Scientific Method Virtual lab instructions and Worksheet Name

Scientific Method Virtual lab instructions and Worksheet
Name ________________________ Period ____
Step 1:
Go to Mr. Tate’s Web page from the school Website. Click on Biology.
Step 2:
Click on the virtual lab that says in red “Do this one first.”
Step 3:
You are not a student receiving credit so click on the one on the right that says “continue” and
type your name in the boxes.
Step 4:
Do the tutorial and answer the questions as you do it. This should take about 10 minutes.
Step 5:
When finished with the tutorial continue on to the “Cricket experiment” answer all the
questions as you go through it.
Step 6:
As you do the experiment write in the space provided your hypothesis, your dependent
variables, your independent variables and your conclusion of the experiment.
Dependent variables:
Independent variable:
Step 7:
When you are through with the cricket website, click on the second website and read the
Step 8:
Enter your name, choose level one, and start your investigation. After you read the instructions
Click on the “X” in the upper right hand corner to get to your test.
Step 9:
First choose the pitch of your blades. Keep this constant throughout your experiment. Do not
change this. It can be any pitch you choose but DO NOT change it!
Step 10:
Form a Hypothesis about what type fan blade will work best with how many blades.
Step 11:
Go through each number of blades and shape of blades. You have three different amounts of
blades and three different shapes of blades. Select one shape and one blade amount, and press
Step 12:
After you have done your test press “results” and they will show up. Press “investigate” again
and change your blade amount and repeat. Do this for all three blade amounts then change
blade shape and do it again for all three blade amounts. Repeat till all three blade shapes are
have been tested for each blade amount.
Step 13:
When through with your testing, print your results, staple it to this page, and then answer the
following questions and graph your information.
1. Hypothesis:
2. Constant: _____________________________________________________________
3. Dependent Variable: ____________________________________________________
4. Independent Variable: __________________________________________________
5. Graph your results: Remember where your dependent variable and your independent
variable goes on a graph, and to create a legend or key and axis labels. Hint: (should be a
line graph of all your blades)
6. State your conclusion: