Our Greatest Challenge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHP9Rhooh0&list=PLaSHX1Y3kE0yqRjnOxIp9fBEmZbkb0qU&index=1 Probabilities of different global mean warmings (relative to pre-industrial conditions) associated with different global CO2 emission trajectories Source: Fawcett et al. (2015) Figure 9.1 Hypothetical variation in atmospheric CO2 concentration leading to stabilization at the indicated concentrations 700 CO2 Concentration (ppmv) 750 ppmv 650 ppmv 600 550 ppmv 500 450 ppmv 400 350 ppmv 300 2000 2025 2050 Year 2075 2100 Figure 9.2a: C emissions under BAU and as allowed for stabilization at various CO2 concentrations Figure 9-2b: Primary power from fossil fuels under BAU and permitted with stabilization at 450 ppmv CO2 Simplification of Figure 9-2b Required Carbon-Free Power (TW) Figure 9.3: Trade-off between the rate of decrease in energy intensity and the amount of C-free power required in 2025, 2050, 2075, and 2100 for stabilization of atmospheric CO2 at 450 ppmv 40 Total Primary Power in 2005 2100 30 2075 C-free Primary Power in 2005 20 2050 10 2025 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Rate of Energy Intensity Decline (%/yr) 3.0 Figure 2.1 Primary to Secondary to End-Use Energy Losses Primary Energy Transformation Transportation Distribution Losses Secondary Energy Utilization Device or System Final Useful Energy Figure 9.4a. A simple-cycle gas turbine and electricity generator, capable of reaching efficiencies of 40%. Can rapidly increase or decrease power output, so is ideal for complementing fluctuation wind and solar PV electricity sources EXHAUST FUEL COMBUSTOR SHAFT ELECTRICITY GENERATOR COMPRESSOR TURBINE INTAKE AIR Source: Williams (1989, Electricity: Efficient End-Use and New Generation Technologies and Their Planning Implications, Lund University Press) Figure 9.4 Flows in a combined-cycle power generation using natural gas, the best of which have an electricity-generation efficiency of 60%. COOLING TOWER CONDENSER EXHAUST ELECTRICITY WATER PUMP STEAM TURBINE STEAM FUEL HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR COMBUSTOR SHAFT ELECTRICITY GENERATOR COMPRESSOR TURBINE INTAKE AIR Source: Williams (1989, Electricity: Efficient End-Use and New Generation Technologies and Their Planning Implications, Lund University Press) Exhibit 9-5. Heating energy requirements of residential buildings built at different times in the past in various countries, in comparison with the Passive House standard Heating Energy Intensity (kWh/m2/yr) 500 Sweden UK Germany Bulgaria Slovenia Portugal Italy Canada Australia 400 300 200 100 Passive House Standard 0 1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 Mid-Decade Year Source: Harvey (2013a) 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 Exhibit 9-6. Estimated fuel energy use (largely for heating) in Canadian multi-unit residential buildings 150 2 Fuel Use (kWh/m /yr) 200 Passive House Standard 100 50 ) on t (T dm R -2 0 00 (E 00 -2 0 R or on to on ) e ho rs W hi te ou ve r Va nc ry al ga C eg in a R W in ni pe g To ro nt o H al ifa x 0 si ty Co lle ge Co lle M as ge se y Co lle ge M or ri so n SD Ha W ll Re si de nc N e ew C ol In le ni ge s R es id en ce W hi tn ey W H W al C l Re si de nc N C e Re si de nc e Un iv er In ni s 2 Thermal Energy Intensity (kWh/m /yr) Exhibit 9-7. Thermal energy requirement for U of T student residences 300 250 200 150 100 Passive Building Standard for space heating load 50 0 Exhibit 9-8: Number of dwelling units meeting the Passive House standard in Austria 12000 New during current year 10000 Number of Dwelling Units Finished at start of year 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Exhibit 9-9: Examples of buildings in Austria that meet the Passive House standard. Exhibit 9-10: The Aarhus Municipal building, Denmark, which is intended to meet the Passive Building standard. Source: www.buildup.eu/cases/12312 Exhibit 9-11a: EnerModal Engineering headquarters building, Waterloo, Ontario. Measured heating+DHW: 23 kWh/m2/yr Measured total onsite energy: 70 kWm/m2/yr Cost premium: 10%, payback time: 20 years Exhibit 9-11b: Annual energy costs of the Enermodal headquarters building compared to that of an equivalent conventional building Exhibit 9-12: Passive House level of insulation on display at the 2009 Passive House Conference in Frankfurt Insulation strips here reduce the thermal bridge around the window frame Insulation layers Exhibit 9-13 Residential heat exchanger (as part of a mechanical (fan-driven) ventilation system) Exhibit 9-14: Trends in energy use of new commercial buildings in California, complying with various versions of the ASHRAE-90.1 building code 1.2 75% reduction: Representative of the improvement needed everywhere for a global zeroCO2 emission scenario Relative Energy Use 1.0 0.8 0.6 ? 0.4 0.2 0.0 Stock average 1999 2004 2007 Year of Construction 2010 2014 2020 Some unconventional lowenergy techniques in new buildings Exhibit 9-15: Clerestory window for daylighting, Oberlin College, Ohio Clerestory Source: Torcellini et al (2006) Exhibit 9-16: External light shelf on one window, division of a window into daylighting (upper)and viewing functions (lower) with an internal light shelf. Source: Donald Yen, BCIT Exhibit 9-17: Light shelves, Cambria Office, Pennsylvania. Light is reflecting off the shelf onto the ceiling, becoming diffuse in the process and eliminating glare. Source: Torcellini, P., S. Pless, M. Deru, B. Griffith, N. Long, and R. Judkoff, 2006: Lessons Learned from Case Studies of Six High-Performance Buildings, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Technical Report NREL/TP-550-37542. Exhibit 9-18: Window with external blinds that can be simultaneously used for shading and daylighting. Source: Donald Yen, BCIT Exhibit 9-18: Daylighting effects Source: Donald Yen, BCIT Exhibit 9-19: Solar chimneys on the Building Research Establishment (BRE) building in Garston, UK. The sun shines on the translucent towers, heating the air and forcing it to rise through the tower, inducing the inflow of cool air from the other side of the building. Note the external horizontal shading devices between the towers. Source: Copyright by Dennis Gilbert, View Pictures (London) Exhibit 9-20: Winds catchers in Iran and Doha Source: Koch-Nielsen (2002), Stay Cool: A Design Guide for the Built Environment in Hot Climates, James and James, London Exhibit 9-21a: Wind catcher at Sir Sanfred Fleming College, Peterborough, Canada Source: Loghman Azar, Line Architects, Toronto Exhibit 9-21b: Airflow at Sir Sanfred Fleming College, Peterborough, Canada Source: Loghman Azar, Line Architects, Toronto Exhibit 9-22: Energon Passive Office, Ulm, 21.7 kWh/m2/yr measured heating + hot water demand, 67 kWh/m2/yr total onsite demand (a typical German office building is around 280 kWh/m2/yr and a typical Canadian office building is around 350 kWh/m2/yr total energy demand) Intakes for ground conditioning of ventilation air Exhibit 9-23: Wagner Passive Office with hot water storage of summer solar heat for use in the winter, 23.1 kWh/m2/yr measured heating+DHW energy use and 66 kWh/m2/yr primary energy use Clerestory windows for daylighting Hot water tank Solar thermal collectors Exhibit 9-24: Centre for Interactive Research in Sustainability (CIRS) building, UBC, Vancouver – Net Energy Positive Retrofits of existing buildings Exhibit 9-25a: A retrofit project in German that achieved a 90% reduction in heating energy requirements. Before and after views are shown here. Source: Wolfgang Greifenhagen, BASF Exhibit 9-25b: Work details from the previous project: (a) installation of external insulation, (b) installation of plaster with micro-encapsulated waxes that can absorb heat during the day and release it at night if cool night-time air is circulated through the building. Source: Wolfgang Greifenhagen, BASF Exhibit 9-26: Installation of external pre-fabricated unit over the pre-existing wall on another project in Germany, Source: http://www.enob.info/en/refurbishment/ Exhibit 9-27: Retrofit of the Telus headquarters building in Vancouver, involving construction of a second skin or façade over the first (done, in this case, to increase earthquake resistance) Source: Terri Meyer-Boake, School of Architecture, University of Waterloo, Canada Exhibit 9-28: Measured energy savings from building retrofits performed in various countries worldwide. Source: Harvey (2013a) ur si ng ho m e Sc h en oo tr l Se es co id en nd ce ar P y rin sc tin ho g ol H co * ig hm ri pa se ny D ou re * si bl de enc fa m e* ily ho us Ro e* w ho us in Sp g or ts ha ll* Li br ar y S ch D ay oo ca l* re C en tr e S tu d N Heating+DHW Energy Intensity (kWh/m2 /yr) Exhibit 9-29: Comparison of before and after energy use for heating and hot water for buildings retrofitted in Germany under the EnOB Program 300 250 Before renovation After renovation 200 150 100 50 0 Exhibit 9-30: Energy used to wash 200 3.2kg loads per year, with heating of 1/3 of the water used by 50 K 700 600 Water heating Annual Energy Use (kWh) Motor 500 400 300 200 100 0 US preUS 2007 EU Worst EU Best 2000Energy for the New Category Source: Harvey (2010, Reality, Vol. 1)Category Chinese impellor Chinese drum 2500 25 Energy Use 20 Adjusted Volume 3 2000 Adjusted Volume (ft ) Average Energy Use Per Unit (kWh/yr) Exhibit 9-31a: Energy use by new refrigerators sold in the USA 1978 California Standard 1500 1980 California Standard 1000 15 10 1987 California Standard 1993 US Standard 500 5 2001 US Standard 0 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Year Source: Rosenfeld (1999, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 24, 33–82) 0 2000 Exhibit 9:31b: Average energy use by the refrigerator stock in different countries 1500 USA Energy Use (kWh/yr) Canada 1000 Australia Japan Finland 500 Sweden Norway Denmark UK Netherlands Germany Italy France 0 1973 1980 1990 Year Source: Harvey (2010, Energy for the New Reality, Vol. 1) 1998 Transportation Energy Use Private Transport Energy Use per Capita (MJ/yr) 70000 Exhibit 9-32: Relationship between private transportation energy use and urban density Sacramento Houston San Diego 60000 Phoenix San Francisco Portland Denver Los Angeles Detroit Boston 50000 Washington Chicago New York R2 = 0.8594 Canberra 40000 Calgary Melbourne Winnipeg Adelaide Edmonton Brisbane 30000 Sydney VancouverToronto Montreal Ottawa Frankfurt Perth Brussels Hamburg Zurich Stockholm Munich Vienna Paris 20000 London 10000 Amsterdam Singapore Kuala Lumpur Tokyo Bangkok Jakarta Surabaya 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Seoul Hong Kong Manila 200 225 Urban Density (person/ha) Source: Newman and Kenworthy (1999, Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence, Island Press, Washington) 250 275 300 325 Exhibit 9-34a: 2011 Argonne National Lab study, fuel and electricity energy intensity for compact cars Energy Intensity (MJ/km ) 4.0 3.5 Fuel 3.0 Electricity 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Conventional Today HEV 2045 PHEV20 2045 Source: Harvey (2010, Energy for the New Reality, Vol. 1) PHEV40 2045 BEV 2045 Exhibit 9-34b: Impact of vehicle choice from the 2011 Argonne National Lab study 6 Gasoline Conventional today Energy Intensity (MJ/km) Gasoline HEV Future 5 H2 fuel cell HEV future 4 3 2 1 0 Compact Mid Size Small SUV Source: Harvey (2010, Energy for the New Reality, Vol. 1) Mid Size SUV Pickup truck Exhibit 9-35: Risks of different cars and light trucks On Battery-Electric Vehicles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6Vzhl1ht oM&list=PLaSHX1Y3kE0yqRjnOxIp9fBEmZbkb0qU Exhibit 9-36a: Growth in global capacity to generate electricity from wind, 1992-2013 350 300 Capacity (GW) 250 200 Other China India US Other European Spain Germany 150 100 50 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Year Source: Global Wind Energy Council, annual update reports 2006 2008 2010 2012 Exhibit 9-36b: Annual additions to global wind energy capacity, 1996-2013 Source: Global Wind Energy Council, annual update reports Exhibit 9.37 Middelgrunden wind farm, next to Copenhagen Source: Danny Harvey Exhibit 9-38: End-of-year installed offshore wind capacity (anchored to the seabed), and annual additions of offshore wind, 2000-2013 8000 2000 Installed capacity (MW) 6000 Annual installation 1500 4000 1000 2000 500 0 2000 2005 2010 Year Source: EWEA (2014) 0 2015 Annual installation (MW/yr) Cumulative capacity Exhibit 9-39a: A floating wind turbine prototype. Source: The Guradian, http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/23/drifting-off-the-coast-of-portugal-thefrontrunner-in-the-global-race-for-floating-windfarms?CMP=twt_gu Exhibit 9-39b: A different floating turbine concept Source: The Guradian, http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/23/drifting-off-the-coast-of-portugal-thefrontrunner-in-the-global-race-for-floating-windfarms?CMP=twt_gu Exhibit 9-40: A network of floating offshore wind farms proposed for the North Sea From C. Macilwain (2010, ‘Supergrid’, Nature 468, 624-625) Exhibit 9-41: Progression of rotor sizes over time Exhibit 9-42a: Cumulative Installed PV Capacity, end of 2004 to end of 2013 Installed Capacity (GWp-AC) 140 120 100 80 Rest of World USA China Japan Rest of Europe Italy Spain 60 40 20 0 2004 2006 2008 Year Source: Annual IEA PVPS Reports 2010 2012 Exhibit 9-42b: Annual Installation of New PV Capacity, 2004-2013 Installation Rate (GWp-AC/yr) 40 35 30 25 Rest of World USA China Japan Rest of Europe Italy Spain Germany 20 15 10 5 0 2004 2006 Source: Annual IEA PVPS Reports 2008 Year 2010 2012 Exhibit 9-43 Source: IEA PVPS Report: Snapshot of Global PV 1992-2013 Exhibit 9-44a Parabolic trough schematic Source: Greenpeace (2005, Wind Force 12: A Blueprint to Achieve 12% of the World’s Electricity from Wind Power by 2020, Global Wind Energy Council, www.gwec.org) Exhibit 9.44b Parabolic Trough Thermal Electricity, Kramer Junction, California Exhibit 9-44c: Parabolic Trough Thermal Electricity, Kramer Junction, California Exhibit 9-44d: Close-up of parabolic trough Exhibit 9-45a: Central receiver schematic Source: Greenpeace (2005, Wind Force 12: A Blueprint to Achieve 12% of the World’s Electricity from Wind Power by 2020, Global Wind Energy Council, www.gwec.org) Exhibit 9-45b: Central tower solar thermal powerplant in California Source: US CSP (2002) Status of Major Project Opportunities, presentation at the 2002 Berlin Solar Paces CSP Conference Exhibit 9-46a: Parabolic dish schematic Source: Greenpeace (2005, Wind Force 12: A Blueprint to Achieve 12% of the World’s Electricity from Wind Power by 2020, Global Wind Energy Council, www.gwec.org) Exhibit 9-46b: Parabolic dish/Stirling engine for generation of electricity Source: US CSP (2002) Status of Major Project Opportunities, presentation at the 2002 Berlin Solar Paces CSP Conference Exhibit 9-47a: Concentrating solar thermal power capacity by the end of each indicated year 4000 Installed Capacity (MW) 3500 3000 2500 Other Spain US 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year 2010 2011 Source: compiled from annual editions of REN21 – Renewable Energy Update 2012 2013 Exhibit 9-47b: Distribution of CSTP capacity at the end of 2013 Source: REN21- Renewable Energy Update 2014 Exhibit 9-48 Types of collectors for heating and domestic hot water Source: Everett (2004, Renewable Energy, Power for a Sustainable Future, 17-64, Oxford University Press, Oxford) Exhibit 9-49 Installation of flat-plate solar thermal collectors Source: www.socool-inc.com Exhibit 9-50 Integration of solar thermal collectors into the building facade Source: Sonnenkraft, Austria Exhibit 9-51: Integrated passive evacuated-tube collector and storage tank in China Source: Morrison et al (2004, Solar Energy 76, 135-140, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0038092X) Exhibit 9-52: Growth in area of solar thermal collectors for water heating, 1999-2012 450 Installed Area (millions m2) 400 350 300 250 200 Rest of World Australia Brazil Japan Germany Turkey US China 150 100 50 0 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Year Source: compiled from annual editions of REN21 – Renewable Energy Update 2011 Chapter 10: Policies and Individual Actions Figure 12.1c Minimum of CSTP and wind electricity cost (cents/kWh) (excluding transmission cost) 5 6 7 8 10 Figure 3.36 Transmission corridors transmitting 10 GW of electric power 800 kV AC 425 m 600 kV HVDC 150m 800 kV UHVDC 100m Figure 7.12 Phytomass energy flows in the world food system. Source: Wirsenius (2003, Journal of Industrial Ecology 7, 47–80) Table 7.15 Ratio of phytomass energy input to the metabolizable energy of animal products consumed by humans (MJ/MJ). Region East Asia Eastern Europe LA + Caribbean N Africa + Mid East North America + Oceania S&C Asia SubSaharan Africa Western Europe Weighted world average Animal Product Fatty Fatty Fatty Poultry Beef Pork Poultry 20 67 8.3 9.1 18 36 7.7 7.3 17 59 12 7.7 20 59 8.3 9.1 Beef 145 71 125 133 Pork 22 21 36 22 59 227 172 56 16 31 33 16 13 24 26 12 31 104 77 29 6.3 11 11 6.3 117 21 17 55 7.9 Milk 7.7 6.7 9.1 10 Eggs 7.7 7.7 7.1 7.7 6.7 11 11 5.9 4.8 10 19 5.3 5.9 9.1 10 5.3 8.0 7.7 7.4 Source: Computed from data in Wirsenius (2000, Human use of land and organic materials, Ph D Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden) Figure 7.13 Diet and waste in the food system 16 Food Energy Supplied (MJ/person/day) Losses 14 Plant products Dairy products 12 Meat 10 8 6 4 2 0 North America + Oceania Western Europe Eastern Europe N Africa + Mid East LA + Caribbean East Asia South & SubSaharan Central Asia Africa Figure 7.15 Per capita meat consumption in various countries 180 Annual per capita consumption (kg) 160 Seafood 140 Land meat 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Japan US China EU India If time permits: “There’s no Global Warming on Fox” Drew Fornarola - Hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB8LCnWGVYU&list=PLaSHX1Y3kE0yqRjnOxIp9fBEmZbkb0qU