Electromagnetic Spectrum Webquest

Electromagnetic Spectrum Webquest
Task 1: Click on the NASA: Electromagnetic Link
1. When you tune your _____________, watch TV, send a _________ ____________, or pop
popcorn in a _________________oven, you are using electromagnetic energy.
2. Electromagnetic energy travels in ______________ and spans a broad spectrum from very
_____________ radio waves to very ______________ gamma rays. The human eye can only
detect only a small portion of this spectrum called visible light. A radio detects a different
portion of the spectrum, and an x-ray machine uses yet another portion.
Click on the: Anatomy of an Electromagnetic Wave (on the Right).
3. Electromagnetic waves differ from mechanical waves in that they do not require
4. This means that electromagnetic waves can travel not only through air and solid materials,
but also through the ___________________of space.
Click on the: Wave Behaviors Link on the Right.
5. Reflection is when incident light (incoming light) hits an object and ____________
_______. Very smooth surfaces such as mirrors ______________ almost all incident light.
6. Absorption occurs when photons from incident light hit atoms and molecules and cause
them to ______________. The more an object's molecules move and vibrate, the
________________ it becomes.
7. Diffraction is the bending and ________________ of waves around an obstacle. It is most
pronounced when a light wave strikes an object with a size comparable to its own
wavelength. An instrument called a spectrometer uses diffraction to separate light into a
range of wavelengths—a __________________. In the case of visible light, the separation of
wavelengths through diffraction results in a __________________.
8. Scattering occurs when light bounces off an object in a variety of
9. Refraction is when light waves change ______________ as they pass from one
_____________ to another. Light travels slower in _______ than in a vacuum, and
even slower in water. As light travels into a different medium, the change in speed
bends the light.
Click on the NASA: Electromagnetic Spectrum Diagram Link:
10. Fill-in the Table below using the diagram:
Type or EM Radiation
Two examples:
Gamma Ray
11. Which type of EM radiation has the longest
12. Which type of EM radiation has the shortest
13. Which color of visible light has the shortest wavelength?__________________
14. Which color has the longest wavelength?______________________
Go to the NASA: Diagram Link
Look at the diagram of the EM Spectrum to answer the following question:
15. What two objects does the diagram compare the size or radio wave to?
16. What type of EM radiation has the highest frequency?_________________________
17. What two types of radiation can penetrate Earth’s atmosphere?
Click on the Hazards of EM Radiation Link:
18. List three hazards below:
19. Would we be able to survive without EM radiation? Explain your answer with
information you learned from the webquest. (3-5 Sentences)
Click on the Waves Quiz link and test yourself on your knowledge of the Parts of a Wave.
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