
States vs
Plantations Federal
Expansion Slavery
Q $100
Q $100
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Q $400
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Q $500
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Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1
• He invented the cotton gin
$100 Answer from H1
Who is Eli Whitney?
$200 Question from H1
Songs the slaves sang
$200 Answer from H1
What are spirituals?
$300 Question from H1
He led an armed slave rebellion in 1831
$300 Answer from H1
Who is Nat Turner?
$400 Question from H1
The approximate number of white
families that owned slaves
$400 Answer from H1
What is about 1/3 or 33%?
$500 Question from H1
The cotton gin made growing cotton
more _________
$500 Answer from H1
What is more profitable?
$100 Question from H2
The right of a state to make decisions
without interference from the federal
$100 Answer from H2
What are states rights?
$200 Question from H2
A tax on an imported product
$200 Answer from H2
What is a tariff?
$300 Question from H2
The right to nullify , or reject, a federal law if a
state considers it unconstitutional.
$300 Answer from H2
What is the Doctrine of Nullification?
$400 Question from H2
The reason that South Carolina
wanted to secede from the union in
$400 Answer from H2
What are high tariffs on imported goods that the South
traded for their cotton?
$500 Question from H2
The word that means to leave or
$500 Answer from H2
What is secede?
$100 Question from H3
A loyalty or pride to one’s country
$100 Answer from H3
What is Nationalism?
$200 Question from H3
Loyalty of interests to one’s own
$200 Answer from H3
What is Sectionalism?
$300 Question from H3
Which section of the country did not
not tariffs or internal improvements?
$300 Answer from H3
What is the South?
$400 Question from H3
Which section of the country wanted
tariffs and cheap land?
$400 Answer from H3
What is the West?
$500 Question from H3
Which section wanted high tariffs,
internal improvements, but not
cheap land?
$500 Answer from H3
What is the North or Northeast?
$100 Question from H4
The belief the U.S. would expand from
the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
$100 Answer from H4
What is Manifest Destiny
$200 Question from H4
The land acquisition that includes
present day AZ.
$200 Answer from H4
What is the Mexican Cession?
$300 Question from H4
The treaty that ended the Mexican-American
war and included Texas, set the border of Texas
and Mexico as the Rio Grande River, and the
Mexican Cession.
$300 Answer from H4
What is the The Treaty of Guadalupe
$400 Question from H4
The name of the land deal where the US
purchased the southern part of what is now
$400 Answer from H4
What is The Gadsden Purchase?
$500 Question from H4
Name the person who is credited with
coming up with the phrase Manifest
$500 Answer from H4
Who is John O’Sullivan?
$100 Question from H5
The movement to help end slavery
is called.
$100 Answer from H5
What is Abolition?
$200 Question from H5
Was a famous former enslaved man
who lectured about his experiences.
$200 Answer from H5
Who is Fredrick Douglass?
$300 Question from H5
The escaped slave who was the most
famous conductor on the Underground
$300 Answer from H5
Who is Harriet Tubman?
$400 Question from H5
Name the system of escape routes
Slaves took to escape.
$400 Answer from H5
What is the Underground Railroad?
$500 Question from H5
Tell how the Underground Railroad
$500 Answer from H5
Slaves would walk, hide in wagons, and
boats and travel from station, shelters, to
station. They would travel during the
night and stay in attics or cellars during
the day as they made their way to
Final Jeopardy
Explain the Missouri Compromise? Include who
was “The Great Compromiser”, when did
it happen, and what did it accomplish?
Final Jeopardy Answer
The Missouri Compromise was Henry Clay’s
idea in 1820. It was designed to keep the
balance of power between the free and slave
states. MO came in as a slave state and ME as
a free state. It did not solve the slavery issue.