Higher education and hybrid institutions Widening participation policy as experienced in FE/HE institutions Ann-Marie Bathmaker, UWE Bristol UK Overview Widening Participation in HE and dual sector/hybrid institutions The FurtherHigher (FH) Project What is a dual sector institution? Conceptualising WP in HE in the context of the FH project The experience of adult/mature students Conclusions Acknowledgements This paper is based on work contributing to an ESRC TLRP project entitled Universal access and dual regimes of further and higher education. The research team comprises: Diane Burns, Anne Thompson, Val Thompson, Cate Goodlad (University fieldwork research team) Andy Roberts; David Dale; Will Thomas; Liz Halford (Institution based researchers) Ann-Marie Bathmaker (UWE), Greg Brooks, Gareth Parry (University of Sheffield), David Smith (University of Leeds) (Project directors) Karen Kitchen (University of Sheffield) (Project administrator) Context for WP in HE Policy imperative to widen participation in HE in context of ‘knowledge economy’ PSA target (towards 50% participation by 2010 by 18-30 year olds) 2 tertiary sectors in England: LSC/FE sector and HE sector ‘Dual sector’ FE/HE institutions The FurtherHigher project Research questions Why do we have two ‘sectors’ providing higher education in England? What impact does this have on widening participation in HE? How do students experience transitions between further and higher education, and between different stages of undergraduate study (level 5/6)? FH project fieldwork Fieldwork in 4 dual sector institutions Transition between level 3 (FE) and level 4 (HE) AND between level 5 (2 yr HE) and level 6 (final year UG degree) Interviews with students, tutors, institutional, managers documentary analysis collection of fieldwork observation records photographs of space and place Adult/mature students in HE policy & the FH study Who counts? Varies in different policies and places HESA: over 21 PSA policy target: not over 30 Older students in FH project sample mainly: ON Access programmes, HND, Fd Degree NOT ON level 3 programmes, such as BTEC National, AVCE What is a dual sector institution? A relational understanding - ‘dual sector’ institutions need to be understood in relation to other parts of HE system in England: ‘elite’ universities Post-1992 universities FE colleges Role of dual sector institutions Enabling WP and transition to HE through: Alternative routes Second chance opportunities Increased variety and geographical spread (local and regional) Foundation degree provision: widening participation in HE, a progression route to Honours ‘Seamless’ transition WITHIN single FE/HE institutions What is a dual sector institution? Northgreen Federal College East Heath College Central HE College Southleigh University What makes them dual? What makes them dual sector? All are in transition, undergoing change, but not in the same direction Changing the landscape of HE in England Elite, mass, universal (Trow, 1973) Features of all 3 in current system Differentiation and stratification Changing configuration of the landscape of HE Conceptualising WP in HE in dual sector institutions Cultural understanding of learning drawing on the ESRC Transforming Learning Cultures in FE project (http://www.education.ex.ac.uk/tlc/project.htm) Relational understanding of the HE system Institutional habitus and cultures of HE Bourdieu, 1990, 1996; Bourdieu and Passeron, 1990 Reay, David and Ball, 2005 Constructions of habitus, culture and ‘position’ Structure and agency in the practices of WP Preliminary insights from the FurtherHigher Project Significant aspects of teaching and learning cultures in dual sector institutions with particular reference to adult/mature students: Space and place UCAS and applying for HE Expectations of HE Sample of ‘mature’ students from Northgreen Federal College Name Born Course Progression route Dave 1961 Science Access BSc Physics at local pre-1992 university Lizzie 1975 Science Access BAQTS at local post-1992 university Vicky 1978 Science Access Radiography at local post-1992 university Sam 1979 HND Tourism Management Y2 Tourism & Hospitality at distant post-1992 university OR BA Modern Languages Sarah 1980 HND Tourism Management Y3 Tourism Management at local post-1992 University Julia 1983 HND Tourism Management Y3 Tourism Management at local post-1992 university OR Year 2 of Human Geography Ruth 1942 HND Fine Art City and Guilds Embroidery 1960 HND Fine Art Y1 BA Fine Art Local post-1992 university 1967 HND Fine Art Y1 BA Fine Art Local post-1992 university Diane Space and place What do students name as important about space and place? What signifies ‘higherness’? What signifies ‘furtherness’? Different ‘cultures’ in different parts of an institution Space and place Car parking and accessibility A place where I belong, a place that belongs to me ‘school cultures’: conflict with ‘adult’ identities Teaching room at Daiston Campus site of Northgreen Federal College Wall display in teaching room at Daiston Campus site of Northgreen Federal College College notice at Tultry College site of Northgreen Federal College UCAS and applying for HE Surviving UCAS Support: cold knowledge hot knowledge Getting an offer to study Expectations of HE Will I fit in? Will I be clever enough? Will there be any students like me? (adult/mature) Expectations of HE describe anticipated ‘higherness’ and by implication, experience of ‘furtherness’ HE is harder Harder, a big jump so need to move into 1st or 2nd year, not final year More intense A lot more work Stricter deadlines Dissertations Exams HE requires independence Independent study and self-direction More independent research Use the library a lot more Less individual support Relationships with others Much bigger classes Different atmosphere: not so close knit Lecturers less approachable Doctors and professors: lofty and straight-laced Current study means students are ready for the move to HE Excited ‘Good’ nervousness Lizzie: I can’t wait to start, I really can’t wait to start Conclusions Mixed economy: mixed experiences Institutions pulled in different directions Formal systems and structures may discourage Local relationships may encourage Conclusions This is linked to a wider context of change: Dual sector institutions in transition HE system in transition Focus of WP policies in transition Contact details Ann-Marie Bathmaker Annmarie.Bathmaker@uwe.ac.uk The FurtherHigher Project http://www.shef.ac.uk/furtherhigher/