Module 3: Designing an Active Directory Site Topology Agenda Sites Replication Within Sites Replication Between Sites Replication Protocols Active Directory Branch Office Deployment What Are Sites? The First Site Is Set Up Automatically, and Is Called Default-First-Site-Name Sites Can Consist of Zero, One, or More Subnets Sites Are Used to Control Replication Traffic and Logon Traffic Sites Contain Server Objects and Are Associated with IP Subnet Objects Sites: Purpose and Function Definition: A set of well-connected subnets Contain only Server and Configuration objects Sites are used for… Logging on Group Policies Replication topology Intra-Site Inter-Site Site Boundaries Sites may span domains Domains may span sites OUs may span sites Site A spans some components of Site A OU Site B Site B spans all of and some components of Some components of OU exist in SiteA Some components of OU exist in Site B Replication Intra-Site Replication Automatic topology generation Pull-only, based on update notification Always RPC based Inter-Site Replication Semi-automatic topology generation Scheduled (no update notification) RPC or SMTP (Domain NC: RPC Only) Intra-Site Replication Information that is replicated Domain Naming Context (NC) Configuration Naming Context (NC) Schema Naming Context (NC) Replication Topologies Domain NC Schema/Configuration NC always share the same topology Intra-Site Replication SITE A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 Legend Domain A 3 Server Domain A Topology/Connection Schema/Configuration Topology Same Site - Single Domain = One Replication Topology Each new DC (KCC) inserts itself into the ring Replication via RPC is based on pull Topology adjusts to ensure a maximum of three hops (edges added at 7 servers) KCC runs every 15 minutes Intra-Site Replication A 1 SITE A 2 B 2 B 1 A 3 A 4 B 3 Legend A Domain 3 Server Domain A Topology/Connection Domain B Topology/Connection Schema/Configuration Topology DCs within a site/domain will maintain distinct Domain NC connection objects Schema/Configuration replication performed normally Domain NC’s topologies are separate for Domain A and Domain B Intra-Site Replication SITE A 1 A 2 B 2 B 1 Global Catalog Server & Connector B 3 A 3 A 4 Global Catalog Servers within a site will source from a DC Global Catalog will establish a connection object to request Domain NC from the other domain(s) Inter-Site Replication Site Links Two or more sites Connected by common transport Cost associated with link Schedule determines window Frequency determines replication Site Link Bridges Two or more site links Transitiveness between site links Site Links Transport Cost IP (RPC) or SMTP Smaller number is cheaper Based on network characteristics Schedule Configurable Schedule defines windows of replication Frequency defines how often replication will happen Site Links NYC AB 1 BOS AB 10 512 5 ATL AB Two or more sites Cost Transport Legend LAX B B Used for message route paths Defined by: 256 512 SEA A A 5 20 FRAME 128 128 RED AB 10 Describe physical network COST Site LInk Domain A Domain Servers B Schedule Frequency Site Link Bridges NYC AB 2 0 FRAME BOS 128128 AB 1 10 256 RED AB 5 512 SEA A A LAX B B 10 512 5 ATL AB Provide transitiveness between site links Similar to network routers All sites bridged by default Defined by two or more site links Replication Within Sites Domain Controller A Site IP Subnet Replication IP Subnet Domain Controller B Replication Within Sites: Occurs Between Domain Controllers in the Same Site Assumes Fast and Highly Reliable Network Links Does Not Compress Replication Traffic Uses a Change Notification Mechanism Replication Between Sites Replication Between Sites: Occurs on a Manually Defined Schedule Is Designed to Optimize Bandwidth One or More Replicas in Each Site Act As IP Subnet Bridgeheads ISTG Bridgehead Server Replication IP Subnet Site IP Subnet Replication Replication Bridgehead Server, ISTG Site IP Subnet Replication Protocols RPC or SMTP Domain Controller A Domain Controller B Replication Protocols RPC for Replication Within and Between Sites SMTP for Replication Between Sites ISM and KCC/ISTG Inter-Site Messaging Service (ISM) Creates cost matrix for Inter-Site replication Sends and receives SMTP messages if SMTP replication is used Runs only when ISM service starts up Changes happen in site configuration (new sites, site-links, site-link-bridges) Information is used by Netlogon for auto-site coverage Load-Balancing tool Universal Group Caching DFS KCC/ISTG Computes least cost spanning tree Inter-Site replication topology Inter-Site component of KCC Runs every 15 minutes by default Bridgehead Server Selection Windows 2000 On a per site basis, for each domain, one DC per NC used as Bridgehead Windows Server 2003 On a per site basis, for each domain, all DCs per NC used as Bridgehead KCC picks DC randomly when connection object is created For both incoming and outgoing connection objects Bridgehead Server Selection A A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B siteLink siteLink siteLink A11 B11 A12 B12 A13 B13 Bridgehead Server Selection Windows 2000 A A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B A11 B11 A12 B12 A13 B13 Bridgehead Server Selection Preferred Bridgehead Server List Some servers should not be used as Bridgeheads PDC FSMO Weak hardware Solution: Preferred Bridgehead Server List Allows administrator to restrict what DCs can be used as Bridgehead Servers If Preferred Bridgehead Server List is defined for a site, KCC/ISTG will only use members of the list as Bridgeheads Warning: If Preferred Bridgehead Server List is defined, make sure that there are at least DCs per NC in the list If there is no DC for a specific NC in the list, replication will not occur out of site for this NC Bridgehead Server Selection Preferred Bridgehead Server List A A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B A11 B11 A12 B12 A13 B13 Bridgehead Server Selection Bad Bad Preferred Bridgehead Server List A A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B A11 B11 A12 B12 A13 Replication to B NC broken B13 Bridgehead Server Selection Recommendations for Branch Office Deployments Always use Preferred Bridgehead Server List in hub sites Make sure that there are enough DCs in the list Make sure that there are enough DCs that are not included in the list Do not add PDC Operations Master Do not add DCs used for user logons Do not add DCs used by Exchange servers Make sure that all NCs are covered in the Preferred Bridgehead Server List If there are GCs in the branches, make all Bridgehead Servers GCs Best Practices Place at Least One Domain Controller in Every Site Place At Least One DNS Server in Each Site Schedule Site Links for Times When Network Traffic Is Slow Agenda Sites Replication Within Sites Replication Between Sites Replication Protocols Active Directory Branch Office Deployment Characteristics Of A Branch Office Deployment Large number of locations Small number of users per location Hub and spoke network topology Slow network connections and dial on demand links WAN availability Bandwidth available for Active Directory Other services relying on the WAN Large number of domain controllers in remote locations Branch Office Scenario TCP/IP & DNS Settings FSMO Role Placement AD Branch Office Scenario ROOT1- GC (SM, DNM FSMO Roles) DNS P: DNS A: ROOT2 - DC (IM, RID, PDC FSMO Roles) DNS P: DNS A: ROOT3 - DC DNS P: DNS A: HUBDC1 - DC (IM, RID, PDC FSMO Roles) branches.corp.hay-buv-com DNS P: BH3 - GC DNS A: BH1 - GC BH2 - GC branches.corp.hay-buv-com DNS P: DNS P: DNS A: DNS P: DNS A: DNS A: Site-HUB Staging - GC DNS P: DNS A: Site-Stage Branch Office Site-Branch1 BODC1 DC DNS P: Branch Office Site-Branch2 BODC2 DC DNS P: DNS A: Branch Office Site-Branch3 Branch Office Site-Branch4 Branch Office Site-Branch5 BODC3 DC DNS P: DNS A: BODC4 DC DNS P: DNS A: BODC5 DC DNS P: DNS A: Design Considerations For Branch Offices User management and Group Policies Structural Planning Forest planning Domain planning DNS considerations Replication planning DNS configuration for branch offices Replication planning Centralized User Management Advantages: Good security control and policy enforcement Easy automation of common management tasks from a single source point Problems can be fixed quickly Changes flow from hub to branch Disadvantages Success varies directly with the availability and speed of the local area network (LAN) or WAN Propagation changes are time-consuming, depending on the replication infrastructure and the replication schedules Time to react and to fix issues might be longer IT organization tends to be further away from “customer” Recommendation Use centralized model Group Policy Management Management of Group Policies focuses on PDC Group policies use both Active Directory and sysvol replication (NTFRS replication) Sysvol replicates on a per file level Changes are performed on PDC Always use centralized Group Policy model for Branch Office deployments Watch applications that change Group Polices (account security settings) Restrict administration of policies to group that understands impact of changes Avoid last writer win overwrite issues SYSVOL Replication Follows AD replication topology Different conflict resolution algorithm Uses connection objects Replicates on a per file level Last writer wins Avoid applications that create excessive sysvol replication Do not create file system policy against replicated content Check anti-virus software Diskeeper Forest Planning Deploy single forest for Branch Offices Reasons for having multiple forests Political/organizational reasons Unlikely in branch office scenarios Too many locations where domain controllers must be deployed Complexity of deployment Too many objects in the directory Should be partitioned on domain level GCs too big? Evaluate not deploying GCs to branch offices “Whistler”: No-GC-logon feature Domain Partitioning Recommendation for Branch Office Deployment Use single domain Typically only one security area Central administration (users and policies) Replication traffic higher, but more flexible model (roaming users, no GC dependencies) Database size no big concern If high number of users work in central location Create different domains for headquarters and branches If number of users very high (> 50,000) Create geographical partitions Design Considerations For Domain Controller Placement Required services File and Print, e-mail, database, mainframe Most of them require Windows® logon Logon requires DC and GC availability Logon locally or over the WAN WAN logon requires acceptable speed and line availability Cached credentials only work for local workstation logon Design Considerations For Domain Controller Placement Replication versus client logon traffic Replication traffic more static and predictable Affected by domain design and GC location Applications using the GC can demand local GC Logon traffic affected by number of users in the branch and services Less predictable Security Management Alternative solutions Terminal Servers Local accounts Design Considerations For Global Catalog Placement No factor in single domain deployment Multiple Domain deployments GC needed for logon in native mode Disable GC requirement “Whistler” has Universal Group caching feature Services might require GC Exchange 2000 Recommendation: If WAN unreliable or more than 50 users in branch, deploy GC to branch Always put GC next to services that require GC I.e., if there are Exchange 2000 servers in the branch, deploy GC to branch DNS Planning Considerations DNS – AD root domain Distributing forest wide locator records Island problem Domain controller SRV record configuration Auto Site Coverage NS records DNS Configuration Of Root Domain If DNS already exists Delegate AD root domain to Windows 2000 DNS server (i.e., Use Active Directory integrated DNS zones If not Use Windows 2000 DNS server on domain controllers Use Active Directory integrated DNS zones Create internal root, or Configure forwarders Distributing Forest Wide Records CNAME records for replication and GC records are forest wide records Stored in _msdcs domain in the AD root domain I.e., two domains, and A records for DCs in are stored in the DNS domain A records for DCs in are stored in CNAMEs for replication for DC in are stored in the DNS domain CNAMEs for replication for DC in are stored in the DNS domain By default, this domain exists only on root domain controllers Create separate zone for _msdcs.<ForestRootDomain> and transfer zone to all DCs in child domains The Island Problem A domain controller that is also a DNS server can isolate itself from replication Can only happen if DC points to itself as preferred or alternate DNS server DC has writeable copy of _msdcs.<forestRootDomain> DNS domain Recommendation Domain controllers that are DNS servers AND are domain controllers in the forest root domain should point to another DC as preferred and alternate DNS server All other domain controllers (especially child domain controllers) can point to themselves as preferred or alternate DNS server Managing Service Records SRV records are published by netlogon in DNS On site level and domain level Clients search for services in the client site first, and fall back to domain level Branch Office deployments require specific configuration Large number of domain controllers creates scalability problem for domain level registration If more than 850 branch office DCs want to register SRV records on domain level, registration will fail Registration on domain level is in most cases meaningless DC cannot be contacted over WAN / DOD link anyways If local look-up in branch fails, client should always fallback to hub only Configure netlogon service to register SRV records for Branch Office DCs on site level only Follow Q267855 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netl ogon\Parameters Registry value: DnsAvoidRegisterRecords Data type: REG_MULTI_SZ Mnemonic Type DNS record Dc SRV _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.<DnsDomainName> SRV _ldap._tcp.<SiteName>._sites.dc._msdcs.<DnsDomainNam e> DcByGuid SRV _ldap._tcp.<DomainGuid>.domains._msdcs.<DnsForestNa me> Pdc SRV _ldap._tcp.pdc._msdcs.<DnsDomainName> Gc SRV _ldap._tcp.gc._msdcs.<DnsForestName> GcAtSite SRV _ldap._tcp.<SiteName>._sites.gc._msdcs.<DnsForestName GenericGc SRV _gc._tcp.<DnsForestName> GenericGcAtSite SRV _gc._tcp.<SiteName>._sites.<DnsForestName> GcIpAddress A _gc._msdcs.<DnsForestName> DsaCname CNA ME <DsaGuid>._msdcs.<DnsForestName> Kdc SRV _kerberos._tcp.dc._msdcs.<DnsDomainName> KdcAtSite SRV _kerberos._tcp.dc._msdcs.<SiteName>._sites.<DnsDomain Name> Ldap SRV _ldap._tcp.<DnsDomainName> LdapAtSite SRV _ldap._tcp.<SiteName>._sites.<DnsDomainName> LdapIpAddress A <DnsDomainName> Rfc1510Kdc SRV _kerberos._tcp.<DnsDomainName> Rfc1510KdcAtSite SRV _kerberos._tcp.<SiteName>._sites.<DnsDomainName> Rfc1510UdpKdc SRV _kerberos._udp.<DnsDomainName> DcAtSite AutoSite Coverage AutoSite coverage allows DCs to advertise for sites without DCs, if they are in the closest site to the DC Not practical for Branch Office deployments Root DCs would advertise for all sites If client cannot connect to a local DC, it will fall back to hub site anyways (configuration of SRV records) Planning For Replication Concepts Connection objects KCC Site-links Site-link bridges Sysvol replication Planning steps Planning for Bridgehead Servers Determine number of Sites Decide whether to use the KCC or create replication topology manually Define site structure of hub site Define replication schedule Create Site-Links Create connection objects (if KCC disabled) Planning For Bridgehead Servers How many bridgehead servers do I need? How to configure bridgehead servers Things you need to know: Centralized or decentralized change model Data update requirements formulated by customer How many times a day do we need to replicate? How many changes happen in a branch per day Total number of domain controllers Time needed to establish dial-on-demand network connectivity Inbound Versus Outbound Replication Different threading model Outbound replication is multi-threaded Bridgehead server can have multiple replication partners Bottleneck is most likely CPU (monitor!) Inbound replication is single-threaded Replication of changes from branches to hub is serialized Bottleneck is most likely the network Replication Traffic Documented in Notes from the Field, Building Enterprise Active Directories Replication overhead for branch office deployments Overhead if there are two domain controllers: 21 KB 13 KB to setup the replication sequence 5 KB to initiate replication of the domain naming context, including the changed password 1.5 KB for each schema and configuration naming context (where no changes occurred) Each DC will add 24 Bytes Overhead for 1,002 DCs: 162 KB Example – Outbound Replication Partners Requirements: Replication twice a day (= K) WAN 8 hours available (= H) High performance hardware (= 30 concurrent connections) (= O) Outbound replication will always finish within 1 hour (= T) Applying the formula: OC = (H * O) / (K * T) = (8 * 30) / (2 * 1) = 120 Each bridgehead server can support 120 branch office DCs (outbound) If number is too high/low, change parameters: I.e., WAN available for 12 hours: 180 branches I.e., replicating only once a day: 240 branches Example – Inbound Replication Partners Let’s assume slow WAN with DOD lines Factors Replication traffic (time to submit changes like password changes) Time to setup DOD connections 4 minutes per branch is conservative IC = R / N = 480 / 4 = 120 Branches Example – Inbound Replication Partners Number of branches supported by one bridgehead servers is lower value of results Outbound: 120 branches Inbound: 120 branches Result: One bridgehead can support 120 branches If you have 1,200 branches, you need 10 bridgehead servers Plan for disasters and special cases! Leave headroom for hub outbound replication Have spare machine available Create multiple connections from branch to hub DCs Bridgehead Server Overload Symptoms Bridgehead cannot accomplish replication requests as fast as they come in Replication queues are growing Some DCs NEVER replicate from the bridgehead Once a server has successfully replicated from the bridgehead, its requests are higher prioritized than a request from a server that has never successfully replicated Monitoring Repadmin /showreps shows NEVER on last successful replication Repadmin /queue <DCName> Bridgehead Server Overload Can be caused by Unbalanced site-links (if ISTG is enabled) Unbalanced connection objects Replication schedule too aggressive Panic trouble-shooting Like changing replication interval on all site-links to a drastic shorter interval to accommodate applications Solution If ISTG is enabled Turn off ISTG (prevent new connections from being generated) Delete all inbound connection objects Correct site-link balance and schedule Enable ISTG again Bridgehead Server Hardware Processor Dual/quad Pentium III or Xeon recommended for bridgehead servers and servers supporting large numbers of users Memory Minimum of 512 MB Disks Configure the operating system and logs on separate drives that are mirrored. Configure directory database on Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) 5 or RAID 0+1 Use larger number of smaller drives for maximum performance Drive capacity will depend on your specific requirements Determine Number Of Sites Rule for creating sites: For each physical location that has WAN connection (less than 10 MBit) to hub If there is a DC in the location If not, if there is a service that uses the site model (DFS shares) Create a new site Create a new site If not, create subnet for the location and add subnet to hub site (or next closest site) Use Of KCC For Inter-Site Replication Topology Generation Always disable transitiveness Windows 2000: Less than 500 sites: Use KCC But test your hardware first Follow guidelines in KB article Q244368 More than 500 sites: Create connection objects manually Branch Office deployment guide recommends manual topology for more than 100 sites Windows Server 2003: Use KCC Define Site Structure Of Hub Site If KCC is disabled, create single site If KCC is enabled, create one site per Bridgehead Server KCC has no concept of Inter-Site load balancing between servers in one site Create artificial sites in hub site to spread load between Bridgehead Servers Create Site-Links with staggered schedules between branches and hub sites Load Balancing With Sites Site-link: Schedule 2am – 4am, cost 100 Site-link: Schedule 4am – 6am, cost 100 Site-link: Schedule: Always (Notification enabled), cost 1 Hub Site-Link SiteA SiteB SiteC BranchC2 BranchA1 BranchA2 BranchB1 BranchB2 BranchC1 Load Balancing Manually (With Redundancy) Replicate on alternating schedule Hub Site DC1 DC2 DC3 Branch6 Branch1 Branch2 Branch3 Branch4 Branch5 Building The Hub Site Building the root domain Availability of root domain Only needed for special configuration tasks Adding new domains Schema changes Kerberos trusts and dynamic registration of forest wide resource records might depend on root domain Operations Masters Typically not critical for root domain Server Sizing Empty root domain does not require high-end hardware Kerberos referrals and dynamic DNS updates Disaster Recovery Root is critical for forest Make sure that you perform regular backups Building The Hub Site Building the Branch Office Domain Operations Master Off-load PDC operations master Move Infra-structure master off GC RID master is the most critical operations master monitor this machine very closely Bridgehead Servers If Branch Office DC are GCs, then Bridgehead Servers should be GCs If DNS runs on Branch Office DCs, don’t run DNS on Bridgehead Servers Disaster recovery State on Bridgehead server not very interesting not an ideal candidate for backup Leave headroom on Bridgehead, or have spare machine in place Staging Site Most companies use outsource partners to build servers and domain controllers Machines are built at the factories Server usually build from image and promoted later Where to promote domain controllers Staging site: Less network traffic, better control of process, opportunity to run QA scripts while machine is accessible In branch: Configuration less complex (domain controller finds its site) Building The Staging Site Staging Site needs to be permanently connected to production environment New DCs must be advertised New DCs need RID pool Fully control replication topology in the staging site Only case where KCC should be disabled for IntraSite replication topology generation Reason is that once machines are moved out, domain controllers that have not learned that will try to replicate or re-route (DOD lines) Capacity planning for domain controller used as source Usually not a high-end machine Depends on how many DCs are installed in parallel Software installation Add Service Packs and QFEs to image Include Resource Kit, Support Tools and scripts for management and monitoring Document what is loaded on DC before machine is shipped Domain Controller Build Process Use dcpromo answer file to promote the domain controllers Do not turn off DCs before shipping them Best practice is to build DCs when they are needed, not months before If they are off-line for too long, they get out-of-sync with production Tombstone lifetime Domain controller passwords Install monitoring tools and make sure that monitoring processes are in place Configure domain controller for new site Clean-up old connection objects before shipping the machine React if you find issues with domain controllers during the deployment Don’t keep processes in place if they are broken General Considerations For Branch Office Deployments Ensure that Your Hub is a Robust Data Center Do Not Deploy All Branch Office Domain Controllers Simultaneously Monitor load on Bridgehead servers as more and more branches come on-line Verify DNS registrations and replication Balance Replication Load Between Bridgehead Servers Keep Track of Hardware and Software Inventory and Versions Include Operations in Your Planning Process Monitoring plans and procedures Disaster recovery and troubleshooting strategy Personnel assignment and training Personnel Assignment and Training