Tissues Tissue – a groups of cells with similar structure & function. Histology- the study of tissue strictures. 4 Major Tissue Types 1. Epithelial Tissue Cells that are closely packed with little intercellular material between them. tissue . Functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - no blood vessels can penetrate the Two Major grouping of Epithelial Tissues A. Covers body surfaces & lines the walls of cavities & organs. It is categorized on the basis of the & 1. – layer thick Thin flat cells Lines blood vessels, walls of ,& walls of in the lungs (alveoli). between organs in the cavities 2. – cells in a single layer. Forms the walls of 3. – . Lines the digestive-tract organs & uterus. 4. -A -layer arrangement with the surface layer composed of . Usually a function & forms the outer layer of the skin. 5. – single layer of irregularly shaped cells that visually to be in multiple-layer arrangement. Line the respiratory tract & contains . 6. – multiple-layered arrangement of cube like or irregularly shaped cells that can be . Lines the urinary . Epithelial Review B. - closely packed cells that are specialized to manufacture & secrete products. Forms glands. 1. - glands that empty their products into ducts, which channel the secretions to the body surface or into a cavity. Examples 2. - glands that secrete their products into the extracellular space, where they diffuse into the bloodstream. Examples They are also organs that are composed of more than one type of tissue; and together they make up the endocrine system (Hormones). C. Structural & functional relationship among epithelial tissue. is determined by the . Free cell surfaces. Cell connections them. – prevents passage between – mechanical links that binds cells together. membranes. – anchor cells to basement – small channels that allow passage of material between cells. 2. Connective Tissue Composed of widely large amount on cells that lie within a material. The intercellular material is mainly produced by cells & usually consists of components: of sugar-protein molecules & interstitial fluid. or various types. A. B. C. 1. – Large amounts of extracellular material that separate cells from one another. Three major components 1. Protein fibers 2. Ground substance 3. Fluid Function of Connective tissue 1. 2. Connecting tissues to one another. 3. 4. Storing 5. 6. Transporting 7. A. - (Areolar Tissue) Intercellular material consists of fibers in abundance but arranged in a loose network. It contains all fiber types as well as macrophage to fight infection. It provides a structural for . B. – Specialize fibroblasts known as or adipose cells which store large amounts of . C. - Intercellular material contain fibers that are packed together & the tissue has fewer cells & less ground tissue, but more fibers than connective tissue. 1. Connective Tissue Extend parallel to one another. physical stress & found in & . (Regular) D. Connective Tissue – Fibers branch from dense matting. Found in the deep layer of the skin. E. Abundant fibers. ex. fibers among collagen , walls of arteries Connective tissue Review How is connective tissue different from epithelial tissue? Match the connective tissue with its function/location… – Dense regular Adipose Dense elastic vocal cords energy storage anchoring (tendons) 2. - Contains a firm dense, intercellular material owing to the thicken ground substances or fibers. The intercellular material is known as a matrix. - produces and maintains the cartilage. - the chamber which the chondrocytes lie in. – provides nourishment to the chondrocytes A. - Matrix is dominated by chondroin sulfate in the ground substance & contain collagen. Most type of cartilage Locations: fetal skeleton. B. – Matrix is dominated by , providing cartilage with elastic properties. Locations: end of the nose. C. by collagenous fibers. - Matrix is dominate Found in joints that deal with a lot of (compression & pulling) Locations: intervertebral discs. . 3. - Intercellular material (matrix). Consists of mineral salts & collagen which is maintain by osteocytes. lie in a chamber known as the . A. – • Closely packed deposit of mineral salts, which are laid down in concentrate layer (lamellae). In the center lies a tube ( ), which serves as a passage way for blood vessels. The tube combined with the layers form the . B. – Matrix Consists of small plates of mineral salts & collagen ( a network with spaces in between. These spaces are filled with blood-forming tissue - ) that form . 4. Tissue & Blood - tissue that manufacturers blood cells from stem cells. A. (Hematopoietic) - found in spongy bone. B. - found in lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, & thymus in young children. Red bone marrow initiates production of all blood cells. Lymph Tissue produce two types of white blood cells, , . Whole blood consists of elements suspended in a fluid matrix known as plasma. the body. material throughout Review What are the 4 types of connective tissue? What is the only liquid tissue of the body? How is compact bone different from spongy? 3. – Specialized to of two main parts: (contract). Composed . A. – Muscle that is attached to bone by way of tendons. Contract under conscious control ( ), contain & is . B. - Forms part of the walls of organs. ( striations. & visceral ) and does not contain Propels material as it passes through body tubes & alters the size of organs. C. – Muscle that forms the walls of the and helps blood through the body’s system of vessels. . under conscious control, but can be – specialized gap junctions to coordinate the contraction of the hart. 4. - Has conductivity & excitability properties. A. - conduct electric & chemical signals very rapidly (action potnetial). B. - support & maintain the neurons. 5. – combination of tissues in the body that forms a functional unit. Consist of usually associated with & are epithelial membranes. A. skin Membrane – B. - Simple & produces a watery secretion. Lines the surfaces of the thoracic & cavities. heart. - surround the - surround each of the lungs. - lines the abdominal cavity & covers most of the organs. Provides a watery fluid for lubrication. C. Membrane – kinds of epithelium resting on a layer of loose connective tissue. Line the of the , respiratory tract, , urinary tract, & urethra. Secrete that traps foreign particles & maintain a . Forms a protective layer over cells. – swelling of the nasal membranes due to a cold or allergies. D. – Line the wall of cavities of certain joints. Secret a lubricates & nourishes which Inflammation 1. Injury 2. Mediators/inflammation are chemicals are released in the injured tissue. ex. Histamines, kinins, prostsglandins. 3. Blood vessel dilation. 4. Edema Chronic Inflammation Whatever is causing the inflammation is not removed. Tissues & Aging Athletic performance declines Cells divide production, slower r injuries. (lower RBC from – less flexible stretching, walls of arteries