2015 - 2016
Grades 9-10 Introduction to Personal Care Services
Mrs. B. Bush Course Syllabus 2015-2016
Email address: bushba@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Phone Number: (706)-592-2089 ext. 48
Course Description and Objectives
This course introduces both fundamental theory and practices of the personal care
professions including nail technicians, estheticians, barbers, and cosmetologists. Emphasis
will be placed on professional practices and safety. Areas addressed in this course include:
state rules and regulations, professional image, bacteriology, decontamination and infection
control, chemistry fundamentals, safety, Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance, and
anatomy and physiology.
Students will experience basic hands on skills in each area to help them determine the
pathway they are most interested in pursuing. By completing courses in the personal care
services pathways, students can potentially earn credit toward the hours required by the
Georgia State Board of Barbering and/or Cosmetology or hours toward their license as an
esthetician or nail technician.
Pre-requisite for this course is advisor approval.
ALL students are encouraged to join SkillsUSA. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students,
teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled work force.
SkillsUSA helps each student excel. Dues are only $20.00.
2015 - 2016
Assignments and Absences
Students will receive a variety of assignments designed to enhance their learning. If a
student is absent, the student is responsible for the missed assignment. Students who have
an excused absence will be allowed five days to turn in the missed assignment. No work will
be accepted after five days.
Course Assessment Plan/Grading Scale: This course will include many formative
assessments and labs. The course will also include four countywide common assessments.
At the conclusion of the course, in early May all (list content) students are required to take
the Georgia Milestone or SLO which will count as 20% of their final grade. For this course
grades will be assigned as follows:
Summative Assessments 40%
Formative Assessments
School Expectations
Follow all school rules and policies (REBEL Alert – PBIS).
- Being Respectful
- Being Responsible
- Being Ready for Success
Classroom Expectations
1. Walk into the classroom quietly and take your seat.
2. If you are tardy, you must have a pass from either the office or teacher that kept you
3. If need be, sharpen your pencil or visit the wastebasket before class begins. This must
be done within the first minute of coming to class.
4. As soon as you are seated, get out all materials needed for class.
2015 - 2016
5. During assessments you are to raise your hand if you have a question and I will come
to you. Always bring a book to read after you finish your test as not everyone will
finish the test at the same time.
6. During class work, raise your hand and I will come to you and if I am with another
student, wait patiently and I will get to your question.
7. You may not eat in class.
8. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check with me to see which assignments
you missed. It is your responsibility to complete the assignments within five days.
9. Do not stand up, pack your book bag, clear off your desk or leave the classroom until
instructed to do so.
10. During a fire or tornado drill, remain calm and walk quietly to our designated areas.
11. During any announcements be quiet and listen until they are finished.
Classroom Procedures
 The first five to ten minutes of class should be quiet. (This time is set aside for your
bell ringers and attendance)
 Arrive to class on time and prepared to learn. Stay in your seat.
 Keep the room/lab clean and respect the equipment and furnishings.
 Honesty is expected. (Cheating will not be tolerated!)
 Groom before coming to class—not during class. This includes hair, make-up and
nails, etc…
 Please remember the cell phone policy!!
All electronics must be put away before entering the classroom!
No charging * No calling * No receiving calls * No texting * No receiving texts
No videoing * No recording * No taking pictures of friends * No taking selfies * No
Alarms*No listening to music * No playing games * No checking the time
{Use the class clock}
Lab {Salon}
 All salon-based or practical related work is considered Lab
 Intro to Personal Care students will be introduced to lab work and procedures {as
 Lab and Practical work will be incorporated into the Intro to Personal Care course
{as needed}
2015 - 2016
Classroom Rules
 Raise your hand to be recognized
 Bring all required material to class every day.
 Professional language required. (Absolutely no use of vulgar, profane, or
inappropriate language in the classroom/lab.)
 Use the restroom during class change—you will not be permitted to go unless it
is an emergency.
Classroom Consequences
All consequences will be aligned with the HHS school wide discipline plan.
Course Materials
1” binder
5 tab dividers
1 composition notebook
Pens, pencils, highlighters
In order to schedule a conference with your teachers, please contact the Guidance
Office 706-592-2089
2015 - 2016
By signing below, we acknowledge that we have read and understand the
Course Syllabus 2015-2016.
Student Signature ___________________________________ Date ____________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________