B - Chapter 6 - Charleville Gardens



Chapter 6

Soil Formation & Morphology

Pages 159 – 192

Soil formation . . .

Parent materials and topography determine the amount and types of soil formation

Parent materials . . .

Unconsolidated materials

Sediments of erosion and weathering

Can vary in mixture and particle size – rocky, sandy, clayey

CROPT . . .

Acronym for soil forming factors . . . climate relief organisms parent materials time

Climate and soil formation . . .

And climate is?

average patterns and conditions of weather (rain, wind, relative humidity, fog, average high and low temperatures, etc.) at a given location over a period of years

Climate and soil formation . . .

vs. weather?

current state of the atmosphere with respect to rain, wind, relative humidity, fog, high and low temperatures, etc.

Climate and soil formation . . .

Formation of soils is faster in regions with higher precipitation and higher temperatures . . .

And is slower in more arid regions

Relief and soil formation . . .

How do you spell relief?


And topography is?

the difference between the high and low areas in a landscape – the natural landscape that is. . . .

Relief and soil formation . . .

Soils develop more quickly and more deeply on terrain with a shallow slope

Rainfall tends to runoff on steep terrain slowing soil development

Rainfall tends to infiltrate on terrain with less slope

Organisms and soil formation . . .

Plants, animals and their residue found in soil also referred to as biota

Where they exist in large numbers, burrowing animals turn and incorporate materials speeding soil formation

Organisms and soil formation . . .

Microorganisms aid soil development through the decomposition of organic matter

Areas with abundant vegetation contribute humus to the soil

Parent materials and soil formation . . .

Weathering and chemical erosion of parent materials can form secondary minerals or clays

Source of A and B soil horizons

Parent materials and soil formation . . .

Unconsolidated materials

Sediments of erosion and weathering

Can vary in mixture and particle size – rocky, sandy, clayey

Weathering and chemical erosion of parent materials can form secondary minerals or clays

Time and soil formation . . .

Time as related to climate, relief, organisms and parent materials

Soils can begin to form quickly – years to decades – as results of river deposits on floodplains

Time and soil formation . . .

Glacial sediments may be several thousand years old

Soil formation can occur rapidly in warm, humid, forested regions


Merging and blending of a series of alluvial fans

Formed as alluvium descends downhill

Large bajadas can take on the form of gravely plains


Eroded soil sediments deposited on land by streams

Larger particles drop out sooner


As particles move further downslope, particle sizes decrease leaving larger particles behind


pH and salinity often increase moving downslope

Carbonates and bicarbonates (of Ca,

Mg) levels increase

Santa Ana River

Deposits deep alluvial sands and gravels in Orange County as a result of being watershed of San Bernardino and

Riverside Counties

Weathering . . .

Chemical action of air and rainwater

Biological action of animals, plants, fungi, etc.

Carbonic acid (H




) formed from the combination of air and water

Weathering . . .

Rocks and minerals decompose and disintegrate and change characteristics

Clays are formed by weathered or chemically broken-down soils

Basalts are an example of a clay producing mineral

Erosion . . .

Wearing away of land surfaces by wind, water, ice, and other geologic forces

Physically eroded soils produce sands and silts

Serpentine soils . . .

Derived from ultramafic rock

Low in silica

High in magnesium and iron

Low calcium to magnesium ratio

Serpentine soils . . .

Low in essential nutrients – nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Plants characteristic to serpentine soils are called serpentine

Organic matter . . .

Rich in humus

Holds cations

Holds nutrients

Reduces pH

Increases water-holding capacities

Increases soil porosity

Changes structure

Department of repetitive redundancy department . . .

In flatter areas with warmer, wetter weather, soils form faster

In colder, dryer areas with more slope soils form more slowly

Soil horizons . . .

O-Horizon . . .

Organic horizon

Surface layer inc. leaves, moss and other plant materials

Rich in organic matter in various stages of decomposition

O-Horizon . . .

The O-Horizon can be further divided into two layers . . .

Oi – where organic mater is still identifiable

Oa – where organic matter is becoming highly decomposed

A- Horizon . . .

‘Topsoil’ layer

Often darker in color and contain more organic matter than deeper layers

May contain less clay and sesquioxides

(metal oxides)

Most biological activity occurs

Closely associated with plant root growth

A- Horizon . . .

May be rich in soil organisms: worms, nematodes, fungi and bacteria

The term “biomantle” can only be used if biological activity does not extend deeper into subsequent horizon layers

‘Eluvial’ layer – layer in which materials leach (migrate) from

E-Horizon . . .

Leached by water

Organic matter and clays may be removed by leaching

‘Eluviated’ layer (migrated out from)

E-Horizon . . .

Often pale containing mostly silicates

Only present in older, well-developed soils

Generally occurs between the A- and Bhorizons

B-Horizon . . .

‘Subsoil’ layer

‘Illuviated’ layer (migrated into)

Leached minerals may accumulate – clay minerals like iron or aluminum

B-Horizon . . .

Organic materials may accumulate

May have more intense colors or a stronger chroma than the a-horizon

C-Horizon . . .

Follows the A- and B-


Mostly unweathered materials

Contains mostly parent materials

D-Horizon . . .

May be recognized by contrasting pedologic organization between it and overlying layers

Found below layers referred to as

‘solum’ (O-, A-, E-, and B-horizons)

R-Horizon . . .

Partially weathered bedrock at the base of the soil profile

Degradation of Soils . . .

Soils with various accumulations of different minerals

Soils with accumulated salts

Calcic – accumulated carbonates

Gypsic - accumulated gypsum

Salic – accumulated soluble salts

Soils with accumulated clays

Argillic – accumulated clay

Kandic – accumulated low-activity clay

Natric – accumulated clay with sodium

Soils with accumulated humus

Orstein – cemented soils; high in humus and aluminum

Sombric – acidic; high in humus without aluminum

Spodic – acidic; high in humus and aluminum

Soils with hardpans

Duripan – silica cemented soils

Fragipan – brittle soils

Petrocalcic – soils cemented by carbonates

Petrogypsum – soils cemented by gypsum

Placic – soils cemented by iron

Soils showing losses of materials

Albic – leached and light colored

Glossic – leached, degraded clay layer

Other conditions

Agric – caused by tillage

Cambic – showing little development

Oxic – excessively weathered


Other toxic materials
