Role of the Individual

Role of the Individual
DBQ from January 2015
Thematic 8/2014
Not on the List???
• Great thing about Thematics is you can choose
your own examples even if not on list. Just
make sure it falls into the topic.
• Obvious people not on the list – Gandhi and
Hitler – both can be used.
Thematic June 2014
Thematic (Absolutism) – June 2012
People who Define a Time
• Copernicus’ heliocentric model of the universe
• Newton’s law of gravitation
• Descartes’ belief in truth through reason
This set of ideas from the Scientific Revolution
gave Europeans a new way to
(1) view humankind’s place in the universe
(2) support the core beliefs of the church
(3) authenticate historical facts
(4) verify civil liberties
Time Period
Galileo Galilei and Sir Issac Newton are most
closely associated with
(1) initiating religious reforms
(2) leading political revolutions
(3) conducting investigative experiments
(4) engaging in foreign conquests
Need to Know Specifics
(Word Associations)
Why is Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage considered a
turning point in world history?
(1) Portugal’s claims to southern Africa were
(2) His ship was the first to land in the Americas.
(3) One of his ships was the first to circumnavigate
(4) Britain’s control of the seas ended
Know it Or Don’t
The government of Ayatollah Khomeini
attempted to change Iranian society by
(1) implementing Islamic fundamentalist
(2) extending political equality to women
(3) allying with communist bloc countries
(4) adopting a western economic system
Need to Know Specifics
Which statement is consistent with the ideas of
Niccolò Machiavelli?
(1) Democratic principles should be followed faithfully.
(2) The law should be subject to the will of the leader.
(3) Human rights should be respected in all countries.
(4) Markets should operate with little governmental
Know or Don’t Know
Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins are
best known for
(1) instituting the Reign of Terror
(2) protecting freedom of religion
(3) supporting the reign of King Louis XVI
(4) sending French troops to fight in the
American Revolution
Where am I From
Which mountains were an obstacle to Simón
Bolívar’s efforts to unify Gran Colombia?
(1) Alps
(3) Zagros
(2) Andes
(4) Urals
Which geographic feature presented an obstacle to Simón Bolívar’s forces?
(1) Sahara Desert
(2) Andes Mountains
(3) Great Rift Valley
(4) Strait of Malacca
Where am I From
Mao Zedong and some of the survivors of the
Long March emerged as the core leaders in
which country?
(1) Angola
(2) Cambodia
(3) China
(4) Nicaragua
When am I From
• The restoration of Chinese rule, the voyages of
• Zheng He, and the reintroduction of civil
• examinations are all associated with the
• (1) Ming dynasty (3) Songhai Empire
• (2) Abbassid dynasty (4) Delhi sultanate
Logical Guesses When Do Not Know
In which geographic region has Aung San Suu
Kyi labored to bring about democratic reform?
(1) Southeast Asia
(2) Middle East
(3) Central Asia
(4) West Africa
Don’t Know One – But Know Others
One way in which Aung San Suu Kyi, Lech
Walesa, and Nelson Mandela are similar is that
they all
(1) supported the use of violence to achieve goals
(2) inspired revolutions against autocratic
(3) led movements to end oppression of their
(4) based their actions on the teachings of Karl
Know One But Not Other
One way in which Hammurabi and Justinian are
similar is that they successfully
(1) established public education systems
(2) codified the laws of their empire
(3) instituted democratic governments
(4) separated church and state
Use Question to Help You Answer
The difficult, year-long journey made by Mao
Zedong and his Communist followers in 1934
through China’s mountains, marshes, and rivers
was called the
• (1) Cultural Revolution (3) Boxer Rebellion
• (2) Great Leap Forward (4) Long March
Use Question to Help
Which reform is most closely associated with
Turkish leader Kemal Atatürk?
(1) implementation of Sharia law
(2) introduction of Arabic script
(3) establishment of a communist government
(4) adoption of Western culture
People You Don’t Know – But Question
“Indira Gandhi Becomes Prime Minister of India”
“Corazon Aquino Becomes First Elected Leader of
Philippines” (1986)
“Benazir Bhutto Becomes Prime Minister of
Pakistan” (1988)
These headlines indicate that women as leaders
(1) have gained some political power in traditionally patriarchal
(2) have attained key positions in a wide variety of industries
(3) were banned from political roles during the 20th century
(4) were limited to one term in office
Religious Figures Tested
Lao Zi
Siddhartha Gautama
Mansa Musa
Martin Luther
Henry VIII
John Calvin
Ignatius Loyala
St. Cyril
Religious Figures
Which individual developed an Asian philosophy
associated with the five relationships, filial piety,
and the Analects?
(1) Laozi (Lao Tzu)
(2) Confucius
(3) Han Wudi
(4) Siddhartha Gautama
Religion - Time Period
One way in which Martin Luther’s Ninety-five
Theses and Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy are
similar is that both
(1) emphasize the importance of the Bible
(2) caused the Thirty Years War
(3) challenge the authority of the Catholic
(4) helped to unify Christendom
Religion - Time Period
Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII all
played a key role in the
(1) attempts made to reclaim the Holy Land
(2) fall of the Ottoman Empire
(3) end of religious unity in Europe
(4) establishment of parliamentary democracy in
Religion – Timer Period
• Johannes Gutenberg
• King Henry VIII
• John Calvin
Which event in European history was most
directly influenced by these individuals?
(1) Reconquista
(2) Glorious Revolution
(3) Protestant Reformation
(4) trans-Atlantic slave trade
Absolutist Leaders
Louis XIV
Peter the Great
Catherine the Great
Suleiman the Magn.
Phillip II
Louis XIV strengthened the power of the
monarchy in France by
(1) centralizing control
(2) granting democratic reforms
(3) practicing religious toleration
(4) reducing the size of the bureaucracy
Which statement best describes an effect of the
westward expansion of the Ottoman Empire under
Suleiman the Magnificent?
(1) Wealthy citizens adopted Russian dress.
(2) Islam became a major religion in the Balkans.
(3) Trade was disrupted throughout the Indian
(4) Janissaries were stripped of their military power.
Absolute Monarchs
Which form of government is associated with
the reigns of Suleiman the Magnificent, Akbar
the Great, and Peter the Great?
(1) constitutional monarchy
(2) direct democracy
(3) theocracy
(4) absolute monarchy
One way in which Peter the Great, Louis XIV, and Philip II
are similar is that each
(1) supported missionary efforts of the Roman Catholic
(2) sought to centralize power by limiting the
power of the nobility
(3) fought to block the establishment of British
colonies in the Western Hemisphere
(4) challenged feudal practices by emancipating
Political Figures
One way in which the government under Czar
Nicholas II of Russia and the government under
Benito Mussolini of Italy are similar is that both
(1) liberated the serfs and industrial workers
(2) reformed the executive branch by
incorporating theocratic principles
(3) established policies of censorship and
(4) used televised propaganda to rally the masses
Nationalist / Independence Leaders
Otto von Bismarck
Simon Bolivar
Jomo Kenyatta
Ho Chi Minh
Nationalist Individuals
Ho Chi Minh and Jomo Kenyatta were leaders of
movements that were attempting to achieve
(1) nuclear disarmament (3) pan-Africanism
(2) self-determination (4) collective security
Communist Names
Ho Chi Ming
Communist Leaders
One way in which Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin,
and Fidel Castro are similar is that each believed
(1) supporting a capitalist system
(2) preserving a rigid social system
(3) spreading the teachings of Christianity
(4) achieving change through revolution
Power of Word Association
Which statement about the Soviet economy under Joseph
Stalin is accurate?
(1) The Soviet Union increased its power by
developing heavy industry.
(2) The government reduced its role in planning
industrial production.
(3) Farmers were encouraged to compete in a
free market economy.
(4) A large selection of consumer goods became
available in the Soviet Union.
Know it or Don’t – Communist
(Word Association)
Which goal did Joseph Stalin establish for the
Soviet Union?
(1) becoming an industrial power
(2) creating a golden age of culture
(3) instituting a parliamentary monarchy
(4) easing tensions using détente
Nationalist Leaders
One way in which Miguel Hidalgo, Ho Chi Minh,
and Jomo Kenyatta are similar is that they all
(1) leaders of independence movements
(2) communist dictators
(3) enlightened despots
(4) advocates of liberation theology
You Don’t Need to Know Anything :0)
Which statement about Shah Reza Pahlavi and the Iranian
Revolution is an opinion rather than a fact?
(1) Shah Reza Pahlavi was supported by major
Western powers.
(2) Members of the Islamic clergy opposed Shah
Reza Pahlavi.
(3) The primary cause for the revolution was the
exile of Shah Reza Pahlavi’s critics.
(4) Supporters of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
overthrew Shah Reza Pahlavi.
Quoting Passage
separate from legislative power and from executive
power. If it were joined to legislative power, the
power over the life and liberty of the citizens
would be arbitrary, for the judge would be the
legislator. If it were joined to executive power,
the judge could have the force of an oppressor.…
—Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws
In this passage, Montesquieu is making reference to
(1) an enlightened despotism
(2) a policy of mercantilism
(3) a separation of powers
(4) a social contract
The Quote
Aung Keeps Coming Up????
In The Quiet Land
(by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi)
In the Quiet Land, no one can tell
if there’s someone who’s listening
for secrets they can sell.
The informers are paid in the blood of the land
and no one dares speak what the tyrants won’t stand.
In the quiet land of Burma,
no one laughs and no one thinks out loud.
In the quiet land of Burma,
you can hear it in the silence of the crowd.…
The author is using this poem to condemn
(1) oppression
(3) nonviolence
(2) illiteracy
(4) containment
People To Know by Image
Mao Zedong (hair cut)
Gorbachev (birthmark on forehead)
Castro (hat)
Otto von Bismarck (spiked hat)
Gandhi (sheet wrapped or top naked)
Louis XIV (wig and sun over head)
The clothes worn by Mohandas Gandhi of India and by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk of
Turkey indicate the desire of these leaders to
(1) conform to traditional religious beliefs
(2) adapt to the cultural norms of urban life
(3) protest the oppression of communist rule
(4) make a political statement to their respective nations
Both leaders were known for their commitment to
(1) Islamic fundamentalism
(3) civil disobedience
(2) nationalist movements
(4) five-year plans
Knowing them by
• The Chinese communes
referred to in this 1961
cartoon are most closely
associated with the
• (1) Hundred Flowers
• (2) Great Leap Forward
• (3) Cultural Revolution
• (4) Four Modernizations
You Can’t Recognize Picture
• Know Where
they are from.
• If they are
really important
someone would
have taught you
Can’t Recognize Person
If Forget Person, but Know Concept
Baron de Montesquieu believed that a separation
of powers would
(1) prevent tyranny by acting as a check on power
(2) restore authority to the Roman Catholic
(3) increase corruption of political authority
(4) decrease the power of the middle class
Know Concept But Not Person
Adam Smith’s laissez-faire theories are most
closely associated with
(1) the separation of church and state
(2) minimal government regulation of the
(3) a command economy
(4) high tariffs to protect domestic businesses
Know Concept But Not Person
According to Thomas Malthus, the rate of
increase for human populations in relation to the
rate of increase for food production was a
problem. Malthus believed that
(1) industrial development would severely limit
population growth
(2) famine and war were natural checks on
population growth
(3) countries with larger populations would
conquer countries with smaller populations
(4) food production would increase at a faster
rate than populations would
No Clue – Go With One That We
Taught You Most About
Which leader is associated with civil
disobedience and the Salt March?
(1) Kwame Nkrumah (3) Mohandas Gandhi
(2) Jomo Kenyatta
(4) Ho Chi Minh
List of People to Write Essay On –
Know about Four People and Facts
• Gandhi (Salt March, Amritsar, Home Spun,
Kashmir, civil disobedience, boycotts, fasting)
• Hitler (Enabling Act, Weimer Rep., Final Solution,
Holocaust, Auschwitz, Anschluss, Autobahn)
• Stalin (Purges – Trotsky, 5 Year Plan, collective
farms, heavy industry, gulacs)
• Mao (Great Leap Forward, Little Red Book,
Cultural Revolution, Long March)
• Otto von Bismarck (Kulturkampf, Realpolitik,
Franco-Prussian War, Triple Alliance)