The American Revolution Agenda • Shout it Out! Review • Notes: The American Revolution • Patriot/Loyalist/Neutral Scenario Activity • Battles of Revolutionary War Notes Shout it Out! • The three-legged trade route that connected Europe, Africa, and the European colonies in North and South America • The philosophy that colonies existed to benefit the mother country • The route of African slaves from Africa to the New World Shout it Out! • The religious group who wanted to purify the Anglican Church of all Catholic elements; built the Massachusetts Bay Colony; very strict and intolerant of other religions • The agreement the Pilgrims made off the coast of Massachusetts to govern themselves in the New World Shout it Out! • The joint stock company that founded Jamestown, Virginia in order to make a lot of money • Virginia’s representative assembly in the New World • The thing Benjamin Franklin said to try to convince the colonies to join together in a colonial congress during the French and Indian War • The law passed by Britain that said the colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains Shout it Out! • The religious revival during the 1700s that made the colonists start to think for themselves and question authority • The event during which colonist rebels dressed up like Indians and threw chests of tea into the Boston Harbor • The event during which the British Redcoats shot and killed five colonists in Boston outside the customs house Review • Although the American colonists helped Britain defeat France in the French and Indian War, a lot of the colonists got mad at Britain for the following reasons: – Proclamation of 1763: said colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains – Sugar Act: taxed foreign sugar – Stamp Act: colonists had to purchase a stamp to put on every single written document – Townshend Acts: taxed tea – Boston Massacre: British killed five colonists • Reactions of colonists: formed Sons of Liberty; boycotted (refused to buy) British goods; Boston Tea Party – threw tea chests into water; made own tea and clothes; smuggled goods to other countries illegally What is a revolution? • • • • • Name one thing you don’t like about the world Maybe you should have a revolution… Would that change things? What is a revolution? Revolution = a drastic (really big) change in government or society • In the American Revolution, we go from being ruled by Britain to forming our own independent country ruled by ourselves Build-Up to American Revolution (Continued…) • In World History II, you studied the time period known as the Enlightenment, or Age of Reason – Europeans began to use their reason to question their government; the Enlightenment led to all the revolutions you studied last year (Glorious Revolution, French Revolution, Latin American Revolutions, Russian Revolution) • One Enlightenment philosopher was an English guy named John Locke John Locke • In his book Two Treatises on Government, John Locke used his power of reason to discover that all people are born free and equal with certain natural rights locked in to them: life, liberty, and property • People, not rulers, are supreme/sovereign; people make a contract with their rulers/government to rule in a way that protects their natural rights (this is called the “social contract”) • As long as the government protects people’s natural rights, people will obey the government: this is called “ordered liberty” (you are free but with rules) • If the government starts abusing its power and going beyond what the people have agreed to, then the people have a right to overthrow their government and put in a new one Effect of John Locke’s ideas on the American colonists? • Did the colonists make a social contract with the King of England and Parliament (George III)? • Have the colonists had much say in the rules that were made? – Taxation without representation • Is the English government protecting the colonists’ rights to life, liberty, and property? • Then what must the colonists do? HAVE A REVOLUTION – OVERTHROW THE OLD GOVERNMENT AND PUT IN THE NEW! – OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW First Continental Congress • In 1774, the First Continental Congress was called – All colonies except Georgia sent delegates to the Congress held in Philadelphia • The First Continental Congress defended the colonies’ right to run their own affairs – Supported protests in Boston – Said that if the British used force against the colonists, the colonists would fight back • This was the first time most of the colonies had acted together (remember…“join or die said that Benjamin Franklin guy”) Join or Die: Finally! Differences Among American Colonists • Patriots – Believed in complete independence from Britain – Will supply troops to George Washington’s Continental Army • Loyalists (Tories) – Remained loyal to Britain because of cultural and economic ties – Believed that Britain should tax the colonists because they needed to station troops in the colonies to protect the colonies against the Indians • Neutrals – Tried to be as uninvolved as possible; did not care one way or the other Patrick Henry • In the House of Burgesses, Virginian Patrick Henry declared “give me liberty or give me death!” – Wanted to persuade Virginia to send troops to the Continental Army • os/biohen.cfm • Patrick Henry was a Patriot! Colonists Scenario Challenge • You will work with your peers at your table. • You will be presented with several descriptions of certain types of colonists. • In your groups, you will decide whether the colonists would be Patriots (Whigs), Loyalists (Tories), or Neutrals • Use your white boards to write P, L, or N Scenario #1 • This colonist is an eastern cavalier planter in the South. The taxes and acts of Parliament have not affected him much. He doesn’t live near the Appalachian Mountains, so the Proclamation of 1763 hasn’t affected him either. Scenario #2 • This colonist is a northern merchant, so he does a lot of trade with other countries, including Britain. The Navigation Acts, Sugar Act, and Townshend Acts (which taxed tea) have made him lose a lot of money. Also, the closing of the Boston Harbor has affected him greatly. Scenario #3 • This colonist is a small farmer on the frontier near the Appalachian Mountains. He is not allowed to move west of the Appalachian Mountains even though he helped Britain beat the French during the French and Indian War. Scenario #4 • This colonist is a Boston Dock worker is competing with British soldiers for work. Some of his friends were killed by the British Redcoats during the Boston Massacre. Scenario #5 • This colonist is a Quaker who does not believe in fighting. Scenario #6 • This colonist is a slave who has been promised freedom by Britain if he fights on the side of the British during the Revolutionary War. Scenario #7 • You are a Powhatan Indian who has had violent clashes with the colonists ever since they moved here and took your land. Revolutionary War Battles Research • • • • • Lexington and Concord Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Trenton Battle of Saratoga Victory at Yorktown Mnemonics • Locke: natural rights are locked in • Tories tied to Britain • “Join or die” said that Benjamin Franklin guy • Patrick the Patriot