FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING THEORY AND ANALYSIS: TEXT AND CASES 11TH EDITION RICHARD G. SCHROEDER MYRTLE W. CLARK JACK M. CATHEY CHAPTER 12 ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES Introduction Income taxes are an expense Consistent with The proprietary theory Definition of comprehensive income Accounting for income taxes is a controversial issue Historical Perspective Income taxes first became a significant issue because of the emerging facilities exception during World War II ARB No. 23 Required the allocation of some deferred income taxes Did not provide clear measurement guidelines The allocation of income taxes to the periods impacted is termed interperiod tax allocation APB Opinion No. 11 Extended interperiod tax allocation to all timing differences Criticism because resulting balance sheet items did not reflect future tax consequences Result FASB Statement No. 96 Later FASB Statement No. 109 (See FASB ASC 740) The Income Tax Allocation Issue The objective of financial accounting SFAC No. 1 Provide information about the amount and timing of future cash flows Most economic events have tax cash flow consequences These cash consequences are reported on tax returns in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) The Income Tax Allocation Issue The goal of the IRC is to raise revenue to run the government and in some cases to regulate the economy These same economic events are reported for financial accounting purposes under GAAP The Income Tax Allocation Issue The goals of the IRC and GAAP sometimes result in reporting revenues and expenses in different accounting periods creating an originating difference In subsequent years these differences will reverse creating a reversing difference This issue is termed the income tax allocation issue Revenue 2010 Expense 2011 Permanent Differences Permanent differences are differences between taxable income and financial accounting that will never reverse Federal economic policy Or to alleviate a provision of the IRC that falls too heavily on one segment of the economy Financial income Taxable income Permanent Differences Occur because provisions of the IRC Financial income Taxable income Exempt certain types of revenue from taxation Or prohibit the deduction of certain expenses Types of Permanent Differences Revenue recognized for financial accounting purposes that is never taxable Taxable income Interest on municipal bonds Expenses recognized for financial accounting purposes that are never deductible for tax purposes Financial income Life insurance premiums Income tax deductions that do not qualify as expenses under GAAP Temporary Differences Temporary differences Will reverse in a subsequent period Some temporary differences are timing differences Others occur because of different measurement bases Temporary Differences Create timing differences Result in assets and liabilities having differing bases for financial accounting and taxation purposes Originating differences when they reverse create Taxable amounts Deductible amounts Temporary Differences Categories of timing differences Current financial accounting income exceeds current taxable income Current financial accounting income is less than current taxable income Additional Temporary Differences 1 2 3 4 5 Reduction in the tax basis of depreciable assets because of tax credits The ITC accounted for by the deferred method Foreign operations for which the reporting currency is the functional currency An increase in the tax basis of assets because of indexing for inflation Business combinations accounted for by the purchase method Net Operating Losses Occurs when tax deductions are greater than taxable income in a period IRC allows for these losses to be carried back two years and forward twenty years Should the benefits of NOL’s be recognized? Conceptual Issues Allocation versus Nonallocation Comprehensive versus Partial allocation Discounting deferred taxes Alternative Interperiod Tax Allocation Methods Deferred method Asset/liability method Uses rates in effect when difference originates Uses rates expected to be in effect when the difference reverses Net of tax method Use one of the above methods to adjust balance sheet items that caused the temporary difference e. g. depreciable assets FASB Dissatisfaction With the Deferred Method APB Opinion No. 11 required the use of the deferred method Did not meet SFAS No. 6 definition of assets and liabilities Measurement and Reporting Under SFAS No. 96 Required the asset/liability approach to allocation Deferred tax liability Deferred tax asset SFAS No. 96 Limited the recognition of deferred tax assets created by NOLs Zero future income assumption Business Dissatisfaction With SFAS No. 96 The cost of scheduling necessary under its provision Loss of deferred tax assets under zero future income assumption SFAS No. 109 Board remained committed to the asset/liability method Allowed for the separate recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets and liabilities without regard to future income considerations More likely than not criteria for deferred tax assets rather than zero future income assumption Determining Deferred Asset and Liability Balances 1 2 3 4 5 Identify temporary differences, NOL carryforwards, and unused tax credits Measure the total deferred tax liability by applying the expected tax rate to the future taxable amount Measure the total deferred tax asset by applying the expected future rate to future deductible amounts and NOL carryforwards Measure deferred tax assets for each type of unused tax credit Measure the valuation allowance based on the more likely than not criterion The Valuation Allowance There may be insufficient future taxable income to derive the benefit from a deferred tax asset Use allowance to reduce the deferred tax asset to amount expected to be realized under the more likely than not criterion Do Assets and Liabilities Created by SFAS No. 109 Meet the Definitions in SFAC No. 6? Deferred tax liability - meets the three characteristics of liabilities Deferred tax asset - meets the three characteristics of assets Financial Statement Disclosures Income statement Balance sheet SEC disclosure requirements FIN No. 48 (ASC 740): Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes – an Interpretation of FASB Stmt No. 109 Tax contingencies too flexible Used to manipulate earnings Reporting & disclosure of tax positions lacked transparency FIN 48 establishes proper accounting treatment for uncertain tax positions. FIN No. 48: Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes – an Interpretation of FASB Stmt No. 109 Evaluation of tax position is a 2-step process Recognition Measurement Financial Analysis of Income Taxes Disclosure requirements allow financial statement users to make better decisions including: 1 2 3 Assessing the quality of earnings Assessing future cash flows Calculation of actual tax rates Financial Analysis of Income Taxes The footnotes provide information on: 1 2 3 Information on the amount of taxes that would be paid at the federal statutory rate and the amount actually paid Changes in the deferred tax asset and liability accounts Information concerning income tax carrybacks and carryforwards Financial Analysis of Income Taxes The earnings conservatism ratio Pretax accounting incomea Taxable income aIn the event a company reports material permanent income tax differences, the amount of these differences adjusts the numerator. Financial Analysis of Income Taxes Earnings conservatism ratios for Hershey and Tootsie 1.20 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 2009 Hershey 2010 Tootsie Roll 2011 IAS No. 12: Accounting for Taxes on Income Amended in 1996 to require the liability (asset/liability) method Quite similar to U.S. GAAP, as outlined in SFAS No. 109 Considering other issues: 1 2 Do tax consequences of recovery amounts of assets and liabilities depend on the manner of recovery? Disclosure of reconciliation between income tax expense and accounting profit March 2009: Exposure draft of revised IAS No. 12 Attempt to alleviate differences At present the income tax project is inactive. End of Chapter 12 Prepared by Kathryn Yarbrough, MBA Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express written consent of the copyright owner is unlawful. 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