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Ch. 4 Arrangement of

Electrons in Atoms

4.1 Electromagnetic Spectrum

YouTube Notes


 Light behaves like a wave and particle!

Light as a Wave

 electromagnetic radiation :

 form of energy that acts as a wave as it travels

 includes: visible light, X rays, ultraviolet and infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves

 All forms are combined to form electromagnetic spectrum

Light as a Wave

Draw in your journal.

Speed of light: all form of EM radiation travel at a speed of 3.0 x

10 8 m/s

Light as a Wave c

  wavelength: (λ) distance between points on adjacent waves; in nm

(10 9 nm = 1m) frequency: (ν) number of waves that passes a point in a second, in waves/second

Inversely proportional!


 1. Calculate the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation whose frequency is

7.5 x10² Hz.

Photoelectric Effect

 when light is shone on a piece of metal, electrons can be emitted

Photoelectric Effect

Max Planck: a German physicist suggested that an object emits energy in the form of small packets of energy called quanta

 quantum- the minimum amount of energy that can be gained or lost by an atom

 Einstein later suggested that light can be viewed as stream of particles

 photon- particle of EM radiation having no mass and carrying one quantum of energy

Energy of a quantum of radiation


Light as a particle


 h


Constant is equal to


-34 J*s



3. Determine the energy (in joules) of a photon whose frequency is 3.55 x 10 17 Hz.

Line-Emission Spectrum

 ground state- lowest energy state of an atom

 excited state- when an atom has higher potential energy than it has at ground state

Line-Emission Spectrum

 line-emission spectrum- series of wavelengths of light created when visible portion of light from excited atoms is shined through a prism

When an excited atom falls back to ground state, it emits photon of radiation…we see this as different colors!

Flame Test Lab
