HASAN KALYONCU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION GUIDANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT HUMAN RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PRACTICE Course Title RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION Prerequisites Language Compulsory / Elective Coordinator of course Instructors Assistant Course Objectives Learning Outcomes and Competences Course Contents Course Code: Semeste r Lecture+Recite Credit ECTS PDR208 4 2+2 3 5 TURKISH COMPULSORY PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY The objective of this course is to learn effective communication skills and apply them. Student will; 1. know basic concepts and theories of human relations. 2. know why we interact each other. 3. understand communication development stages 4. understand social influence theory 4. understand attractiveness, power, conflict, friendship, love, nonverbal messages, and verbal messages 5. understand self-disclosure and self- monitoring 6. examine conflict with others History of human relations subject, relationships with other fields, Why do we interact each other? Communication development stages, starting communication, deepness and wideness in communication, social influence theory, Attractiveness, Power, Conflict, Friendship, Love, Communication and proposals, Non-verbal messages, Verbal messages, Self-disclosure, self- monitoring, Conflict with others, Disruption of communication (primary relations), Weekly Schedule Week 1 2 3 Subjects History of human relations subject, relationships with other fields, present condition Why do we interact each other? Communication development stages, starting communication, deepness and wideness in communication, social influence theory Attractiveness (attractiveness, closeness, reinforcement, similarity, complementariness, closeness Prestudy - Instructors PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - - PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY searching strategies) 4 Power (rules of power, power resources, power using ways) 6 Conflict (nature of conflict, efficient and inefficient conflict strategies, conflict analysis) Friendship (scope and functions, the rules of friendships, development and stages, ) 7 EXAM 8 Love (the nature of love, kinds of love, gender differences in love, development of love) 9 Communication and proposals (definitions of communications, aims, proposals of communications) 10 Non-verbal messages (functions of non-verbal messages, international rules, …) 11 Verbal messages (language and meaning, language and culture, collusion and rules of verbal communication) 12 Self-disclosure, self- monitoring, self-awareness (the factors effects self-disclosure, award and dangers of self disclosure, ) 5 - - - Disruption of communication (primary relations) Textbook and /or References PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - - PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY Conflict with others 14 PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - 13 PROF.DR. YAŞAR ÖZBAY REFERNCES Hortaçsu Nuran (1997). İnsan ilişkileri. İmge kitabevi. Ankara. Swenson, C. H. (1973). Introduction to interpersonal relations. Glenview, IL: Scoit, Foresman and Co. EVALUATION SYSTEM PİECE Term Studies PERCENT Midterm 40 Assignments Term Project final exam 60 Total Contribute to the semester study notes 100 The contribution of the final exam grade Total Course Category SOCİAL SCİENCE X 100 TABLE OF ECTS / WORKLOAD ACTIVITIES Hours Work outside lesson time ( pre-study, practice ) Assignments AMOUNT time (Hour) total Workload 14 3 42 Midterm final exam projects Total workload Total workload / 30 ECTS credits Course The relationship between the schedule and course outcomes DÇ/P Ç DÇ1 PÇ 1 PÇ2 PÇ3 PÇ4 PÇ5 PÇ6 PÇ7 PÇ8 PÇ9 PÇ10 PÇ11 PÇ12 DÇ2 DÇ3 DÇ4 Outcome 1. know basic concepts and theories of human relations. 2. know why we interact each other. 3. understand communication development stages 4. understand social influence theory 4. understand attractiveness, power, conflict, friendship, love, non-verbal messages, and verbal messages 5. understand self-disclosure and self- monitoring 6. examine conflict with others 1.