WOODS CROSS HIGH SCHOOL Career & Technical Education Department MEDICAL ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY WSU Health Science 1101: Medical Terminology WSU Health Science 1120: Case Studies in Health Sciences INSTRUCTOR: Maren Hansen PHONE: EMAIL: mahansen@dsdmail.net 801.402.4538 PERIODS: 1, 2, 5, 6 OFFICE HOURS: Flex or appt. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE: a. Designed for Junior and Senior Students b. Allows students to investigate a variety of careers in the health fields. c. Provides detailed study of anatomy and physiology d. Teaches Medical Terminology to a level of competency e. Generates both High School and College Credits (if desired) COURSE OUTLINE: Anatomy and Physiology: Text: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Elaine N. Marieb This portion of the class is designed for college preparation in Anatomy and Physiology for many allied health professions. Medical Terminology: Text: Medical Terminology-Simplified. Gylys, B.A., & Masters, R.M. This portion of the class is designed to prepare the student to challenge for 2 units of college semester credit in Health Science 1101-Medical Terminology at Weber State University. This portion of the class is integrated into each unit studied in the Anatomy and Physiology portion of this course. Case Studies: Text: HS1120 Case Studies Workbook This portion of the class is designed to prepare the student to challenge for 3 units of college semester credit in Health Science 1120-Case Studies in Health Sciences at Weber State University. Case studies will be integrated into each unit studied, but there will also be some out-of-class work required by Weber State University. HOMEWORK This class is taught as a concurrent college course. Attendance in class is critical to the student learning process as not all information will come from the textbook. WSU credit requires 90% attendance to receive credit. Students are expected to stay current on lecture notes, reading assignments, and out of class homework assignments. EXAMS Exams from material covered in lectures and the text will be given at the completion of a body system or unit. This also includes WSU required testing. Quizzes may be given covering information in each unit. A State Skills test will be given in Medical Terminology and Anatomy/Physiology at the end of the year. GRADING PROCEDURES: This is a 2 period class. 2 grades will be given. Grades will be issued using the following grading scale. Grading scale is the same for both WXHS and WSU. A = 93-100% A- = 90-92% B+ = 87-89% B = 83-86% B- = 80-82% C+ = 77-79% C = 73-76% C- = 70-72% D+ = 67-69% D = 63-66% D- = 60-62% F = 0-59% CLASS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Attendance: Students are encouraged and expected to attend all classes. Medical Anatomy and Physiology usually require some type of learning by a doing or participation activity. Textbooks are provided to supplement the instructor’s lectures and other class experiences. No make-up work will be accepted for unexcused absences. Make-up work for excused absences must be turned in within one week. Students are expected to participate in scheduled lectures, career exploration, laboratory sessions, and discussion periods. Some of these activities may be off of the school campus. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from these activities. Papers and Projects: All papers and assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the assigned date unless otherwise pre-arranged. No late work will be accepted. Supplies: Students are responsible for furnishing their own school supplies. (LARGE 3-ring binder, note paper, pen/pencil, index cards (for making flashcards) etc.) HOSA: Health Occupations Students of America is our student organization. All students enrolled in MAP are encouraged to join. There is an annual fee of $20 to join local, state, and national organizations. This looks great on your resume and will offer you many exciting experiences throughout the year including leadership conferences, state and national competitions, and social events with other chapters. Fees: Required Fees: MAP Laboratory Fees $20 Medical Terminology Workbook $42 Case Studies Workbook $26 Total Required Fees=$88 (Due to the Main Office by Friday, Sept. 12th) WSU Concurrent Enrollment Fees: WSU Admission Fee paid to WSU if not previously admitted $30 HTHS 1101 - Medical Terminology 2 credits (tuition paid to WSU) $10 HTHS 1120 - Case Studies 3 credits (tuition paid to WSU) $15 (### a $1229 value ###) Optional Fees: HOSA Membership $20 Audio/Visual Video tape, DVD, and computer programs will be used to demonstrate anatomy, physiology, and concepts surrounding health care today. Any commercially released video used will be evaluated for its appropriateness to the topic for its educational value and may be rated “G”,” PG”, or “PG-13" if it has health or medical value. Please be aware that some of the things we watch may contain some graphic medical material. The following may be used in this class either as clips or viewed in its entirety. Other videos might also be shown. The New Living Body Series Standard Deviants Anatomy Series The Body Atlas Series The Body Story Series Cracking the Code of Life Life’s Greatest Miracle Impact: Stories of Survival Series 60 Minutes Dateline National Geographic Important Miscellaneous Information: Disrespect toward teacher, other students, or guests will not be tolerated. Show respect for class materials. Medical materials are expensive. Woods Cross High Dress Code will be strictly enforced. Woods Cross High Cell Phone/Electronic Device policy will be strictly enforced. Woods Cross High School Medical Anatomy and Physiology Course Syllabus and Policy Statement Verification The course syllabus and class policies and procedures statements are provided to inform students and his/her parents or guardians about the Medical Anatomy and Physiology program at Woods Cross High School. These procedures and regulations have been developed to assure consistency in program administration, grading, and course implementation. As a student in Medical Anatomy and Physiology the student will be expected to assume responsibility for fulfilling all requirements of the program and complying with the administrative procedures outlined in the class syllabus and policies and procedures statement. Also, with your permission, I will occasionally have students in the class correct the work of other students. This practice has an important educational purpose in that it allows students to review assignments and quizzes and consider problem solving strategies that may be different from their own. It also serves the important purpose of allowing the teacher to give and review assignments and use correcting time as effectively as possible. Verification Statement I have read the Medical Anatomy and Physiology course disclosure and understand the student responsibilities associated with participation in this course. _____________________________ (Student Signature) _____________________ (Date) _____________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) _____________________ (Date) Parent/Guardian Email address: ______________________________