Lab Report Outline: Buoyancy & Aluminum Foil Boats

Lab Report Outline
You will need at least 3 pages to complete.
1. Title Page
a. Title-descriptive (Buoyancy and Aluminum Foil Boats)
b. Your Name
c. Your Partner(s) Name(s)
d. Date of Lab Completion
2. Introduction(start on New Page)
a. Research Summary (density, buoyancy, and Archimedes Principle)
b. Objective of the experiment (The purpose of this experiment was to test…)
c. Hypothesis, IV, DV
3. Experimental Design
a. Materials
i. List of Materials (all materials you used)
b. Procedures
i. Numbered list of Procedures
4. Data and Observations
a. Data Table(s) (labeled as Table 1, Table 2, etc)
b. Graph(s) (labeled as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc)
5. Analysis
a. Analyze what is true based on the evidence (number of pennies per mL of
volume, etc)
b. Show calculations and formulas (cite as needed)
c. Sources of Error
6. Conclusion
a. Restate objective and hypothesis
b. Answer is objective was met why or why not
c. Answer if hypothesis was supported why or why not
d. Extensions to the experiment (different designs or methods)
7. Works Cited (new page)
a. Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). “Name of Article.” Name of web
site. Name of publisher, date of resource creation (if available). Medium of
publication. Date of access.