HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) ………………. ORTAOKULU 2015-2016 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI 5. SINIFLAR ÜNİTELENDİRİLMİŞ YILLIK DERS PLANI UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) SEPTEMBER (EYLÜL) 3 Unit One My Daily Routine 0CTOBER (EKİM) 1 2 3 3 LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS (KAZANIMLAR) 28.09.2015 5 FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) 1..Describing what Listening people do regularly. • Students will be able to understand the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing 2. Making simple with routines, which are inquiries. spoken slowly and clearly. • Students will be able to understand the time. Speaking 3.Telling the time, days and dates. • Students will be able to ask and answer simple ques- tions related to daily routines, but communication is dependent on repetition, rephrasing and repairs.Students will be able to use simple sentences and phrases to talk about their and their family member’s/ friends’ daily routines and tell the time with pausing to search for expressions and less familiar words. Reading:Students will be able to comprehend short, simple texts describing daily routines. Compensation Strategies Students will be able to make use of visual aids while listening or reading to aid understanding. SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) arrive brush, -es call Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method comb, -s get out of bed go online ride the bus talk toothbrush, -es What time is it? — It’s half past nine. When do you watch TV? Techniques: *Demonstration — I watch TV every *Question & Answer evening. *Drama and Role-Play *Simulation *Substitution What time does your *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work little brother go to bed? *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills — He goes to bed *Academic Games around quarter to seven. *Dictation What time do you arrive at school? — We arrive at school at quarter past eight. When do you brush your teeth? I brush my teeth in the morning and at night. MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ ve GEREÇLER) Texts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Notes and Messages Picture Dictionaries Poems Postcards Posters Rhymes Songs Stories Tables “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Activities Communicative Tasks Drama/Miming Flashcards Games Labeling Listening Real-life Tasks Reordering Role-play and Simulations Speaking Story-telling TPR EVALUATION/ TASKS (DEĞERLENDİRME) (GÖREVLER Projects • Students draw a picture story of their daily routines and report it to their classmates. • Students interview a neighbor/parent/ teacher at school, asking about his/her typical day and re- porting to the class. • If they can, students interview a foreigner and learn his/her daily routine. UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) 5.sınıf FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS (KAZANIMLAR) Listening 1.Making inquiries. 3 0CTOBER (EKİM) 3 simple 2..Talking about • Students will be able to understand simple directions on how to get from X to Y. Unit Two 4 3 My town • Students will be able to ask people questions about the locations of places and answer such questions addressed to them provided they are articulated slowly and clearly. • Students will be able to give directions provided that their interlocutor helps them. NOVEMBER (KASIM) 1 3 Reading • Students will be able to understand information about where important places are. 2 ... the library ... the mosque ... between ... Speaking to do. around ... the barber locations of things. 3.Telling someone what SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) 3 Compensation Strategies Students will be able to recognize the use of rising intonation to ask for clarification. ... the shop and the bus stop next to ... ... the church ... the pharmacy ... the book/toy shop opposite ... ... the bakery ... the pool Excuse me, how can I get to the city center? TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ ve GEREÇLER) Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method Texts Advertisements Projects Captions Cartoons • Students draw a map of their neighborhood or city and give directions to different places. Techniques: *Demonstration *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play *Simulation *Substitution *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills *Academic Games *Dictation “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Conversations Instructions Maps Notes and Messages Notices Picture Dictionaries Postcards Posters Signs Tables Activities Cognates Communicative Tasks Drawing and Coloring Flashcards Labeling Listening — Go (straight) ahead and turn left on Ayışığı Street. Matching — Thanks. Answers Real- Questions and life Tasks Excuse me, where is the bus sta- tion? Role-play and — It’s on Papatya Street. Speaking Where are you? — I am at the library. Library? Yes, the library. EVALUATION/ TASKS (DEĞERLENDİRME GÖREVLERİ) Simulations TPR Students prepare leaflets giv- ing short directions, using less than 10 words, to important places in these cities; e.g., tourist attractions. The first written exam. HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) 5.sınıf UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) (KAZANIMLAR) 1.Describing characters/people. 3 NOVEMBER (KASIM) 3 LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS 2. Expressing ability Unit Three and inability. Listening art • Students will be able to understand simple personal information. primary/elementary/high and dislikes. 3. Greeting and meeting people. 3 Hello! 4.Identifying countries and nationalities . Speaking • Students will be able to introduce themselves and other people. • Students will be able to ask for and provide simple personal information. 5.Making simple DECEM(AR BER ALIK) inquiries. 1 3 school geography history language 3. Expressing likes 4 SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) Reading • Students will be able to read picture stories, conversa- tions and cartoons about personal information. Students will be able to read their time table for their lessons. class/course math(s) physical education (PE) science social studies countries and languages (Greece/ Greek, etc.) Where do you study? — I study at Atatürk Elementary School. How many languages do you speak? — Two; I speak English and German. — Yuka speaks English and Japa- nese. What are your favorite classes? — I like maths Intercultural Awareness 2 3 Students will develop an awareness of world languages. — We like PE. Nice to meet you. Nice meeting you. TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method Techniques: *Demonstration *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play *Simulation *Substitution *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills *Academic Games *Dictation MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ ve GEREÇLER) EVALUATION /TASKS (DEĞERLENDİRME/ GÖREVLERİ) Texts Captions Cartoons Projects Charts Conversations • Students choose a foreign language and learn how to say “How are you” and “I’m fine” in that language, using the Internet or asking a parent/family friend. Illustrations Notices Posters Signs “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Activities Cognates Communicative Tasks Flashcards Games Labeling Listening Matching Puppets Real-life Tasks • Students prepare a time table showing their class schedule. Reordering Role-play and Simulations Dossier Speaking Students start filling in can-do statements at the end of each unit. The second written exam. WEEK (HAFTA ) HOUR (SAAT) MONT H (AY) 5.sınıf UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) (KAZANIMLAR) 1.Describing what people do regularly . 3 3 2.Expressing ability Unit Four and inability. 3. Expressing likes DECEM(AR BER ALIK) and dislikes. 4. Making simple Games and Hobbies 4 5 3 3 LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS inquiries. SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) JANUARY (OCAK) EVALUATION/ TASKS (DEĞERLENDİRME/ GÖREVLER) blind man’s buff camping Texts Cartoons Charts Projects checkers Conversations • Students prepare a poster to show the hobbies they do/ would like to do. • Students will be able to give information about other people’s hobbies and abilities using simple phrases and sentences. Reading • Students will be able to follow a simple story provided that it has visual aids. What are your hobbies? Activities — Collecting stamps. Chants and Songs Intercultural Awareness 3 MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ ve GEREÇLER) ListeningStudents will be able to comprehend conversations on people’s hobbies, likes, dislikes, and abilities provided that their interlocutor speaks clearly and slowly. Speaking • Students will be able to ask and answer questions in a simple way regarding hobbies, likes, dislikes, and abili- ties. Methods: Chinese whispers collecting *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method stamps dodge ball fishing origami sculpting tick *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method Do you go fishing? *Communicative language — No, I don’t. I play learning computer games. *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method Techniques: *Demonstration *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play Yin lives in Beijing and he *Simulation likes playing blind man’s *Substitution bluff. *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work Julio lives in Madrid and he *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills likes playing tick. He calls it *Academic Games ‘tiente’. *Dictation Keiko and Yuka like origami. 1 TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) Students will be able to see the commonalities in terms of children’s games in different countries. Can you play checkers? — No, but I can play chess. Can your mother play chess? — Yes, and she can do origami. Picture Dictionaries Postcards Posters Rhymes Stories Tables “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Cognates Communicative Tasks • Students interview another student/ teacher/neighbor and learn his hobbies, recording them in their portfolios. Drama/Miming Drawing and Coloring Flashcards Students prepare a Listening poster explaining a children’s game Matching played in another country. Real-life Tasks Labeling Reordering Speaking Story-telling HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) 5.sınıf UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) (KAZANIMLAR) 1.Expressing basic needs . 2 LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS 3 2.Expressing feelings . Unit Five 3.Making simple suggestions. Listening • Students will be able to identify everyday illnesses and understand some of the suggestions made. SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) back cough dentist fever Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method have a pain/ache hurt medicine names of illnesses: cold, flu, etc. sneeze sore throat stomach tooth 4. Talking about possessions . 5.Telling someone 3 what to do. JANUARY (OCAK) 3 Health Speaking • Students will be able to ask and answer simple ques- tions to express basic needs and feelings provided the other person uses gestures when necessary. I feel cold. • Students will be able to use simple phrases and sen- tences to express how they feel, what illness they have, and what they need. — Stay in bed. Reading Students will be able to comprehend short, simple texts about illnesses and people’s needs and feelings, especially when they are accompanied by pictures. END OF THE FIRST SEMESTRE ………22.01.2016 I have the flu. My stomach hurts. I have a fever. — You should stay in bed. — Get well soon. Techniques: *Demonstration *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play *Simulation *Substitution *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills *Academic Games *Dictation MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ ve GEREÇLER) Texts Advertisements Projects Captions Cartoons • Students prepare a picture story and tell what they need when they are sick. Charts Conversations Fables Illustrations Lists Picture Dictionaries Posters Rhymes Songs Stories Tables Students role play having an illness, and their friends tell them what they should do to get Activities Drama/Miming better. Flashcards Games “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Labeling Listening Matching Questions and Answers Real-life Tasks Reordering He feels cold and tired. He needs his blanket. EVALUATION /TASKS (DEĞERLENDİRME /GÖREVLER) Speaking Story-telling 5.sınıf HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) THE BEGINING OF THE SECOND SEMESTRE 08.02.2016 UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) people do. brave • Students will be able to beautiful follow slow and carefully articulated speech evil describing movie characters film types: action, animation, carand movie types. toon, comedy, horror, etc. 3. Expressing dislikes. Speaking Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method (KAZANIMLAR) Listening 1.Describing 2 3 characters/people . 2.Describing what Unit Six 4.Making simple FEBRUARY (ŞUBAT) 3 inquiries. 3 Movies 5.Stating personal opinions. 6. Telling the time, days and dates. 4 3 frightening honest • Students will be able to love save travel ugly ask and answer simple ques- tions and people’s What time is the movie? likes and dislikes regarding — It’s at half past four. movies with pauses and help from their What’s your favorite film? interlocutors. — Ice Age. • Students will be able to use simple phrases and sentences to state personal opinions about movies and movie characters. — I like Spirited Away. Reading Superman is very strong. I don’t like/hate horror movies. Techniques: *Demonstration *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play *Simulation *Substitution *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills *Academic Games *Dictation MATERIALS EVALUATION/ (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TASKS TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ (DEĞERLENDİRME/ ve GEREÇLER) GÖREVLER) Texts Advertisements Quiz or Exam Projects Cartoons • Students prepare a film poster as a group and describe the characters in the movie. Conversations Fairy tales Illustrations Posters Signs Stories Tables “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Activities Cognates Drama/Miming Drawing and Coloring Flashcards Games Labeling Listening Matching Puppets Real-life Tasks I think Superman is brave. • Students will be able to comprehend phrases and simple sentences in short What is the movie about? texts, on posters and adver- It’s about friends, war, love, etc. tisements related to movies. Intercultural Awareness Students will develop an awareness of movies as an international art form and develop positive attitudes towards movies from different countries. Reordering Speaking Story-telling Synonyms and Antonyms 5.sınıf HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) Listening Bake • Students will be able to understand simple requests for permission and their responses delivered at a slow pace, without background noise. birthday, -s Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method (KAZANIMLAR) 1.Asking for permission. 1 LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS 3 2.Expressing and responding to thanks . 3.Expressing basic Unit Seven needs. 4.Expressing likes and dislikes. 2 3 5. Expressing obligation. MARCH(MART) Party Time 6. Greeting and meeting people 7.Making simple 3 3 inquiries. 8.Telling the time, days and dates 4 5 clown, -s throw a party candle, -s Delicious exciting months of the year present, -s/gift, -s Speaking • Students will be able to ask for permission to do simple, everyday, concrete actions and respond in simple sentences. • Students will be able to use basic greetings and leave-taking expressions. 3 Reading 3 Students will be able to understand short texts with visual aids such as cartoons, posters and birthday cards. When’s your birthday? — My birthday is in May. Mom, may I/can I have a birthday party? — Sure. What do you need for your birthday party? — I need a big cake and drinks. Welcome! This is lovely, thanks. / Thank you very much. — You’re welcome. I must buy a gift for her. What does she like? She likes books. I must go now. — OK, see you later! — See you. Take care! Techniques: *Demonstration *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play *Simulation *Substitution *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills *Academic Games *Dictation MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ ve GEREÇLER) Texts Advertisements Cartoons Conversations Coupons Illustrations Lists Menus Picture Dictionaries Postcards Posters Rhymes Stories Tables “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Activities Arts and Crafts Chants and Songs Cognates Communicative Tasks Drama/Miming Games Labeling Listening Matching Questions and Answers Real-life Tasks Reordering EVALUATION/ TASKS (DEĞERLENDİRME/ GÖREVLER) Projects • Students prepare a birthday card for a friend. • Students prepare a calendar in English marking birthdays of their family members and friends in each month. Students prepare a card/write an e-mail to invite someone to his or her birthday party. Role-play and Simulations Speaking Story-telling The first written exam. 5.sınıf 1 HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) 3 APRIL(NİSAN) 5.Making simple suggestions. 3 • Students will be able to What’s your favorite make suggestions for a limexercise? What fitness ited number of activities and accept or decline such activity do you like? suggestions with simple, set — Cycling. language patterns. — I like jogging. • Students will be able to give simple personal infor- Can you ride a bicycle? mation. — Yes, I can. Reading 4 3 SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) cycling 1.Expressing ability and Listening • Students will be able to inability . Exercise understand simple speech 2.Expressing obligation about physical exercise and Fitness invitations. hiking 3.Making simple Speaking Jogging inquiries. • Students will be able to running ask and answer requests for work out 4.Making simple personal information. requests. 3 Fitness 3 LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS (KAZANIMLAR) Unit Eight 2 FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) — No, I can’t, but s/he can. Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method Techniques: *Demonstration *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play *Simulation *Substitution *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills *Academic Games *Dictation MATERIALS EVALUATION/ (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TASKS TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ (DEĞERLENDİRME/ ve GEREÇLER) GÖREVLER) Texts Advertisements Projects Captions • Students prepare a picture book related to their favorite physical activity. Conversations Illustrations Picture Dictionaries Posters Signs Stories Tables “Let's Learn English 5, Students exchange Golden Key” notes/e-mails inviting their friends Activities to work out together at the weekend. Arts and Crafts Communicative Tasks Drawing and Coloring Flashcards Listening Matching Real-life Tasks Reordering • Students will be able to Let’s go hiking! understand stories with — OK. / That sounds great. short How about jogging? • sentences and phrases — I can’t now, I must study. about other people’s favorite sports activities. — No, I am too tired. Compensation Strategies Sorry, could you repeat that, Students will be able to ask other people to repeat what they have said when they do not understand. TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) please? Role-play and Simulations Speaking Story-telling HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) 5.sınıf UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) (KAZANIMLAR) 1.Asking for permission. 2.Describing what people are doing now . Unit Nine 3.Making simple inquiries. 1 3 The Animal Shelter MAY(MAYIS) 2 3 LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS Listening • Students will be able to comprehend descriptions of what people are doing at the moment. Speaking • Students will be able to ask what people are doing at the moment and answer such questions addressed to them provided that the other person speaks slowly and clearly. SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) adopt an animal bark claw, -s Examine Feed help donate Money TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method kitten, -s Techniques: *Demonstration sleep *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play tail, -s *Simulation • Students will be able to *Substitution vet (veterinary) ask for permission using set What is/are ...doing? *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work *Mim-Mem phrases. — The cat is climbing the tree. *Chain Drills • Students will be able to — The boy is feeding the birds. *Academic Games use simple phrases and sen*Dictation — The vet is examining the tences to describe what rabbit. other people are doing at — The puppies are playing. the moment related to animals. Reading Can we adopt/get an animal? puppy, -ies • Students will be able to comprehend short, simple Can I feed the birds? texts such as cartoons and — Of course you can. stories about what people are doing at the moment. — That’s not a good idea. Not right now. Compensation Strategies Students will be able to use body language to get their meaning across when their language fails to do so. MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ ve GEREÇLER) EVALUATION/ TASKS (DEĞERLENDİRME/ GÖREVLER) Texts Advertisements Projects Captions Cartoons • Students Charts Conversations observe (and if they can, they take a picture of) the animals around them and write a short report of what they are doing. Illustrations Notes and Messages Picture Dictionaries Postcards Posters Stories “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Activities Chants and Songs Students prepare posters, in groups, to help animals. Cognates Communicative Tasks Drama/Miming Flashcards Labeling Listening Matching Questions and Answers Real-life Tasks Role-play and Simulations Speaking Story-telling TPR The second written exam. 5.sınıf HOUR (SAAT) WEEK (HAFTA) MONTH (AY) UNITS/TOPICS (ÜNİTE-KONULAR) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF ve DAVRANIŞLAR) (KAZANIMLAR) 1.Describing what people do regularly. 3 MAY(MAYIS) 3 2. Making simple inquiries. Unit Ten 4 LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS 3.Naming numbers. Listening • Students will be able to understand simple texts on what people do regularly around the world to celebrate festivals. Speaking • Students will be able to describe what people do in a festival using short sentences with pauses. 3 Festivals JUNE(HAZİRAN) Reading 1 2 3 • Students will be able to understand visually supported short texts. 3 Intercult ural Awarenes s 3 SUGGESTED LEXIS AND LANGUAGE USE (KELİMELER ve DİL KALIPLARI) TEACHING TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES (ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEM ve TEKNİKLERİ) Children’s Day Methods: *Audio-lingual Method *Eclectic Method *Audio-visual method *Communicative Approach *Total Physical Response Method *Communicative language learning *Audio-Lingual Method *Cyclic Method Chinese New Year Christmas Cinco de Mayo Diwali Easter Halloween Independence Day Ramadan Thanksgiving trick or treat numbers 101-1000 How does Lalita celebrate Diwali? — She lights candles. Consolidation İngilizce Öğretmeni Texts Advertisements Cartoons Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists Menus Notices Picture Dictionaries Alicia carves a pumpkin for Hal- loween. Quiz or Exam Projects • Students work in groups to prepare a poster on one of these festivals. Postcards Posters Songs Tables “Let's Learn English 5, Golden Key” Activities Chants and Songs Communicative tasks Cognates Drama/Miming Listening Matching Puppets Questions and Answers Real-life Tasks Students will develop an awareness of different festi- Children dance and sing on Children’s Day in Turkey. vals around the world and different ways of celebrating festivals. 3 Techniques: *Demonstration *Question & Answer *Drama and Role-Play *Simulation *Substitution *Indıvıdual and Pair-Work *Mim-Mem *Chain Drills *Academic Games *Dictation MATERIALS EVALUATION/ (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TASKS TEKNOLOJİLERİ-ARAÇ ve (DEĞERLENDİRME/ GEREÇLER) (GÖREVLER) Role-play and Simulations Speaking Then they present their poster to their class- mates. self-evaluate) their European Language Portfolio. Keep the portfolio at school or instruct students to bring it back the following year. . Students complete can-do-statements in their portfolios and are encouraged to reflect on their responses. Story-telling …17.06.2016(end of the semestre) 28.09.2015 Okul Müdürü