Pre AP Algebra

Algebra 2
Mrs. Gilhome
Grading Policy and Class Information
District Algebra 2 grading policy is:
Daily Work Grades –
Homework assignments
Quiz Grades –
Pop Quizzes
Planned Quizzes
Activities, Etc.
Assessment Grades –
Projects, Etc.
Daily Work
Tardy Policy:
(starts over each six weeks)
1st tardy – Warning & Verbal Conference
2nd tardy –Warning & parent contact
3rd tardy – Thurs. night detention & Admin.
Conference with Parent
4th & above – Office referral
Tutorials are daily: 8:25-8:50 am
4:10- 4:30 pm
Test Retakes……... All retakes will be done outside of class time. You must successfully complete and
have checked an extra assignment before you can take the retest. You have until the next test or the
last Wednesday of the grading period (whichever comes first) to take care of test retakes.
Quiz retakes……. All retakes will be done outside of class time. You have until the unit test over the
material or the last Wednesday of the grading period (whichever comes first) to take care of quiz
Retakes schedule……. Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:15 – 8:50am, Wednesdays 4:15-4:50, & first A3 of each
week (either a Mon or Tue).
Late work…….will only be accepted until date of the test over the material.
Make-up work……. Assignments are posted on the assignments board in my classroom & on my
webpage. You have one class day plus one for every day you are absent to get make-up work turned
Classroom Rules & Procedures……see the DISD Student Code of Conduct Handbook.
We will use the McDougal Littell Algebra 2 textbook. You may choose to check out a book from the office for
home use or you may access the online version. HS, TX, Algebra 2 2007 Texas
Book, Access Code - 2629714-60 See the link on my webpage for detailed online access instructions. I
also have a CD you can check out from me if you do not have internet access.
1st Semester Topics:
Foundations of Linear Functions
Systems of Equations
Quadratic Functions
Supplies needed for Algebra 2:
2nd Semester Topics:
Square Root Functions
Exponential and Log Functions
Rational Functions
Quadratic Relations (conics)
A 3-ring binder (2”)
5 pack of Dividers (with pockets if possible)
Notebook Paper
Pencils (with erasers)
Grading pen
Calculator (inexpensive scientific calculator)
(A graphing calculator will be provided for you in the classroom.
If you plan on buying a graphing calculator, I highly suggest the TI-84+)
4 pack of AAA Batteries – for classroom set of graphing calculators.
1 Box Tissue &/or 1 roll of paper towels.
Student Name (print) ____________________________________
I have read the grading policy/class information & class procedures for Mrs. Gilhome
(Algebra 1) and understand this information.
Student Signature________________________________________
Parent Signature________________________________________
Parent phone number____________________________________
Parent e-mail____________________________________________