
Environmental Health
Warm-Up Questions
CPS Questions 1-2
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Lesson Overview
 The
effect pollution has on health
 Methods for reducing and
preventing pollution
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Quick Write
Write a short statement about how you
feel after being in a smoky room, or in an
outdoor place where the air is heavily
polluted from an industrial plant.
(Note to teacher: Use “Pick a Student” button in CPS)
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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The Effect Pollution Has on Health
Most important natural resources we
need are the air we breathe and the
water we drink
 Most pollution is caused by a
combination of natural events
and human activities
 Damage to our environment can be
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Sources of Outdoor Air Pollution
Burning fossil fuels
 Ground-level ozone
 Sulfur dioxide
 Nitrogen oxides
 Carbon monoxide
 Chemical vapors
 CFCs or chlorofluorocarbons
 Particulates
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Sources of Indoor Air Pollution
Indoor smoking
 Aerosol sprays
 Fireproofing materials such as asbestos
 Radon
 Carbon Monoxide
 Molds
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Activity 1: Air Pollution
Review the section in your textbook on air pollution
Complete the table to identify the major sources of
air pollution and their effects on health and answer
the questions
Review the section in your textbook on AQI levels
Complete the table to identify the numerical values
and meanings for each AQI level and answer the
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Water Pollution
Dirty water is considered one of the
world’s biggest health risks
 Much of our water remains unprotected
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Sources of Water Pollution
Factories, refineries, and waste treatment
 Indirect water pollution can come from
underneath the surface of the earth and
in our soils
 Rain and snow will pick up pollutants
 Livestock
 Pharmaceutical waste
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Learning Check Questions
CPS Questions 3-4
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Activity 2: Sources of Water
Review the section in your textbook on
water pollution
Create a bubble map to identify sources
of water pollution
Answer the questions
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Other Pollutants
Products for cleaning, carpentry, auto
repair, and other indoor and outdoor
household uses
 Oven and drain cleaners, laundry
powders, paint thinners, and arts and
crafts supplies
 Pesticides
 Lead
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Land Pollution and Deforestation
 Moist and decomposes like food waste
 Mostly dry like paper, plastic, and glass
Hazardous wastes are more dangerous
A new category of hazardous
waste is e-waste
More than 80% of earth’s natural
forests have been destroyed
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Activity 3: e-Waste
Review the list of electronic devices that
need to be recycled or disposed of
Using the sources provided, identify how
and where the device should be disposed
or recycled
Answer the questions
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Greenhouse Effect
Unnatural event causing Earth’s
atmosphere to get warmer
 The ozone layer has become thinner
 More of the sun’s harmful rays reach Earth
 In 1985, scientists discovered a hole the size
of the US in the ozone layer
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Other Forms of Pollution
Noise pollution
 Light pollution
 Radiation
 Plastics
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Learning Check Questions
CPS Questions 5-6
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Activity 4: Greenhouse Effect
Research and locate an article about the
greenhouse effect
Identify the important issues, choices,
and consequences
Take notes and answer the questions
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Laws that Protect the Environment
Clean Air Act
 National Environmental Policy Act
 United Nations (UN) General Assembly
started the Conference on Environment
and Development in 1992
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Reducing Existing Pollution
Solar energy
 Wind energy
 Hydrogen and natural gas
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Methods for Preventing Pollution
 Using less of what creates waste
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Activity 5: Analyzing Recycling
Read the scenario and individually
answer the Section 1 questions
As a group, discuss and answer the
remaining questions
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Other Things You Can Do
Turn off the lights when you leave a room
 Take shorter showers
 Do not run hot water if you do not need
 Use fewer things that need to be thrown
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Other Things You Can Do, cont.
Find out what recycling services are in
your community and use them
 Reuse items such as paper
 Buy products that have refillable
 Look for products with the recycled
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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Learning Check Questions
CPS Questions 7-8
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Activity 6: Things You Can Do
Review the section in your textbook on
other things you can do
Create a circle map by brainstorming
things you can do to protect your local
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
 The
effect pollution has on health
 Methods for reducing and
preventing pollution
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
Review Questions
CPS Questions 9-10
(Note to teacher: Use “Pick a Student” button in CPS)
Chapter 4, Lesson 7
Done – environmental health
Next – the American flag and other
national symbols
Chapter 4, Lesson 4
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