Contents - The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Cognitive, Dementia and Memory
Summary Points to Remember
This service provides specialist consultation for people with thinking and memory problems
Are you concerned about your memory?
As part of the ageing process, some people may notice some mild slowing in their memory and
thinking. This is normal. However, if the changes become progressively more obvious and begin to
impact on everyday life, an assessment of memory and thinking would be appropriate.
What Is the Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service?
The Cognitive, Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS) is a specialist multidisciplinary diagnostic,
referral and educational service for people, generally over the age of 50 experiencing memory loss,
or changes to their thinking (cognition), and for their families and friends. CDAMS does not provide
ongoing treatment or case management.
CDAMS provides:
Expert clinical diagnosis
Information on appropriate treatment options
Education, support and information
Direction in planning for the future
Information on dealing with day to day issues
Links for you or your family to other service providers or
community supports
What will happen at the clinic?
A CDAMS assessment will include medical and allied health consultations, and may include a visit to
your home. Where appropriate, other specialist assessments will be conducted eg. neuropsychology.
The outcome of these consultations and recommendations will be discussed with the client, and if
agreed to, with your family and general practitioner.
Who will I see?
At the clinic you may see a number of health professionals including:
Occupational Therapist
Social Worker
Community Nurse
Speech Pathologist
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Who is eligible?
Anyone experiencing significant changes in their memory or thinking can discuss their suitability for
the clinic with the Direct Access Unit. We generally see people who live in the local council areas of
Moonee Valley, Moreland and Melbourne but may accept referrals from other areas on discussion.
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for this service.
How do I arrange an assessment?
Referrals can be made via the Direct Access Unit (see details at bottom of page).
Referrals are generally made by your family doctor and will need to include information about your
memory or thinking change, your current medications and relevant medical, psychiatric and social
information. You and your family doctor will be asked to arrange several tests prior to your CDAMS
appointment (eg FBE, E&Us, LFTs, Calcium, Thyroid function, B12, Folate, CT Brain and ECG).
How do I get there?
The CDAMS clinic is held at:
Clinical Centre – Building 17
RMH Royal Park Campus
34-54 Poplar Road
Parkville 3052
Taxis can drop you off at the front of the Clinical
Centre, RMH Royal Park Campus.
Car Parking is available at a cost of $7 payable on
exit with coins only. Disabled persons’ parking is
available close to the Clinical Centre. Enter via
Poplar Rd via Gate Four.
Victorian Government Information about CDAMS:
Practitioner / Patient notes
Direct Access Unit
RMH Royal Park Campus
PO Box 7000
Carlton South 3053
Ph: 8387 2333
Fax: 8387 2217
RMH Royal Park Campus
Clinical Centre Reception
Ph: 8387 2194
Sub-acute Ambulatory Care Services (SACS) | SACS01.09B | SACS Manager | Reviewed Jan 2015
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