cheetahs - Bellbird Primary School

Project about
African Safari Animals
African Birds
African Plants
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Africa has diverse climates. There
are rain forests, savannas and
deserts, all of which are home to
animals big and small. Some, such
as lions and elephants, are wellknown while others, like the bateared fox, are among the unsung
critters on the world's second
largest continent.
The fastest land animal in the world. The
cheetah's slender, long-legged body is
built for speed. Cheetahs are tan in color
with black spots all over their bodies.
They can also be distinguished from other
big cats by their smaller size, spotted
coats, small heads and ears and distinctive
"tear stripes" that stretch from the corner
of the eye to the side of the nose.
Cheetahs were found throughout Africa
and Asia from South Africa to India.
When cheetahs are running, they use their
tails to help them steer and turn in the
direction they want to go, like the rudder of a
A cheetah has amazing eyesight during
the day and can spot prey from 5 km
Cheetahs knock their prey to the ground
and kill with a suffocating bite to the
Lions are the second largest big cat species in
the world (behind tigers).
Renowned for its majesty and nicknamed "the
king of the jungle," the lion possesses both
beauty and strength. Lions vary in color but
typically sport light yellow-brown coats.
Mature male lions are unique among big cats
due the thick brown or black manes that
encircle their necks and protect them while
Though lions used to live in most parts of
Africa, they are now found only in the south
Sahara desert and in parts of southern and
eastern Africa.
If lions roar, that roar can be heard over five
miles away
Lions consume a wide variety of prey, from
wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, buffalo and wild
hogs to sometimes rhinos and hippos. They
will also feed on smaller animals such as
hares, birds and reptiles. Lions are also known
to attack elephants when food is scarce
Giraffes are the tallest land animals on earth
thanks in part to their typical necks which alone
can reach almost 2 meters in height.
Its has long legs, long neck, and typical spotted
pattern, many people first believed the giraffe was
a cross between a leopard and a camel, which is
reflected in its scientific name, Giraffa
Giraffes live primarily in savanna areas in the subSaharan region of Africa.
Their extreme height allows them to eat leaves
and shoots located much higher than other
animals can reach. In particular, they seek out
acacia trees. Their long tongues are helpful in
eating because they help pull leaves from the
Giraffes sleep less than two hours a day.
When giraffes walk, they move both legs on one
side of their body and then both legs on the other
side; this is unique to giraffes.
The mountain gorilla, a large, strong ape inhabiting Africa’s volcanic slopes, has few natural
Gorillas are closest living relatives of humans .
The mountain gorilla has become the most endangered type of
gorilla, with only around 700 mountain gorillas living in the
Like all great apes, gorillas have arms that are longer than their
legs and tend to walk on all four limbs at certain times – a
movement that is called knuckle walking.
. Mountain gorillas are as shy as they are strong. But when in
danger, they can be aggressive. They beat their chests and let
out angry grunts and roars. Group leaders will charge at the
threat. Mothers will fight to the death to protect their young.
Mountain gorillas live in groups of up to 30. The group, or
troop, is led by a single alpha male, an older silverback. These
males are called silverbacks because of the silver stripe they
develop on their backs when they mature. These troops also
include several younger males, adult and juvenile females, and
In addition to providing protection to group members, silverbacks maintain order and decide all activities
within their troop. They schedule feeding trips, resting time, and travel.
Gorillas eat leaves, shoots, roots, vines and fruits.
The African elephant is the world’s largest land mammal. It is characterized by its highly dexterous
trunk, long curved tusks, and massive ears
A combination of the upper lip and nose, an African
elephant’s trunk is extremely versatile. Elephants use
vibrations, caressing their young, sucking up water,
and grasping objects. Tusks are present at birth, the
“baby tusks” fall out after a year, and permanent ones
replace them. These tusks will continue to grow
throughout the elephant’s life. Similar to the trunk,
elephant tusks are utilized in a wide range of
activities. They are used for digging, foraging, and
fighting. At times, they also act as a resting place for
the elephant’s very heavy trunk.
An African elephant’s large ears also serve many
purposes. The ears’ large surface area helps radiate
excess heat under the harsh African sun. The ears are
also often used to communicate visually. Flapping their
ears can signify either aggression or joy. elephant’s
can hear sounds over long distances. On average, an
elephant can hear another elephant’s call at 4 km
away. Under ideal conditions, their range of hearing
can be increased to 10 km (6.2 mi.).
Aside from their ability to learn through watching and
mimicking, African elephants also possess other very
human qualities. The African elephant plays a vital role
in maintaining ecological harmony.
Wildebeests weigh an average of 400 pounds. They stand about 55 inches tall,
and live in grassy plains or light forest. They move frequently in search of greener
grass or fresh water.
Wildebeest can run 50 m.p.h.
There are 2 types of wildebeest:
•black wildebeest
•blue wildebeest
most diverse ranges of bird
species in the world. There are 3
major categories of birds, namely
seed-eaters, nectar-feeders and
predatory raptors.
They weigh 45 g and the sexes are dimorphic
in plumage. The males upperparts, including
the chin, throat and wings are iridescent
purple. The under parts are pure white. The
coloration varies from dark to rosy depending
on the light. The bill and legs of the male are
black, the eyes has a yellow outer ring
around a brown centre.
The plum coloured starling are found in
Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique
and South Africa.
conspicuous black line behind
eye and usually small dark
patches on sides of breast. The
birds from the western Cape are
white below and grey-brown
recognized. Eyes brown, bill
and legs black.
A species mainly coastal, but
also recorded from the larger
rivers and inland lakes…
The Giant Eagle Owl is the largest owl in the world. As
the biggest of all the Owls the Eagle owl is easily
recognised by its huge size and wingspan. They are
light grey in colour, finely bared blackish above and
below but no heavy blotching. The face is pale, boldly
outlined in black, eyes look black at a distance and
they have distinctive pink eyelids, which makes them
very identifiable. Very similar to a huge Long Eared
owl. The Eagle Owl is a pale sand colour underneath
with streaks of dark Brown or grey. Greyish head with
a large powerful beak and large orange or yellow eyes
and two ear tufts extending from over the eyes. They
have huge powerful feet and talons.
They are found in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia,
Mozambique and northern South Africa
African Fish Eagle is a fairly
large eagle. Its is a distinctive
plumage. Although, as its name
suggests, it feeds extensively on
When you think of penguins, you may
picture them surrounded by snow and
ice. However, this penguins that is
acclimated to warmer climates.
African penguins live in colonies on the
coast and islands of southern Africa.
Also called jackass penguins, they make
They can dive under water for up to 2.5
minutes while trying to catch small fish
such as anchovies and sardines. They
may also eat squid and crustaceans.
The African penguin averages about 60
cm (2 ft.) tall and weighs up to 3.6 kg (8
lb.). Their short tails and flipper-like
wings that help them navigate in the
water, while their webbed feet help
propel them.
To keep dry and insulated in cold water,
African penguins are covered in dense,
water-proof feathers.
Lilac Breasted Roller
Rollers get their name from their impressive courtship
flight, a fast, shallow dive from considerable elevation
with a rolling or fast rocking motion, accompanied by
loud raucous calls. Heir call is a loud harsh squawk,
This bird is seen eastern and southern Africa.
The washed green head is large, the neck is short, the
greenish yellow legs are rather short and the feet are
small. The beak is strong, arched and hooked-tipped. The
tail is narrow and of medium length. The back and
scapulars are brown. The shoulder of the wing, outer
webs of the flight feathers and the rump are all violet.
The bases of the primaries and their coverts are pale
greenish blue and the outer tail feathers are elongated
and blackish. The chin is whitish, shading to rich lilac of
the breast. The underparts are greenish blue. The bill is
black and the eyes are brown. It has large wings and
strong flight.
The Marabou stork has a long, reddish pouch hanging from its neck. This pouch is
used in courtship rituals.
Marabou storks have hollow toe bones.
They mainly feed on carrion and scraps.
Africa south of the Sahara
There are about 700 species of
acacia in Africa. Acacia trees are
adapted to hot and dry climates,
and they grow over much of subSaharan Africa. Since they grow in
dry landscapes, their edible leaves
are often the only available
greenery, and so acacias have
developed thorns to keep away most
animals. Exceptions are giraffes
and insects which are unaffected by
the thorns.
As part of the legume family, these trees improve soil fertility
because nitrogen is fixed to soil particles by microbial activity
on the tree's roots. Acacia wood is also an effective burning
fuel for cooking and other heating requirements.
Many different species of aloe grow on the
African landscape, including the most
famous of these, Aloe vera. Aloes are
succulent plants with sweet nectar that
attract many birds and contain many
medicinal and therapeutic properties. Aloe
gel, made from the inner flesh of aloe
leaves, is used in moisturizers and
conditioners to help keep skin hydrated.
According to Stephanie Rose Bird, when
the plant resin is eaten it can act as a
laxative to treat stomach problems. In
addition to their practical uses, many aloes
are used for decoration because they
flower in vibrant reds against the dull
landscape during the cold winter months
in southern Africa.
Baobab Tree
.These trees may be the oldest living
things on the continent, with some
measured at over 3,000 years old.
They flower at night hoping to attract
bats, and many small animals and
insects make their entire living in the
trunks of baobab trees.
Fig trees can be found
fruit for animals and
humans alike.
Marula Tree
The marula tree is another tree in Africa
which typically prefers to grow in wooded
savanna regions. Among many uses in
nature, marula trees are used to make jams,
jellies, wines and beers.