Palo Alto College Baldrige 101 Employee Development Day – Sept. 29, 2010 What is the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award? • • • An assessment tool for understanding organizational strengths and opportunities for improvement. This assessment tool is comprised of seven criteria that focus an organization to examine its integrated approach to organizational performance management. Through this examination, an organization embarks on a journey of Continuous Improvement: • • • Deploy a process Evaluate that process Implement identified improvements to that process ….this cycle is done CONTINUOUSLY! Why Baldrige? Performance excellence refers to an integrated approach to organizational performance management that results in: • • • Delivery of ever-improving value to customers and stakeholders, contributing to organizational sustainability Improvement of overall organizational effectiveness and capabilities Organizational and personal learning Why Baldrige? By doing Baldrige, we set ourselves on a course of continuous improvement that benefits our organization, our employees and our students! What is the Baldrige Criteria? The Baldrige performance excellence criteria is a framework to improve overall performance. Seven categories make up the award criteria: Leadership—Examines how senior executives guide the organization and how the organization addresses its responsibilities to the public and practices good citizenship. What is the Baldrige Criteria? Strategic planning—Examines how the organization sets strategic directions and how it determines key action plans. Customer focus—Examines how the organization determines requirements and expectations of customers and markets; builds relationships with customers; and acquires, satisfies, and retains customers. What is the Baldrige Criteria? Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management—Examines the management, effective use, analysis, and improvement of data and information to support key organization processes and the organization’s performance management system. Workforce focus—Examines how the organization enables its workforce to develop its full potential and how the workforce is aligned with the organization’s objectives. What is the Baldrige Criteria? Process management—Examines aspects of how key production/delivery and support processes are designed, managed, and improved. Results—Examines the organization’s performance and improvement in its key business areas: customer satisfaction, financial and marketplace performance, human resources, supplier and partner performance, operational performance, and governance and social responsibility. The category also examines how the organization performs relative to competitors. How did we get here? Strategic Planning Retreat – Oct 2008 • Evaluation of processes • Codified operational processes and procedures in each area of the college Texas Award for Performance Excellence - Spring 2009 • Submitted Engagement Level Texas Award for Performance Excellence • Feedback report – served as catalyst for evaluation and improvement following year How are we going to do this? How are we going to do this? Process Date Identify Category Leaders Summer 2010 Draft Operational Profile January 2011 Identify Personnel for “Key Processes” Interviews January 2011 Conduct “Key Processes” Interviews (Baldrige Consultant) February 2011 Draft Categories 1-6 March/April 2011 Submit Eligibility Certification Package Early April 2011 Draft Results Category April 2011 Final Draft Application Review Late April 2011 Submit Final Application Early May 2011 How are we going to do this? Baldrige Category Category Leader 1. Leadership Dr. Ana M. Guzman, Sabrina Carey 2. Strategic Planning Dr. Beatriz Joseph, Catherine Chapa 3. Customer Focus Dr. Stacey Johnson, Dr. Mike Flores 4. Measurement & Analysis Dr. Beatriz Joseph, Catherine Chapa 5. Employee Focus Sabrina Carey, Pat Stone 6. Process Management Dr. Beatriz Joseph, Catherine Chapa, Sabrina Carey 7. Results Catherine Chapa, Sabrina Carey How are we going to do this? Everyone has a role in Baldrige! • • • Baldrige Campaign •Knowledge about Baldrige •Knowledge about PAC •organizational structure •mission, vision and values Baldrige Minute - reminders, notes and updates Baldrige Continuous Improvement Cycle-we all will be routinely evaluating our processes and identifying opportunities for improvement and implementing that improvement Exercise Your Baldrige Muscle.. · · · · · Think about and discuss a process that you do in your dept that pertains to one of the following of the criteria: Leadership Customer Focus Employee Focus Take notes: · What do you do? · How do you measure what you do? · What do you do with what you learn? Thanks.