ITS415: Principles of Cybersecurity

ITS415: Principles of Cybersecurity
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:
This is a 3-credit course, offered in accelerated format. This means that 16 weeks of
material is covered in 8 weeks. The exact number of hours per week that you can
expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the weekly coursework, as
well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to spend 10-25 hours per
week in each course reading material, interacting on the discussion boards, writing
papers, completing projects, and doing research.
Faculty Information
CSU-GC Email:
Virtual Office Hours:
Course Description and Outcomes
Concern for cybersecurity is real. Organizations today are more vulnerable to logical attacks than ever before.
The reasons for such cyberattacks are multitudinous and protection against them is tenuous at best. While
motivation for the attacks might range from personal gain to theft of proprietary information to corporate fraud
and terrorism, protection demands that adequate measures are put in place that ensure the security and
integrity of an enterprise.
This course provides an overview of cybersecurity threats, compromises and the related protection mechanisms.
Topics such as security of communications, networks and infrastructures are covered. Besides, best practices in
security policy formulation, cyberforensics and prevention of cybercrimes are also discussed. Overall, the course
introduces the latest developments in the field.
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Develop the ability to recognize technical and organizational computer security issues.
2. Develop an appreciation for the importance of communication security and how it impacts the overall
security of an enterprise
3. Develop an understanding of various kinds of cyberattacks
4. Evaluate the impact of hacker and computer espionage activities on the overall security of the
5. Evaluate aspects of vulnerability scanning, forensics and cyberdetection in ensuring information security
Participation & Attendance
Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success at CSU-Global Campus.
Failure to verify your attendance within the first 7 days of this course may result in your withdrawal. If for some
reason you would like to drop a course, please contact your advisor.
Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget
your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical
problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your
instructor know as soon as possible.
Course Materials
Easttom, C. (2012). Computer security fundamentals (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Pearson. ISBN: 9780789748904
Course Schedule
Due Dates
The Academic Week at CSU-Global begins on Monday and ends the following Sunday.
 Discussion Boards: The original post must be completed by Thursday at 12 midnight MT and Peer
Responses posted by Sunday 12 midnight MT. Late posts may not be awarded points.
 Mastery Exercises: Students may access and retake mastery exercises through the last day of class until
they achieve the scores they desire.
 Critical Thinking Activities: Assignments are due Sunday at 12 midnight MT.
Week #
Chapters 1 & 2 in Computer Security Fundamentals
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Chapter 3 in Computer Security Fundamentals
Chapters 4, 5 & 6 in Computer Security Fundamentals
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Critical Thinking (30 points)
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Chapter 7 in Computer Security Fundamentals
Chapters 8 & 9 in Computer Security Fundamentals
Chapters 10 & 11 in Computer Security Fundamentals
Chapter 12 in Computer Security Fundamentals
Chapters 13 & 14 in Computer Security Fundamentals
Critical Thinking (70 points)
Portfolio Topic (0 points)
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (20 points)
Critical Thinking (60 points)
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Critical Thinking (60 points)
Portfolio Outline (0 points)
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Critical Thinking (70 points)
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Critical Thinking (60 points)
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (20 points)
Portfolio (350 points)
Assignment Details
This course includes the following assignments/projects:
Module 1
For your portfolio project, you will analyze five cybersecurity breach cases. Review the project instructions under
Week 8’s module. Contact your instructor if you have any questions
Module 2
Critical Thinking: Essay: Cyberstalking and Abuse (30 points)
There are several convicted cases of cyberstalking and Internet fraud/abuse (e.g. Misha Glenny, a UK based
journalists recently wrote a book on the subject matter appropriately titled, Dark Markets). For this critical thinking
assignment you are required to scan the popular press (especially The Wall Street Journal) and find at least 5 cases
of individuals who have been convicted of cyberstalking, fraud and abuse. Document each case and provide a brief
synopsis. What issues do these cases bring to light? What laws might attach?
Be sure to provide citations from your readings to support your statements. Cite your sources using CSU-Global
APA formatting.
Module 3
Tools (70 points)
Create a response to 3 of the following 5 questions: 1) What are the common tools used for DoS? 2) How does a
Virus spread? 3) What is a Buffer-Overflow attack? 4) How does a SQL injection attack take place? 5) Discuss tools
that a hacker can use to crack passwords. Combined, your responses should be 2-3 pages long.
Be sure to provide citations from your readings to support your statements. Cite your sources using CSU-Global
APA formatting.
Portfolio Topic (0 points)
Review the instructions for the Portfolio Project in Module 8. Submit your portfolio topic in the assignment drop
box. Include a paragraph describing why you chose that topic and what you problems you anticipate in researching
your subject. No points are assigned for this deliverable, but points will be deducted from your final grade on the
Portfolio Project if you fail to submit this item as required (see the Portfolio Project Rubric for grading details).
Additionally, you will be expected to account for the instructor's feedback in the final version of the Portfolio
Project assignment
Module 4
Critical Thinking: Project Reports (60 points)
Complete the following projects from your textbook (also linked):
1) Preventing Corporate Espionage (project 7.1 on page 152 at the end of chapter 7)
2) Handling Employees (project 7.2 on page 152 at the end of chapter 7)
3) Asset Identification in your Organization (project 7.3 on page 152 at the end of chapter 7)
Your answers should be 2-3 pages in length. Be sure to provide quotes from your readings to support your statements. Cite
your sources using CSU-Global APA formatting.
Module 5
Critical Thinking: Case study (60 points)
Read the following case study available through Proquest (CSU-Global Library)
Czosseck, C., Ottis, R., & Talihä, A. (2011, July). Estonia after the 2007 cyber attacks: Legal, strategic and
organisational changes in cyber security. European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, 57-IX.
Answer the following questions in a 1-2 page paper: 1) What strategic recommendations would you make? 2)
What operational security aspects should be considered so as to prevent such attacks in the future? 3) What sort
of an encryption policy, if any, would have helped in this situation?
Be sure to provide citations from your readings to support your statements. Cite your sources using CSU-Global
APA formatting.
Portfolio Outline (0 points)
Submit an outline of your portfolio. Review the requirements of the portfolio in Module 8. The outline should
reflect the topic you chose in Module 3, and cover all the required elements of the assignment. Submit your
outline in the assignment dropbox.
Include with your outline a draft of your proposed sources, listed in correct APA format.
No points are assigned for this deliverable, but points will be deducted from your final grade on the Portfolio
Project if you fail to submit this item as required (see the Portfolio Project Rubric for grading details). Additionally,
you will be expected to account for the instructor's feedback in the final version of the Portfolio Project
Module 6
Critical Thinking: Essay (70 points)
Write a 3-4 page essay on the topic, “Building and implementing a successful cybersecurity policy”. The following
topic areas should be covered in the essay: 1) What would be a successful cybersecurity policy? 2) What are the
ingredients of a typical cybersecurity policy? 3) How should the various elements of a cybersecurity policy be
articulated? 4) What considerations should there be in order to successfully implement the policy? 5) How can you
assure the ongoing success of the policy?
Be sure to provide citations from your readings to support your statements. Cite your sources using CSU-Global
APA formatting.
Module 7
Critical Thinking: Case study (60 points)
Consider the WikiLeaks case study available in the CSU-Global Library on Proquest:
Ryst, S. (2011). WikiLeaks fuels data breach fears. Business Insurance, 45(1), 1-20.
The disclosures at WikiLeaks have raised significant concerns about the damage caused by leaks. Some claim that
in many ways, the Wiki Leaks founder, Julian Assange, was terrorizing nation states and corporations. What
corporate and/or national policy initiative do you think should be put in place to curb such forms of
Your analysis should be 2-3 pages. Be sure to provide citations from your readings to support your statements.
Cite your sources using CSU-Global APA formatting.
Module 8
Portfolio Project (350 Points)
Throughout this course you have been collecting incidents of security breaches and potential mitigation strategies.
For your final Portfolio assignment:
1. Submit a list of cybersecurity breach case studies
2. For each breach highlight a) what went wrong b) how could it have been prevented c) what organizational
measures should be instituted
3. Include examples with dates when the incident took place and what was the outcome.
4. Write a short summary (2 pages, 1.5 spacing) of your key learning points in management of cybersecurity
within enterprises.
Cite and integrate at least four credible sources to support your summaries from the CSU-Global Library. Submit
your portfolio as a single document.
Prior to Week 8, you will submit your topic choice in the assignment drop box in Week 3. In Week 5, you will
submit an outline of your project in the drop box.
The portfolio should reflect correct APA citation style and include a page of references.
Course Policies
Late Work
Students are permitted a 7 day grace period during which they may submit a Critical Thinking assignment after
the original due date without penalty. Papers submitted between 8 and 14 days after the original due date will
be accepted with a potential 10 percent reduction in grade for late submission. Papers submitted 15 or more
days beyond the original due date may not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the
instructor. No Portfolios will be accepted late and no assignments will be accepted after the last day of class
unless a student has requested an incomplete grade in accordance with the Incomplete Policy.
Course Grading
20% Discussion Participation
10% Mastery Exercises
35% Critical Thinking Activities
35% Final Portfolio Paper
Grading Scale and Policies
95.0 – 100
90.0 – 94.9
86.7 – 89.9
83.3 – 86.6
80.0 – 83.2
75.0 – 79.9
70.0 – 74.9
60.0 – 69.9
59.9 or below
Failure for Nonparticipation
* Students who stop attending class and fail the course for nonparticipation will be issued the “FN” grade. The FN grade may have
implications for financial aid and scholarship awards.
** An “I” grade may be assigned at the Instructor’s discretion to students who are in good standing (passing) in the course. Students
should have completed a majority of the coursework in order to be eligible for the “I” grade. Students should request an "I" grade from
the Instructor with a written justification, which must include explanation of extenuating circumstances that prevented timely
completion of the coursework. If the request is approved, the Instructor will require a written agreement consisting of a) the specific
coursework to be completed, b) the plan to complete the coursework, and c) the deadline for completion. The agreement will be kept on
file at CSU-Global Campus. An incomplete course must be satisfactorily completed within the time frame stipulated in the agreement, but
no later than the end of the following semester from the date the “I” was given. An incomplete not removed within one year shall
convert to an F and be included in the computation of the student’s grade point average.
Academic Integrity
Students must assume responsibility for maintaining honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other
work designated by the instructor of the course. Academic dishonesty includes cheating,
plagiarism, unauthorized possession of academic materials, and falsification. The Student Handbook
provides information on how students can avoid plagiarism by understanding what it is and how to use library
and internet resources appropriately with proper citation. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for complete
policies regarding plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
Students are expected to follow the CSU-Global APA requirements when citing in APA (based on the APA Style
Manual, 6th edition). For details on CSU-Global APA style, please review the APA resources located under the
Library tab in Blackboard.
All posts and classroom communication must be conducted in a professional and respectful manner in
accordance with the student code of conduct. Think before you push the Send button. Did you say just what you
meant? How will the person on the other end read the words?
Any derogatory or inappropriate comments regarding race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, are
unacceptable and subject to disciplinary action.
If you have concerns about something that has been said, please let your instructor know.
Institutional Policies
Refer to the Academic Catalog for comprehensive documentation of CSU-GC institutional policies.