Achievements - Department of Treasury and Finance




Financial Management

Economic Management

Intergovernmental Relations

Revenue Management


Output Performance Tables









T reasury’s overall purpose is to promote sustainable fiscal strength and economic development of the Northern Territory and contribute to improved social and fiscal wellbeing for Territorians.

Achievement of this purpose is measured through five strategic objectives:


Best practice financial management


Quality analysis and public policy advice on economic, social and commercial issues


Effective intergovernmental financial relations


A fair and efficient Territory revenue system


Effective public sector superannuation arrangements

This section reports on Treasury’s performance in delivering outputs to meet these strategic objectives. Details are provided on key projects and achievements during the year, with performance recorded for the priorities identified in last year’s annual report.

Performance against the measures published in

Budget Paper No. 3 is reported in the output performance tables. In almost all cases, measures were met or exceeded. Where performance did not meet the estimate, an explanation is provided.

Performance reporting for the Utilities Commission and Treasury

Corporation is included in this section. These two statutory offices form part of Treasury for administrative purposes, however full details of achievements in 2011‑12 are reported in their respective annual reports.

Financial Management

Economic Management

Intergovernmental Relations

Revenue Management



Our Performance Symbols

Completed – priorities have been finalised in the previous financial year

In Progress – priorities have a deadline, and should be completed in the near future

Ongoing – priorities are a long‑term project and therefore do not have a set deadline, or are priorities that need to be met annually and will then carry over to the following year


Financial Management

Strategic Objective

Best practice financial management

Outputs Delivered

Analysis and policy advice on resource allocation and reporting of the Territory’s financial resources through:

• whole of government budgeting and financial reporting;

• monitoring agency financial and output performance;

• analysis of agency budget requirements and proposals;

• contribution to the development of major projects across government;

• reporting and analysis of infrastructure budget requirements and responsibility for development of the Territory’s Infrastructure


• management of financial accountabilities as prescribed in the

Financial Management


(FMA); and

• prudent management of the

Government’s loans, borrowings and investment programs.

Key Achievements

2012‑13 Budget

Developing the Northern Territory Budget is one of Treasury’s primary roles and a major annual activity. The 2012‑13 Budget, tabled in

Parliament in May 2012, was developed in a continuing period of uncertainty in the global economy that has dampened consumer and business confidence in Australia. This continuation of subdued economic conditions at the national level contributed to a further reduction in Government revenues, most notably the goods and services tax (GST) and mining royalties, providing considerable challenges in developing the Territory’s Budget. In an effort to offset these significant revenue losses, Treasury provided Government with detailed advice in the lead up to the 2012‑13 Budget on the implications for the Territory’s financial position and fiscal strategy.

Treasury’s advice was aimed at ensuring the ongoing commitment to expenditure restraint measures in order to restrict operational growth.

In addition, advice was provided in relation to capital spending on the back of a positive Territory economic outlook and increasing private sector investment.

2010‑11 Treasurer's Annual Financial Report

Treasury is responsible for the preparation of the Treasurer's Annual

Financial Report (TAFR), which includes the audited final budget outcome for the year. The 2010‑11 TAFR was tabled in the Legislative

Assembly in October 2011 and provided a complete set of financial statements for all sectors as required by national standards.

It also included detailed analysis on the end of year fiscal position and approved Budget variations in accordance with the FMA.

The Auditor‑General issued an unqualified audit opinion for the TAFR, against Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) 1049 Whole of

Government and General Government Sector Financial Reporting.

2011‑12 Mid‑Year Report


Fiscal Integrity and Transparency Act requires the release of a mid‑year fiscal outlook report each year. The 2011‑12 Mid‑Year Report was tabled in the Legislative Assembly in November 2011 and provided updated Budget projections from the May 2011 Budget by incorporating the effect of the 2010‑11 outcome, new and expanded policy decisions and revised revenue estimates. The report also provided updated financial statements on a sector and whole of government basis in line with the revised parameters, discussion on updated economic estimates and the fiscal outlook for 2011‑12 and three forward years.

2011-12 Annual Report 13

Management of the

Territory’s Financial Assets and Liabilities

The Conditions of Service

Reserve (COSR) is managed by the Treasury Corporation on behalf of Central Holding

Authority (CHA). The funds are managed by three investment managers: AMP Capital

Investors Limited, Colonial First

State Investments Ltd and MLC

Implemented Consulting. The

COSR fund has a long‑term investment strategy oriented towards growth assets, such as Australian and international equities, and is benchmarked against the Australian

Superannuation Survey

'Multi‑sector Growth' product category.

As at 30 June 2012, the COSR is valued at approximately

$435 million. The combined long‑term investments held in the COSR returned

‑0.39 per cent in 2011‑12, consistent with the benchmark return of ‑0.40 per cent. While this short‑term, absolute performance is affected by global markets, driven largely by events in Europe, the fund has managed to out perform its benchmark over a 3, 5, 7 and 10‑year time frame, which more closely reflects the investment term for these funds.

Financial Management Policy Development

Treasury is responsible for administering the Territory’s financial management framework, including the FMA, the

Fiscal Integrity and

Transparency Act and the Treasurer’s Directions. In 2011‑12, work continued on expanding the range of Treasurer’s Directions and policy briefs to improve guidance and governance practices for agencies on infrastructure management, Commonwealth revenue and the development of National Partnerships (NPs), project agreements and

Implementation Plans (IPs) established under the Intergovernmental

Agreement on Federal Financial Relations (IGA).

In addition to ongoing policy development, the FMA was amended to incorporate changes required to implement the National Health Reform

Agreement (NHRA).

Major Projects Across the Territory

Treasury continues to be involved in the early development stages of major Territory Government projects and initiatives, to assist in providing a better understanding of project resource requirements and resource availability. In 2011‑12, this included the funding implications arising from the national equal remuneration case for the social, community and disability services sector, Government’s response to the Review of the Youth Justice System and review of progress against recommendations from the Board of Inquiry into the Child Protection


Borrowing Program

As the Territory Government’s central financing authority, Treasury

Corporation implements the Government’s borrowing program. The

2011‑12 borrowing requirement was significantly higher than 2010‑11, with approximately $906 million raised to refinance maturing debt and additional borrowings for Territory government agencies, business divisions and corporations. In addition, given the volatility in credit markets and the expected challenging conditions remaining in 2012‑13,

Treasury Corporation has successfully pre‑funded $492 million of the

2012‑13 program, taking total borrowings in 2011‑12 to $1398 million.

Consistent with recent years, Treasury Corporation’s entire borrowing requirement was met from domestic financial and retail markets.

The bulk of the funds were raised through a number of medium to long‑term fixed interest securities, issued to institutional investors through private placement and public issue. Treasury Corporation’s funding requirements in 2011‑12 resulted in the establishment of two new benchmark lines of bonds to November 2017 and

September 2018. Territory Bonds contributed approximately $37 million in funding for the year.

14 Achievements

The cost of the borrowing target for 2011‑12 was revised down to 5 per cent from 6.50 per cent during the year to reflect lower outright medium‑term bond rates despite the expansion in the credit margins demanded by investors for semi‑government bonds.

The actual outcome for Treasury Corporation’s term funding was 4.97 per cent, 0.03 per cent below the revised budget estimate.

The weighted average cost of borrowing was 4.86 per cent if short‑term promissory note issuances during the year are included.

Output Performance

Our Performance Symbols

Completed In Progress Ongoing

Priorities for 2011‑12

Continued focus on monitoring, development and publication of critical whole of government financial information in the Budget, TAFR and

Mid‑Year Report.

Continue to provide advice, analysis and assistance on whole of government, major project and agency resource issues as required.

Ongoing development and amendment of Treasurer’s Directions, with improvement to the agency budget management section a priority for 2011‑12.

Final testing and implementation of an expanded infrastructure reporting system.

Evaluate ongoing opportunities for enhancement to whole of government budget and reporting systems.

Implement the Government’s 2011‑12 borrowing program.

Status Results in 2011‑12

• 2010‑11 TAFR released October 2011.

• 2011‑12 Mid‑Year Report released November 2011.

• Treasurer’s Quarterly Financial Report released

December 2011, February 2012 and May 2012.

• 2012‑13 Budget released 1 May 2012.

• Treasury has been involved in the development stages of a number of commercial and infrastructure projects to support service delivery as well as major policy reforms and reviews.

• New Treasurer’s Directions introduced to improve guidance and governance practices for agencies on infrastructure management and the development of

NPs, project agreements and IPs established under the


• Testing of the new system is continuing with availability expected by December 2012.

• Testing of system upgrade and improved database environment is nearing completion, with conversion planned for late November 2012.

• Implemented refinancing and a new borrowing program, with $1398 million borrowed in 2011‑12.

2011-12 Annual Report 15

Continue to enhance Treasury

Corporation’s business continuity planning and corporate governance framework.

Continue to ensure the Territory’s funding investment liquidity benchmarks are met.

• Risk assessment processes reviewed and amendments made to monthly compliance reporting. Business continuity plan in place and worked with Treasury

Information Technology (IT) Services to improve access to key systems.

• Funding was sourced at approximately 0.38 per cent over AAA‑rated semi‑government issuers, slightly below the revised benchmark of 0.40 per cent. Investment returns on the CHA portfolio were 0.32 per cent above benchmark. Liquidity was managed throughout the year by monitoring and forecasting cash flows on a weekly basis and undertaking borrowing activity slightly ahead of the scheduled borrowing program.

Future Priorities

• Publish a Pre‑Election Fiscal Outlook report within ten days of the issue of a writ for a Northern Territory general election as required by the

Fiscal Integrity and Transparency Act


• Preparation of a Mini Budget.

• Assist government in the development of the 2013‑14 Budget.

• Continue focus on monitoring, developing and publishing critical whole of government financial information in the Budget and TAFR.

• Continue to provide advice, analysis and assistance on whole of government major projects and agency issues that have resource implications, including national funding agreements.

• Ongoing development and amendment of Treasurer’s Directions.

• Final testing and implementation of an expanded infrastructure reporting system.

• Evaluate ongoing opportunities for enhancement to whole of government budget and infrastructure reporting systems.

• Implement the Government’s 2012‑13 borrowing program.

• Continue to enhance Treasury Corporation’s business continuity planning and corporate governance framework.

• Continue to ensure the Territory’s funding, investment and liquidity benchmarks are met.

16 Achievements

Economic Management

Strategic Objective

Quality analysis and public policy advice on economic, social and commercial issues

Outputs Delivered

Analysis and policy advice on national and Territory economic, commercial, social, demographic and statistical issues.

Key Achievements

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Following the release of the Productivity Commission’s final report on a national long‑term disability care and support scheme, COAG agreed on reform of disability services through the introduction of a NDIS, in August 2011. The NDIS aims to provide appropriate lifetime care, support, therapy and equipment to individuals who have a disability, regardless of how they acquired it. The scheme will be trialled in select areas from July 2013. Treasury has been involved in a Commonwealth, state and territory working group to discuss and develop key design and threshold issues, such as funding and governance, which will underpin the full implementation of the NDIS.

Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements

Following the extensive flooding in Queensland in late 2010 and early

2011, the Commonwealth advised states and territories that a review of the NDRRA would be undertaken and that states and territories would be required to submit details on their essential public assets and associated insurance arrangements to the Commonwealth

Department of Finance and Deregulation for review. Subsequently, the

Commonwealth requested that local governments also submit their asset and insurance arrangements for review.

Treasury was responsible for preparing the submission for the Territory

Government and coordinating for the Territory local government, which were submitted in September 2011 and March 2012, respectively.

Further work may be required in 2012‑13 following the release of a report on the appropriateness of insurance arrangements by the

Department of Finance and Deregulation.

Statistical Liaison Network

Treasury officials are members of, and provide secretariat to, the

Territory Government’s Statistical Liaison Network (SLN), which was established to provide a central portal for data needs and capabilities across Territory Government agencies.

During 2011‑12, Treasury coordinated and chaired a SLN meeting in

May 2012, with attendance by most Northern Territory Government agencies and the ABS.

The Port of Darwin

Treasury, in consultation with Darwin Port Corporation and the

Department of Lands and Planning, assisted in the development of the

Darwin Port Corporation Legislation Amendment Act

(No. 11 of 2011)

(the Act), which was assented to on 18 April 2011. The Act formalises a non‑exclusive pilotage licensing framework, specifies stevedoring licence criteria and establishes an independent appeals mechanism for

2011-12 Annual Report 17

Housing Supply and

Affordability Reform

Working Group 2011‑12

Treasury, along with the

Department of Lands and Planning and the

Department of Housing, Local

Government and Regional

Services, continued its participation and contribution to the work program of the Housing Supply and

Affordability Reform (HSAR) inter‑governmental working group.

The Standing Council on

Federal Financial Relations presented the Final Housing

Supply and Affordability

Reform Report to COAG out of session in February 2012.

The report provided COAG with a list of recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency of housing supply and affordability. Key recommendations in the HSAR final report include:

• nationally consistent principles for housing development infrastructure charges;

• greater consistency in planning approval processes;

• an analysis of the effectiveness of the First

Home Owners Scheme; and

• the impact of affordable housing initiatives. stevedore and pilotage licensing decisions to enhance transparency in the licensing process.

Commencement of the Act was subject to consequential amendments to port‑related regulations, the development of instruments of appointment of the Harbourmaster and the preparation of pilotage technical and safety standards that are required to be published by the

Harbourmaster under the Act.

On 12 December 2011, sections 5(3), 5(4) and 9 of the Act were commenced, with the remaining sections commenced on 4 July 2012.

In addition, on 4 July 2012, notices advising the making of by‑laws,

Marine (Pilotage) Amendment Regulations, appointment of the

Harbourmaster, the technical and safety standards for pilotage and the provision of pilotage services for the Port of Darwin were gazetted.

Residential Building Cover Package

Treasury, in conjunction with the Department of Lands and Planning, has been working on a package of reforms to improve consumer protection for home builders in the Northern Territory. This work has included advice on options for potential reforms to the Home Building

Certification Fund (HBCF) and arrangements for the provision of residential building cover products in the Northern Territory.

In March 2012 the Building Amendment (Residential Building

Consumer Protection) Bill 2011 was passed by Parliament and is scheduled to commence on 1 January 2013. Treasury has provided input on the establishment of the industry fidelity fund, along with the prudential and financial standards that the fund will be required to meet. Treasury has also provided advice on the management and financial arrangements for the HBCF, which will be closed on the commencement of the Bill.

18 Achievements

Economic Publications

Treasury provides a range of publications that analyse key economic, demographic and social indicators as a basis for policy development by Government. The publications also serve to improve awareness, quality and use of statistics in the Territory.

Publications released through 2011‑12 include:

• the Northern Territory Economy book (as part of the 2012‑13

Northern Territory Budget);

• 12 editions of the Territory Economic Review, with weekly updates;

• 11 editions of the Territory Social Indicators; and

• 151 economic briefs.

Further details on publications released throughout 2011‑12 are provided in the Publications section of this report.

Grocery Price Survey

The Grocery Price Survey was conducted in December 2011 and

June 2012. The survey monitors grocery prices by measuring the cost of purchasing an average basket of goods at major supermarkets across the Territory. The June 2012 survey covered 18 supermarkets across the Territory including the Woolworths Supermarket in

Nhulunbuy and the IGA Supermarket in Yulara.

Northern Territory Population Projections

Population projections have been prepared to assist in future planning of the Territory including service delivery and infrastructure provision. In conjunction with Charles Darwin University (CDU), Treasury published an update of the official Northern Territory Government Population

Projections in September 2011. The projections are by single year of age, gender and Indigenous status, for the period 2010 to 2040.

Projections are also available for the six Territory Government statistical regions to 2026 by five‑year age groups, Indigenous status and gender.

Commercial Projects

Treasury’s assessment and advice on commercial projects seeks to optimise financial and service delivery outcomes at an appropriate level of risk.

During 2011‑12, commercial and financial assessment and advice was provided on a number of Government projects including:

• the Darwin Correctional Precinct Public Private Partnership Project;

• the Darwin Marine Supply Base; and

• various residential land release projects.

2011 Census

Treasury worked closely with the

Australian Bureau of Statistics

(ABS) to encourage community and Territory Government participation in the 2011

Census. Treasury signed a collaborative arrangement with the ABS, which underpinned the engagement between Treasury and the

ABS including employment of

Territory Government staff on the Census project. As a result of the arrangement, about

40 employees from Territory

Government agencies were deployed to assist the ABS in

Census‑related activities. The majority worked as Remote

Area Mobile Team members going to remote areas to assist local community members engaged by the ABS to enumerate local residents.

Other staff were engaged as special collectors in urban locations. This role involved working with both the ABS and local non‑government organisations to enumerate local homeless people, campers living temporarily in locations and people in caravan parks. These groups are often missed in Census counts due to their transient nature.

An initial indicator of the success of this collaboration was a reduction in the

Census undercount rate from 7.6 per cent in the

2006 Census to 6.9 per cent in the 2011 Census.

2011-12 Annual Report 19

Output Performance

Our Performance Symbols

Completed In Progress Ongoing

Priorities for 2011‑12

Continue to ensure the Territory maintains an efficient regulatory framework for business and industry that promotes economic development, including meeting national reform commitments.

Participate in development and implementation of the Territory’s electricity market reform program.

Continue to provide advice and assistance on major government projects as required.

Produce monthly social indicator publications.

Continue to provide advice on the performance of the Territory economy and demographic issues.

Status Results in 2011‑12

• Participation in the implementation of various National

Partnership Agreement to Deliver a Seamless National

Economy (SNE) reforms.

• Government commenced a Guaranteed Service Level scheme, which prescribes for electricity suppliers to provide rebates to customers affected by poor performance. Further, an Electricity Standards of

Service Code has been developed and is expected to be finalised in November 2012.

• Assisted in achieving financial close on the Darwin

Correctional Precinct Public Private Partnership Project and provided commercial and financial assessment and advice on other agency projects. Treasury participated in the evaluation of the bids for the

Marine Supply Base Project, and negotiations with the preferred proponent. An agreement was reached and finalised with ShoreAsco in April 2012.

• Treasury prepared 11 Social Indicator publications during 2011‑12, which summarise publicly available data on the state and territory and national social and demographic characteristics.

• Published Northern Territory Economy, a Budget‑related document that provides a comprehensive annual review of the Territory economy as well as forecasts for major economic parameters and industries.

• Published weekly economic briefs on key economic and demographic parameters.

• Published weekly updates of the Territory Economic

Review, a summary publication of key economic and demographic parameters released in the month.

20 Achievements

Continue to monitor grocery prices across the Territory.

• Published the findings of grocery price surveys conducted in June 2011 and December 2012.

Collaboration with ABS to improve the quality and accuracy of the Territory

Census count in 2011.

• Deployment of staff to assist ABS in Census‑related activities, particularly in remote areas. Census coverage improved with 93.1 per cent of the Territory’s population counted in the 2011 Census compared to 92.4 per cent in the 2006 Census.

Future Priorities

• Continue to ensure the Territory maintains an efficient regulatory framework for business and industry that promotes economic development, including meeting national reform commitments.

• Participate in development and implementation of the Territory’s electricity market reform program.

• Continue to provide advice and assistance on major government projects as required.

• Continue development of economic, social and demographic analysis and forecasting capacity, and contribute to whole of government planning for future growth and service enhancement.

• Liaise with ABS to evaluate the outcomes of the 2011 Census and develop strategies to optimise the outcomes of the next census in 2016.

• Restructure and update the population projections model, in conjunction with CDU, based on data from the

2011 Census.

• Continue to enhance forecasting and economic and demographic modelling capacities.

2011-12 Annual Report 21

Intergovernmental Relations

Strategic Objective

Effective intergovernmental financial relations

Outputs Delivered

Analysis and policy advice on intergovernmental financial relations issues including management of the Territory’s interests under the IGA and other public finance matters.

Key Achievements

Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations


In 2011‑12, Treasury continued to play an active role in the implementation of the IGA, both within the Territory and nationally. This included involvement in the development and implementation of NPs.

Treasury has worked closely with the Department of the Chief Minister and relevant Government agencies to develop, negotiate and monitor the suite of funding agreements established under the IGA. In 2011‑12,

Treasury was part of the Territory Government’s core negotiating team involved in the development of the Stronger Futures Northern

Territory National Partnership Agreement. Treasury was also involved in progress reviews of the performance frameworks of several national agreements, including the National Disability Agreement, the National

Affordable Housing Agreement, the National Healthcare Agreement and the National Education Agreement.

In 2011‑12, Treasury also continued to participate in a range of other forums progressing federal financial relations matters including Heads of Treasuries (HoTs), HoTs Deputies and the GST Administration


Commonwealth Grants Commission

In 2011‑12, Treasury provided input to the Commonwealth Grants

Commission's (CGC) work program, including the Report on GST

Revenue Sharing Relativities – 2012 Update. Treasury’s input included providing the CGC with data and submissions to its New Issues for the

2012 Update Discussion Paper.

The CGC has commenced work on the next major review of state revenue sharing relativities. The CGC’s preliminary work program is focused on improving the quality of the data used in the methodology for determining state GST shares. Treasury officials are participating in this process through the CGC’s Data Working Party.

Goods and Services Tax

Treasury continued to monitor and provide advice on changes in the underlying parameters that determine the Territory’s GST revenue share, including population, national GST collections and the CGC’s recommended GST revenue sharing relativities.

Treasury also provided advice to Government on a range of

GST‑related legislative proposals by the Commonwealth throughout the year, in order to protect the GST base.

22 Achievements

Review of GST Distribution

On 30 March 2011, the Prime Minister announced the Review of GST

Distribution (the Review), which is considering whether the current arrangements for distributing GST revenue between states and territories are appropriate to allow Australia to respond to future challenges, including continued globalisation, climate change, population growth and demographic change, changes in technology and addressing Indigenous disadvantage. The Review is being undertaken by a panel comprising the Hon Nick Greiner AC, the

Hon John Brumby and Mr Bruce Carter.

In considering the methodology for distributing GST revenue, the

Review Panel will have regard to equity, efficiency, simplicity and budget stability.

Treasury has provided three submissions to the Review, which comprehensively address the Review Panel’s Issues Papers and Interim

Reports. The Review Panel is expected to submit its Final Report to the

Commonwealth Treasurer in October 2012, for consideration by the

Council of Australian Governments (COAG) by the end of 2013.

Indigenous Expenditure

Treasury officials are members of the Steering Committee for the

Review of Government Service Provision and the IER Working Group, which is responsible for preparing the national IER. The national IER is a COAG initiative designed to provide a national framework for reporting of government expenditure on services to Indigenous people.

During 2011‑12, Treasury contributed to work in preparing the second national IER, released in September 2012. Treasury’s involvement included providing input through intergovernmental working groups on the methodology for estimating Indigenous shares and providing the requested data to allow the Productivity Commission to estimate the

Territory Government’s Indigenous‑related expenditure.

Treasury will continue to participate in the biennial reporting of government expenditure on services for Indigenous people in the national IER.

Health Reform

During 2011‑12, Treasury contributed to the development of the NHRA, agreed by all governments in August 2011.

A key aim of the NHRA is to provide a more secure funding base for hospitals, which includes sharing of funding responsibilities between the Commonwealth and the states, the implementation of activity‑based hospital funding and the establishment of

Hospital Networks, responsible for managing small groups of hospitals. However, states will retain overall responsibility of hospitals through their role as system managers.

Treasury officials will continue to actively participate in the various intergovernmental and

Territory Government working groups, which are responsible for implementing the NHRA.

2011-12 Annual Report 23

Output Performance

Our Performance Symbols

Completed In Progress Ongoing

Priorities for 2011‑12

Actively participate in the ongoing implementation of the IGA including:

• providing advice to Northern

Territory agencies on specific agreements under the IGA; and

• participation in relevant HoTs forums.

Participation in the CGC 2012 Update and CGC Data Working Party.

Participation in the development of the 2012 IER.

Participation in the Review of GST


Actively participate in the negotiation and implementation of the NHRA.

Status Results in 2011‑12

• Treasury has continued its involvement in the implementation of the IGA, particularly the provision of advice regarding National Agreements (NAs), NPs and IPs, including those pertaining to the Territory’s performance and the development of new and revised

NPs and IPs.

• Treasury participated in the national review of NAs,

NPs and IPs and is continuing to be involved in its implementation.

• Treasury provided input into the 2012 Update through provision of Territory data and submission to the

CGC’s Discussion Paper – New Issues for the 2012

Update. Treasury is also a member of the CGC’s Data

Working Party, which was established to improve the quality of data used in the CGC’s methodology for the next review.

• Treasury has an ongoing role in the development of the second national IER through its membership on the Steering Committee for the Review of Government

Services and the IER Working Group.

• Treasury prepared comprehensive submissions to the

Review of GST Distribution on behalf of the Territory

Government, which responded to the Review Panel’s issues papers and interim reports.

• Treasury participated in working groups with

Department of Health officials and intergovernmental working groups in order to negotiate the terms of the

NHRA and its implementation in the Territory.

24 Achievements

Future Priorities

• Actively participate in the ongoing implementation of the IGA including:

– providing advice to Territory Government agencies on specific agreements under the IGA, including finalisation of Treasurer’s Directions for NAs, NPs and IPs;

– implementation of NA and NP performance frameworks that are conceptually valid and supported by robust data;

– ongoing participation in the implementation of the HoTs Review; and

– participation in relevant HoTs’ forums.

• Ongoing participation in the development of IER.

• Actively participate in the implementation of the NHRA.

• Participate in CGC working groups in preparation for the next major methodology review.

2011-12 Annual Report 25

Revenue Management

Strategic Objective

A fair and efficient Territory revenue system

Outputs Delivered

Administration and management of the Territory’s revenue framework encompassing:

• policy and legislative advice;

• revenue collection including taxpayer management;

• compliance activities;

• administration of home assistance schemes;

• royalty administration; and

• community awareness and advisory services.

Key Achievements

Changes to the Territory Tax System

A range of changes were made to systems, publications and processes to implement the 2011‑12 Budget revenue measures. In addition, legislative changes were made as part of the 2012‑13 Budget that are summarised in the Legislative Changes 2011‑12 section of this report.

Home Ownership Incentive Schemes

As part of the 2011‑12 Budget, Treasury developed and implemented the framework for the BuildBonus grant scheme. This administrative scheme provides a one‑off $10 000 grant for owner‑builders and home buyers, including investors, who are building or purchasing a new home up to the value of $600 000. The scheme applies to contracts and owner‑builder commencements up to 31 December 2012. The scheme was extended twice during 2011‑12, with the value threshold increased from $530 000 to the current level of $600 000.

Information System Developments

In 2011‑12, a data warehouse, associated business intelligence platform and reporting system were successfully implemented.

Business Intelligence is a tool used by most regulatory agencies to increase data holding and analysis capabilities. It will facilitate improved and timely reporting, more accurate compliance targeting through data matching and predictive analysis.

Following the comprehensive business process mapping undertaken in

2010‑11, a strategic refresh of the priorities for development of a new tax and royalty administration led to a focus on an affordable solution that reduced reliance on externally contracted programming resources.

The integration and upgrading of current systems will be undertaken, including delivering improvements to existing online processing of payroll tax, the introduction of online processing of stamp duties, mining royalties, and racing and gaming taxes.

Finally, a successful recruitment process was undertaken to create a capable information systems unit, enhancing capabilities in business analysis and business systems support.

26 Achievements

Output Performance

Our Performance Symbols

Completed In Progress Ongoing

Priorities for 2011‑12

Continue business information system development and enhancement by:

• completing functional and non‑functional specifications for a new revenue administration system;

• finalising request for tender documentation for development of an integrated IT solution to replace mainframe and supplementary systems; and

• developing a data warehouse to enable more effective analysis, reporting of information and to support revenue compliance activities.

Develop and implement 2012‑13

Budget‑related revenue options.

Status Results in 2011‑12

Comprehensive business process mapping and gap analysis was undertaken leading to the decision to implement modular, scalable upgrade of existing systems.

Initial scope developed for tender documentation, which will be released in 2012‑13.

Data warehouse, associated business intelligence platform and reporting system were successfully implemented.

Enhance revenue administration practices and legislation.

Legislation commenced from July 2012, including changes to the payroll tax exemption for parental leave and clarification of the taxation provisions in the


Control Act


Enhancements were made to Territory’s revenue administration practices in line with legislative changes commencing during the year.

Progressed review of taxation and royalty administration legislation.

Progressed review of Commissioner’s taxation and royalty delegations.

Future Priorities

• Continue business information system development and enhancement by:

– completing integration and upgrading of current systems;

– commence implementation of modular upgrade of revenue administration systems; and

– continue development of data warehouse and reporting systems to enable more effective analysis, reporting of information and to support revenue compliance activities.

• Develop and implement 2013‑14 Budget‑related revenue options.

• Continue to enhance revenue administration practices and legislation.

2011-12 Annual Report 27


Strategic Objective

Effective public sector superannuation arrangements

Outputs Delivered

Superannuation policy for

Government and administration of Government‑managed superannuation schemes, including the relationship between national and Territory legislation and advice and assistance to investment and review boards.

Key Achievements

Superannuation Reform Project

Progress continues to be made on the Superannuation Reform project, which is reviewing the administration of the Territory’s public sector superannuation schemes.

Stage 2 of the Reform Project involves a number of changes, including:

• expanding the Superannuation Trustee Board (STB);

• modernising three schemes (Northern Territory Government and Public

Authorities' Superannuation Scheme (NTGPASS), Northern Territory

Supplementary Superannuation Scheme (NTSSS) and Northern

Territory Government Death and Invalidity Scheme (NTGDIS));

• replacing the Superannuation Review Board with the Superannuation

Complaints Tribunal; and

• amalgamating Territory superannuation legislation for all schemes

(except the Supreme Court Judges Pension Scheme) into one Act.

Legislation has been introduced for the expansion of the STB.

Drafting of legislation for the remaining Stage 2 changes will continue.

Electronic Records Project

Continuing on from the project to scan around 9000 active member records in the previous year, scanning of approximately 4000 creditor records was undertaken in 2011‑12. These members’ records are now fully electronic, resulting in administrative efficiencies. Electronic retention of various records will continue as part of continuous business improvement practices.

Member Education

The Superannuation Office aims to provide informative material to assist members in understanding their NTGPASS entitlements, as well as superannuation in general. Information is available through a range of publications, including forms, fact sheets and information books, as well as our website content and information seminars. Information is kept up to date and new items are developed as required.

In the past year, a number of publications were revised in line with legislative changes or updated practices. New forms were added for members to advise change of pension details and claim death benefits, and a new fact sheet was published to explain anti‑detriment payments.

Legislative Amendment

A number of amendments were made to the

Superannuation Act

, the

Superannuation Regulations, the

Legislative Assembly Member s’

Superannuation Fund Act and the Northern Territory Police

Supplementary Benefit Scheme Trust Deed to formalise changes approved as part of the reform project.

Output Performance

Our Performance Symbols

Completed In Progress Ongoing

Priorities for 2011‑12

Stage 2 of the Superannuation Reform project, to formalise the composition of the new STB, establish a mechanism for a second tier review of appeals and simplify NTGPASS and NTSSS through the establishment of a single benefit system.

Refocus effort to reduce the number of accounts where benefits remain unclaimed for a lengthy period.

Progressively introduce electronic retention of records throughout the

Superannuation Office, including member records.

Proceed with changes resulting from the Superannuation review culminating in the Stronger Super reforms, as they impact on the

Northern Territory Public Sector

(NTPS) superannuation schemes.

Finalise an anti‑detriment policy in line with contemporary practices.

Status Results in 2011‑12

Approval was provided for Stage 2 and legislation has been introduced for the expanded board representation.

Work continued to reunite members with their benefit.

Work continued with scanning of approximately

4000 creditor member records. Electronic retention of various records will continue as part of continuous business improvement practices.

Discussion is continuing with the Commonwealth to determine the extent these changes will apply to public sector superannuation schemes.

An anti‑detriment policy has been implemented and relevant publications are available to assist members.

Future Priorities

• Superannuation Reform Project – continue stage 2 of the reforms to amalgamate the Territory schemes into one Act, establish a second tier review of appeals mechanism and simplify NTGPASS and NTSSS through the establishment of a single benefit system.

• Commonwealth reviews – continue to work with the Commonwealth and other jurisdictions to consider

Stronger Super changes and their impact on Territory superannuation schemes.

• Lost members and unclaimed monies – continue effort to reduce the number of accounts where benefits have remained unclaimed for a lengthy period.

• Complete tender for a default superannuation service provider by April 2014.

2011-12 Annual Report 29

Output Performance Tables

Financial Management

Table 1: Financial Management Output Performance

Performance Measures




Develop and present the Budget 1

Financial performance reporting – TAFR, Mid‑Year Report, Treasurer’s quarterly financial reports

Capacity to provide policy advice and analysis on financial management issues




Acceptable audit opinion from Auditor‑General for TAFR yes


Budget published by date set by Treasurer yes

TAFR published in accordance with legislation yes

Mid‑Year Report published in accordance with legislation yes

Treasurer’s quarterly financial reports published in accordance with yes legislation





$7.07M yes yes yes yes yes


Estimate yes yes yes yes



$7.12M yes

30 Achievements

Economic Management

Table 2: Economic Management Output Performance

Performance Measures


Capacity to provide policy advice and analysis on economic and related issues

Publish Northern Territory Economy

Publish Territory Economic Review

Publish Social Indicators


Briefings on ABS economic data provided on day of release

Economic publications published by agreed date

























Table 3: Payments on Behalf of Government

Performance Measures


CSO payment for uniform tariff subsidy

GST collection costs













2011-12 Annual Report 31

Territory Revenue Management

Table 4: Territory Revenue Management Output Performance

Performance Measures






Territory revenue collected 1 $610.42M $616.25M




Capacity to manage Territory revenue‑related activities $6.85M

Subsidy payments $9.35M






Territory revenue forecast accuracy 2 0.4% - 1.2% ± 5%

Stakeholder satisfaction survey rating:

Taxpayers 3 5.08

Assessment accuracy 4 99.9%



≥ 5

≥ 99%

Accuracy of first home owner grant payments processed 100%


Revenue received within agreed timeframes 96.4%

Services completed within agreed service standards 5 97.3%





≥ 95%

≥ 95%

1 Includes taxes, gambling revenue and mining royalties.

2 This figure reflects the difference between the estimate in the 2012‑13 Budget and actual revenue collected.

3 Taxpayer satisfaction was determined via an email survey issued to more than 1700 clients.

4 This is the percentage of assessments issued for the year that have not been revised by way of allowed objections and appeals.

5 The measure is the weighted average performance of a series of lower level measures in the Territory Revenue Office Service Charter as published on the Territory Revenue Office website. Table 5 details the components that comprise the weighted average.

Table 5: Territory Revenue Office Standards Published in the Service Charter












90 Stamp duty assessing document turnaround (proportion assessed within five working days)

Response to written inquiries within 14 days of receipt

Audits completed within respective timeframes 1

Objections determined within 120 days

Other grant applications determined within respective timeframes 2













1 The measure reflects Territory payroll tax, stamp duty and first home owner grant audits completed within 120 days and mining and petroleum royalty audits completed within 180 days of commencement.

2 The measure is the weighted average performance of other grant applications processed within the timeframes stated in the Territory

Revenue Office Service Charter. The relevant standards are that 95 per cent of approved first home owner grant payments are made within 24 hours of the payment eligibility date and other grant applications are paid within five business days of receipt of all relevant information.

32 Achievements


Table 6: Superannuation Output Performance

Performance Measures


Capacity to provide policy advice and services on superannuation


Benefits processed

Compliance with legislative processing timeframes

Number of NTGPASS and NTSSS lost member accounts

Seminars held

Stakeholder satisfaction 1

1 Stakeholders are the superannuation scheme members and associated boards.








2 017


5 475




1 453


3 984




1 900


3 500


≥ 5

Statutory Bodies

Table 7: Utilities Commission Output Performance

Performance Measures




Capacity to administer regulatory regime $0.59M

Capacity to advise Regulatory Minister $0.40M


Determinations and approvals issued within statutory timeframes 1 100%

2011‑12 2










1 Covers determinations and approvals on monopoly pricing, minimum service standards and other activities as provided for under the

Utilities Commission Act and other relevant industry regulation legislation.

2 The increase in capacity measures values for both administration of the regulatory regime and advice to the Regulatory Minister, relates to a change in funding arrangements for the Commissioner’s position and one Regulatory Officer position, which were previously unfunded.

2011-12 Annual Report 33

Northern Territory Treasury Corporation

Table 8: Treasury Corporation Business Line Performance

Performance Measures




Weighted average cost of borrowings during the year 5.29%


Borrowing rate margin compared to industry peers 1 + 0.22%

Investment portfolio return above benchmark 2 + 0.31%

Volatility of investment portfolio return against benchmark 2 + 0.31%




+ 0.38%

+ 0.32%

± 0.32%




≤ 0.50%

> indices

± 0.25%

1 State and territory governments' central financing authorities.

2 The benchmark is the weighted relevant UBS Warburg indices. The composite benchmark return for 2011‑12 was 4.70 per cent while the Treasury Corporation achieved a return of 5.02 per cent.

34 Achievements
