Master of Business Administration (MBA) Course Planning Guide College of Management Graduate Programs Student Name: Student ID: Check one: ☐First Degree ☐Second Degree Part I: Business Core Courses If you have waived any courses (see acceptance letter from College of Management), list “W” in the grade received box. Course Name & No. MBA MS 600 MBA AF 601 MBA AF 610 MBA AF 620 MBA MS 630 MBA MS 635 MBA MS 640 MBA MKT 670 Sem/Yr Credits Grade Sem/Yr Credits Grade Mathematical Analysis for Managers (no prerequisite) Economics for Managers (pre-requisite MBAMS 600) Accounting for Managers (pre-requisite MBAMS 600) Financial Management (pre-requisite MBAAF 610) Statistical Analysis for Managers (pre-requisite MBAMS 600) Operations Management (pre-requisite MBAMS 630) Computer Info. Processing Systems (no prerequisite) Marketing Management (no prerequisite) Part II: Business Required Courses (the following 2 courses cannot be waived) Course Name & No. MBAMGT 650 Organizational Analysis & Skills MBAMGT 660 Business and It’s Environment Part III: Business Electives (required in first semester) 3 (pre-requisite MBAMGT 650) 3 Functional Areas and Specializations Electives fall into the following functional area categories: Accounting (ACCT), Finance (FIN), Operations (OPS), Information Systems (IS), Marketing (MKT), Management (MGT), or Communications (COM). Students must complete one elective from at least 4 of the above functional areas to complete the degree. Courses may only be counted toward one functional area, but can satisfy more than one specialization. Examples: o For a course that falls under both the Accounting and Finance functional areas, you must choose one functional area requirement to satisfy with the course. o For a course that falls under both the Management and Marketing specializations, the course may be counted toward both specializations. One (1) course out of the eight electives must have an international focus. Students are not required to complete a specialization. If you decide you would like to specialize, please see the department for more information. To enroll in elective courses students must waive or complete the pre-requisite course. (i.e. to enroll in a finance elective, you must first complete MBA AF 620) Business core courses do not apply as elective courses Course Name & No. Sem/Yr Credits Grade Func. Area 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 Please use the boxes below to check off requirements as you complete them: Functional Areas: 1st ☐ 2nd☐ 3rd☐ International requirement: (I) ☐ Specialization(s): Part IV: Business Capstone Course Course Name & No. MBAMGT 689 Strategic Management Specialization 4th ☐ (to be completed in student’s final semester) Sem/Yr Grade