Learning Management Services Operational Services The Learning Management Services team is a service group providing operational support (training for student information systems, student data reporting and curriculum and instructional technology) as well as professional development in curriculum and instruction (standards-based course design, assessment for learning strategies and grading for learning practices). For classroom teachers The LMS Staff will be utilizing the new incident and request tracking system rolling out midyear. Until then, contact us through our shared email account and department phone number. LMS Parent Services Guardians are directed to email LMS@everettsd.org with school and student information for a user name and password once a school has granted web access. This log in allows guardians to access K-12 student historical information, attendance, secondary schools’ current grades, website customization and Atomic Learning. Anyone contacting LMS who is not yet set up with access will be referred back to their child’s school. Department Phone Number: 385-4080 Email: LMSStaff@everettsd.org Most systems are automatically set up for teachers when they are assigned to classes in eSchool. Teachers can contact LMSStaff@everettsd.org when working on how to use or to troubleshoot the student information system, gradebook, reporting tools or instructional technology software. LMS Tools Atomic Learning Cognos Curriculum Portal Discovery Education Docushare Elementary Progress Report (EPR) eSchool Plus EPS Google Apps Gradebook Insight Analytics Moodle Schoolwires Teacher Access Center Teacher Insight Analytics For roles beyond the classroom teacher Leadership, facilitators, counselors, coordinators, support staff and others who interact with students typically require manual set up in systems and LMS can help. Send us a User Access form (found on the LMS website) and request training at any time for initial use or advancing skills. Operational Services Examples Access and training for the Student Information System o eSchool o Home Access Center o Teacher Access Center Access and training in Progress Reporting/ Gradebook o Elementary Progress Report (EPR) o Pinnacle Gradebook Access and training in reporting tools o Cognos o Scantron Insight Analytics o Scantron Teacher Insight Coordination and training of state and federal reporting requirements and reporting – (ie CEDARS) Coordinating and training for progress reporting and report card processing and printing Maintenance and access to the Curriculum Portal LMS Additional Trainings: EPS Google Apps Microsoft Office Suite o Excel o Outlook o Word Curriculum and Instruction Services For classroom teachers Learning Management Services team members work alongside curriculum specialists and facilitators, with teacher teams and with individuals by request for classroom course design elements in unit design, instruction, assessment and technology integration. Contact LMSStaff@everettsd.org to schedule. LMS Trainings include Assessment for Learning Depth of Knowledge Grading for Learning Integrating Technology tools into Instruction Proficiency Scaling in Instructional and Assessment Design . Curriculum and Instruction Examples For roles beyond the classroom teacher Learning Management Services team members are open to partnerships with Principals, Specialists, Facilitators, and Program Directors to provide presentations to staff or groups in support of a building or department’s improvement plans. In addition to working with teachers, LMS can also provide sessions on a variety of enhanced use of core software to any staff group. Integration of technology throughout content area Examples: o How to use Google Forms for formative assessment or simply collecting responses to surveylike questions o How to use Google or Office Online to increase collaboration and peer to peer feedback Professional development in standardsbased instructional design for district leadership, building leadership, full staff and teacher teams o Depth of Knowledge (Webb’s DoK) o Proficiency scales as design tools o Assessment for learning o Unit design o Grading for learning Professional development online, and face to face for schools, teacher teams, departments or individuals as needed in instructional technology Learning Management Services Leading the way to improve efficiency and effectiveness If it is about kids and the software that schedules, instructs or reports on their learning– LMS will be your point of contact LMS Website LMS Phone Number: 385-4080 Email: LMSStaff@everettsd.org LMS Phone Number: 385-4080 Email: LMSStaff@everettsd.org