questions in writing with their same groups.
5. Students will report answers to compare their answers to the rest of the
6. Homework: Students will answer question in a paragraph style.
Materials needed: Internet access, maps, immigration video.
Assessment: Venn Diagrams, Worksheet with questions, working in pairs,
Compara y contrasta
Immigrantes legales Vs. immigrantes ilegales
De acuerdo a los videos que viste, responde las siguientes preguntas en
1. ¿Quíenes son estos inmigrantes?
2. ¿Porqué vienen?
3. ¿Quién tiene la culpa?
4. ¿Qué han hecho los gobiernos?
5. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las consecuencias de esta inmigración
6. ¿Qué papel han jugado las compañias de los Estados Unidos?
Thematic Unit: El Norte
Lesson 5
Title: Primera Parte: Guatemala
Topic: La aldea de Rosa y Enrique
Level: Intermediate Mid
Age: Gr. 11th and 12th
Standards: Communication
Communicative Mode: Interpretive and interpersonal
N.J. Cumulative Progress Indicators:
7.1 Students will be able to use the target language to paraphrase what is heard
or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and daily
7.1 Students will respond to factual and interpretative questions related to the 1st
part of the movie.
Time Frame: 90 minutes
1. Teacher will start the lesson by showing a music video: Music Mayan from
Guatemala, so students can get interested and excited on today’s lesson.
Explain that today we will start a film that has to do with the history and
culture of this country, Guatemala.
2. Teacher will foreshadow lesson by telling the students that the movie was
filmed in Guatemala, Mexico, and the USA. The teacher will give the
students a brief synopsis of the film: brother and sister from Guatemala go
to “el Norte/EEUU” via Mexico.
3. Prior to starting the movie, teacher passes out movie questions, and reads
through them briefly checking for understanding. Teacher asks students to
answer questions while watching movie. Play 1st part of the movie (40
4. Post movie discussion: Teacher puts Graphic organizer on the Promethean
board. Teacher asks students to help fill in the Graphic organizer as we
discuss the different parts. Teacher may use the “List of Characters and
Important Information” sheet as a guide. Use this time to ask/answer
questions from the movie. Check for comprehension.
5. Homework: Using the answers to the questions and graphic organizer,
write a summary of the first part of the movie you watched today. Students
also will have to complete a survey/comprehension questions related to
this 1st. part of the movie on the teacher’s wiki by the end of the week.
Materials needed: Movie, DVD player, Graphic Organizer, worksheets.
Assessment: Answering questions, Graphic Organizers, Homework.
Survey Questions online using: www.surveymonkey.com posted on teacher’s
Preguntas de comprensión
Completa las siguientes activities relacionadas a la 1ra parte de la pelicula: El
¿Cierto o falso?
_____ Rosa y Enrique son novios
_____ A la tía de Rosa y Enrique le encanta el norte
_____ Las personas en el pueblo hablan 2 idiomas (lenguas)
_____ Los militares capturan a todas las mujeres y niños del pueblo
Selección Múltiple
_____ ¿Cuáles son los países que tienen una frontera con México?
a. Guatemala y Ecuador
b. Los EEUU y Costa Rica
c. Los EEUU y Guatemala
d. Puerto Rico y Nicaragua
e. Ninguno de estos
_____ ¿Cómo pueden Rosa y Enrique cruzar “la frontera”?
a. Volar, caminar, manejar
b. Tomar un bus o un barco
c. Andar a cuatro patas por un túnel de alcantarilla
d. Esconderse en la parte atrás de un
e. Solo a y b
f. Todas
_____ Según el dialogo, dónde estará “el norte”?
a. el norte de Guatemala
b. México
d. Canadá
Completa el cuadro escribiendo el nombre del personaje que corresponda.
La tía
el novio de Rosa
la madre
los amigos
el traidor
la militaría
el padre
Lee la revista
Visita y lleva dulces
Trabaja con el papá
Esta en contra de la
explotación a sus
compañeros de trabajo
Ha encendido una vela
para alguien
Tiene visita del novio
Van al funeral
Traiciona a sus
compañeros indígenas
por dinero.
Matan a los indígenas
List of characters/important information from “El Norte”
* to be used by teacher for post movie discussion
Los padres
La tía
Los amigos
El novio de Rosa
La militaría
los trabajadores
el traidor
La cosecha de café
La hacienda
El funeral
La militaría
El pueblo
La casa
La casa de las hermanas raras
Las montañas
El simbolismo [flores blancas, la luna, la música
cosas interesantes
rueda de agua
un machete vs. armas
tortillas sobre fuego en vez de un orno moderno
Completa la siguiente tela de araña para ayudarte a organizar las ideas de la
primera parte de la película.
El Norte: Primera Parte
Cosas interesantes:
Eventos importantes:
Actividad Interpretativa
Thematic Unit: El Norte
Lesson 6
Title: Segunda Parte: El Coyote
Topic: El viaje a México
Level: Intermediate Mid
Age: Gr. 11th and 12th
Standards: Communication
Communicative Mode: Interpretive and interpersonal
N.J. Cumulative Progress Indicators:
7.1 Students will be able to use the target language to paraphrase what is heard
or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and daily
7.1 Students will respond to factual and interpretative questions related to the
2nd part of the movie.
Time Frame: 90 minutes
1. Go over the answers to the 1st set of questions related to first part of the
movie to check for understanding and accuracy. Teacher will answer or
clarify any question.
2. Introduce vocabulary worksheet. Explain that some of the words are
regionalisms and that they need to write a definition of each of them while
watching the 2nd part of the movie.(Vocabulary sheet is attached)
3. Pre-Listening Activity: Teacher will show a map of México on the
Promethean Board. The teacher will ask students: ¿De dónde vienen Rosa
y Enrique? ¿Adónde van? ¿Qué país cruzan Rosa y Enrique? The teacher
will highlight 1. Oaxaca and 2. Tijuana on the map (as these are two major
locations identified in the second segment). Ask students what they know
about these places. Two major ideas that should be foreshadowed by the
teacher include the indigenous populations of Oaxaca and how that is
related to the indigenous peoples from San Pedro where Rosa and Enrique
are from.
4. Students will watch Part II of the movie: El coyote (35 min)
5. Post movie activity: Students will get in groups of 3 and check that their
definitions to their vocabulary words match. Then, they will have to
complete the graphic organizer about this second part of the movie.
(attached) Each group will present a summary of their work to the class.
6. Homework: Answer question about the movie.
Materials needed: Movie, DVD, Graphic organizers, Worksheets.
Assessments: Definitions to vocabulary words, Graphic organizer, Oral
Completa la siguiente tela de araña para ayudarte a organizar las ideas de la
segunda parte de la película.
El Norte: Segunda Parte
El coyote
Cosas interesantes:
Eventos importantes:
Actividad interpretativa
Nombre: __________________________________
Responde las siguientes preguntas sobre la segunda parte de
la película:
1. ¿Por qué quiere Enrique hablar con Don Ramón sobre “el Norte”? [Don
Ramón ha ido al norte}
2. Rosa enciende 3 velas antes de salir del pueblo. ¿Qué representan las 3
velas? [la madre, el padre, el pueblo]
3. ¿Por qué se llama Tijuana “la ciudad perdida” o sea The lost city”? [Various
responses: “nadie es dueño de nada”]
4. ¿Qué trata de hacer Jaime, el coyote, cuando conoció a Rosa y Enrique por
primera vez? [ganar su confianza]
5. ¿Quiénes son los oficiales al final de este segmento de hoy? [LA MIGRA]
6. ¿Qué puede significar la luna? ¿Cuándo aparece? [La luna aparece antes o
despúes de sucesos importantes, por ejemplo la matanza de su padres,
antes de salir de Guatemala, antes de que Jaime los robe y la Migra venga.]
Thematic Unit: El Norte
Lesson 7
Title: Tercera Parte: El Norte
Topic: La vida en Estados Unidos
Level: Intermediate Mid
Age: Gr. 11th and 12th
Standards: Communication
Communicative Mode: Interpretive and interpersonal
N.J. Cumulative Progress Indicators:
7.1 Students will be able to use the target language to paraphrase what is heard
or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and daily
7.1 Students will respond to factual and interpretative questions related to the
2nd part of the movie.
Time Frame: 90 minutes
1. Review vocabulary definitions by asking students to share the definitions
they came up with, for example: ¿Qué es el coyote? Es la persona que pasa
a los imigrantes al otro lado de la frontera por dinero. Definitions that
students give vary, but they need to be able to come up with one list of
definitions on the board.
2. Practice vocabulary words: Teacher will say a definition, students will write
the vocabulary words. Tell students to study definitions for a vocabulary
quiz next class.
3. Students will be given a Graph organizer for this 3rd part of the movie and
they will also have to answer questions about this segment of the movie.
4. Play 3rd part of the movie (45 min)
5. Post movie discussion: Students will work in pair to check for
understanding of their questions and answers. They will also share
information on graphic organizer. At the end of the unit they will be taking
an Exam on the film.
6. Homework: Study vocabulary definitions for quiz tomorrow.
Materials needed: Movie, DVR, Graphic organizers, worksheets.
Assessment: Graphic organizer, Question worksheet.
Completa la siguiente tela de araña para ayudarte a organizar las ideas de la
primera parte de la película.
El Norte: Tercera Parte
El Norte
Cosas interesantes:
Eventos importantes:
Actividad Interpretativa
Contesta las siguientes preguntas de comprensión:
1. ¿Piensas que los oficiales de la Migra hablan español bien?
2. ¿Qué opinas de la escena de las ratas?
3. ¿Cómo piensas que Rosa y Enrique se sintieron después de salir del tunel?
4. ¿Te cae bien Don Raimundo? ¿Es un buen coyote?
5. ¿Qué ciudad esta al otro lado del tunel?
6. ¿A dónde iban?
7. ¿Quién es Monte?
8. ¿Cuál es el nombre de la nueva casa de Rosa y Enrique? (Lazy Acres Motel)
9. ¿Crees que hay ironía en el nombre?
Thematic Unit: El Norte
Lesson 8
Title: Resumen de la película
Topic: ¿Qué te gusta ó qué no te gusta de la película? Level: Intermediate Mid
Age: Gr. 11th and 12th
Standards: Communication
Communicative Mode: Interpretive and interpersonal
N.J. Cumulative Progress Indicators:
7.1 Students will be able to use the target language to paraphrase what is heard
or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and daily
7.1 Students will respond to factual and interpretative questions related to the
three parts of the movie.
Time Frame: 90 minutes
1. Students will take a vocabulary quiz.
2. Story Strip: [Review and summary] Teacher passes out scrambled story
strips. Students will work with a partner. Each group of 2 must put the
story together from beginning to end. The first pair finishing accurately will
earn 5 extra points in the quiz. Each pair will read aloud their story order.
3. (Reading Chain)/ Inner Circle Game: Teacher will divide the students into
groups of 8. Teacher will pass out the questions and answers. Students
who have the questions will form a circle facing outward; the students with
the responses with form an outer circle, and will face the students in the
inner circle. The object is for the students to ask each person their
question until they find their response. Once all students have found their
match; the students will be asked to switch their role; and go through the
process again; Time providing, allow all students to try each question one
4. Free Writing: Teacher hands out a piece of lines paper to every student.
Teacher explains that students are going to do a “free writing” .Teacher
defines free writing: Write a composition of 100 words; no English is
allowed on the paper at all. Students have 15 minutes to write any thought
they have surrounding the topic of the movie “What I like and dislike about
the story in “El Norte”. Teacher will give students basic structure such as: A
mi, me gusta and A mi, no me gusta. Tell students they will be graded on
language accuracy.
5. Homework: Complete worksheet on your favorite characters in the movie.
Materials needed: Writing paper, story strips, cards with questions and answers.
Assessment: Vocabulary quiz, Free Writing, Oral Participation in Inner circle
Nombre: __________________________________ Fecha: __________________
EL Norte
Prueba de vocabulario
I. Empareja las palabras con su definición
1. el coyote ______
a. nombre común para el dinero en México.
2. La lana ________
b. un extranjero
3. La migra _______
c. una persona que pasa gente al otro lado de la
4. El gringo _______
d. el departamento de migración.
II. Escribe la palabra correcta del vocabulario
1. ¿Cuál es el nombre oficial del dinero en Guatemala?
2. Un hombre que trabaja en el campo y no en su tierra sino en la tierra de
otras personas.
3. Una linea imaginaria que divide países.
4. Una persona de origen mexicano que nació el los Estados Unidos
5. Una persona que los padres escogen para ser responsible por sus hijos si
ellos se mueren.
Story Strips
Hay trabajadores que cogen café
La madre hace tortillas
El padre sale de la casa y va a una reunión con los indios
El dueño le da dinero a un indio para información
La militaría viene a matar a los indios
La cabeza del padre está en el árbol
Enrique mata al puma con machete
Hay un funeral
La militaría viene por las mujeres y los niños
Enrique y Rosa hablan del norte
La tía les da dinero para ir al norte
Rosa remueve su huipil
Rosa va a la iglesia para encender tres velas: la madre, el padre, el pueblo
Rosa y Enrique van a México
Rosa y Enrique conocen a un Mexicano, quien dice palabras malas
Rosa y Enrique van en autobús
Enrique tiene un sueño sobre el puma
Rosa y Enrique llegan a Tijuana
Rosa y Enrique conocen a Jaime, el coyote malo
Rosa y Enrique se duermen en Tijuana
Rosa Enrique y Jaime van a la frontera
Jaime ataca a Rosa y Enrique
La MIGRA viene
Rosa y Enrique van al departamento de la inmigración
Rosa y Enrique encuentran a Don Raimundo (el coyote bueno)
Rosa y Enrique salen para el norte por el túnel
Rosa y Enrique llegan al norte
Rosa y Enrique van con Don Raimundo a la nueva casa
Monte les da la casa a Rosa y Enrique
Reading Chain (with index cards) or Inner Circle Game
¿A quién llama Carlos?
El llama a LA MIGRA
¿Adónde va Enrique con Jorge?
Ellos van al bar
¿A quién ve Rosa en el jardín?
Rosa ve a su padre
¿Por qué Rosa no quiere ir al hospital? Porque ella no tiene papeles
¿A quién ve Rosa en su apartamento?
Rosa ve a su madre
¿Quién viene al restaurante buscando
a Enrique?
LA migra viene
¿Cómo se siente Rosa en la clase?
Se siente muy enferma
¿Por qué no acepta el trabajo?
No puede dejar a Rosa
Escribe una composición de por lo menos 100 palabras en español explicando
que te gusta y que no te gusta de la película El Norte. Da ejemplos especificos
de la película y menciona nombres de los personajes, escenas, y segmentos d
ela película.
Puedes empezar:
A mi me gusta…
A mi no me gusta…
Thematic Unit: El Norte
Lesson 9
Title: Los inmigrantes hispanos
Topic: Influencia de la inmigración hispana en la economía de U.S.A
Age: Gr. 11th and 12th
Standards: Communication
Level: Intermediate Mid
Communicative Mode: Interpretive and interpersonal
N.J. Cumulative Progress Indicators:
7.1 Students will be able to use the target language to paraphrase what is
heard or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and
daily activities.
7.1 Students will respond to factual and interpretative questions related to the
three parts of the movie.
Time Frame: 90 minutes
1. Teacher puts quote on promethean board, and asks a student to read it.
Go over the meaning of the words to check for understanding. The teacher
then asks the students what they think it means, and if it is a person from
the Unites States who wrote it.
“Para ganar algo tienes que perder algo. Y la condición de emigrante es así”
2. In groups of 3, students will list different kinds of jobs Latinos hold in the
United States. Then, teacher will compile a list with all the groups. Be sure
to include various positions including highly educated jobs, and jobs in the
service industry. Iterate to the students that not every Latino is illegal and
working in poor conditions, that there are many successful and highly
educated Latinos in U.S.A
3. Teacher will present a power point of important Hispanic personalities.
Teacher asks students choose one of them and write 2 questions they
would ask , if they had the opportunity to talk to this personality.
4. Open discussion: Teacher asks students to visualize what life would be like,
especially in places like California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico,
without undocumented workers. Who would work in low paying, laborious
jobs?, How much would they be willing to work for?, Who would
loose/gain jobs if illegal immigrants were evacuated?, How would this
help/hurt the economy in the particular state?, In the US?
5. DEBATE: 10 participation points are offered; in order to receive all the
points possible, students must: (1) Write out 5 pros and cons and (2)
Participate in the debate. Teacher asks a student to read the Proposition
187 (attached). Teacher check for comprehension. Then, teacher points out
that there are two issues mentioned on this Proposition. The question is:
Should these ideas become a national law? Teacher divides students into
groups of 2. Each student is expected to identify 5 pros and 5 cons to
having their issue be national law. Example: Student A will represent
medical treatment and Student B will represent education. Teacher will
give the examples: Should undocumented persons be denied medical
treatment?: pro: saves on health care costs, con: people who are sick will
go untreated and may die. The students may help each other and work
together to better understand the two different arguments. Teacher splits
the room into two sides. One side is pro and the other is con. The teacher
will provide 5 minutes per topic. Teacher will explain that these opinions
do not represent the students’ personal opinion. The students will not be
interrupted by the teacher, but are only permitted to speak one at a time.
The teacher should set a timer, and will read the first topic: As stated in
Proposition 187, should it become a national law that undocumented
people be denied medical treatment? After 5 minutes the teacher will stop
the clock and ask: As stated in Proposition 187, should it become a national
law that children of undocumented people be denied education in the
United States? At the end, teacher will identify and reiterate valid points
made by the students. Teacher will ask individual students if they believe
there is a solution to these issues. This debate will be in Spanish, of course!
La proposición 187 de 1994
(El Norte. (1984) Film Arobics, Inc, Vernon Hills, IL)
“Exercises for the Study of Film” by Pat Solano and Judy Sugarman
En el otoño de 1994, el estado de California aprobó “la proposición 187” que
elimina a los indocumentados el acceso al tratamiento medico. Además no les
permite a sus hijos ser educados en los Estados Unidos. ¿Debe ser una ley
Phrase for discussion
“Para ganar algo tienes que perder algo. Y la condición de emigrante es así”