Course Syllabus

…Where Students Are Inspired to Be Great!!
7th Grade Science
Ms. Gilbert Course Syllabus 2015-2016
Masters in the Science of Psychology, University of Phoenix
Email Address:
Room Number: 113
Welcome to Morgan Road Middle School, the home of the Mustangs!
This course is a study of life science and how living organisms exist in different environments.
This course will teach studies about the human body and evolution. Life science is a subject that
deals with living organisms, their life processes, and their interrelationships, as biology,
medicine, or ecology.
Course Description:
In addition to uncovering the information about life, students will awaken and develop their
complex thinking skills by organizing, analyzing and evaluating the information studied. They
will demonstrate this in various ways:
 Writing critical/analytical journal topics and essays
 \Creating Outlines, time lines, cause and effect charts, and other orgaizers
 Taking objective and subjective quizzes, test, and exams
 Culminating task and projects
 Contributing appropriately and thoughtfully during class discussions
Course Outline:
We will be discussing the following topics concerning Life Science.
Lab Safety
Scientific Research Method
Independent Living Organisms
Body Systems
Genetics and Inheritance
***Current Events***
Students will complete 1 current event topic every week. Students will use the newspaper,
internet, television or radio to discover a topic of interest to report to class every Friday. The
…Where Students Are Inspired to Be Great!!
students will be given a current event paper with specific guidelines. They are to follow these
guidelines exactly to receive credit. (No excessive violence or inappropriate material).
Assignments and Absences:
Students will receive a variety of assignments designed to enhance their learning. If a student is
absent, the student is responsible for the missed assignment. Students who have an excused
absence will be allowed five days to turn in the missed assignment. No work will be accepted
after five days.
Instruction and Learning:
Due to the change in curriculum to adopting the Georgia Milestone test, students will be required
to perform in a manner which they are not accustomed. The curriculum now calls for students
to provide multiple representations and communication of their understanding in the form of
written explanations and justifications, verbal descriptions, and pictorial/visual evidence. Focus
is more in depth in regards to the individual thinking processes and methods used to acquire a
solution; students will also have to justify, support and defend their solutions. Students will
experience more graded group assignments and will also be responsible for various tasks and
projects. This change is to better prepare our students for high school, college and beyond.
Please encourage your child to embrace this change and to put forth their very best effort.
Course Assessment:
Classwork grades will include “Use It! Or Lose It!” Exercises (daily practice problems), in-class
assignments, group assignments, and Ticket Out the Door (TOTD) assignments (these are short
questions that students must answer at the end of the class period; students will be required to
show understanding of concepts in written and visual formats).
The homework will be randomly checked. Homework is given regularly with the purpose of
reinforcing what was covered during class. It is imperative that you complete ALL homework.
A three-ring binder and composition book will be required for class every day. This year all
students will be given a 3” three ring binder by the school. All core subjects will be kept in this
binder. There will be random binder checks and this will be included in the homework grade.
Tests and quizzes
Tests will be announced; however, quizzes may be randomly administered. Therefore, it is
important to study notes and other materials covered in class for homework EACH night. There
will be several quizzes given for each unit so students can determine whether they’re adequately
…Where Students Are Inspired to Be Great!!
progressing. Generally, failing grades on quizzes can be an indicator of possible future test grades,
unless there is an intervention (i.e. attending tutor sessions).
Projects/Culminating Task/Performance Task
At least one project will be assigned each grading period. This will be an extension or enrichment
of the concepts discussed. Students will have 1 to 3 weeks to complete each project depending on
the complexity of the task. Some tasks and/or projects will be completed in class (specifically the
unit culminating tasks – these MUST be completed in class only). Each child will also be assigned
to complete a science fair project.
The overarching expectation in this class is RESPECT: respect for yourself, respect for other
students, respect for the teacher/or any individual in authority, and respect for any guests that may
enter our class. Although this encompasses all other expectations, I will outline several others for
the sake of clarity.
1. Always Try YOUR BEST!!! I will not settle for anything but your best!!
2. Have the
“I can do it” attitude! Stick To It and Don’t Give Up!
3. Remain SEATED and PREPARED at all times.
4. Bring ALL materials to class DAILY.
5. Every student is responsible for helping to maintain a clean, safe learning environment.
Your area must remain CLEAN at all times. The floor should be clear of trash, paper,
and personal belongings.
6. Adhere to all policies, rules, and regulations outlined in the student handbook, and
Morgan Road Middle School’s Norms.
Classroom Procedures & Expectations
1. Walk into the classroom quietly and take your seat.
2. If you are tardy, you must have a pass from either the office or teacher that kept you late.
3. If need be, sharpen your pencil or visit the wastebasket before class begins. This must be
done within the first minute of coming to class.
4. As soon as you are seated, get out all materials needed for class.
5. During assessments you are to raise your hand if you have a question and I will come to
you. Always bring a book to read after you finish your test as not everyone will finish the
test at the same time.
6. During class work, raise your hand and I will come to you and if I am with another
student, wait patiently and I will get to your question.
8. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check with me to see which assignments you
missed. It is your responsibility to complete the assignments within five days.
…Where Students Are Inspired to Be Great!!
9. Do not stand up, pack your book bag, clear off your desk or leave the classroom until
instructed to do so.
10. During a fire or tornado drill, remain calm and walk quietly to our designated areas.
11. During any announcements be quiet and listen until they are finished.
Required Course Material
* 3” 3-ring Binder (Provided by school)
* 4 dividers
* Pencils (mechanical pencils preferred) /Pens *Highlighters
* Handheld pencil sharpener
* Loose Leaf Paper
* Coloring Utensils (crayons, coloring pencil, or markers)
*Copy Paper
Donations appreciated for the following:
* Hand Sanitizer
*Dry Erase Markers *Kleenex
* Disinfectant Wipes
Notification of Assignments/Updates
Please visit the school website under the Parent Section to see a Week at a Glance for
assignments and HW for the week.
Grades for assignments will be posted within three days of the due date.
Grading Policy:
The following is a summary of basic course requirements:
 Summative Assessments (Unit & Chapter Test, Projects, Tasks) – 30%
 Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Class work, Graded Writing Assignments, Group
Work, Ticket Out the Door) – 60%
 Homework/Notebook/Other – 10%
The primary goal is to meet the developmental needs of each student; therefore, student progress
during each grading period will be closely monitored. Parent conferences are strongly
encouraged and will be initiated by the teacher for all students earning D’s and F’s at the
end of the first nine weeks grading period. This is an early intervention attempt to discuss
the status of the student’s needs and to provide the necessary steps for student growth and
Along with the grading procedures, there will be a reward system designed to encourage
completion, participation, and enthusiasm from ALL students. (This system will work in
conjunction with the school-wide PBIS system which rewards students for displaying
appropriate behaviors throughout the nine-week period).
…Where Students Are Inspired to Be Great!!
In order to schedule a conference with your teachers, please contact the Guidance Office
706-796.4992 ext 106.