High B/T Facility: Breakout • Neil Sullivan • 2014 Users Committee Meeting • Tallahassee, FL • October 10-11, 2014 High B/T Facility Unique High Field-Low Temperature Capabilities Provide Users access to high fields and ultra-low temperatures, simultaneously in an ultra-quiet environment Three stations for users 1990 Bay 2: B=8T, Tmin ~ 0.07 mK, homog. ~ 10-4 /cm (open to NHMFL Users 2007) 1998 Bay 3: B=15/16.5T, Tmin ~ 0.4 mK, homogeneity 1.6x10-5 /cm, 8 nW cooling power, t > 6 wks @ 1 mK 2004 Annex: 10 T/40 mK -- fast turnaround test samples & cell design Capabilities ultrasound, transport, heat capacity, NMR/NQR to 1100MHz, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, dielectric susceptibility Users work with staff for optimum design and automated data acq Priorities, New Directions 1. Reduce length of queue for magnet time --- currently approx. 9 months 2. Improve staff support --- cell design and instrumentation requires close work with local staff 3. Expand parameter space --- increase B > 16.5 T Plan for HTS magnet (needs new location) 4. Advanced Low T instrumentation --- exploit low physical temperature HIGH B/T OPERATIONS MICROKELVIN LAB. & WILLIAMSON ANNEX < 2007: Bay 3 only 2007 --- added Bay 2 (part-time) > 2015 plan to add HTS magnet High B/T site High B/T 700 m Remote Site (New Physics Building) High Bay Area Need additional staff and instrumentation Physics AMRIS New Physics Building 3 ft Top View Physics High Bay HTS Magnet Example 2013-14 Facility Stats Overview Facility Statistics 18 users: 8 users on-site for experiment, 10 present only for set-up 6% of on site users were students or postdocs 94% were senior personnel Research area all condensed matter physics 834 magnet days available to users -- 95% to external users 133% subscription rate 25% of proposals declined/deferred Operation Mode 1-2 user groups on-site each week Superconducting magnets run 24/7 for 35 weeks /year set-up ~ 10 weeks per year maintenance ~ 7 weeks per year High B/T Facility Growth: 2006-14 30 25 Typical experiment: 1 PI, 2.5 Co-PIs 1 local collaborator, 1 sample maker 1 sample characterization 0.5 postdoctoral fellow, 0.5 graduate student. Fabrication of sample mount Lasts 6-18 months (varies widely) Uses 4000-6000 liters liq. He Other 5% Research Areas Heavy Ferm. 10% Frust. Mag. BEC 37% 60 50 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 0 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Opened Bay 2 + Annex FQHE 33% Qu. FluidsSolids 15% Helium costs ($1k) Funding ($10k) No. Users Publications Canada 7% Origin PIs China 28% Europe… US Nat. Labs 20% US Univ. 44% High B/T User Science Competing quantum Hall phases: Second Landau Level of 2D Electron Systems Quantum Hall Effect in Second Landau Level Recent progress in fabrication of high-quality low-density samples allows one to probe exotic quantum Hall states such as the n =5/2 and 7/2 states a new regime where the electron-electron interactions are strong. New Low Temperature Results First observation of anisotropic transport for n = 7/2 in a high-quality dilute (n=5x1010 cm-2 ) 2D electron system. New behavior attributed to a large Landau level mixing effect that perturbs the pairing stability of composite limit. upturn in the energy gap seen for n < 5x1010 cm-2, spin unpolarized ground state Competing quantum Hall phases in the second Landau level in the low-density limit W. Pan (Sandia), D. C. Tsui, K. W. Baldwin, K. W. West, L. N. Pfeiffer (Princeton Univ.) A. Serafin, L. Yin, J. S. Xia ( Univ. Florida) Phys. Rev. B 89, 241302(R) (2014). Science Driver: Condensed Matter: FQHE: 2DES High B/T User Science Search for quantum Wigner solid and phase transition to liquid state in a dilute 2D hole GaAs quantum well. Liquid H rs ~ 37 Condensed Matter: 2D electron systems H FQ 1/3 = = 1Q Density p Proposed phase diagram Science Driver: P RI Wigner Solid Magnetic Field B Results: observe an isotropic incipient Wigner solid in the liquid state! Ultra-low Temperature Transport studies of Low Density Two-dimensional Hole System Xuan Gao (Case Western Reserve University), G. Boebinger, (NHMFL, Florida State University) A. Serafin, J. S. Xia, Liang Yin (Univ. of Florida) -- submitted to Nature Support: NSF/DMR Plots of magnetoresistivity at 4mK. Density p in units of 1010/cm2. The dash line illustrates the evolution/melting of 2D Wigner solid while increasing the density p. High B/T User Science Bose Glass in Doped Quantum Magnet Ni(Cl1–xBrx)2·4SC(NH2)2 Novel equilibrium Bose fluid realized for quantum organic magnets in high B Disorder intro. in controlled manner (Br doping – stretch bond) Results: New state: Bose glass for 12<B<17.5T & T < 250mK High precision susceptibility measurements (1.5 -15 mK) allowed detection of critical exponents Bose glass and Mott glass of quasiparticles in a doped quantum magnet T. Roscilde (Lyon), A. Padhuan-Filho (Sao Paulo), R. Yu (Univ. Houston), S. Haas (Univ. So. Cal.) , A. Steppke (Max Planck Inst., Dresden), V. Zapf (LANL), L. Yin et al. (Florida) Nature 489,379 (2012) Science Driver: Condensed Matter: BEC/Bose glass High B/T User Science Quantum Spin Ice: Pyrochlore Quantum Magnet Tb2Ti2O7 Science Driver: Condensed Matter: frustrated magnetism AC magnetic susceptibility measurements new phases at low temperatures I. II. Quantum spin ice, T<140 mK Quantum kagome lattice T< 50 mK, H: 0.08 – 0.7 T Low-Temperature Low-Field Phases of the Pyrochlore Quantum Magnet Tb2Ti2O7 Needed high sensitivity, low T susceptibility cell Q. J. Li, X. F. Sun (Hefei National Lab., China), L. Yin, J. S. Xia, Y. Takano et al. (Univ. of Florida) Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 137201 (2013). New User Group Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China High B/T Facility Weaknesses • Long wait time in queue for magnet time after proposal acceptance --- cannot respond rapidly for users competing in “hot” areas • Limited staff -- two supported by NHMFL, two by UF --- insufficient to operate robust user facility Competition • Rapid growth of High B/T at Laboratory for Extreme Conditions (China) (considerable resources) Also Inst. Solid State Physics, (Vienna Univ. of Technology) • Aging infrastructure (Tallahassee has helped in emergencies) 0.05 mK + 8T vector magnet Strategic Goal: B> 30 T at sub-mK Expand Parameter Space Extend available B at ultra-low temperatures to 30-32 T, would allow users to conduct experiments currently not possible elsewhere Examples of Need: 1. Determine critical behavior at BEC transitions 2. High-density high-quality fqHall samples (resolve questions exotic Hall states (5/2, 7/2) 3. A transitions in superfluid 3He B> 15 T. Probes underlying physics of pairing symmetries relevant to HTS 4. High-field phase diagram nuclear spin ordering in solid 3He Samulon et al. (2010) Ba3Mn2O8 need LT data Nijmegen (2014) ? Remeijer et al. (1998) High B/T site High B/T 700 m Remote Site (New Physics Building) High Bay Area Need additional staff and instrumentation Physics AMRIS New Physics Building Competition: High Field/ Low Temperature Research Facilities 1. Key Laboratory for Extreme Conditions (Chinese Academy of Science) Li Lu Nuclear Demagnetization Stage: 0.5 mK in 11T Electron temperatures In 2DES 2. International Center for Quantum Materials (Peking University) Xi Lin (Dan Tsui Laboratory) Ultrahigh Vacuum, Ultra Low Temperature and High Magnetic Field Scanning Probe Microscope Unisoku, 400mK with 9T/2T/2T vector magnets, in situ cleavage/deposition Outreach Activities: Tours, Undergraduate Research, Local Schools Research Experience for Undergraduates Robert Cumby (Bowdoin College): Superregenerative Detectors for NQR detection, (Sullivan) Mathew W. Calkins (University of Florida): Implementation of a Differential Hall Element Magnetometer, (Meisel ). Maxwell Leonard (Illinois Wesleyan University): Magnetism of a Spin-1/2 Triangular-Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnet, (Takano) Science Quest UF 2014 - rising 10th graders live on campus for one week, perform science experiments, attend lectures Enhance Science Content Knowledge for K-8 Teachers: PROMiSE Program (2009-2011) UFUTuRES Program (2012-2014) (Hershfield and Meisel)