Student Money Advice Service Anglia Ruskin University Shannon Lynn Norton Reason for the Project Changing funding model in the UK Find out how aware students are of Student Money Advice and their current funds Find ways to increase students financial awareness and capabilities Research Questions 1. How aware are students of Student Money Advice Service and their funding? 2. How do students use their funding? 3. How can Student Money Advice increase the students’ financial awareness and capabilities? Methods Qualitative with quantitative measures Email questionnaire and one-on-one in person questionnaire Current UK/EU students in May 2013 at ARU Cambridge and Chelmsford campuses Data input into excel, short answers broken into themes, and tallied Questions 1. Do you know where to get help with sorting out your funding or managing your finances? Yes/No If Yes, is that within our university? 2. Do you know how much your funding is for this year? Yes/No If Yes: Fees? Maintenance? 3. Are you able to make your money last for the whole year? Yes/No If No, why not? 4. Aside from housing costs, on what do you spend the majority of your money? 5. Would you like to attend a money management workshop to improve your financial awareness? Yes/No If no, why not? 6. Did you know that the Student Money Advice Service had money management workshops both in Chelmsford and Cambridge during National Student Money Week earlier this year? Yes/No If Yes, how? If No, how would you like to be contacted about similar events in the future? 7. Do you think that money management and financial awareness should be taught as part of the curriculum at university? Yes/No 8. How can the Student Money Advice Service help you improve your financial capability/awareness? Findings 100 total responses 40 from email questionnaire 60 from one-on-one in person questionnaire Do you know where to get help with sorting out your funding or managing your finances? 100 90 80 70 60 Maybe 50 No Yes 40 30 20 10 0 Maybe No Yes Do you know how much your funding is for the year? Yes No Yes No 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Are you able to make your money last the entire year? 100 90 80 70 60 50 Yes w/ other income 40 30 Yes 20 10 No 0 N/A N/A No Yes Aside from housing costs, on what do you spending the majority of your money? Food Car/Petrol Travel Course Materials Personal Items Social Activities Childcare/Family Bills Phone/Gadgets Would you like to attend a money management workshop to improve your financial awareness? 100 90 80 70 60 Maybe 50 No Yes 40 30 20 10 0 Maybe No Yes Why they would not attend a workshop No Money to Travel Took Finance Course Will Not Change Habits Spouse/Parent Handles Graduating No Time Already Aware/Able to Manage 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Did you know about the recent money management workshops? 100 90 80 70 60 N/A (new) 50 No Yes 40 30 20 10 0 N/A (new) No Yes How do you like to be contacted? Email Leaflets Posters Social Media Website Do you think money management and financial awareness should be taught as part of the university curriculum? Yes No Yes No 0 20 40 60 80 100 How can the Student Money Advice Service help improve your financial capability/awareness? Advertise Services Course/Workshops Already Help Tips to Make Money Last Make Budgets Pre Arrival/First Day Info Info on Exceptions/Additional Funds Funding/Payment Options Publish Average Yearly Expenses More Office Hours Shock Posters Discussion Points Student Money Advice is valued Student know where to go but not always aware of all the services provided Student want information early in their education Food, Car/Petrol and Travel are biggest expenses Students see value in classes or workshops but need incentives to attend Students want emails but don’t always read Need distinction between Financial Services and Student Money Advice Short Term Recommendations Before the Fall Term Make ARU website easier to navigate to Student Money Advice page (especially from my.anglia) Send out flashy emails Provide incentives for programs Advertise the Money Advice Central mailbox Shock Posters Update Facebook/Twitter accounts regularly Short Term Recommendations In the Next Six Months Continue progress on events calendar on webpage Hold current programs • Cheap as Chips and Money Doctors Develop interactive budget for webpage Short Term Recommendations In the Next Twelve to Eighteen Months Update 2014 Undergraduate Prospectus Catalog Update Information for new students handout Send Information to Parents Add Yearly Expense sheet to student handouts; Collaboration with Financial Services Develop new workshops Long Term Recommendations In the Next Three Years Compile scholarships in central location Create on-line training • must complete to receive funding Create permanent on-campus student jobs Create meal plan and extend dining hours Take fees (accommodation/meal plans) out of maintenance funds upfront Long Term Recommendations In the Next Three Years (Cont.) Change disbursement of funding Students deposit funds into ARU account before start of classes Long Term Recommendations Beyond Three Years MyAnglia Card • OSU BUCKID: • Wright1 Card: Create First Year Experience One Stop for Students Create “work study” program Increase number of advisers Additional Resources Wright Financial Path: References Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. QUESTIONS?