Skeletal sys note template 1

Name: ______________________________
Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 5 Skeletal system
Note Template1 p 111-115
Divisions of the Human Skeleton
1. Axial:
2. Appendicular:
Functions of the Skeletal System
1. Support: form _________________________________ that supports and
2. Protection:
3. Movement: Skeletal muscles, ___________________________________________,
_________________________________________ to move the body and its parts.
4. Storage: Fat is stored in cavities of bone. Minerals such as calcium and
phosphorus are stored.
5. Hematopoesis: ___________________________________________ occurs within the
marrow cavities of certain bones.
Classification of Bones
The Adult Human Skeleton has _________ bones
Two types of bones:
1. Compact
2. Spongy
4 Types of bones: define and give examples
1. Long
2. Short
3. Flat
4. Irregular
Gross Anatomy of a long bone
1. Epiphysis:
2. Diaphysis:
3. Periosteum:
4. Sharpey’s fibers:
5. Arteries: Supply bone cells with nutrients
6. Articular cartilage:
Covers the external surface of the ________________________
Made of ______________________cartilage
Decreases friction at _________________________surfaces
7. Epiphyseal plate:
Flat plate of hyaline cartilage seen in ______________, _______________bones
8. Epiphyseal line:
Remnant of the epiphyseal plate, Seen in ________________ bones
9. Medullary cavity: Yellow marrow
Contains ________________________(mostly fat) in adults
Contains ______________________(for blood cell formation) in infants
Surface features of bones
Sites of attachments for ________________________, _________________________, and _____________
Passages for ________________________________ and ________________________________________
Categories of bone markings
Projections or processes:
Depressions or cavities:
Bone Markings: Projections for Muscle and Ligament attachment
1. Tuberosity: large round projection
2. Crest: Narrow ridge
3. Trochanter: Large blunt irregularly shaped process (femur only)
4. Line: narrow ridge of bone smaller than crest
5. Tubercle: small round projection
6. Epicondyle: raised area above a founded projection (condyle)
7. Spine: Sharp slender pointed projection
Bone Markings for Joints
1. Head: Bony expansion carried on a narrow neck
2. Facet: Smooth flat surface for articulation
3. Condyle: Rounded projection
4. Ramus: Arm-like bar of bone
Bone Markings for Nerves and blood vessels
1. Meatus: Canal- like passageway
2. Sinus: Cavity within a bone
3. Fossa: Shallow basin
4. Groove: Furrow
5. Fissure: Narrow slit
6. Foramen: round or oval opening