DCBS Number: DCBS Name: COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY CABINET FOR FAMILIES AND CHILDREN DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES CONTINUOUS QUALITY ASSESSMENT FAMILIAL - CPS NARRATIVE OUTLINE Date CQA Approved: I. MALTREATMENT/PRESENTING ISSUE: State original allegation? What is extent of current maltreatment/presenting issue for each victim? Who is responsible? Collateral/witness description of maltreatment/presenting issue. Ongoing-- summarize past maltreatment/presenting issues, describe current progress. . CPS RATING II. UNDERLYING CAUSES How and why did the maltreatment/presenting issue occur? According to victims, siblings, household members, non-offending caretaker, perpetrator, and collateral. Ongoing—summarize prior underlying causes and current progress toward prevention of reoccurrence CPS RATING III. FAMILY DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES & TASKS: Consider each adult (including biological and/or legal non-custodial and absent parents) State developmental stages of family. Describe tasks family struggles with related to maltreatment/presenting issues. Effectiveness of parenting practices Discuss strengths and risk—cultural, financial, physical and mental health, substance usage, domestic violence, etc. which impact family functioning. Ongoing—summarize prior Family Developmental Stages and Tasks and current progress. Selected Assessment Factors 1 DCBS Number: DCBS Name: Strength: Parent/caregiver in the home is willing to provide basic food, clothing, and shelter for child/ren. Strength: Parent/caregiver knows child/ren needs and is concerned about their safety and wellbeing. Risk: Adult/s unable to or unwilling to protect self and/or child/ren. Risk: Adults from serial relationships (paramours, self-parents) provide care for children. Risk: Past/present history of family violence (not necessarily part of current incident) Risk: Family shows stresses such as poverty, unemployment, chaotic lifestyle, or isolation. Parent/Caretaker CPS Rating Comments CPS RATING IV. FAMILY CHOICE OF DISCIPLINE: Consider each adult (including biological and/or legal non-custodial and absent parents) How does family teach children responsibility and appropriate behavior? What are the disciplinary approaches used by the parents/caretakers? Is discipline appropriate to child’s developmental stage/age. What behavior management techniques create risk. Ongoing—summarize prior Family Choice of Discipline and current progress Selected Assessment Factors Strength: Parents provide discipline that is reasonable, predictable, and helps shape positive behavior. Risk: There is a pattern of unpredictable, escalating, inappropriate or unusual discipline. Narrative Parent/Caretaker CPS Rating Comments 2 DCBS Number: DCBS Name: CPS RATING V. INDIVIDUAL ADULT PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR: Consider each adult (including biological and/or legal non-custodial and absent parents) Describe adult’s high-risk behavior and factors that which influence behavior— cultural, financial, physical and mental health, substance usage, domestic violence, employment, educational, etc. which impact the adult’s functioning. . Summarize criminal CPS and APS history Summarize high-risk behavior as reported by family/collaterals. Describe strengths of the adult. Ongoing—summarize prior Individual Adult Patterns of Behavior and current progress. Selected Assessment Factors Strength: Adults in the home have average intelligence/education, are generally mentally and physically healthy, and have adequate social skills. Risk: Individual’s substance abuse endangers the well being of self or other family members. Risk: There is a documented history, or observable indicators, of domestic violence in the family. Risk: There is a pattern of serial relationships (paramours, spouses, etc.) Risk: There is a criminal history of assault, child abuse, domestic violence, alcohol/drug, or other relevant charges/convictions (AOC Records Check) Risk: Previous reports in TWIST, etc RUMBA (CA/N DV LINK, APS Registries) Narrative Parent/Caretaker CPS Rating CRIMINAL RECORDS CHECKED CA/N LINK Comments CPS RATING VI. CHILD/YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: Address every child in the home. Is child able to accomplish developmentally appropriate tasks on a daily basis? Discuss how task results in maltreatment/presenting issue. Include strengths Describe child’s cultural, educational, physical/mental health, independent living skills, attachment, permanency needs Describe high-risk behaviors of the child. Ongoing—summarize prior Child/Youth Development and current progress. 3 DCBS Number: DCBS Name: Selected Assessment Factors Any child is fearful of home situation. Any child is 0 through 5 years old and/or older child cannot protect self. Narrative: Child/Youth CPS Rating Comments RATING VII. FAMILY SYSTEM OF SUPPORT: Describe how extended family, friends, and community help family protect the children. Describe potential negative impact of the support system. Describe community support system for the family. If child is placed out of the home what placement support is needed. Ongoing—summarize prior Family System Support and current progress. Selected Assessment Factors Strength: Family is able to identify specific sources of family and community support that provide and/or are willing to provide support. Narrative CPS RATING RATINGS/FINDINGS/DECISIONS/ACTIONS CPS RATINGS Maltreatment/Presenting Issue Underlying Causes Family Developmental Stages & Tasks Family Choice of Discipline Adult Patterns of Behavior Child Development Family System of Support RISK ASSESSMENT CONCLUSION High Risk ( 20 – 28 ) Significant Risk ( 14 – 19.9 ) Moderate Risk ( 7 – 13.9 ) Low Risk ( 0 – 6.9 ) TOTAL ASSESSMENT FINDINGS: Individual Enter in TWIST Investigation Results Screen Incident Program/ SubProgram Results 4 DCBS Number: DCBS Name: ASSESSMENT/INVESTIGATION CONCLUSION: Describe sequence of Investigation/FINSA Statement and justification of findings Identify family and individual needs and service recommendations. Summarize safety plans/aftercare plans Summarize court action Document dates DPP-154, CPS findings notification, 72-hour notification to law enforcement/county attorney, FSOS consultation Worker Signature Supervisor Signature ____________________________________________________ If Applicable ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________ 5