PPT - Classroom Presenter - University of Washington

A Tablet PC Capstone
Richard Anderson
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering
University of Washington
CSE 490 RA
Tablet PC Project course offered at UW
Prototype offering Winter 2003
First real offering Spring 2003
Planned for Fall 2003
This talk
Course offerings
Discussion of Tablet PC project courses
Capstone classes
Group project to draw together
undergraduate experiences
 Widely offered in engineering
 Many
Common format
 Team
success stories
oriented development project
 Learn
about exciting application domain
 Experience working in a group
 Product life cycle
UW Context
Established Capstone courses in CS
Department support for Capstone
Computer games
Hardware design
25 students per course
Reasonable lab support
Quarter system
Capstone Project
 User
 Project specification
 Working code
 Polished distribution
Individual homework assignments
 Tablet
PC exercises
 User centered design exercises
Curricular goals
Context design (HCI)
User studies
Paper prototypes
Heuristic Evalution
Software Engineering
Development team
Release cycle
Curricular Goals
Pen computing
Mobile computing
UI Considerations for stylus based apps
Form factor
Tablet PC Development
Windows programming
Tablet PC SDK
Fun with ink
Advanced facilities (reco, gestures)
Course mechanics
~5 person teams
 Projects from selected list
 Programming assignments
 Design assignments
 Lectures on HCI and Pen computing
early in the quarter
 Lectures used for group meetings with
instructors and checkpoint
presentations later in quarter
 Final presentations
Elevator Application
Elevator Application
Photo by Dan Lamont
Homework grading
Homework Grading
Photo by Dan Lamont
Shared whiteboard for
remote tutoring
Resources to teach a Tablet PC course
Tablet PC Curricula
Why use the Tablet PC in a project
Tradeoffs in course emphasis
C# and .NET in the course
 Tablet
PC SDK, Visual Studio .NET
 Substantial
Tablet PC development can be
on the desktop
 But not all Tablet PC facilities are available
 Important to experience the form factor and
the high quality ink
For 25 students we started with 5 Tablet
PCs and added 5 more mid quarter
Tablet PC Curricula
Issues relating to the tablet form factor
Tablet PC SDK
Basic use, e.g., an ink collector with
Advanced use – direct manipulation of ink
Students started with a series of
programming exercises such as TicTac-Toe
Reference: Building Tablet PC
Applications by Jarrett and Su
Why use the Tablet PC in a
project class?
Cool new hardware
Fit with an HCI oriented capstone
Create opportunities for the students
Usability and prototyping
Windows platform
Tradeoffs in emphasis
Contextual Design
Software Engineering
Pen / Mobile Computing
Tablet PC SDK
Window Development
C# and .NET in the course
Windows and .NET programming
Students liked C#
Basically positive attitude
Students signed up for the course aware of
the platform
All groups built very good windows apps
Required to submit project as .MSI
Many students started with little Windows
What Microsoft could do to
help .NET project courses
Software infrastructure is very
important for team projects
Provide a usable version control
system integrated with Visual Studio
Release bug tracking software
Course information
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