Boundary Layer Meteorology Prof. Daniel Kirk-Davidoff Rm. 3423 CSS (301)-270-3704 Lecture 1 8/31/04 • Course Syllabus: discuss requirements, schedule, readings. • Starting Point Exam • Introduction to the Boundary Layer • Hand out readings Introduction to the Boundary Layer Definitions: Stull: “that part of the troposphere that is directly influenced by the presence of the earth’s surface, and responds to surface forcings with a timescale of about an hour or less” Introduction to the Boundary Layer Definitions: Garratt:“the layer of air directly above the Earth’s surface in which the effects of the surface (friction, heating and cooling [and moistening]) are felt directly on time scales of less than a day, and in which significant fluxes of momentum, heat or matter are carried by turbulent motions on a scale of the order of the depth of the boundary layer or less.” Things that happen in the boundary layer • Large diurnal temperature variations (relative to the free troposphere above). – Turbulence • • Sources of turbulence: Thermal forcing (thermals: buoyant eddies forced by solar heating of the surface) • Vertical wind shear (due to frictional drag by the surface on geostrophic flow aloft) Things that happen in the boundary layer • Horizontal wind shear (due to flow of wind around obstacles: trees, mountains, islands) • Waves (gravity) • Spiraling Winds • Katabatic (drainage) Winds • Nocturnal Jet Things that happen in the boundary layer • Clouds: • Fair weather cumulus clouds (whose roots are in the BL) • Trade cumulus (which may rain) • Stratocumulus clouds (which may rain) • Fog Kinds of atmospheric boundary layers •Stable •Near-Neutral •Convective Kinds of atmospheric boundary layers Marine Little diurnal variability 1-2 km (3 max, maybe) Low Bowen ratio Wave state important Continental Strong diurnal variability Up to 5 km over deserts High Bowen ratio Surface shape fixed, but important Read ch. 1 of Garratt, and answer: • Why is the mean structure of the boundary layer “very much dependent on the season”? • When and why is the structure of the boundary layer over the ocean similar to that over land “in extra-tropical latitudes”? • Otherwise, why is the marine boundary layer usually shallower than over the land? Read ch. 1 of Garratt, and answer: • Why is “information on the likely growth of the shallow mixed layer” of particular importance to the dispersal of smog and lowlevel pollutants? • How does dewfall and frost formation depend on the state of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL)? Read ch. 1 of Garratt, and answer: • Why is w’ anticorrelated with any other property fluctuation in figure 1.4?