Student Comments - Office Of Associate Dean, University Programs

2014-2015 Critical Thinking Teachers of the Year
A few words from student nominations
She doesn’t just tell you what you did wrong, but guides you to think on a deeper,
critical level. This led students to develop skills they did not have before her class. She
is an amazing professor with a passion not only the subject but also for the success of
her students. She really knows how to push students to get the best from them.
Management, Marketing & International Business: Faridah Awang
I came in to GSD 101 not positive where I wanted to take my life. She encouraged me
and gave me suggestions based on my plan, values, personality, and interests. She
made us look deeper into our ideas and experiences and apply them to our everyday
lives. Her assignments forced us to explain and use different types of critical thinking to
answer questions. She’s the bees-knees. University Programs: April Ballard
She has the most creative and hands-on approach to teaching. She gave us
assignments that challenged us, and I walked away from her class knowing that I would
use it in my professional career. She stressed critical thinking while also being an
example of that thinking. Classes are expensive but this one was worth every penny.
Management, Marketing & International Business: Laura Barthel
Even though this was a level 100 Ethics class, it was pretty hard. My professor wasn't
satisfied with memorization. She encouraged us to think outside the box. She wanted
us to point out mistakes in theories and to argue with great philosophers, even with
philosophers like Plato. This instructor really cares about her students. Philosophy &
Religion: Teena Blackburn
His class really forced me to think critically and creatively. For example, his approach to
assignments and exams ensured that I had to know the material thoroughly. I liked that
he pushed us like this even though I often thought how in the world can a chemistry
class make me think in this way? Chemistry: Martin Brock
I wish that more science instructors taught the "why and how" approach instead of
simply a teaching "what is," because science is never simply "what is." This instructor
has high expectations for her students and is always pushing us to the next level. She
prepares us with information and exudes confidence in us. Biological Sciences: Lindsay
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This was a thought-provoking class which made me think critically while applying the
material to my daily life in the work place. This instructor stressed the use of critical and
creative thinking not only academically but in everyday life. He is excellent at teaching
the application of critical thinking. Safety, Security & Emergency Management: Mike
The professor is always challenging students to go above and beyond when
approaching any given topic, intriguing me to the point of possibly changing my current
area of study. He let students figure out independently how to conduct their studies and
encouraged us to find our own answers to our questions. Anthropology, Sociology &
Social Work: Jon Endonino
He integrates his experience and hands-on knowledge into his teaching style, which
inspires students to think critically and creatively when solving and analyzing problems.
He challenges us to read in a more critical way and that has helped me in my other
classes. This instructor is a huge asset to EKU. Anthropology, Sociology & Social
Work: Benjamin Freed
To complete assignments in this class I could not just look up answers in a book; This
instructor pushed us to think beyond what we were used to. Every day we did
something new and exciting, and he used his own creativity to present lessons in an
energetic way. I've learned more in this class than I have in any other class. Biological
Sciences: Malcom Frisbee
He challenged us to push through the difficulties of a text, to find our own unique voice.
He encouraged us to think about the text through one another's eyes before committing
to our own point of view. I also appreciate his belief that a grade is not what we are after
in the classroom-that the experience of thinking deeply is the real value. English &
Theater: Gill Hunter
I recall one comment this instructor posted on the discussion board: "Leadership is a
behavior, not a position." I believe this comment truly encompasses this person’s
philosophy of teaching. He challenged students to think critically and creatively by
modeling those traits in his own communications. College of Criminal Justice: Frank
He is an excellent teacher who challenged students to develop the critical thinking skills
that will aid us in our future academic careers and in life. He gave challenging, yet
rewarding assignments that really opened my eyes to a lot of things. He is the most
passionate and optimistic professor, and is truly an inspiration to me and to other
students. Safety, Security & Emergency Management: Fred May
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When it comes to nursing, a person must change her way of thinking. As much as that
is a challenge for students, imagine how much more so for the instructor who is at the
helm. Steering each of us on our own path; yet keeping us together on the journey.
This instructor jumps headlong into the fray, determined, headstrong, and relentless to
show us the value of thinking critically. Nursing: Associate Degree: Kristina Petrey
Initially, I was not very excited about taking Philosophy, and was only taking it to meet a
general education requirement. I totally underestimated how much an Instructor would
help me to analyze ideas with an understanding that I did not possess before this
course. I am thankful that this instructor opened my eyes and my mind. Philosophy &
Religion: Matthew Pianalto
This instructor encouraged me to think outside of the box and evaluate information from
different perspectives. She taught me how my brain makes decisions, how I interpret
information, and how to evaluate myself to find my "blind" spots. Everyone has
weaknesses, this instructor taught me to accept mine, but also strive to improve upon
them. Management, Marketing & International Business: Beth Polin
In this class we had to create a plan to rebuild a company's management structure in
order to promote trust, creativity, and teamwork. In order to have a functioning team
we had to analyze different management styles and recognize different team members'
needs and skills. I hope that this instructor is recognized in some way; he has had a
huge influence on my career path. Management, Marketing & International Business:
Mike Roberson
In her classes students live what they are learning through thoughtfully-prepared
applications. Whether it is mock interviews or negotiations, peer instruction
opportunities, or analysis of films, this instructor has a way of prompting insightful
reflection. If there is a single professor to attribute the sculpting of my critical mind, it is
Communication: Karen Rudick
This instructor used activities to help me learn and help me remember what I learned.
He has a knack for making students feel intelligent. If you have a question he takes the
time to sit down with you and explain. You can tell in the way he teaches that he wants
students to succeed. This is not just a job for him; he is passionate about teaching.
Biological Sciences: Bill Staddon
The entire structure of this course was designed to promote creative thinking. The
instructor used technology to both the students’ and the teacher's benefit, and the
structure helped engage me as a learner. I have retained the information I learned and
am using it in other courses. This course gave me hope that college is still relevant and
plays a role in the betterment of society. Psychology: Matthew Winslow
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