OTTO-VON-GUERICKE-UNIVERSITY MAGDEBURG Faculty of Economics & Management DONETSK NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Management Department of International Business Activity The Portfolio Diversification Svetlana Maltseva Cumaka 70 86 700 Khartsyzsk International Economics specialisation "European Studies" Semester: 7 E-Mail: Date of submission: 17.10.2010 Table of contents: List of Figure…………………………………………………………………………..3 List of Tables………………………………………………………………………......4 List of Abbreviations………………………………………………………………......5 Abstract……………………………………………………………………………......6 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………......7 2. Stock Market of Ukraine and its Players………………………………………......8 3. Forming the Optimal Portfolio of Risky Securities……………………………......9 4. Optimization of portfolio using risk-free asset……………………………………16 5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………...18 References………………………………………………………………………….....20 Annex ………………………………………………………………………………...21 2 List of Figures: Figure 1: Dependence of the investment portfolio return on the risk of investing in the portfoliо……………………………………………………………………………......13 Figure 2: Types of portfolios…………………………………………………………14 Figure 3: Efficient frontier and risk-free asset………………………………………...17 Figure 4: Graphical interpretation of found tangential portfolio……………………...18 3 List of Tables: Table 1: Total turnover of Ukrainian companies’ shares and their rank in 2008-2009...8 Table 2: Return and risk of the Ukrainian firms’ securities…………………………...11 Table 3: The optimal structure of securities at different levels of expected rate of return…………………………………………………………………………………...12 Table 4: Portfolios, formed with risky assets and with risk-free asset………………..17 4 List of Abbreviations: IP – Investment portfolio SP – Securities portfolio RR – rate of return TP – Tangential portfolio RFA – Risk-free asset 5 ABSTRACT In this paper was shown the model of optimization of investment portfolio, using the securities of Ukrainian stock market. Here were described different types of portfolios depending on the risk and expected return. In this paper was considered a portfolio with risk-free asset. Keywords: investment portfolio, optimization of portfolio, risk, expected return, riskfree asset 6 1 INTRODUCTION In the Western countries the allocation of capital at the stock market is widely practiced. In Ukraine, the stock market started to develop actively only with the beginning of privatization. Today the stock market to some extent has been already formed and this allows us to ponder over investing money in securities. Therefore, due to the development of the Ukrainian capital market and increasing the number of securities emission, the portfolio management, that is the creation of portfolio is one of the topical questions of financial management. Thus, the main problem to be solved is how to allocate resources to invest in various alternative investments. The concept of “securities portfolio” has emerged as one of the ways to cope with high risks, which are inherent in investing in securities of one issuer. The investor can create the portfolio (collection of assets) that can achieve the same level of expected return as any single asset but with a less variable pattern of returns.1 Any negative information can undo all the calculations about the future of the company, which invested funds. This is especially true for the emerging stock market. Therefore, the main purpose of portfolio investment is to minimize market risks inherent in securities of one issuer. The essence of IP ensures sharing the separation of investment potential among the various assets. Diversifying means investing money in more than one asset. 2 Diversification is spreading a portfolio over many investments to avoid excessive exposure to any one source of risk.3 The slogan of diversification is an old English proverb “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. In designing a portfolio, investors seek to maximize the expected return from their investments, given some level of risk they are willing to accept, portfolios, that satisfy this requirement are called efficient (or optimal) portfolios. 4 Therefore the aim of optimizing the IP is the formation of securities, which would be consistent with both the requirements of profitability and risk – and thus would be sufficiently diversified. 1 See Drury (1996),p.361 2 See Sears (1993),p.15 3 Bodie/Kane/Marcus(2004),p.1050 4 See Fabozzi(1997),p. 261 7 The beginning of the modern theory of financial portfolio was included in the Harry Markowitz’s articles, and then in the works of William Sharpe and John Litnera, and was based on the concepts of systematic (market) and unsystematic risk of securities. Risk that remains after extensive diversification is called market risk, i.e. risk that is attribute to marketwide risk sources. Such risk is also called systematic risk, or nondiversifiable risk. 5 The purpose of this assay is to show to the private Ukrainian investors the mechanism for building a portfolio of securities, using some stable rules, particularly, mathematical, that can greatly facilitate the investment decision. 2 UKRAINIAN STOCK MARKET AND ITS PLAYERS Analysis of the Ukrainian stock market in general and domestic local companies, whose shares are proposed for analysis in this work, is presented in Table 1 (Consideration of the total turnover of securities of this companies and their rank in 2008-2009 ).6 Rank Company 2008 2009 10 11 Enakievo Steel Plant 14 10 Motor Sich 22 24 Ukrtelekom 24 20 Donbassenergo 30 17 Nizhnedneprovskiy Tube-rolling Plant 39 43 Poltava GOK(PGOK) 46 62 Illych Mariupol Metallurgical Plant Turnover,UAH 2008 2009 106399560.45 22 397949.51 86 267 530.98 23 743919.61 36 983 169.62 3 834 039.00 36 936 591.88 7 880 042.00 29 170 093.28 9 673 039.50 18 584 535.54 614 565.00 14 438 337.74 227 800.00 Table 1: Total turnover of shares of Ukrainian companies and their rank in 2008-20097 5 See Bodie/Kane/Marcus(2004) p.223-224 6 See Data of UkrAgrInvest Company 7 See Data of UkrAgrInvest Company 8 3 FORMING THE OPTIMAL PORTFOLIO OF RISKY SECURITIES (MARKOWIZ MODEL) Multi-asset portfolios are measured by variance (risk) and expected return of a portfolio consisting of N different components.8 Herewith, Markowiz Model can be used. to determine the structure of the optimal portfolio. The most important assumptions of the first group are the following: - Market consists of a finite number of infinitely divisible liquid assets, whose gain for a given period are considered random variables (it means, all assets are risky ); - There are open and reliable historical data about returns of assets, allowing the investor to estimate the expected (average) values of return and their pairwise covariances; - Investors in transactions with the asset free of transaction costs and taxes; - The investor can form any valid (for this model) portfolio, profitability of which are also random variables. As for investor’s behavior, there are two hypotheses: the hypothesis of unsaturation and risk aversion. These hypotheses suggest that: • investor always prefers a higher level of welfare ( under the same conditions always chooses portfolio assets with greater profitability); • investor from two assets with the same income will prefer an asset with less risk. • investor always prefers a higher level of welfare ( under the same conditions always chooses portfolio assets with greater profitability); • investor from two assets with the same income will prefer an asset with less risk9 Marcowiz’s Model provides searching the portfolio, which is characterized by low-risk, i.e. has the lowest value of variance of portfolio rate of return (σp2 = D (Rp)), at a given level of expected RR (mp).10 Formal problem statement is: 8 See Steve Lumbey, p..246 9 See Markowiz problem 10 See Sharpe/Gordon/Bailay(1998),p.213-225 9 N N p2 D( R p ) x k x j kj min k 1 j 1 N m M ( R ) x j m j mC p p j 1 N x j 1 j 1 x j 0, j 1,..., N (1) Where σp2 - variance of rate of return of portfolio securities; mp - expectation rate of return of portfolio securities; mc – given expected rate of return of portfolio securities; σkj - covariance of rates of return k-th and j-th types of securities; xj - the share of the j-th type of securities in the investment portfolio the share of N number of types of securities of which the portfolio is formed.11 Markowiz’s Model also can be written in matrix form : p2 D( R p ) xT x min m p M ( R p ) xT m mC T I x 1 x 0 (2) where x - matrix of column dimension N × 1, that reflects the contribution of each type of securities in the portfolio; хТ - transposed matrix X; m - the matrix column dimension N × 1, reflecting the expectation rates of return for each type of securities Ω- covariations matrix of rates of return of securities that form a portfolio; I - an auxiliary unit matrix-column dimension N × 1; ІТ - transposed matrix I .12 11 See Lyuu (2007),p.554 12 See Lyuu (2007),p.560 10 And: 11 12 ... 1N 22 ... 2 N 21 ... ... ... ... N 1 N 2 ... NN x T x1 x2 ... x N ; x1 m1 1 x m ; x 2 ; m 2 ; I 1 ... ... ... 1 xN m N (3) I T 1 1 ... 1. According to Zvi Bodie , efficient frontier is curve represents the combined of risky assets that maximizes the expected RR at each level of portfolio risk.13 Using the data of listed Ukrainian enterprises, the Markowiz Model and MS Excel software we can build the efficient frontier. Issuer Variance(σi2),%2 (mi), % Standard deviation (σi), % Nizhnedneprovskiy -1,60 38,86 6,23 PGOK 0,36 21,44 4,63 Donbassenergo -1,03 26,62 5,16 Yenakiyevo Steel 2,51 17,97 4,24 4,73 272,04 16,49 Ukrtelekom 0,06 14,20 3,77 Motor Sich 1,14 16,59 4,07 Tube-rolling Plant Plant Mariupol Metallurgical Illich Plant Table 2: Return and risk of securities of Ukrainian firms 14 To optimize the portfolio securities Microsoft Office tools of, namely the “Solver”, which is a superset of Microsoft Excel, should be used. To find the model name in the Markowitz-Ins dialog box "Search for Solutions" tab of the Options should check the 13 Bodie(2002), p.320 14 See Data of UkrAgroInvest Company 11 box next to "non-negative values15. (Annex 1). There was determined the optimal structure of nine portfolios with different levels of expected RR, namely at the expected RR from 1 to 4.7%. Characteristics of the findings of optimized securities portfolios calculation with different levels of expected RR that are formed with the shares of Ukrainian enterprises are listed in Table 3. Indicators Portfolio expected retirn (mp)for a week,% Minimum variance RR of portfolio (σp2), %2 Minimum standard deviation of portfolio (σp), % Nizhnedneprovskiy Tube-rolling Plant,% PGOK,% Donbassenergo,% Yenakiyevo Steel Plant, % Mariupol Metallurgical Illich Plant,% Ukrtelekom,% Motor Sich,% IP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 4.7 11.41 11.50 12.92 17.80 34.80 74.98 138.45 225.21 266,43 3,38 3,39 3,59 4,22 5,90 8,66 11,77 15,01 16,32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,59 17,45 0,73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,69 39,30 63,41 95,10 77,74 55,22 32,70 10,18 1,17 0 0 0 1,70 22,26 44,78 67,30 89,82 98,83 29,62 3,79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,10 39,46 35,86 3,20 0 0 0 0 0 Table 3: The optimal structure of securities at different levels of expected return16 To get an idea of the set of efficient portfolios we built a graph showing the relationship between expected income and risk of the built portfolios. The graph is shown in Figure 1. Thus, it can be seen in Figure 1 that formed from the shares of Ukrainian companies, characterization and structure of which are drawn in Table, form a set of efficient portfolios. 15 See Benning(2007),p.342 16 See Data of UkrAgroInvest Company 12 Expected portfolio RR, % 5,0 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Risk (standard deviation,%) Figure 1: Dependence of the investment portfolio return on the risk of investing in the portfolio Any other portfolio that does not belong to the set of efficient portfolios is ineffective because its risk is higher with the same expected rate of return. The investor chooses one of the efficient portfolios depending on his personal inclination to risk. All investors can be divided into three groups: investors who are inclined to take a risk; investors who are inclined to take a risk investors who are neutral to risk.17 The investor is not inclined to take a risk if he chooses the less risky asset from the two assets with equal expected returns, but different risks. The investor is at risk if the two assets with equal expected returns, but different risks, he chooses a more risky asset. The investor is risk neutral if he does not consider if he does not consider it when making investments decisions18. 17 See Burenin(1998),p.210 18 See Burenin (1998),p.213 13 The investor is not inclined to risk if the two assets with equal expected returns, but different risks, he will choose less risky asset. The investor is at risk if the two assets with equal expected returns, but different risks, he chooses a more risky asset. The investor is risk neutral if he does not consider it when making investment decisions.19 The level of risks taken are three basic types of investment portfolio: - Aggressive (speculative) portfolio; -Moderate (compromise, mixed) portfolio; - Conservative Portfolio.20 Figure 2: Types of portfolios21 Aggressive (speculative) portfolio is an investment portfolio, formed according to the criterion of maximizing the profit or growth of invested capital, regardless from the attendant level of Investment Risk. It allows you to get maximum rate of invested return on Investment Capital, but it is accompanied by the highest level of Investment Risk, with which the invested capital may be lost entirely or the large part of it. 22 19 See Burenin,p.291 20 See Sharpe(1997) 21 See Sharpe(1997) 22 See Sharpe(2004) 14 Moderate (compromise, mixed) portfolio is formed aggregate financial investment instruments, that overall portfolio risk close to average. Naturally, in such investment portfolio Investment rate of return on invested capital is also close to the market average, such as Corporate Bonds. Conservative portfolio is the investment portfolio, formed by the criterion of minimizing the level of Investment Risk. This portfolio is formed by the most cautious investors, it eliminates the use of financial instruments, the level of Investment Risk of is higher than the market one.23 Let us make a classification of the portfolios , that are in Figure 1. Portfolios 1-3 can be attributed to the conservative IP, because the expected growth of RR of these portfolios over the risk of growth for each of the above portfolios. This is because that invested in these portfolios are diversified capital. That is, as can be seen in Table 3, number 1 to the portfolio includes securities of four companies of Ukraine, to portfolio number 2 the four companies, and to portfolio number 3 includes the three companies. The conservative portfolios have little risk, which is characterized by relatively low expected profitability. Therefore, investors who are risk averse will choose the portfolio of a group of conservative portfolios and invest in shares of companies of various industries, which will diversify the portfolio of securities. As it can be seen in Table 3 capital investors invested in mining (Poltava GOK), steel (Yenakiyevo Steel Plant), telecommunications (Ukrtelekom) and aircraft engineering (Motor Sich) industries. The mixed portfolio that provides relatively proportional increase of return on investment while increasing the level of risk includes portfolio number 4 and number 5. These portfolios will be attractive to risk-neutral investor. Portfolios are formed from the group acquired shares Enakiev’s Factory (steel production), OJSC Mariupol metallurgical Plant, Illich (ferrous metals) and Motor Sich "(aircraft). It should be noted that when level of risk is growing, the investor do not invest in shares of Motor Sich, the proportion of shares of Illich Mariupol metallurgical combine starts to grow, and the proportion of shares of Enakievo plant starts to decrease. 23 School of Investing(2003) 15 Portfolios № 6-9 form a group of aggressive portfolios. The growth of income for these portfolios is accompanied by rapid growth of risk. However, these portfolios allow investors to expect the largest growth capital. It should be noted that these portfolios can not be called diversified as OJSC Illich Mariupol metallurgical combine and Enakievo MOH share of both activities, namely the production of ferrous metals. The constant growth of the shares of Illich Mariupol metallurgical combine (number 9 in the portfolio, their share is 98.83%) should be noted, but different and the biggest one-week rate of return. That portfolio number 9 is the riskiest, while at the same time is most profitable. 4 PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZATION USING RISK-FREE ASSET Solving the problem of optimal portfolio is changing, given the existence of the market as risky and risk-free securities. Under the risk-free asset we understand such security, which is characterized entirely predictable rate of return. In this case, if the investor buys a risk-free asset at the beginning of investment period, he knows exactly what will be its price at the end of period. Since the uncertainty of the final price risk-free asset is missing, the standard deviation of its RR equal to zero. In addition, the covariance between RR of the risk-free asset and any risky asset is also equal to zero: 24 ij ij i j , if j F 0, то iF iF i 0 0 (4) Since all corporate bonds have a probability of non-payment of income, the risk-free asset can not be issued by the corporation. Risk-free asset can only be a security issued by the government. However, not everyone is a security risk-free government in terms of portfolio management, but only one whose maturity coincides with the period of ownership of that asset is determined by investor. It is subject to interest rate risk and the risk of refinancing rate25. The difference between the portfolios of investors will be only in the proportions of distribution of capital between the tangential portfolio riskfree assets. Tangential portfolio is determined by the point of contact line that goes from the point corresponding to a risk-free RR to the set of efficient portfolios. 24 Lyuu(2007) ,p.574 25 Lyuu(2007),p.575 16 Indicators IP 1 2 3 Expected return (mp) for the week, % 1 1,5 2 Share of investments in risk-free asset 0,70 0,47 0,23 The share of investments in tangential portfolio 0,30 0,53 0,77 Standard deviation (σp), % 1,27 2,28 3,29 Nizhnedneprovskiy Tube-Rolling Plant (Х1),% 0 0 0 PGOK,% 0 0 0 Donbassenergo,% 0 0 0 Yenakiyevo Steel Plant % 0 0 0 Mariupol Metallurgical Illich Plant,% 23,60 42,49 61,38 Ukrtelekom),% 2,11 3,79 5,48 Motor Sich,% 0 0 0,00% Table 3: Portfolios formed with risky assets and with risk-free asset26 . mp 1 Set of efficient portfolios mT RF 0 σT σp Figure 3: Efficient frontier and risk-free asset27 26 See UkrAgroInvest Company 27 See Lumbey(1998), p.251 17 5,0 4,5 Portfolio 4,0 return, % 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Portfolio deviation , % Figure 4: Graphical interpretation of found tangential portfolio28 5 CONCLUSION Thus, as a summary of the above work, the following conclusions can be made. Increase of expected return increases the risk. And the portfolio of the lowest income, and, therefore the lowest risk level, is the most diversified. Given their individual preferences for risk and expected return, investors should choose the appropriate mix of investments that will enable them to achieve their started goal.29 Portfolios №1-3 can be called the conservative IP, due to the fact that the increase of expected rate of return of these portfolios prevail over the risk of growth for each of the above portfolios. An investor that risk averse, will choose the portfolio of a group of conservative portfolios and invest in shares of companies of various industries, that’s will diversify the portfolio of securities. 28 See Data of UkrAgroInvest Company 29 See Sears(1993),p.15 18 In a mixed portfolio, providing relatively proportional increase of return on investment while increasing the level of risk include portfolio number 4 and number 5. These portfolios will be attractive to risk-neutral investor. Portfolios №6-9 form a group of aggressive portfolios. The growth of income for these portfolios is accompanied by rapid growth of risk. However, these portfolios allow investors to expect the largest growth of capital. These portfolios generally very difficult to be denominated as diversified since they include securities of firms that have a common field of activities. An optimal decision for the investor to form a tangential portfolio in order to minimize risk with the same level of expected return. It should be noted that with increasing of expected rate of return of portfolio the share of risky securities in the tangential portfolio grows with increased risk for the investor. Therefore, every investor depending on his propensity for risk can choose a set of portfolios formed with the risky and risk-free assets that suits his expectations of investment. Therefore, investors should first invest in a portfolio that contains risk-free asset, as it greatly helps to reduce risk at the same level of expected return, which is inherent in the portfolio that is formed solely of risky securities. 19 REFERENCES Benning, S, (2007) Financial Modeling using Excel, published by “Publishing House Williams”,592 p. 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Ілліча Ukrtelekom 0,498 0,631 0,573 0,580 0,137 1,000 Motor Sich 0,623 0,408 0,425 0,437 0,230 0,765 Table: Correlation coefficients of RR of Ukrainian shares 21 Мотор Січ Укртелеком Єнакіївський металургійний завод Маріупольський металургійний завод ім. Ілліча Донбасенерго Полтавський ГЗК Нижньодніпровськи й трубопрокатний завод Table: Covariance RR of Ukrainian shares 0,623 0,408 0,425 0,437 0,230 0,765 1,000