AURORA Aerial Unmanned Reconnaissance and Operations Research Aircraft Overview – What, Why, and How… • Attempt to design and build the first successful UAV at Florida Tech • 4th Annual AUVSI Student UAV Competition in St. Inigoes, Maryland – Navigate a pre-determined course – Search and recognize targets – Process images autonomously Organizational Chart Justin Oliveira TEAM LEADER Todd Rausch Julie Wikete AEROSPACE Lori Schwartz ELECTRICAL Art Rozenbaum Tania Gay Amit Patel Rakesh Gupta Mark Campbell Megan Kramer Zack Brimhall Omari Sarjeant Chelsea Whitten Robyn Evans Louis Nucci Kyle Flynn Adam Linsenbardt Saranya Raghavan David Kincaid Sadiq Bashir Christopher Jojola Dustin Clauser Tim Pelletier Chris Cease Overview – Sub-Teams • Structures – Design airframe independently – All mounting points on the plane • Electrical – Using off-the-shelf products – Autonomous flight or remote flight pattern recognition – Payload • • • • Image and data storage Ground-to-air communications Autonomous control unit Ideally air-to-ground communications also Team AURORA • Aspires to create a smaller, more efficient and cost-effective product • Alternative to current products • Off-the-shelf electrical components – Cheaper product – Commercial applications possible Electrical Success • The project will be considered successful if as long as all electrical components work, regardless of aircraft flight. Specifications • • • • • • Weight: < 55lbs Wing Span: 13ft. Length: 10ft Autopilot: MP2028 On board Computer: PC104 board Transceiver: WIT2410 range: up to 20 miles, data rate: 460Kbps • Camera: SSC-101: zoom: 270X zoom, resolution: 480 lines • Servos: Futaba S5301 Aircraft Requirements • Create a UAV capable of performing realistic autonomous missions. The aircraft is to be launched and transition or continue to autonomous flight, navigate a specific course, use on board payload senors to locate and assess a series of man-made objects prior to returning to the launch point for landing. • The take-off gross weight of the aircraft is not to exceed 55lbs. For safety purposes the aircraft wings must be able to handle a 2.5g load case without breaking. The aircraft must have a radio control fail safe that is automatically selected during the loss of signal or manually selected if required. • Total mission time including time for image processing is 40 minutes. The mission is to be flown at an altitude above 50ft AGL and below 500ft AGL. The aircraft must be able to navigate using GPS and must be able to demonstrate dynamic control by changing airspeed, altitude, etc during the mission. Block Diagram Power Board Power board will distribute regulated power to each part Micropilot MP028g USB Program will acquire GPS data and send signal to ake picture mapped with current data. Serial RS232 Autopilot with sensors and GPS system. Se r ial RS 23 2 USB capture device connected to a digital camera. Servo Board Jaguar PC 104 board Camera Cirronet Wireless TX/RX Cirronet Wireless TX/RX Ground Station Servos run through the UAV to control it Software – Ground Flight Controls Manual overide Initiate if necessary Transmit & Receive Flight data Aircraft Horizon Autopilot software Handles course, airspeed, position and all necessay correction Software – Image Processing Image Data, time stamped Location, Time, Altitude, Direction, Velocity for all times Pictures and data matched by Time Using Labview, Picture data is overlayed into one large landscape Search Data Shape Using I-Vision Possible matches to search shape are highlighted on Landscape Output: Area Map with Landmarks Highlighted from backround Topograghy Design Drawing - Flowchart Set numpic=# of images Set loopflag=0 Set shaflag=0 Set shanum=#shapes Set finalimage=image(0) Images and telemerty in arrray Loopflag=loopflag +1 No Combine at matching parts by adjusting zoom and direction of image(loopflag) Save to finalimage Find matching parts of image(loopflag) and finalimage Search finalimage for shape(shaflag) Loopflag=numpic Yes Shaflag=shanum-1 Calculate GPS location based on known locations Search patterns in an array GPS Locations of partterns in an array Shaflag=shaflag+1 No Yes Highlight location on finalimage Output finalimage and pattren location array END Power Board Circuits Servo Board 5.4 v 1-2 a Regulating Circuit DC 11.1v Regulating Circuit DC 11.1v Wireless 5v .02 a Regulating Circuit Camera 12 v .35 a DC 11.1v DC 11.1v PC 104 5v 4.41 a Micropilot 6.5 v .14 a Schematic - Camera Schematic – Servo Board Schematic – Micro Pilot Interface Specifications & Requirements • Data – Raw Images taken from image – GPS location of each image – Heading and altitude of UAV for each image • Image Manipulation – Images are overlaid together using GPS – Images are matched to digital landscape for elevation info – Output is converted to grayscale • Image Processing – Given patterns are matched to locations on the landscape – Pattern matches are highlighed – GPS location is outputted Testing Procedures: Module 0 Code for regulating power board • Set-up circuit in PSpice and make sure voltages and currents are correct at each output terminal. • Set up different test cases where it creates simulated spikes to see how the devices respond. • Breadboard and test actual voltages and currents correspond to the theoretical values with generic loads before connecting equipment to prevent damage. Testing Procedures: Module 1 Code for taking and storing pictures • Run the program that takes in GPS data and takes pictures saving the data and pictures to compact flash. • Send in generic data where the GPS will connect serially and check if the USB output captures a picture. • Finally check whether the data and picture was saved correctly. Test some outlying data to input as simulated GPS data and check to see if the code functions correctly. Testing Procedures: Module 2 Code for converting images • Run the program that takes the data from the compact flash. • Use generic input to test whether the system is successful converting the image. • Once the software has completed this process, a test should be conducted to determine whether the converted was saved correctly into memory. Testing Procedures: Module 3 Code for image recognition • Run the program which uses the previously converted image to look for specified objects. • Using the sample input, test whether the system is able to locate for the objects. • Lastly, check to see if the information on the recognized objects is stored correctly into memory. Risks & Solutions - Technical • Power Board Development may take more time than anticipated – Preliminary power board layout is complete – Currently designing schematics for power board – Determining the correct value for the components for the power board are taking longer than expected – Calculations are not giving the desired output – Solution: Continue testing power board circuit and seek professional assistance • Software Development may take more time than anticipated – Currently writing algorithms for: • • • • Module 0: Regulating Voltage Module 1: Image Restoration from Snapshots Module 2: Image Conversion Module 3: Image Recognition – Need assistance for MatLab coding in Labview – Solution: Seek professional assistance Risks & Solutions - Schedule • Time delay due to power board and software development taking more time than anticipated • Time delay in ordering the necessary parts • Possibility of not receiving parts on time to build and test prototype during allotted time period • Time delay in ordering new parts, if necessary – Solution: Resolve technical risks immediately to avoid future time delays readjust schedule and overestimate possible man hours in order to consider future time delays Reliability and Maintainability • Measures of Reliability: – Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) • In terms of flight hours – Failure Rate • Failure over a certain time period Reliability and Maintainability • Measures of Maintainability: – Mean Time to Repair • Average number of repair times – Maintenance • Man-hours per flight hour – Maintenance crew size • Average number of people required to accomplish the task • Factors which influence reliability: • Proximity to ground – Affects interfacing with electronics at the base station Reliability and Maintainability • Plans to achieve reliability and maintainability: – Simplification – Fewer parts means less things are likely to fail – Standardization – Quality and capacity of equipments are comparable • Use off-the-shelf products to reduce costs and increase standardization of components – Reliability Design Checklist – Back-up power systems for electronics and engine – Auxiliary power located in the fuselage Status – Schedule 08 .3 1. 20 05 09 .0 7. 20 05 09 .1 4. 20 05 09 .2 1. 20 05 09 .2 8. 20 05 10 .0 5. 20 05 10 .1 2. 20 05 10 .1 9. 20 05 10 .2 6. 20 05 11 .0 2. 20 05 11 .0 9. 20 05 Hours Status – Labor 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Planned (Hours) Actual (Hours) Bill of Materials Line Item Part / Model Number Part Description Manufacturer Supplier / Vendor Number Unit Unit Price Extended Price Surveillance Spy Equipment 1 unit $549.99 $549.99 1 SSC-101 27x optical c25 ccd camera MarBril Enteprises Inc. 2 MP2028g Micropilot MP2028g Micro Pilot Micro Pilot 1 unit $500.00 $500.00 3 SBC 1586 PC 104 board Micro/Sys Micro/Sys Micro/Sys 1 unit $485.00 $485.00 4 SDCFB-1024-A10 1 GB Compact flash card Sandisk Amazon 1 unit $74.99 $74.99 5 WIT2410 Cirronet wireless Rx Tx Cirronet Cirronet 2 wires $409.0 0 $818.00 6 misc. electronics electronics misc. misc. 1 unit unknow n unknown to date 3LP650 11.1v Lithium Polymer Batteries Batteries America Batteries America 4 battery $31.95 $127.80 7 TOTAL: $2,555.78 AURORA Questions? Aerial Unmanned Reconnaissance and Operations Research Aircraft